The live feeds switched to trivia at 1pm BBT for the POV Comp, and should turn back on 1-3 hours from now & then I'll start posting the results & house happenings below.
In the meantime, don't forget to join the blogs Facebook Group & follow me on Twitter!!
6:13pm BBT:
Candice: "She's gonna take herself off the block, for sure."
Helen: "You think?"
Candice: "Yea."
Helen: "It'd be disasterous if she didn't."
Candice: "We'll just tell her if she doesn't, she'll go home."
They then look for food in the Storage Room. Helen's gonna take a shower.
6:20pm BBT:
HG's are talking about the POV Comp. The HG's that played in the comp all had fun. GinaMarie & Candice are describing the comp. It had something to do with pictures & finding the right picture & put it on the wall. A trampoline was involved, art work, and it was timed.
6:22pm BBT:
Kaitlin/Jeremy are talking.
Sounds like Kaitlin will indeed use the Veto to take herself off the block. She wants to get Helen to put up Howard as the replacement nom & get him out.
Jeremy: "Stackin' medals, stackin' medals! If I stay here, I'm gonna be so f***ing pumped that I'm still here. Another week with you, would make me so happy."
6:30pm BBT:
Storage Room
Howard said that his showmance with Candice will never "blossom", she's a vote and someone to chill with. He doesn't want people to think he's tied to her game-wise. Howard said that if Kaitlin takes herself off, then Helen will put up Jeremy & get Jer out and if she (K) doesn't, then Aaryn will go home. He thinks leaving Jeremy/Kaitlin in the game is dangerous.
Spencer said he has the "basic nerves" about being on the block, though he knows that either Jeremy or Aaryn will go home this week. Howard reassures him that he's safe this week.
***Turn on the live feeds to watch the rest of the evening in the BB house! I'll see y'all back here in the morning with The Overnighter. Until then, enjoy the feeds!! :D (pss...Canadians, rejoice! Y'all can now access the feeds, too!! w00t!!)
Stay tuned...

Love reading your blogs Jamie, they keep me looking for the next blog to be done so I can read it to keep up to date w/o the live feeds. Just wish Aaryn wins the veto today and secures her safety even though Helen already said she was safe.
Really why she is a mean person and bigot
Aaryn needs to go. She is a horrible person. Not one redeeming quality. And she is blind to her own bigotry. Disgusts me that there are still people like her in this day and age.
Amanda just needs to relax and let things play out this week!Jamie you do an amazing job!
I understand Am frustration with putting Spencer up instead of Howard. McC took heat off Ellissa by claiming to be MVP and Howard has lied and voted against Ellissa.If they had put up Howard they all only had one person to worry about coming after them but by putting Spencer up they now have to worry about 2 people, Howard and Spence. Howard should have been replacement not Spencer. Spencer got nominated for keeping Ellissa and Howard got saved when he voted Ellissa out, really how does it make sense? McC has to take the flack for this even though it was his own fault for trying to ease the field for Ellissa yet again. Hopefully it all works out and Jer goes home this week and Aaryn next week, Then game on again.
The POV picks were good because Jeremy didn't get picked but they weren't perfect cause I don't think it's guaranteed that it gets used no matter who wins it thus it's not guaranteed Jeremy can be backdoored.
The one least likely to use it is def GM. She's losing an ally this week regardless and though she might be closer to Aryan I could see her risking sacrificing her to keep the stronger competitor safe in Jeremy.
Also judging from Candice really wanting Aryan out this week instead of Jeremy I'm not convinced she'd def use it if she won. That's another reason why it would've been better to have Howard up instead of Spencer cause then Candice would've used it on Howie 100%.
Lastly I would laugh so hard if Kaitlin won POV and didn't use it to keep Jeremy safe and then got herself voted out because of it. That would be an all-time classic BB blunder.
That surprises are in the bottom 1% who actually like Aryan Nation. She is such a racist, a bully, and in general a terrible person. Do you like her looks or something? If so, what's on the inside of her kind of ruins that (no, it does completely). But, to each his own...
I agree, Aaryn show go now before they get to the hg going to the jury house, so she can get her life on track. it will hurt her even more when she learns she lost her job.
I do not want Aryn to win either. I loved her at first now I can't stand her.
That girl is something else I tell ya.
I honestly hope that Jeremy gets bd'd and evicted. That way there will be or 2 for 1 deal-Kaitlin said she would self evict if Jeremy goes home. Yeah!
I just read that Aryan said that she was going to start hiding how smart she really is. Really? I mean really?!
No kidding.
I don't like Aaryn myself. But she keeps the show interesting.
I've only ever watched Big Brother After Dark, and not the live feeds. Does the voice who says things like: "Kaitlin, you're not allowed to talk about Production," actually a person or a recording?
