And Elissa is fully aware of all of this.
Currently on the live feeds...
As soon as the feeds came back on, Elissa was seen crying to Amanda about the possiblity of being nominated by Aaryn and how she can't play for Veto if she is.
Luckily for Elissa, Amanda is pushing for Howard/Spencer to go on the block.
7:28pm BBT:
Lounge Room
Helen: "I hate to say this, but we gotta get Elissa out!"
Amanda: "We gotta get rid of Howard & Spencer first." (**Uh oh...butting heads already?)
Amanda said that if either Howard or Spencer win veto, then Candice will be a re-nom.
McCrae tells Helen to act nice to Elissa and don't tell her anything.
7:38pm BBT:
HOH Landing
Amanda: "The majority of the house wants Howard to go home."
Aaryn really wants Elissa gone, though.
This is gonna be a long night!!! :D Enjoy thelive feeds!!! (Pss..they're only $10/month now!!!)
Stay tuned...

First, let me say I'm happy about Aaryn winning. Not because I like her, but because the "house alliance" is BORING and needs to be split up. Fast. Hoping she doesn't automatically honor her word to Helen. Without Aaryn (and Amanda and McCrae), the house would be awful. Can you imagine watching Helen, Judd, Andy and the girl whose name I can't even remember all day?
So what's in Aaryn's best interests? I don't think it's sticking around with Helen and company. She's obviously of no value to them and they've been pretty clear she's not a part of anything long term (though Helen's recent considering of a split with Elissa may change that). Howard and Spencer have to know they're on the outs. If Aaryn could team up with them, GM and maybe Candice (I know, I know, but if Howard tells her to...) they could shake up the house. Strange bedfellows, obviously, but it's Big Brother.
Long shot, but isn't that Aaryn's only real chance to sticking around longer than another week or two?
Perfect time to get rid of elissa!!! I cant stand aaryn but if she is smart take out elissa now!!!
I just don't get why folks dislike Amanda. Pushy, sure. But undoubtedly hilarious. Do these people just hate entertainment?
Seriously, folks, consider who's left in that house before voting to eliminate one of maybe 3 personalities there.
@mike im completely with you on this way of play!!! Lets hope Aaryn uses that 1brain cell she has!!!
does anyone else think that Andy looks like Gwenyth Paltrow without make-up?!
Hate Amanda's relentless campaigning against Howard, Spencer, and Candice. I really don't like it and it has caused me to not like her. By the way, no one ever answered my question about why no one in the house likes Candice?
I have wondered why the " mean girls" turned on her too. Every time I see her speak to anyone , she seems to speak respectfully. I wanted her to win HOH....too bad.
@Essence feel the same way about amanda. I did not know the whole house doesnt like candice :(
Yes!!!! I've been trying to figure it out!
It's because she won't listen when ppl tell her Howard is using her and she is more or less playing his game instead of her own
If aayron really thinks she is with them she's stupid Amanda who I can't stand is pushing for Howard and Spencer. Guess what aayron it doesn't matter who you put up bc you are leaving next week you might as well make a dent while your there. Don't do amanda's dirty work put up Amanda and Andy and see how they like that one. I don't want the guys to leave. Not that I don't like girl players I like plenty of girl players but this season with these girls I think it will be really boring watching 10 or 11 girls play. I'll probably stop watching after dark and I won't care who wins. I knew when mc crea broke up the moving company for " amanda " sorry about the quotes but she runs the house and mc crea is so far up her butt I can't see his legs I knew when he did that it was going to be all girls in the house. It will never happen but aayron, Gm, Howard, Spencer, Judd, Jesse, and Candice the outsiders need to come together or later on mc crea and Judd are gonna be just like Howard and Spencer and you think those girls are gonna want to keep them around.
I used to cheer for Elissa. But now, yikes! She is a terrible person. She screws with the people in her own alliance, and even though she agreed with her alliance to vote out Kaitlin, she kept creeping around looking for someone to side with her in voting out Aryan. And she caused all that drama that involved everyone. I just can't stand her anymore (even more than Aryan, and that's pretty hard to do!).
I was temporarily upset when Aryan won hoh. But then I thought about it. Although nothing can excuse her behavior, she has been trying. She's even succeeded in pulling off a good persona. But I honestly think that she'll honor her deal. And that's ok, especially if America votes for Elissa to be the mvp nom (and she can't play in the veto comp). Aryan wouldn't even get her hands dirty, and Elissa would get the much needed BOOT. If Aryan is smart, she'd make the smart, safe move and nom Spencer and Howard. Hopefully Elissa gets the mvp NOM and all will be good.
