Today, veto comp players will be picked and during that time, the 3rd nom for the week will be revelaed. Who did America pick? Will the HG you voted for get put up? We'll find out soon! :D
Let' see what the houseguests are up to in the BB house this morning!
Currently on the live feeds...
*Helen jogged in the house for her morning cardio.
*HG's took their showers.
*Elissa complained about not having a variety of healthy food selections
*Aaryn/Jessie/Amanda are getting ready for the day.
*Candice is sleeping.
*Spencer's laying down but is awake.
10:46am BBT:
A look at the quad cam:
10:47am BBT:
Amanda is mocking GinaMarie as if she's the MVP...
Amanda: "I nominated you because there can only be 1 girl from Staten Island here."
Jessie/Andy/Judd laugh.
10:50am BBT:
Candice is laying on Howard, giving him kisses on his neck. She's scared she'll be the 3rd nom today.
10:57am BBT:
Judd thinks it's America that's MVP.
McCrae is sleeping, Amanda is in bed with him.
Amanda is talking to Elissa, who is also in the bedroom.
11:00am BBT:
Judd is telling Andy that Elissa/Helen don't want Howard to go because they feel bad & how Howard's trying to pull on heart strings. He mentions how even Jessie cried to Howard after he was nominated.
Judd then talks about Howard's out-of-the-blue speech last night in the kitchen.
Judd: "And his story he said last night made no f**king sense. If you wanna say something, just say it."
Aaryn joins them. She mentions that 3 little rubber duckies are missing from the pool. Andy said he thinks others in the house are being stealth & taking them. Aaryn said she's gonna take one if she knows she's getting voted out at some point.
11:07am BBT:
Aaryn leaves.
Judd/Andy talk.
Judd really wants Howard gone. Andy agrees.They talk about Helen/Elissa don't want Howard out now, Judd said it's because he's tugging on their heart strings.
Andy: "(Howard) is a bigger threat than Spencer, though. Makes no sense!"
Judd: "He's pulling on heart strings."
Andy: "No way, I'll squash that."
11:38am BBT:
HG's still getting ready for the day, as others wait around. General chit-chat all around.
BB: "Aaryn, please go to the Diary Room."
Elissa: "Must be about that time."
11:46am BBT:
HG's are comparing themselves to different breeds of dogs. They said that Jeremy would be a rottweiler, and Spencer would be a Saint Bernard.
11:52am BBT:
The guys are playing "Who do you think (fill in the blank)." with the memory wall pics.
Andy: "Based only from the pics on the wall, who do you think needs a good f**k?"
Spencer: "Jessie."
McCrae: "Me."
Andy: "Elissa."
Judd laughs.
11:56am BBT:
Aaryn comes out of the Diary Room...
Aaryn: "Hey everyone, it's time to pick players for the Veto Competition & MVP 3rd nom reveal!"
Feeds switch to trivia! Starting a new top post shortly! :D
Stay tuned...

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