Either way, turn on the live feeds! It's a meltdown in progress.
3:38pm BBT:
Backyard Couch
GinaMarie: "I don't wanna wear shorts, (the clothes I have) is what makes me, me!"
Different HG's have been going up to her on the backyard couch to comfort her. The girls have offered to share their clothes and makeup with her, but it's not helping her feel horrible.
4:11pm BBT:
The feeds switched off of GinaMarie for the moment. Cams 1-4 are on Andy in the shower.
4:14pm BBT:
Feeds back on GinaMarie.
GinaMarie's razor was also taken away. Still not sure why. GinaMarie's meltdown is because she said she's insecure with her body and she feels disgusting without her products or clothes that fit her right.
We get fishies & when they come back, Kaitlin/GinaMarie are talking. Kaitlin is telling GinaMarie to go into the Diary Room and ask them for her stuff back while she's upset.
4:20pm BBT:
Apparently, BB also took her curling iron as well. (Rumor has it, BB took away stuff with brand names on it but that doesn't make sense to me because BB checks bags prior to the HG's moving in and why would they wait until now.)
4:24pm BBT:
Aaryn is now talking to GinaMarie. The topic switches to both girls bashing Elissa and how Aaryn thinks her (Elissa's) husband probably cheats on her all the time & that her husband is probably "psycho". (**I can't stomach this girl.) Kaitlin is also there.
4:38pm BBT:
A look at the feeds...
Helen is shedding a few tears while talking to David about her husband & kids.
GinaMarie's meltdown seems to be over for now.
Most HG's are outside in the backyard.
4:50pm BBT:
Both girls are talking smack on Candice. Every other word from GM is the f-bomb.They now move on to bashing Elissa.
UPDATED @ 8:57pm BBT:
GinaMarie threatened to leave the BB house again @ 8:10pm BBT, in case y'all wanted to use the Flashback feeds to watch that. Nick talked to her and calmed her down, and now she's okay.
I'll be back in the morning with The Overnighter!! :D
Until then, enjoy the live feeds!!
Stay tuned...

About GinaMaries clothing being taken away, all I have to say is Karma is a real B. Ugly things happen to ugly people, GM.
Why does Aaryn feel that it's necessary to speak nothing but vile hatred toward everyone? It is absolutely disgusting and sickening. I am looking forward to her inevitable demise both inside the house and out of it.
It just makes me sad. Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Aaryn say in her interview with Jeff how she would never go against her morals in the house? What is wrong with this girl. Its like she has nonstop word vomit.
Maybe they think GM snuck something in...like drugs or something else in the lining of some of her clothes or products. No idea just a guess.
hey jamie! so glad you're back this summer. been following you for years.
so far i'm really disappointed with this season. i got the feeds through your site, but i honestly have no interest in watching them with this cast. with all the swearing and racist / homophobic talk, the feeds have lost their joy for me. i like big brother for the fun and funny of it. where are the britneys and wils this season? seems to me this cast is made up of bratty, uninteresting people. bummer :(
anyways, i'm keeping up with your site and will keep watching the live shows for now but i dont know if this crew is going to keep my attention for much longer.
just my two cents. hope you're doing well!
hey jamie! so glad you're back this summer. been following you for years.
so far i'm really disappointed with this season. i got the feeds through your site, but i honestly have no interest in watching them with this cast. with all the swearing and racist / homophobic talk, the feeds have lost their joy for me. i like big brother for the fun and funny of it. where are the britneys and wils this season? seems to me this cast is made up of bratty, uninteresting people. bummer :(
anyways, i'm keeping up with your site and will keep watching the live shows for now but i dont know if this crew is going to keep my attention for much longer.
just my two cents. hope you're doing well!
It looks like they are trying to reach a really young demographic with this cast. They had to know (or at least guess) that there would be nastiness with this group. There's only a couple people I like at the moment.
And ok - what is with that David's hair?? LMAO
I'm so confused by this Gina Marie clothes thing. Some other sites are saying that they even took her socks, bras, etc. What visible logos/brands would be showing on those?
Don't get me wrong, I don't like Gina Marie. But it feels like she is being singled out. I doubt her makeup, hairdryer, and razor were any different (or more branded) than the other girls in the house.
Hi Jamie and everyone else! Hey, is there gonna be a link to watch BB live tonight for us west coasters? It would be much appreciated!
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