At 5:10pm BBT, Helen (veto comp host) was called into the Diary Room, which could mean that the veto comp will be starting shortly!! I'll keep y'all updated.
As of right now, the HG's are just sitting around, anxiously awaiting for the comp to start. (Me too!) As a reminder, here's who is all playing in todays comp.
Veto Comp Host:
5:21pm BBT:
A look at the house cams...
I will let y'all know when the feeds switch to trivia, indicating the start of the veto comp! :D
5:38pm BBT:
Feeds on trivia!!! :D Yayyy! Veto Comp Ceremony is now underway! Feeds will be down for 1-3 hours. I will update the minute the feeds come back on!
7:27pm BBT:
Helen (to Amanda): "You didn't need (the veto) anyways." (*They have to votes to save her this week.)
Sounds like Candice will be the re-nom by HOH Aaryn.
7:29pm BBT:
Aaryn said she's putting up Candice as the re-nom because (1) the only way she won't campaign for Howard to stay is to be on the block & (2) Candice would be a vote to evict Amanda.
Aaryn: "All we need is 4 votes & me to send (Howard) home."
McCrae wants to get Spencer on their side to help take Candice out next week.
Aaryn: "Candice is all alone in this game now."
Helen is now in the HOH room.
Helen said that Candice wanted her (H) to ask Aaryn to keep her off the block this week. Aaryn said she's going up.
Helen: "Well at least I can say I tried."
Aaryn said that Candice has called her racist a lot in the house and she's making it an unsafe enviroment for her.
Aaryn: "Everyone in here has said comments that aren't meant to be derogatory."
McCrae agrees.
They all agree this week has been succesful because they're getting Howard out.
Aaryn: "Howard knows how to pull on heart strings & make people feel sad."
They're all reassuring Amanda that she's safe this week.
***And I'm outta here for the night! :D Enjoy the live feeds!! (Psss..they're $10/month for the next 2 months of the season!) I'll see y'all back here in the morning with The Overnighter. See ya then!!!
Stay tuned...
I hope Amanda wins and is able to take herself off the block.
I'm new here, would like to post comments. I really like reading here, found you on a google search, glad I did.
I'm glad I found u 2! Ur amazing !
Doesn't America get to vote renom like last week?
I'm glad Amanda didn't win...this way she stays on the block and the speculation of who was MVP is better, since chances were that Elissa or GM was going to be a renom and then it would of been more obvious that America was MVP.
no, Spencer was Aaryn's nomination. Not America's. So Aaryn will replace Spencer with Candice.
Thanks Chris!!
First of all, I love this blog so thank-you for making it! It's always so updated and just amazing, so yeah. You're great.
Where's all this hate for Amanda coming from? I am LOVING this season! It's so nice that the women in the house are running it.
People say it's "boring", but I found all the other seasons to be quite boring, it's always the same! It's always a strong male alliance. Or at least a female-male alliance somewhere.
Amanda is smart and a good player, and so is Helen, and so is Candice! This is by far my favourite season.
I hope Howard goes home this week.
Here's what I think of everyone:
Howard:He's being portrayed as such a good guy but he bothers me for whatever reason. (He kind of reminds me of Bates from Downton Abbey, right!? Like 'such a good guy' but it's like, no. Just go away.) Not a fan.
Spencer is a misogynist, as was Jeremy, as is Judd.
Aaryn needs to leave too. She's just not a nice person, very childish and sheltered and mean.
GM .. I wanted to like her at first, but she's annoying. A master a talking without actually saying anything.
Amanda - YES. I love her, she's so funny and smart and assertive.
Helen - DOUBLE YES! This woman is my hero
McCrae - I like him as a person, he chose Amanda over the guys. He's pretty funny
Candice - I like her! I love that she was with Elissa on the girls-need-to-stick-together. And she totally knew about the guys alliance. I wish she would play more, she's quite attached to Howard now. But she seems like such a good-hearted person.
Elissa - Super weird and not a good player. She's a target because of her sister, but she doesn't actually contribute much, or have any value as a player.
Jessie - Closest thing to a floater. But I don't dislike floaters. Verdict is still out on her.
I'm hoping Helen wins and Amanda or Candice or Jessie come in second (Jessie because she's unemployed and she'd get some money! Amanda has a job and a good one at that - so does Helen, but I love her.)
So obsessed with BB15 and this blog!!
Thanks. That sucks.
Ha, I was in the 6% of people who voted in the polls for Spencer to win POV. Not because I like Spencer because I surely don't, but because I wanna see if Amanda will start to go paranoid. Maybe she'll start thinking people are going to flip on her and with her kind of personality I think that could be some drama!
Also, I kind of just want Howard to go home because I want to see Candice as a person and not as some attached piece of Howard. I don't really have anything against either of them, I just want them to do things differently I guess? Yeah. Even I'm confused about how I feel about those 2, actually I'm confused about how I feel towards most of the houseguests.
Why would they not take the opportunity to get Amanda out now??? She flips on anyone and everyone in her way. I think they'll all regret not sending her home.
They haven't ever missed an opportunity to get strong players out when it presented itself...hopefully they'll do it this week too.
Also, Amanda is terrible. The editing of the show makes her look much better, but when you view love feeds, she has made just as many, if not more derogatory and racial comments and Aaryn and GM. She has said and done some really ugly things and shame on BB for editing to make her look better than she really is. I don't think she or Aaryn should make it to jury.
I don't understand why people are so against Am,she's the only one so far that is really playing the game! She's a riot, and not afraid to voice her opinions openly to other hg' the time she walked into the room to stick up for jessie. She put everyone in there place, and didn't hold back. Most of the other Hg's were too afraid to even say anything, and were worried about rockin the boat! She can be a little over zelous at times, but not anywhere near annoying as alissa and Aaron.
