Tonight's BB episode at 8pm EST will show a recap of Helen winning HOH, the aftermath, diary room sessions, followed by the Nominations Ceremony.
**There might be a golf delay for tonights show.
The chat room is open, so come on in & say hi! By the way, if you have the live feeds, come join the "BecauseYoureAddicted" chat room (it's under "Public" rooms). I'm in there all day, everyday! Come say hi! :D
And if you don't the live feeds yet, then get'em! We have over 2 months of BB left to go still and with the way this season has been going, you're gonna be so happy that you got'em! lol Canadians, in case you haven't heard yet, y'all are now able to get the live feeds, too!! w00t w00t!!
Okay, grab your snacks & beverage(s) of your choice, and I'll see y'all in the chat room! :D
Stay tuned...

Wow Aaryn! She took your comments the wrong way! GinaMarie sounded like the little girl from the A T & T commercial during the Veto comp.
Funny that Paula Dean looses her show and business over racist comments and this Aryan girl is still on tv?????????? Big brother and CBS should be ashamed.
I didn't make it for the viewing party but I just gotta say I loved the TV edit showing Aaryn's true colors and poor Howard! He truly tried to throw that comp. Bless him.
Holy Smokes! I am LIVID .... I'm dead smack in the middle of watching BB and I couldn't even wait for my show to end before I had to RUN to this computer to vent some steam!!!!!!!! OMG, this is awful to feel this much anger as I do this moment. Just for the record, I am a married, white woman - age 48. Maybe a little too old to be watching this BB, but it caught my attention on the first episode & thus here I am. I just have to say that this Aron chic (I know I'm spelling her name wrong, but right now I don't even CARE!!. Anyway, her and her little entourage - following her lead, laughing, and condoning her RACIAL behavior is un-forgiving! I'm not racial, but have been known to spew at the mouth before, so I am NOT (I repeat I am N-O-T) perfect, but this episode tonight with the black girl and that other chic jumping up and running her mouth has caused me to HATE that Aron girl, as well as the other blonde, and that brunette. I just paused my DVR on Harrold as he held that girl saying that 'she' was just breaking his heart by crying, and furthermore her crying was just as if it were his mother, or sister, etc. ~~ My heart has completely been broken by the vigorus belittling and crummy, God awful behavior I've just witnessed.
I noticed as BB started rolling tape tonight that they made a public announcement saying they do not condone any actions of the houseguests, but really, to me that isn't enough CBS. .... ... I have never ran to a computer to leave a blog comment like this before, but I am so outraged right now. I can't begin to think of what (or how) any minority would be feeling right now. THIS IS SAD! Look me up on FB, I swear to Christ above I am going to go on a serious campaign to have something done with this Aron chic, and her little New York Bronx friend. I sincerely hope they walk away from this reality show as some of the most HATED people in America. They deserve it.
Damn, I am mad. Shame on CBS as well.
Aaryn obviously lives in a damn bubble outside the BB house.. Kaitlyn too. Mmmhhmmm
Boo - I had to record the show tonight since I was at my in-laws this evening. I missed the last 20 minutes or so due to the golf delay causing it to cut off.
They were explaining how the have/have not comp worked when it cut off. Did I miss any enlightening Diary Room sessions?
Did you hear Jeremy today? A fly landed on him. He said, " it's okay. I'm African. I'm used to it."
Howard and Andy just stood up and walked away mid-conversation.
Howard Is The Man! He Is The One I'm Rooting For To Win.
Good grief, this game is going to be BORING if it comes down to Helen-Judd-Andy-Jessie-Elissa-Candice. Helen got on my last nerve tonight.
Really rooting for Jeremy to stay at this point. He at least will keep things interesting.
The big group needs to split up soon.
If it makes you feel any better they both lost their jobs.
I can't wait for Aaryn to be evicted and for her to sit on that couch in front of Julie. Her and GM have already lost their jobs in the real world. Wait till they get back to the real world and see what they've done to their lives. I can't even stand the cameras on aaryns face or hear her talk. I can't wait for her to see what she's done
I've gotta say that tonight's episode made me feel better about Howard. I was pretty upset with his fake religious disguise but the way he tried to throw the competition so the racists will be have nots was pretty admirable.
