Tonight's episode of Big Brother will feature the Have Not's Comp for the week & Aaryn's nominations, including all the game talk that lead up to the nom ceremony. So grab your snacks & drinks, and enjoy!
As always, the chat room is open, so pop on in & say hello!!
After the show, make sure to check in on the houseguests over on live feeds!!
See you in the chat room!!
Stay tuned...

@4:46BBT this afternoon Howard was really grossing me out with the fly swatter. He was rubbing the swatting side on his face,putting his hands all on it and then put the other end in his mouth... very gross!!
LoL Howie still sexxy even with bug guts all over his face. Ha ha!
I hope Howard gets evicted this week.
You can't Flip The House With 3 On The Block And The MVP. BB Messed This Season All Up And The Players Are A Bore. I Follow This Season Just With This Blog Only Because Of The Past Seasons.
I have a question.... Jessie told Candice about the deal and Helen thought that Elissa spilled the beans, Helen later found out that it wasn't Elissa, did she tell anybody else or do all of them think Elissa is.completely.untrusworthy? I know they don't really trust Elissa but it got worst because of Helen, so ? Thanks.
Ahhh!!! I had an Evil Dick sighting last night!! My husband and I went to the Orlando Predators game here in Orlando~Evil Dick and Danielle were there!! I was such a stalker I didn't watch any more of the game!! (just wanted to share that with others who would appreciate it~my "friends" dont care!! LOL)
Turned on After Dark but its almost over Amanda, Elisa, Helen talking to Candace is REALLY GOOD.. But its about to be cut off. I'm even more impressed with Amanda then viewers will never see this and I'm about to miss the rest of the conversation
Amanda's Diary Room session with the creepy clown doll was awesome! :)
I agree.
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