I agree with James. I cannot wait until Jeremy, Aaryn, Gina Marie, and Kaitlin are gone. It doesn't look like anyone is having any fun. Where are all the jokesters and pranksters? There's no room them in such a hostile environment.
I think it's the person who is watching them but I could be wrong
Ok so now I'm lost.. Who's on the block again? I thought it was aaryn, kaitlyn and spencer. Am I correct?
What the heck is happening? A endurance veto or something?
I def want Aryan to go before Jury as well but not so she can get her life back together haha. I just selfishly don't want to have to wait till after finale night for her to have her comeuppance. If she's on the Jury the interviews will be very bland and not able to reveal anything to her then she'd go straight to sequester till finale. If she goes before Jury then everything is fair game and it starts immediately. I'd be very interested to see if even Julie goes after her given it's actually been a part of the show. That's why I wouldn't mind too much if the plan to backdoor Jeremy failed and Aryan went home as that storyline is so fresh right now.
The voice that comes over the speakers in the house is almost always a rec except in very rare circumstances. They have all the things they'd need to say rec so that someone who's watching can just push a button whenever a HG needs to be admonished or given a warning or something.
Maybe someone got expelled
Ha ha!!! I couldn't agree more. The vindictive side of me chuckles everytime she talks about her agency and the modeling. I was already upset by her comments, but when I saw the live feed of Howard breaking down my heart broke. That was really hard to watch.
I wanted to like her when the show first started.
I am all for interesting, but that little girl is going to cause someone to do something really bad to her. Also, I personally don't think racism is interesting; it's hurtful and degrading.
What's the longest its ever taken for a POV competition?
I was wondering that to. It's been about four hours. Maybe they forgot to turn the feeds back on.
I Love How Aaryn Thinks She Is Not A Racist. I Can't Wait To See That Exit Interview.
I Agree.
Me Too Robin. I Hope He Was Genuine Because He Sure Fooled Me If Not
I honestly don't think Ellissa cares about what McC wanted to do. Please don't forget that McC outted her on week 1 when she trusted him with info. I'm no Ellissa fan or anything but not putting Howard up was better for HER game.
@ Ashley,
I think it was genuine. I have dealt with something that has you so angry and hurt you want rip something apart, but you have to smile and not do anything. However, if he was putting on a show then he needs an academy award.
Hopefully people will come to realize how much racism there still is today, in 2013 --- Aarynnation just proves to all of us how sad of a world we are living in.
Just saying.
Is it normal for the feeds to be off this long in POV comp?
I agree whole heartedly!!! I forgot about McCrae putting her up the first week. That was a good point.
I cant believe Kaitlin won.. ugh that's so annoying. I wonder what they are going to do now. I know they said Aaryn is plan B.. but they did also say that if K doesn't use the veto if she wins it they will just vote her out! I kinda wonder what Jerm is going to say to her.. I know SHE doesn't want him gone, and HE doesn't want HIMSELF gone so... guess we will see if she is really here to play or just for a showmance. LOL
Both, lol a recording of a person.
technically both, it is a recording of a person not computerized.
Dream on Jeremy, dream on. One of you is going home this week.
The other hg apparently were sitting up in HOH while we were all sitting (wherever) for 4+ hours. At least I left the room!
I'd bet anything Aryan will just make excuses and say she was only joking and that certain things were taken out of context. However we all know that's completely ridiculous and I hope at least someone holds her feet to the fire. Maybe editing and things being out of context are acceptable explanations for all other reality shows but not BB. The internet feeds catch everything 24/7 so everything said is in its proper context. And this hullabaloo started from the live feeds well before any segment was edited for the CBS show.
Did I miss something? Why is Aaryn referred to as "Aaryn Nation"?
I'm pretty sure telling Kaitlin they'd vote her out if she doesn't use POV would end up just being a bluff to get her to use it and if she didn't they'd still decide to vote out Aryan. However I can't see Kaitlin being that dumb to leave herself on the block and risk herself going home just to keep some guy she's known for a couple weeks off the block. I think her talk earlier with GM was just to try to convince GM not to use it to save Aryan if GM won it. Kaitlin would've been OK with noms staying the same in that situation since she'd have felt pretty confident Aryan would've went home. At this point Kaitlin would gladly sacrifice Aryan who's become toxic in the house to save Jeremy. They'd prob even feel they'd have a chance with Aryan gone to ingratiate themselves with others in the house.
Elissa needs to go. Stupid viewers giving her MVP every week have ruined what could've been a great twist. The HOH has turned into an immunity challenge with Elissa getting to backdoor whomever she wants for 3 weeks in a row. They shouldve expected this and at least said you couldn't win it two weeks in a row. Its been a disaster for a twist that could've been exciting an d fueled paranoia. If Elissa makes it to the end her advantage will be held against her. I'm bored
Eileen, its Aryan Nation. Google it & it will make sense
I'm assuming it is a pun on Hitler's Arian (spelling?) Nation because she is so racist. At least that's the way I have understood it.