Abso-fucking-lutley!!! Lol
Aaryn getting HOA is proof there is no such thing as KARMA.
Actually, I LOVED Jeremy. He really added some spice to the game.
But I want Howard to win it. He's the coolest person left.
Hate Howard's, Spencer's, and Candice's relentless campaigning against Amanda. She has a big personality and she's funny as hell. If you want the house to be a total bore, with everybody just marking time, get her out.
I totally agree! This group is getting boring as it is. As much as i disliked Jeremy at least it was entertaining to watch him act like a total jerk!
I saw that as MVP America has the option to make Aryn the 3rd nomination even if she's hoh? If that works...I'm using my once a day vote to give that little blonde girl the boot!
In my mind, I don't like Candice. When I actually stop and think about it, it's not so much that I don't like her, it's more like I never see her. Every time I see her on camera she's just laying around or she's all up in Howards behind and she doesn't even know that Howard is trying to make deals with other people.
The times that I have heard Candice talk to other people its just annoying things. At first, I had high hopes for her because she's the first person to get the wheels moving on the guy alliance and I thought she was going to do well with helping in a "girls alliance" and even though that's not possible or something I want to see, she's kind of just fallen to the wayside and become an attachment to Howard and not an important person imo
Mike - I like Amanda too, I think some people just don't like women they consider strong/pushy. If Aaryn doesn't put up Elissa, I think America will as the MVP, so it could be bye-bye Elissa no matter who Aaryn puts up (because she won't even be able to save herself).
I think Andy looks like Kevin Rahm (Ted Chaough on Mad Men). If I didn't know better, based on the way he dresses I would have assumed that Andy's job was a kids TV presenter
I agree totally!!! The constant Howard thing has got under my skin but at the same time even though I don't like Aaryn im tired of elissa and her personel vendetta against her. She says its not personel lol that its strategic lol ok tell me another one!!!!
I agree with you Mike. Amanda is entertainment. And as for her wanting Howard out...she is playing the game! He is a beast and she knows her and her alliance cannot beat him when it comes down to certain comps. Don't hate the one that is actually playing the game. Although I do feel she needs to be a little less pushy but other than that I love her
Just watched BB After Dark and got some small insight on why GM hates on Candice. "She goes after everyone's man." A little jealous are we GM...
Remember its all about us the fans. Let's keep interesting subjects in or the experiment fizzles out to ordinary. Helen out gwynoth out Judd out and please Staten island out then we can wat h some fireworks.
LMAO @laura. I absolutely love Andy, although we don't see a whole lot of him, to answer your question, YES!!! He sure does; my hubby made almost that same reference as you. He kept saying Andy "looks like some actress without make-up" but he couldn't remember Gwyneth's name at the time. Also @Mike...I actually agree with a lot of your views. I like Amanda, think she's funny as heck, but think she can come across as too pushy or too much wanting to dominate situations, conversations, etc, but I would love to see her go far with McCrae. I worry that their showmance will be a huge point of contention sooner rather than later. Another great season, another (still) great job, Jamie! Thank you!!
If Aaryn was smart she would nominate Elissa and Amanda. Elissa cannot play in the veto this week. And pushie Amanda needs a taste of the block!!!!! If america listeded to Julie last nite. America gets to vote the 3rd nominee again. Carefull what you read on line The Hollywood Publisher ( I believe that's the name) asked the ? Who will america pick for the MVP.
what if Aarryn is nom to go on the block my America MVP, can she still go home? Could they have a double eviction in that case? One out by the house and one out by America? Surprise surprise.
Aaryn PLEASE do not honor your deal with Helen...this season is getting ridiculous. I love Amanda, but yes she is pushing way too hard for Howard & Spencer without any wins. WIN an HOH then do whatever you want to do...
No hoh can't be nominated.
@Nicole I completely agree with You!
Amanda needs to Win SOMETHING, Anything...
Just Win SOMETHING to Justify barking all the Orders she seems to be throwing at just about Everyone in any type of Power of the Week...
I get this is a Game and she is playing the Game, but at what point does she have to get off her Ass and actually do SOMETHING???
Come on Amanda, Do SOMETHING besides McCrae!!!
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