If you need the live feeds, tonight is the night to get'em!! It's the beginning of week 3 and it's already soooo intense!!
7:06pm BBT:
Helen/Elissa/Amanda/Candice are celebrating in the Have Nots room. Helen wants to find out who the missing 8th vote was. (**It was Howard.)
Spencer joins the girls.
7:18pm BBT:
GinaMarie is having a full-blown meltdown in the Lounge Room!
Aaryn is calling out Amanda.
Aaryn: "That was a p***y move."
Amanda: "Well yea, because one of your alliance members is gone now."
GinaMarie walks into the kitchen....
GinaMarie: "WHY JUDD, WHYYY?!!"
Judd: "Why what?" (*lol)
GM is saying that Nick was getting closer to her & that her heart is broken. Judd said they'll be friends still outside the house.
Meanwhile, Jeremy is in the Have Not's room congratulating Helen on winning HOH and getting Nick out. He said he feels he's screwed either way and it's not kissing up, he said he was flabbergasted and is happy for her and hopes she enjoys her celebration.
Jeremy leaves.
Candice/Elissa/Helen/Jessie continue celebrating.
Elissa: "This is like, the best thing in the world!"
7:28pm BBT:
Jeremy walks to the kitchen counter, not looking too happy.
**Okay guys & gals, I will see y'all back here tomorrow!! I have to work in the morning, but I'll be back before noon BBT to do the Overnighter! See y'all then!! :D ENJOY THE live feeds!!!!
Stay tuned...

Is it bad that watching GinaMarie freak out is highly entertaining?!? :)
hi! first of all thank you for your blog its amazing! second, i am trying to sign up for the live feeds and its not allowing me to register for an account. i have tried it from my phone and computer, and just wondering if it is something wrong with my internet or if anyone else is having the same problem!! thanks!
Addicted to your blog! What a great night! First Nick blindsided, then Helen winning HOH. What was with GM saying she loved Nick. Was there something going on with them, or is she delusional?
BEST live eviction show EVER and I've watched every season. Usually HG's won't make big moves like this so early in the game. It sure is making for good tv! Happy for Helen and looking forward to Jeremy walking out the door next week.
Buh bye jer (:
wow, what a night! i am so happy i found your blog. thanx for keeping me informed. i look forward to reading your blog every night. my family does not enjoy my BB addiction and had to promise i would not get the live feed (probably because i would be glued 24/7), so hearing from you is the next best thing. thanx so much, you are fantabulous! go Helen!
I think they need to get aaryn out asap or.ask her to leave the racist. Comments are ridiculous and she dont care!
I'm looking forward to the men going Hobe first this week, they must go#BBADDICT
I hope the women stick together and get the men out! GO ALYSSA!
What is with aaryn and her racist stuff really and then someone says something to help.you and you just dont care I know Julie was offended in what was said so glsd nick is gone way to go! Congrats. On hoh Helen
I'm looking forward to the men going Hobe first this week, they must go#BBADDICT
Hi Jamie , The feeds are on Fire !
I am hearing Aaryn talk about self evicting 3 of them to be exact ! LOL
WOW I hate to admit but it's starting to get better~ Just Sayn :)
I have made coffee for the long night!
This season is awful. Hoh means nothing! CBS you dropped the ball. Prediction is bb15 has worst ratings ever
NOPE!!! :D
FYI: For anyone who watches BB After Dark, it's on at 1am EST instead of 12am. Enjoy!!!
FYI: For anyone who watches BB After Dark, it's on at 1am EST instead of 12am. Enjoy!!!
Why does everyone love Elissa, she is dumber than a rock and annoying? I almost hate her as much as aaryn. I really don't like this cast. Go Howard!
Love, love, love this outcome. Happy to see Aaryns face and for her to see her hoh reign was worth nothing. She had too much power and abused it.
Love, love, love this outcome. Happy to see Aaryns face and for her to see her hoh reign was worth nothing. She had too much power and abused it.
Lol ! My goodness these little scanks can't handle being on the bottom! "I wanna go home"! PLEASE!!
I thought because of all the publicity it has gotten due to racism they were actually having one of their highest rated seasons?
I was so nervous to watch tonight's show I watched it really late lol. I love watching Jeremy and Aaryn squirm!
I'm glad Helen won HoH! And even though Elissa hasn't been winning any competitions, she's the main reason why this season is so interesting so quickly. Because of her David and Nick have both been sent home packing and I love it!
Also, I was super worried Kaitlyn was going to win that HoH, she was flying through those questions! She did a really good job...maybe I wouldn't dislike her so much if she wasn't glued to Jeremy and Aaryn.
Oh well! Team momsquad and underdogs or whatever they're called For The Win!