I still like amanda/mccrae/andy/helen more than him but I dont want him to go anymore.
Im ok with Elissa's decision not to nominate him.
I saw on an article on what Candice's Mother thought about all the racism and Aryan Nation. She and her church are appalled, and she called Aryan a racist devil. So, we heard from one hg's parent...I want to know how Aryan's parents would respond to the same questions. We probably haven't heard from them because they are cowering in embarrassment (at least I hope they are).
It was interesting that they decided to air a lot more of the meanyness that has been going on last nite. I guess if they think it's helping the ratings, cbs won't care.
Aaryn seems to be one of those people who will never fully understand what they have done and how they have affected others. Unfortunately, she will more than likely find some way to blame every one else in losing her job, etc, instead of genuinely feeling shame and remorse.
I love Helen to bits and her moral compass. Aaryn's entourage will seal their own fate in the BB house. My concern is, Helen, telling Elissa what kind of deal Elissa will be giving Kaitlyn in exchange for putting Jeremy, started sounding a bit like how Jeremy was telling the Moving Company how they all would vote....or was it just me?
Jef Rosen, So you are saying that just because its BB, one's religious belief is obviously contrived simply for gameplay? I suppose it could be but I think you're way off here. I'd be less quick to judge a person's faith. Just a thought.
I also lost the last 20 minutes of the show due to the delay and my dvr not picking it up but what I did get to watch I am so excited about, but also extremely upset about. I'm excited because I'm glad that CBS showed all the hate coming out of Aaryn and Kaitlyn. I'm glad they showed how it affected other members of the house. I'm glad they showed Howard being such a good guy because up until now I was kind of iffy about him due to all of the things I see written on this blog about how he continuously denied being in the MC and about being the wonky vote. During the whole mean girls bit I actually started to cry, I can't believe that there could be so much malice in 2 people to want to tear people down so much. People like Aaryn and Kaitlyn are what builds walls between people in a world where we're trying to tear them down. Will all people, regardless of color, religion, beliefs etc ever learn to overcome their differences and truly respect people as individuals just like themselves? With attitudes like that I don't believe so, it's not possible and that's heart breaking...
@umm-hmmm.... about Aaryn
I actually think that once she leaves this house it will kind of shock her into a new perspective. Some people need something BIG to change because they honestly don't think that anything is wrong. This is be something BIG that when she does finally see it for what it is, she wont be able to deny it, not to herself and not to anyone else.
I'm a big believer is forgiveness, and I also believe in the potential of other people. I'm not saying its going to be an over night thing, but once she's forced to face herself it could get the gears of change turning. What she ultimately does tho I'm sure you and I wont ever really know. (Unless you follow her via social media - but I dont plan too).
Please dont mistake this post as "backing her up" or supporting anything she has done or said - like you I am disgusted, disappointed and heartbroken with her behavior. I just like to hope for the best, I guess. :P
Hey Kern,
I felt like Howard's religiousness was not consistent as he has at least twice sworn on the bible and then lied. He talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk- even he said in last night's episode that the BB Howard is not being true to the RL Howard. I guess "false religious disguise" isn't even my point though; my point is that he gets a lot of protection specifically because of his religiousness. The one reason that Elissa did not put him up was because he is religious. Elissa is also religious and could not bring herself to put him up (even though he lied on the bible and put her up). Her issue with putting Howard up was not at all game related, because no one would have known that she put him up (mccrae was ready to take the blame), Elissa admitted that it was solely because he prayed with her.
I fully respect your positive outlook and appreciate your comment. If she does get a good kick in pants and does truly learn, that is a great thing. :)
I'm thinking the contrary..people like Aaryn usually surround themselves with similar types....and keep justifying their actions with each other. Aaryn brought out the worst in Kaitlyn and GM as well. When those two are separated from Aaryn I bet you see must more reasonable and respectful actions from K & GM.
Ahhh I see where you're coming from now Jef.
Good points.
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