We are 2 days away from the 1st live eviction, where it looks like David will be the one leaving.
Let's see what's happening on the feeds, shall we?! :)
Currently on the live feeds...
11:25am BBT:
HOH Room
The 3 of them have been taking smack on Aaryn and how she's probably "crawling out of hell" this morning, referring to her as the devil. They also rehashed the whole Jeremy/Wine thing from last night.
Andy leaves.
Amanda/McCrae can be heard having a morning smooching session in bed.
Meanwhile, downstairs...
11:30am BBT:
HG's are roaming freely in the kitchen, making breakfast and waking up for the day. Light chatter all around.
11:33am BBT:
Pool Area
Kaitlin is also rehashing the Jeremy fight from last night, including her convo with Jeremy in the bedroom after it happened. A minute later, Helen resumes her jogging in the backyard.
Sidenote: If you're chatting on the feeds, let me know what your chat name is and I'll invite y'all over to the chat group! :) Just post your chat name in the comment section below.
Jeremy is in the BY working out.
12:04pm BBT:
A look at the feeds...
No game talk going on at the moment. Just lots of re-hashing of stuff. (Nothing that I haven't covered already.) I'll be back for the Afternoon post once the HG's get going for the day! :D Until then, enjoy the feeds!
Stay tuned...

Mando25 :)
Chat name = mando25
Amanda & McRae Were Heard Smooching? Is That True? I Can't Picture That.... Is It Notice Or Actual Attraction?
I'm Kim_M in the chats. I haven't been using it but might join in if others from here have a chat room. :)
Love your posts! Makes it easier to catch up since I can't be on the feeds all day.
If you have a chat on the feeds, my username is HRyan1212. Please add me to your chat :)
I love the posts you make. Makes it so much easier to catch up on what I've missed. My user name is HRyan1212, so if you have a separate chat, please add me :)
You do a brilliant job of summarizing. I don't know how you do it, it's my first year on live feeds.
My user name is Fergie
My user name is Fergie
Wait? So Amanda and MaCrae? When did this happen? HOW did this happen?
they've been showmancing here & there since the feeds came on a few days ago. such an odd match. lol
SpinEcho in the chat. I chat occasionally.
The HG's that I dislike the most are Jeremy, Aaryn, GM, Spencer. I personally think all 4 are despicable people and all have made racist and antigay comments. Spencer is a total pig too. Spencer called Helen Kim Jong Un and made reference to her slanted eyes, he called Andy Kermit the f**, he calls women c***s and made general reference to women "b**ch get your a** cooking." He is by no means a winner in my book.
I like Elissa and Helen the most but neither has much of a plan and are really just playing this game scared.
Andy is very weak and two faced and bashes people unnecessarily to get in the good graces of one side and then goes to the other side and does the same. I just think he is playing a very one dimensional game.
Judd is a good guy but not bright at all. He could potentially float very far.
I used to dislike Amanda because of her vile language, but am actually now respecting her more. She is not afraid to speak her mind and is not playing this game scared like many of the others.
Nick is cold and calculating but too smart to say or do stupid things like many of the other blonterage.
Howard is a nice guy overall, but talks about Christianity one minute and later when with the MC's is cussing and referring to women as bi***. But that is probably game play and this house seems to do that to people. I think in real life he is a good guy.
Candice is not as bad as people say but has no gameplay.
Overall, the MC is destroying everyone at this point and I see no end to that in the near future. I'm afraid without a major twist or production manipulation, they are going to go all the way with at least 4 of the 5. They are loyal and secret and neither of those are going to change. With their side alliances, they almost can't be stopped. I don't see any of the others putting up 3 of the MC because they are playing this game with fear and don't have the courage to do it. Sorry, but it's true. I don't even think that anyone has the courage to put up Jeremy except maybe Elissa or Amanda.
My only hope is that at some point McCrae dissents and exposes the alliance to the others, but why should he? and they have a short leash on him anyway.
My user is TARZAN
*I know, weird.....but I named it after 1 of my favorite Survivor contestants ever
Delotha ^_^
Hey jamie - just caught up on it all - what a bunch of drama so far - I would last less than a day with those people!
I would love to chat with you all. My experience is most other people in those room have no clue what is going on! ha ha.
My chat name is:
thank you!
Hi Jamie, can you add me to the live feed chat. username: CrazyDiamond
Thanks for all your hard work, Jamie. Chat name: socalimari
Thanks for all you do, Jamie. Chat name: socalimari
Thanks for all u do!! Your Blog is Amazing!! It's the first thing I wake up and Look at!! And I have read your Blog the Last 3 seasons!! Thanks so much!!
My username: misstifftiff1
Hey Jamie! My chat name on the feeds is: MizzMarcy : )
I would love to chat. My user name is ginny512
I would love to chat. My user name is ginny512
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