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Okay, the chat room is open, so grab your snacks & I'll see y'all in there!! :D
Stay tuned...

I'm pretty confident that Helen, Andy, Jessie and Judd are the most boring people on earth. If somehow Aaryn is still around when McCrae and Amanda head out the door - and I can't believe I'm saying this - I'll be cheering for her. On that point, people need to be careful - still very, very early, but she's pretty much playing the exact same unlikable, stupid game that Dr. Will did in his first season...not that she's "playing" that game, it's just playing out that way.
Elissa, Elissa, Elissa - you'd think a girl who got knocked up in high school wouldn't be so quick to judge.
after watching tonights show, I've really come to dislike Elissa (I didn't have much of an opinion on her before). She was just relentlessly taking digs at Amanda (who I thought handled herself pretty well) throughout the whole birthday thing and was just generally mean
Yeah, I'm thinking of changing my opinion on elissa. I don't know if her behavior is her strategy of playing the game, you know how they're is always a crazy person each season. I thought it was. Gina Marie, but hey there can just be two crazy people on big brother tis season, that's all. LOL. But I do say, I like Howie. Absolutely disgusted by Spencer tho. Have been, since the very first day of the season. Mmmhmm sure have.
Elissa needs to go she's a terrable player. Big woop she won the POV. As far as the MVP goes she is NOT playin the best. Her sister is most likly the one getting her the votes. I really hope that Aaryn walks out the door tonight.
no - I said the same thing during our chat - after tonight's show, I really do not like Elissa - I think she is snobby, uppity (for no reason) and very passive aggressive. I think that gave me a better view into why people in there don't like her
Elissa needs to go. She is a terriable player. Next to go is Amanda she's very pushie wanting everyone to put up Howard but, getting rid of the stronger players is smart. She should not be so pushie she's not HOH yet. Please send Aaryn home tonite. If Katilyn does not go home (big if) tonite I hope she wins HOH and puts Elissa and Amanda on the block. Elissa cannot play in thhe veto comp. So. Maybe she goes home next week
@ Mike. Very offensive remark about Elissa. Some stupid boy was just as responsible and there is an innocent child whose existence deserves respect.
? Bc Amanda is a saint? What goes around comes around. Amanda has been extremely obnoxious, narcissistic, and rude this entire season. Truth hurts I guess
I forgot Jessie was even a house guest until the veto ceremony when I finally spotted her sitting on the couch. I don't think she showed up anywhere else that night, not even in the Diary Room.
Amanda looked skanky and I'm glad Elissa called her out. I'd never act or dress that way for millions of people to watch on TV. I strongly dislike Aaryn but I hope she makes it far.
If the regular MVP goes back next week and the viewers choose Elissa again, Im gonna be very upset. And please dont tell t he HG that America voted this week...Let them make up their own theories as at least its created al ittle paranoia int eh house which is what it was supposed to be. Let them theorize it was Howard or Amanda or America or that maybe the twist was the top vote getter would get nominated or that Elissa did it to herself (really?)
Maybe Elissa's attitude will get viewers to vote someone else MVP if that 'twist' continues. BB should at least give it one more week to see if someone else wins. If she were to win yet again, then they should stop it. At least this week, it looks like an original nominee will be evicted instead of Elissa being able to backdoor again without winning HOH
I think Bb dropped the ball with the cast and twists this year. No real mature smart savvy folk in there. No technique there just a bunch of nerds. I also feel they confused everyone with America MVP most people probably thought it was for mvp and not putting them up. People don't have time to watch for switch ups. Theres
Arryn is awesome. She dishes it out and can take it to. Shes not racist. Theres a double standard there and Howie is just a liar and playing a pitty party.
Jesse is the biggest floater in Bb history and somebody shut Jena Maria the Staten island thing is a little played on reality TV don't you'll think? I'm Ryan I'm knew to the blog and I'm just saying.
@JChism: Get over it. I would hope the dude doesn't mock people for their appearance/what they wear/how they act either. Glass houses, Elissa.
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