I hope they are able to back door Jeremy this week!! That would be perfect!!!
Who watchong big brother after dark WHAT POINT ABOUT BED FIGHT N Y JESsiE SO MAD?
MVP twist is ruining this season. Anyone voting for Elissa needs their head checked.
Why isn't BB stopping Aaryn 's racist comments. On BBAD she has Candide and Howard in tears. Aaryn needs be evicted soon or at least production should talk to her about this.
Omj big brother After dark was good
My feelings exactly!! Yeah!!!
I sure hope the have nots are Aryan Nation, Jeremy, Kaitlin, and GM. Let them have a taste of what they've been dishing out...especially after they took Candice's mattress off her bed and dumped her clothes and pillows on the floor! She was crying so hard, Howard looked like he couldn't contain his anger, and the mean girls all ganged up on Jessie. And they told Jessie that she was coming across so bad on tv! What nerve!!
I just saw a word that describes what's going on with Aryan Nation, Jeremy, Kaitlin, and GM regarding their actions in the house...BigotGate. I had to laugh - it's so true!
Aaryn must of been raised a racist because it didn't phase her what Amanda was telling her
MVP dilutes the hoh power and sucks! Alyssa sucks and never would be casted if wasnt for her sister. Cbs was 0-2 with twists
So glad the power in the house has shifted. Helen is a class act! I really pity Aaryn, Kaitlin, GM, and Spencer. They are sore losers, and have No clue!
I am so happy for Helen and her side of the house but I do feel that the MVP twist can be a bit unfair to an HOH and sort of makes jr pointless except for the fact that you have immunity. I wonder if bb will remove the twist soon and go back to regular bb. Also did anyone else catch the dig from Julie to Aaryn during the live show? It was great and I wonder if any of the houseguests caught it. Knowing how oblivious to it all Aaryn is- I am sure she has no clue it was a dig.
great show! had to jump off chat before it ended - grrr. Wonder how long they will have mvp, guessing for just a couple more weeks because they won't always want 3 people on the block. It's been good in the beginning so one group doesn't just control the house, that gets boring. If the mvp is truly picked by us, it will be interesting this week. Amanda is a great choice!
It is there highest one making it cbs top viewd show
Right! and if the other group lik jerm/aarlyn/GM/Kaitlyn win HoH and put people up it wouldnt matrer as long as they got elissa they can put up the one they want to leave and all of them vote them out MVP has the most power now
I hope that the Aaryn nation, GM, Kaitlin, and Jeremy are have nots this week. Then maybe they will truly feel like the trash they are!!!
@Jeff about Elissa/HoH vs MVP
I know I can only speak for myself here! I root for Elissa because I have personal reasons for wanting specific house guests gone. Kind of like "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." Ultimately I don't even know if she will make it to the final 2 and to be honest I wouldn't necessarily care. For the mean time as soon as the players I would LOVE to see go are gone I'm team Elissa(Helen/Andy/Amanda/Candi) all the way.
As far as the MVP twist, in my opinion I think they might let it run for a few more weeks until the jury house time. It would make sense that once the group has dwindled, that so would the number of people in the hot seat! For now I like having the MVP it gives people (like Elissa, who have had targets on their back since day 1) a chance. Its different so it can change dynamics, personally I'm okay with that.
I see what you mean about the HoH noms not being voted out - But really I think in a lot of ways it makes the game harder, especially for HoH. Immunity is golden - but if you cant campaign and scheme (Just like the MVP group HAS been doing) you might as well not bother being HoH for anything other then immunity. Its ups the social game I think and I really like that.
Well those are my personal two cents, Jeff. See you around! :)
RITE!! Me too! I can't believe the way that are acting! I think CBS BB should evict them! They all deserve it! Well at least Aaryn GM and Kaitlyn. I don't like Jeremy either but they have to have someone to put up so maybe he could stay. Also put up Spencer. He is racist too!
I love BB. Live eviction was the best ever. Nick had an out of body experience. The overnighter was almost heartbreaking, watching what Candice and Howard had to go through. Aaryn nation has to go.
I love BB. Live eviction was the best ever. Nick had an out of body experience. The overnighter was almost heartbreaking, watching what Candice and Howard had to go through. Aaryn nation has to go.
Too bad jeremy cant be a have not!!
I agree with that!
Oh crap, that's right! I totally forgot about that!!! Damn!
I think GM needs to up the dosage on her meds. How she is over-reacting ain't normal.
I have to say I think CBS is handling BigotGate better than I thought they would. They are starting to let the general watchers see what is really going on with regards to the nasty racist digs. They aren't making Aaryn look bad, she's doing that all on her own. They are carefully limiting their liability which is smart. Expect Aaryn to blame everyone else for her crash and burn except herself
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