Andy: "I couldn't more confident..(about this week)."
Howard: "Just gotta win the POV."
Andy: "Yea."
Amanda: "Has anyone talked to Elissa? What is she gonna do?"
Andy: "Helen talked to her a lil bit and I talked to her a lil bit. She wants to put up Jeremy." (**Guess she's the MVP this week, again??)
Amanda: "I don't think that's a bad idea."
Andy: "Yea. I'm tellin' ya, if we can get rid of Jeremy this week, it's perfect because I think Kailtin will freak out and if someone explains to Kaitlin 'your game is still open, your weakness (Jer) is gone', ya know?"
Amanda: "Mm hmm."
Andy: "Sure she's gonna be upset, but..who is she gonna be aligned with still...Aaryn and GinaMarie?"
Amanda: "Right."
In other news, Elissa is in a lot of pain due to being on slop for the 2nd week in a row. She's constipated and in pain.
The Nomination Ceremony has not taken place just yet & all HG's are just laying around waiting for it to happen. As soon as the feeds switch to trivia (to indicate the ceremony has begun), I will post it here in this post! :)
UPDATED @ 4:51pm BBT:
McCrae/Amanda talked alone on the BY couch. McCrae told Amanda that they have to vote the same this week. Amanda is confident that they can get Jeremy out this week. McCrae isn't as sure. He said he doesn't think all 7 of them will vote him out. Amanda disagreed, she thinks they will.
McCrae said that they (Amanda/McCrae) are the 2 swing votes this week. McCrae said to wait until after veto to make a decision which way they should vote. He also said to let him do the talking in the HOH room this week and to trust him. He also mentioned how if Jeremy stuck around, he'd be a target. (**Sounds like McCrae is trying to get Amanda to not vote Jeremy out this week and save the Moving Company Alliance.)
5:53pm BBT:
Trivia on the feeds!! Nomination Ceremony is finally underway! :D I'll post the spoilers when the feeds come back!
7:41pm BBT:
Feeds are back!!
Aaryn said that if Elissa wins POV, then Candice will be the renom.
8:01pm BBT:
Helen just told Spencer/Judd/McCrae/Howard that if any of them (including Elissa) gets MVP, then they should put up Jeremy.
Tomorrow's the veto comp!
**And with that, I'm out! I'll be back in the morning with The Overnighter! Until then, enjoy the live feeds!! (They're bound to be interesting tonight!!)
PS If Elissa/Helen take a couple of "jabs" at each other, it's just an act to throw everyone off from knowing Elissa/Helen are working together.
Stay tuned...

Although I highly doubt Jeremy will go this week (I wish) but at least with this plan it will expose some of them members of this big fake nameless alliance (Andy, Helen, Howard, Judd, McCrae, Amanada and Spencer) who are part of MC. Will the others be foolish enough to fall for some of the excuses of why Elissa went home. Or McC, Howie, and Spencer will be forced to say something along the lines of "no Jeremy needs to stay this week because we need big targets." (ding, ding, ding)
If Elissa is the one the stupid viewers pick as the MVP each week, the 'twist' has been a huge failure. The whole point was to cause mischief and to have these surprise nominations...kinda like a twist on America's player or when Jeff got the special power to turn things around. So if the 'mean/bad' alliance was controlling and looking to pick off the good/audience fave alliance then America could choose one of the goodies as the MVP. having elissa every week is boring plus I dont understand why viewers would do that just cuz shes rachels sister. I HATE HATE HATE IT. Cmon vote for other peopl le
I just don't know where McCrae stands. Some days I like him some days I don't. Like when he insisted on putting Elissa up on the block even though she was saying she would work with him. Now he is trying to stick with this stupid MC alliance. Jeremy has proven he isn't faithful and he should go home this week. (then i hope Aaryn follows him out the door next week.)
I like McC and I'm really hoping he doesn't get caught up in the MC alliance. He has so far seemed to be of better character.
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