Week one mccrea lied to elissa twice also have people in the eight person mega alliance told elissa about that or has mccrea and amanda told anyone about their side alliance with kaitlin and jeremy. So everyone has lied so what is the difference. Mccrea spilled the beans first he gets a pass.
Amanda and mccrea just want howard gone cause he and jeremy are a threat to mccrea. As u can see nick and david are gone because they posed a threat. Spencer and andy aren't, also mccrea has lied to elissa multiple times,has any one told elissa about the mega eight person alliance helen mccrea amanda spencer howard andy jessie nick. So everyone has lied not just the members formerly of the mc.
Me too but she is so hateful.
This is BB, everyone lies. I heard Helen tell Elissa that she loved Rachel. This is what is posted in Helen's bio. "Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most or least? I like Jeff the most because he is down to earth and always was the least annoying. I like drama queen Rachel the least. I had a hard time watching her whine week to week. She has serious issues."
Kaitlin is also a threat. She won POV tonight and came close to winning the last HOH. She was right up there with Helen until math was required. Jeremy, Aaryn and Kaitlin should be at the top of the eviction list. Howard and Spencer would be on my list.
Love the blog! I found you last season and read every word :-) I don't have time to watch the feeds so your recaps are absolutely perfect :-) thank you for taking the time to do it :-)
I think that the MVP twist would have been a good idea on a season with HG's that have NO CONNECTION to past HG's. This season was a given that Elissa would get it all the time.
Today my family celebrated my son's baptism and we surprised everyone with my hubby and I getting married (we've been married for 4 yrs but no one in the family knew, long story). We had a great day celebrating and being with family. After the long day was over, the kids were in bed, we had just finished going through the presents, and were sitting on our couch. A car came flying down our road with someone repeatedly screaming "white power". I am pretty sure this is due to the Zimmerman verdict but we live in NY, Long Island to be exact. I am not ignorant to think that racism doesn't exsist here but for people to be that bold and hateful is disturbing. We've made some great strides in this country the past couple years to become more tolerant and open of everyone. I know we have a long way to go but I sincerely hope that since the ball is rolling it can only pick up steam.
I've become more and more disappointed in CBS for allowing this to go on without some kind of intervention. Hubby and I finally got to see the video of the Candice fight over her mattress being flipped tonight and the fact that CBS didn't stop them from harassing Jessi and Candice was very upsetting. It is really hard to deal with bullies and even harder when you are alone (Jessi). And this is a game, it is supposed to be entertaining for us but also fun for the players. How can Candice, Howard, Helen walk away from this experience and say I had an awesome time if they are constantly being knocked down just because of who they are. Not how they play.
In past years players would get penalized for messing with other people's things, how come Aaryn didn't get penalized? Is it because CBS is liking the ratings increase? I don't think it's fair to allow people to be bullied like that for ratings.
Sorry for the length just needed to vent.
I'm starting to dislike Howard. He seems super fake to me now and he seems to have Elissa, Candice, and even Helen buying his act. I can't believe Elissa threw McCrae under the buss like that, but i guess its fair after the way he treated her in week 1... Amanda though had Elissa's back sooo much, why is she disliked by so many HGs? One thing I didnt like about Amanda was the way she had a fake convo w/ Aaryn only after she realized through DR that America is upset with the racism. I think mccrae also faked that his "stomach hurt from racist comments" only after he realized through DR that America is upset with the racism. I guess Helen or Andy are the realest of the crew.
I agree with someone else who said it really doesn't seem like they are having very much fun. Guessing that's why they tried to make the POV fun. definitely want jeremy, kaitlin, gm, aaryn to go before jury. How many go home before actual jury?
I'm guessing the MVP will be short lived- they can't have 3 people on the block every week as the number of people goes down. and why would people vote elissa every week? I wanted amanda.
I don't care what anyone of you think about Aaryn, she's not going this week. Jeremy's the real target this week. And if Aaryn wins HoH on Thursday she's going to nom who the majority wants nom for eviction. I like Aaryn since day 1 and I'm going to stick with her until then no matter what she said because we all have said some racists things but we just didn't realize it was racist.
Kingboo, stand by whoever you want. And yes maybe people have made the mistake of saying hurtful things but a good person, once they know it is hurtful, will apologize and make a change. NOT completely deny saying anything hurtful and blame it on others. I am white with blond hair and blue eyes but I am not walking around using that as an excuse to be a hateful person. People make mistakes in life but it is how you handle them and make an effort to be a better person that counts!
I know and it sucks!!!! The twist is stupid since elissa is floating by on her sisters fans'.. Come on BB do something about the stupid twist!!!!
I think the twist is stupid !!!! BB should of put some rules on it so Elissa couldnt get it every week!!! She is floating off her sisters fans!!!
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