Jeremy is still gonna get the BB boot tomorrow night, and the the HG's will battle it out for the title of HOH.
***Speaking of HOH, CBS wants to hear from you BB fans! Tomorrow's HOH comp will be questions & you get to decide the answers. Click Here to go to to vote.***
This morning has gotten off to a very slow start. We haven't missed much, except for Judd/Jessie looking for coffee filters (they asked production for more since they're out), and Helen/Howard working out.
Let's dive into the feeds & see what's going on inside the BB house! :D
Currently on the live feeds...
11:15am BBT:
BY Couch
Howard told Judd he's not after him or Jessie. Judd said he's not after him or Candice.
11:19am BBT:
Howard helps Helen do pushups. She does 20 of them & then lays on the ground proud of herself for doing the most pushups she's ever done. Howard is proud of her & pats her on the back.
11:52am BBT:
More signs of life in the house! Elissa/Candice/Jeremy/Judd/Helen are in the kitchen.
Talk is about their "Veto Show" that they're gonna do tonight for fun. (Kinda their take on The View or The Talk.)
Helen: "Howard & GM are gonna do the sports segment, Elissa is gonna give us a fitness segment..."
12:25pm BBT:
*Helen is cleaning the bathroom.
*Jeremy is doing dishes.
*Elissa is making a protien shake.
*Howard is working out.
12:26pm BBT:
*Spencer/Judd are talking on the BY couches.
Judd teases/scares Spencer saying that the vote is "gonna be close". lol He tells Spencer he's just kidding.
They talk about their mutual dislike for GM. (Judd has had it with her non-stop talking/mourning of Nick). Spencer mentions how Jeremy's trying to make a deal with Helen/Elissa, but Judd tells him they're not buying it. Judd mentions that he doesn't think GM will ever win MVP because she's "batsh*t crazy" and America probably sees that. (**We do. lol)
12:45pm BBT:
HOH Room
Talk is about GM & how she said all Aaryn does is make fun of her (GM) and put her down. (They got into a little argument yesterday when Aaryn told GM that Nick went to Yale and how GM didn't know that. GM thinks that Nick didn't lie to her, he just didn't tell her everything. GM then told Aaryn to "check herself".
Meanwhile, back outside..
Spencer/Judd are talking about tomorrows HOH comp. Judd mentions that a lot of HG's think it'll be endurance.
**In case you didn't see at the top of this post, tomorrow's HOH comp will be questions (not endurance). You can go to to vote on the 15 questions that the HG's will be asked. :)
1:04pm BBT:
Jeremy/Jessie/GM/Andy/Spencer/Judd are on the BY couch, general chit-chat. Current topic is about the tv show "Real World".
1:06pm BBT:
McCrae joins.
Judd: "McCrae! How ya doin'?"
Spencer warns everyone about a warped board in the bathroom from the shower flooding yesterday and how there are nails sticking out that jack up their feet if they're not careful.
1:14pm BBT:
(McCrae still looks like he's sick from being on slop. :( )
Current talk with the backyard couch crew is about real-life pirates and what they do, what kind of guns they have, etc.
1:40pm BBT:
Jessie/Amanda/McCrae/Judd are non-game chit chatting. Amanda hasn't pooped in "like a week", just in case y'all were wondering. lol :P
Judd leaves a minute later.
2:02pm BBT:
Candice/Howard get in some quality time together. Lookin' kinda cozy there.
*Alright, I'm outta here. I'll be back for tonights 8pm EST BB show, I'll open up a new post! See ya then! :D
Stay tuned...

I only just caught this, so sorry if everyone already knows. is asking viewers to answer questions for the HoH competition tomorrow. No endurance :(
I don't think it will be endurance since they just released the "royalty" vote on CBS which they said will make an impact with HOH this week.
thanks guys! i didnt see that when logging into the feeds today. booo @ no endurance :(
What do you think the royalty vote is all about ?
Royalty vote - guessing they will have to pick who they think america voted for
Royalty Vote has to do with the questions they are asking on the
Omg. Church going boy? Yeah okay. We all know you playing someone.
Do you think CBS tailored question number 5 just for Aaryn - Who would be crowned the Mean Queen because they are most likely to laugh while stealing candy from a baby?
Anyone else confused on why Howard is enemy number one? Makes zero sense.
Hey Jamie. I'm sure you will catch this in the Overnighter tomorrow morning. But just a heads up.
I, like you, have noticed how over the last 2 days particularly, Howard has been showing lots of attention to Candice during the daylight hours -- much more than he had been. But I think Howard just made clear that he's not in a showmance.
After flirting heavily with Candice for the second time today (from 6:30p - 7:05p BBT), and after Candice leaves the room, Howard says to the camera:
"Oh the social game. It's almost harder than the competitions"
The poll on the right is so disappointing. YOu people really think that Elissa has the best strategy that you want to keep the show so predictable by giving her MVP every week. Im so disappointed at people who claim to be huge BB fans. GIVE IT TO SOMEONE ELSE> ANYONE. Preferably someone who will cause drama, paranoia, shake things up and not reveal to the other HGS that they have the MVP. Its so disappointing that people are giving Elissa MVP every single week just cuz she's Rachels sister. How stupid can people be....It wasnt a bad twist - but now youve made it bad. At this rate, I rather America choose the nominee
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