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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Thursday Night *Live Eviction Show*

Good afternoon/evening, BB addicts!! :D Welcome to your Thursday Night Live Eviction post!! Tonight, we will see Kaitlin go out the door and then the houseguests battle it out for this weeks title of HOH. Who will win? Who do you want to win?

Tonight's show starts at 9pm EST, and as usual, I will have the chat room here on the blog open. That's where all the fun happens! Come chat with all of us fellow addicts & let's watch tonight's show together. You bring the snacks, I'll bring the drinks. ;)

We are going into Week 5 of BB15 and with 2 months of backstabbing, drama, fights, tears, and power-shifts left to go, there's plenty of action yet to be seen this season!!

If you've been waiting to get the live feeds, then now's the time to get'em! For $10/month, you get 24/7 access to the house cameras, watch live endurance comps all season long, access to the Flashback feeds (I'll supply the important times for ya), and real time chat with other bb addicts! So what are you waiting for???

Okay guys & gals, I will see y'all in the chat room at 9pm EST for the show!! :D

Pss....don't forget to join the blog's  Facebook Group & follow me on Twitter!!

9:00pm EST:
Show starts...

9:18pm EST:
*They're showing the Elissa/Aaryn fight.

9:21pm EST:
*Julie asked Judd about the bear shirt. lol He said it's his "lucky shirt".

9:26pm EST:
*GM/Kaitlin/Aaryn are doing their speeches.

"Nick, if you're watching, I miss you!" -GinaMarie (**oh geez. lol)

The Votes to Evict:
*Amanda votes to evict...Kaitlin
*McCrae votes to evict...Kaitlin
*Helen votes to evict...Kaitlin
*Candice votes to evict...Kaitlin
*Elissa votes to evict...Kaitlin
*Spencer votes to evict...Kaitlin
*Howard votes to evict...Kaitlin
*Andy votes to evict...Kaitlin
*Jessie votes to evict...Kaitlin

Evicted from the BB House is:

Kaitlin only hugged GM goodbye.

9:40pm EST:
America is MVP again this week.

9:46pm EST:
Time for the HOH Comp!

The New HOH is:


10:00pm EST:
Show's over. Turn on the live feeds to watch the aftermath!! :D

Stay tuned...
CBS Interactive Inc.


Anonymous said...

Knowing how it always seems to work with BB and with such a crapshoot of an HOH comp my money is on Howard, Spencer or Candice winning HOH. I'd give Aryan a good shot as well since they got rid of Kaitlin cause she's a better competitor and "they can get rid of Aryan whenever." She could potentially provide some drama as well.


Unknown said...

Lol I say Elisa wins it oh good how that would suck really ready to see MC/Am broke up with her going home

Unknown said...

Is there any way you could please fix the "Read Before You Post" number 2 isn't there. Just a critique from someone with OCD. But I really appreciate all your blogging :)

Jamie said...

i have ocd, too. cant believe i missed that!! haha FIXED! ;)

Darren said...

I had a dream that Kaitlin got evicted and Aaryn won HOH

Unknown said...

Oh, im so sorry

Unknown said...

Amanda should go next...she IS running the house.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Maybe you should start placing bets on your dreams!

Lindsay said...

I haven't had a chance to watch the episode yet but do the house guests know America is MVP??

Unknown said...

I had the biggest grin watching Jeff's interview. Why can't he play EVERY year? And let the week of backstabbing and nonstop drama begin! I don't think anyone is safe with Aaryn in charge.

sissy92101 said...

I think someone needs to step up and stop going with what the majority wants people should be able to vote for who they want to vote for no one hardly even like to stay in the house the used to have some great deals now hardly nothing but that's just my opinion love your blog Jamie.

Debbie said...

Dreams do come true?

Mike said...

So very happy about this. House needed to be shaken up in a bad way. Hopefully this splits up the most boring alliance ever.

Mike said...

So did Elissa get high and mighty about her morals and religion before or after she got knocked up in high school?

Anonymous said...

I freaking cant take seeing Aaryn's face for another week!!! They had TWO opportunities to get her stupid butt outta the house and now she's either gonna keep her deal with Helen or really send the house into a frenzy (which it already is). All I know is that Howard better win veto or I can see him going home and Candice flipping out and choking Aaryn... well that part I'd like to see. ;)

Mike said...

Honestly, I'm hoping Aaryn will split up the do-gooder alliance. Howard and Spencer have to realize they're outcasts. Aaryn is obviously not going to ever be an ally to Helen, who's joined at the hip with Elissa. Might as well take a chance and try to split the house. Take GM and Candice (I know, far fetched, but if Howard tells her to do it...) and you have the numbers. It would be the most awkward, misplaced alliance, well, ever, but it's probably Aaryn's only play to have a prayer of sticking around.

Unknown said...

So more than likely Elissa will be the one heading home I know Aaryn is going to nominate her and she can't play in the POV sooo, seems like the odds are against her. Also, I'm pretty excited to see who America will pick for MVP nom. With the way everyone is talking I think it will be Amanda. Hey, if Amanda goes up the people of the house might actually vote out Amanda over Elissa...don't think either of them are much liked at this point though. Is there anyone that anybody likes anymore? lol

Unknown said...

So who thinks Aaryn is gonna keep her deal? Can see resist nominating Elisa? I hope mvp nominates her but GM probably will end up on block. Just wish the votes would be totally unpredictable.
The shows schedule socks though. They end Wed with the veto, and let's be honest a lot of the action happens between that and vote day. Yet BB devotes only about 10-15 minutes to all those days of scheming. It's such a heavily edited show and viewers miss so much of what happens which affects their perceptions.
I saw on After Dark the other night how dominatrix Amanda smacked Her bff on his birthday.. That's a funny moment that would've aired earlier
Plus your recaps demonstrate that the viewers miss a lot of what happened in the last few days. Oh well.
Anyone know what the TVGN ratings have been? I haven't seen that. They should do 3 hours. They are doing thatv1 night a week, starting at 11

Unknown said...

As much as people hate her this was a great outcome because we'll see the drama of whether she keeps the deal and how mvp throws a wrench... If it's the same vote you'd expect Elisa. Or GM. Well see if the Elisa vote was a mistake last week.... Elisa would've been perceived as more unlikeable if they showed more if her recent behavior. Vote smartly America. GM is harmless right now.
The ahoh comp of course was another rehash of previous seasons... Again.. And one that's a lot of luck.. Aaryn however could've thrown it and didn't

This Is My Journey said...

Hmmmm.... No more sleep for you! Lol. Really Aaryn?!?!

Anonymous said...

I voted for Amanda for the MVP vote. Maybe if she is nominated, it'll push the house over the edge thinking that Elissa is still the MVP and nominated her making everyone think she's coming after McCrae and Amanda.

Unknown said...

I like the aryn who was just shown up in the hoh room sharing her winnings with the hg (i may regret saying this later) but i would love to see aryn work with elissa this week.

DanFan1 said...

"They can get rid of Aryan whenever" Lol that's what they all say until one of them who say it ends up on the block because they think they can get rid of someone like her anytime. She will end up in the final 4 and Helen and Elissa will be asking each other what the heck happened lol.

Jaime and Jenna said...

I think that would be awesome!

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