Throughout the day, there have been conversations, backstabbing, lying, scheming, and well...everything that makes us love BB!! It's been awesome!!!
Okay, so the quickie version of today's events is that not only do they have 6 votes to kick Nick out tonight, but they now will have 8 votes! Spencer & Howard seemed to have flipped!! Spencer "saw the light", so to speak, and then got Howard on board. So unless there's a last minute flip, we should be seeing an 8-3 vote tonight to get Nick out.
And guess what that means? Jeremy/GinaMarie/Kaitlin are gonna be realllllly ticked off, which will make for some amazing live feeds entertainment after the show!! I'm tellin' ya, this is the time to get'em!! The game has already completely changed!!
I will be live blogging tonights show as usual for those of you who can't be near a TV tonight, so don't worry-I got ya covered! ;)
Okay guys & gals, I will see y'all back here at 9pm EST for the show!! :D
9pm EST:
Show begins....
9:10pm EST:
showing footage of Diary Room sessions & what's been going on in the house recently.
9:15pm EST:
9:19pm EST:
Julie's talking to the HG's.
9:21pm EST:
They're showing racist remarks that Aaryn has made in the house & Amanda's talk with Aaryn about being more mindful of her comments.
9:24pm EST:
9:26pm EST:
Time for the voting to begin!
The 3 noms make their speeches.
Votes to Evict:
*Jeremy votes to evict...Elissa
*Kaitlin votes to evict...Elissa
*Andy votes to evict...Nick
*GinaMarie votes to evict...Elissa
*Judd votes to evict...Nick
*Spencer votes to evict...Nick
*Jessie votes to evict...Nick
*Howard votes to evict...Elissa (**whhhhhat??)
*McCrae votes to evict...Nick
*Amanda votes to evict...Nick
*Candice votes to evict...Nick
Jeremy is livid!
9:43pm EST:
Commercial. HOH Comp is next!
It's a true/false HOH comp.
*Jeremy & Judd are OUT!
*GM/Andy/Amanda/Spencer/Elissa are OUT!
*Candice is OUT!
*McCrae is OUT!
HOH Comp:
10pm EST:
Show ends! Time to turn on the feeds!!!
Stay tuned...

Yay! It's time to get the annoying people out! So happy Elissa is staying!
So ready see how it turns out!! Count down till bb starts at 8pm
I can't believe it is week 2 and this crazy flip happened. I don't care for the racist, super mean crap either but this crew is playing pretty hard right outta the gate. I hope the whole season is this good!
Its time! ! Finally! ! *excited* !!!
Thanks for live blogging. Stuck in airport and need to know how this turns out.
I have never been so happy to see a live vote!!! Bye Nick!!!
YES! YES! YES!!!!! I have a reason to keep watching!
Can we also hope Jeremy is a Have Not this week?!?! ;)~
Bye bye Nick. Hahahahahaha!
I hope IF Jeremy wins HOH That this new 6 stay strong and MVP puts up aryn or kaitlin and votes one out.
I SMELL A BACKDOOR!!! Bye bye Jeremy bbb
Yesssss! My faith has been restored in this season. I am very Team Mom Squad!
despite not winning the last 2 HOH's..Elissa has already gotten 2 people out the house
Super happy right now I am glad Helen won HoH I noticed the "dark side as they call themselves Re not happy at all
BEST episode ever !!! Thank u Jamie for All U do .... The feeds will be on fire tonight ! Have a good evening :)
Despite being at the bottom and not being HOH, Elissa has gotten two people out of the house
So happy right now glad Helen is hoh
Love it
I just want to say how much I love your blog! My husband and I check it every day.
I am so happy about these results. He wasn't my favorite, but I did like Nick. However, I didn't like his crew so he had to go. :)
Keep up the great work! :)
How many more will be evicted before jury?
Tonights episode was AWESOME! I noticed how well Katlin was doing and was really worried for a second. So glad Helen pulled through!! Lol. I really liked Nick. I hope they bring him back for another season!
This season is awful. No drama at all because hoh doesn't matter. Mom squad reminds me of friendship alliance from janelles 1st season. aWFUL. I don't know why everyone likes Alissa. Everyone hated Rachel until we needed her on Jeff and Jordan's side. Now everyone forgets. I'm done with bb15, hope Howard finds a way to survive but I doubt it. Will be all girls at the end and McRae and dumb train guy will realize how stupid they are
I hate this season, no suspense at all for hoh competitions cause it doesn't matter. I hate Elissa as much as aaryn, don't know why everyone likes her, everyone hated Rachel until we needed her to help Jeff and Jordan, don't you people remember how annoying she was! I'm done with bb15, hopefully Howard finds a way to stay but I doubt it. McRae and spencer will realize how stupid they were in a couple weeks when it's only girls left
We started out with 16 houseguests, of which two will be in the finals and seven members make up the jury. We've already evicted 2 houseguests, which means we should need to evict 5 more people before we get to jury ! This is all based on previous seasons though so something may have changed with jury size and etc, but I haven't heard anything as of yet!
Jeremy got the Never Have Not thing during the very first HoH competition. He can't be a have not
Thank you so much. Love reading your blog after work. :)
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