Spencer and Howard deserved to be up there...not Amanda. Howard and Spencer's gameplay is mediocre at best. They spun so many webs of lies that they made it impossible to maintain a foothold, along with their "align with everyone" stlye of game...all it got them was caught, and alienated. Lol
Andy just popped into the room out of nowhere and said "You remembered Jessie is actually in the house but forgot all about me?"
Thank you for affirming my thoughts. At first I loved that Amanda told Aaryn to cool it on the racial stuff. Then , a week or two later, she & Aaryn were talking in the HOH bathroom when Amanda was faulting Candice for using the "race card". I was disappointed that her standards were lowered,when needed, to let someone join her alliance.
I think it's at least a week too early for them to turn on Amanda. They are all pretty sufficiently scared of Howard and view him as the much bigger threat so they feel they are getting rid of the strongest player in voting him out. Plus if they get rid of Amanda Howard's 3 person alliance remains in tact and probably even grows as McCrae would be pissed and jump sides and they could probably easily pick up GM as well. That would make it 5 on 5 with Aryan the swing in the middle. On the other hand by getting rid of Howard that other side is decimated as Spencer and Candice have zero connection or relationship outside of both being close to Howard. If America is kept as MVP for another week I could obviously see Amanda going up again if she doesn't win HOH. Then that may be the time they seriously consider making a move against her.
Oh yeah! Andy! How could I forget!?
Haha, I actually think he's playing a pretty good game. He's able to get all sorts of information from EVERYONE and tell it to whoever he wants. He seems like he's pretty stealth about it so far.
Steveo, you are brilliant. Will you marry me?? :*
I think I'm done with BB this year to say the show started early it really sucks. The need a big twist to keep my attention this year.
This time frame has now convinced me of the huge mistakes producers make. It's Saturday and the Veto stuff us done. So that means between the Wed veto /renom show & the Thurs eviction show, we've had almost 5 days in the house to scheme (Sat mite/Sunday /Monday /Tuesday /Wednesday /part of a Thursday.) the Thursday episode only has about 15 minutes for recap of most of the week. Meanwhile the 1day until nominations gets an entire episode as does the 1 day till veto. Think, it's been 2 days since HOH and that's material they're supposed to use for
The only way America would get to choose the renom is if Amanda were to come off the block. Because she is the mvp nominee.
I think it's at least a week too early for them to turn on Amanda. They are all pretty sufficiently scared of Howard and view him as the much bigger threat so they feel they are getting rid of the strongest player in voting him out. Plus if they get rid of Amanda Howard's 3 person alliance remains in tact and probably even grows as McCrae would be pissed and jump sides and they could probably easily pick up GM as well. That would make it 5 on 5 with Aryan the swing in the middle. On the other hand by getting rid of Howard that other side is decimated as Spencer and Candice have zero connection or relationship outside of both being close to Howard. If America is kept as MVP for another week I could obviously see Amanda going up again if she doesn't win HOH. Then that may be the time they seriously consider making a move against her.
I feel bad that Im starting to like aaryn's game:
Aaryn said she's putting up Candice as the re-nom because (1) the only way she won't campaign for Howard to stay is to be on the block & (2) Candice would be a vote to evict Amanda.
Who is Jessie?
This season has been weak, due to the House alliance. None of the houseguests are particularly appealing, and every single one of them is hypocritical. I love big brother, but by all of the weak players conforming to eliminate people that would win, it takes away from the game. House guests in the house alliance such as Helen identify "threats" as anyone who actually play the game, so therefore, everyone but Jessie should be sitting at home right now, right? Without any males (assuming Howard goes home) the show will just be awkward and boring. I'm not descriminating, but there's a reason why males always win, and I wish all players had game styles more Like that of Amanda, and Janelle, and Rachel. I pity the reliance on a giant alliance. it just isn't fun guys. There needs to be a twist, someone needs to get back into the game before the game turns to the worst: A cat fight.
Amanda is hilarious!! I think she is a good game player! Very smart! Hope she gets to stay! Love Mcrae, he is adorable!! Know lots about BB!!
I think its time for Howard to go! He's not capable of winning anything and has no way of gathering information from the other side because they all hate him. He's been a great distraction for all the real trouble makers in the house ie...Helen & Andy. Amanda is going to be in for a rude awakening when she realizes she picked the wrong target. Spencer and Candice are much bigger threatens than Howie. I hope Candice doesn't run her mouth too much this week and become the target because she capable of causing real trouble. The HGs are going to have their hands filled dealing with Spencer and her after Howard leaves:)
Hilary: If you watch the live feeds (vs. just the show) then you will see why viewers not want Amanda out.
This game is so addictive. I would love to be a house guess. I put myself in the current HG shoes and ask myself what would I have done in a particular situation. It's hard to so because walking in the door the very first day everything about you has to change. Morals go out the door, if in life you tell the truth on a regular basis you have to lie constantly. In the house I see lies, fornication, betrayal. Makes for a great show, but could I deal with the emotional roll coaster.
Honestly, I think they need to stop thinking of getting rid of the "stronger" players. GM, Jessie, Candice, seem to be not even trying to play the game. Get some of the "weaker" players out first! && will BB pleaasse start putting in more twists for us viewers to watch. I need more drama in my life. And this house majority rule crap is snooozing. Someone, I mean Andy needs to do some crashin & burning.
I think Andy is playing the best game so far. That dude can get ANY information he wants. He's so...inviting. you know?
Of course. ..BB style! Time to go make a ring out of toilet paper and tinfoil :*
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