Veto Comp Players are:
Veto Comp Host:
At 1:15pm BBT, the live feeds switched to trivia, which means that the POV Comp has now begun!
I will post the spoiler when the feeds come back. (Veto Comps usually take 2-4 hrs, depending on the comp, so check back periodically.)
4:00pm BBT:
Live Feeds are back!!!
Live Feeds are back!!!
*McCrae won $5,000
*Judd got Solitary Confinement for 24 hrs
*Helen has an 8pm BBT curfew
*Aaryn has to dye her hair *UPDATE: doesn't seem she got a punishment afterall?
*Elissa is sitting out next veto comp
4:18pm BBT:
Howard is worried that he'll be the MVP renom once Elissa takes herself off.
4:30pm BBT:
HOH Room
Kaitlin: "Is Aaryn for sure the target this week?"
Andy/Amanda: "Yes!"
Amanda: "Is Judd in solitary confinement already?"
Andy: "He was in route when I was downstairs."
Amanda: "Maybe McCrae & I will have our date up here tonight (in the HOH room.)"
All 3 talk about how everyone is scared that they can be put up as the renom.
4:40pm BBT:
HOH Room
Andy/Amanda are asking Elissa who she thinks could be MVP & if anyone is acting sketchy or unhappy that she won veto. She said that Judd/Howard/Spencer don't look happy that she won. (**They still think someone in the house is the MVP.)
Elissa: "I think it's Judd." (re: MVP)
Elissa leaves to get ready for her DR session later.
Everyone in the HOH room thinks there's "no way it's Judd" that's MVP.
**Make sure you have the live feeds to watch the veto comp aftermath!! :D
Stay tuned...

I hope Elissa goes home. I voted for her to be the MVP nom (and I certainly don't mind if Elissa fans who weren't paying attention to what they were voting for helped make it happen).
I don't get why everyone is becoming anti-Amanda. The girl is one of the few people in the house who is actually willing and wants to make big moves! I might not be in favor of the move she is currently trying to make. But she seems to me like she is one of the few that are actually PLAYING the game right now.
Two questions....first has Julie stopped doing the one on one interview with the HOH on live eviction night? And the second is more of an observation. When Helen was HOH and she and Elissa were having a heart to heart in the HOH bathroom you could clearly see the whole toilet from the high up camera angle. That means there is a camera on the toilet. Could this be? I thought the toilet was the only place in the house that you had privacy. Comments please.
@DONOVANA - There are cameras in the bathrooms (it's probably a safety issue thing). They don't ever show people using the bathroom on the feeds or TV shows though.
They'll only use those cameras if the houseguests are using the bathrooms as a place to hold a private conversation (like they showed GM going into the bathroom and breaking down after Nick was evicted)
you weren't paying attention amanda is a bully and gets people to do her an mc craes dirty work cant till there both gone I want theme out asap along wit andy ...
Hoping Elissa Goes Home
Kim M already answered your 2nd question. As far as Julie interviewing the HOH it's a very expendable aspect of the show so she only does it when there's time and/or something really important to talk about privately from the other HGs. With all the stuff going on for this early in the season there hasn't been time to fit it in with so much else to cover on the live show.
I love when there are power shifts especially when the people so easily forget how jerky they were the previous week. I'm in no way, shape or form an Aaryn fan but if she pulls off this Veto win, things will shake up!!
I don't really get all the anti-Amanda stuff either. I don't think she's being a bully or a manipulator. She's not threatening or trying to intimidate anyone. And she's not a manipulator or pulling any puppet strings by any means as thus far she hasn't gotten Helen, Elissa or Judd to do what she's wanted them to. She's just expressing her opinion to her fellow alliance members as to what she thinks the best move to make is. Does she have a strong opinion on what that move should be and has she expressed it over and over to several different people? Yes. But that's to her own detriment as quite a few people inside the house are tiring of her already and thinking about how and when to get rid of her soon.
Whoa, Elissa actually won something?!? Well I be darned...
So now let's see who America's 4th or 5th vote or whatever was...
Why does anyone care if Amanda is getting others to do her dirty work. That's the game, and it's smart!!! Get who you want out with no blood on your hands. Smart. Don't hate the player, hate the game!
I'm kinda hoping Amanda is the replacement...but it'll probably be someone like GM...
I'm kinda hoping the replacement nom is Amanda, but it'll probably be someone like GM...darn .
Amanda is trying to make big moves but she needs to calm down on the bully attempts. I like her game so far though
Interested in what the veto comp was...and if Elissa was prepped for it or it was geared toward her to win.
Most likely no one voted for Amanda
Amanda is very overbearing. But she overdid it this week and she's made herself and McCrae a target now
Presuming Elyssa will take herself off the block, the HG's will see who America voted as replacement nom, but will it be revealed that America was the MVP? The MVP was never revealed before, so that may still be a mystery to the HG's. I wonder how that may stir things up!
I liked Amanda but she is so pushy. I dont like cocky arrogant jerks who think they know it all. People really started to turn on her when all she would talk about was Howard. Every conversation would be about back dooring Howard.
To me it doesn't make sense for the "powers that be" in big brother to let Elissa be the MVP nom so they can collaborate on a veto comp that would suit her just so they could have her save herself.. They could have just picked the next person down and no one would know the difference, its not like we can see the america vote polls numbers so that theory doesn't make much sense to me logically... Now if the veto competition is who can hold a yoga pose the longest I would stand corrected 100%!! LOL.
I'm kinda hoping Amanda is the new MVP nom just so I can see how she does on the block. Curious. lol. Could lead to more drama.. maybe.. XD
Who didn't see this one coming lol
I just hope Production oops I mean "America" makes the replacement nom interesting so we get to see all the things we tune in for.
I can't believe Aaryn would dye her. Bet she is super unhappy about it. Especially when she ends up getting evicted anyways.
Bully and bullying are such an overused words these days. What exactly is Amanda doing to be a bully or to bully anyone? She has a strong opinion that Howard should be put up the last 2 weeks and expressed said opinion to those with the ability to do so in her alliance. Has she done so over and over to the point of annoying people into wanting to get rid of her soon? Yes. And what dirty work as she she gotten anyone to do? She's told Helen, Elissa and Judd to put up Howard and none of them have. Not exactly a master manipulator in my book.
The replacement will be GM or Spencer. Prob Spencer.
When do we see who the next nominee is?
Yeah I'm wondering about that too, hopefully they don't tell them.
Probably so. I wouldn't be surprised if it was catered to her strengths somehow. Maybe BB required them to perform some type of yoga pose for a long period of time or something along those lines. But CBS owed her one because they must likely screwed her on being nominated in the first place
How could they possibly think that Elissa would nominate herself when she has been the target the entire time except for the week that Helen was HOH!
So right. Amanda is playing the game. Besides, she is right on target about Howard. He is telling Judd and everyone in his alliance that he wants to backdoor Amanda. I like Howard, but it wouldn't hurt my feelings if he was voted out. Won't happen this week though. Maybe Elissa won't even use the veto and Aaryn will go home as Judd originally planned.
Add me to the list of people that don't understand the Anti-Amanda stuff as well. She is one of the only women, actually playing the game. In a cast of mostly non-thinking, emotional women, she is a top contender, IMO. She is also the only person that has not only stood up to the actual "bullies" in the house, but went directly to Aaryn about her behavior?! And oh, I almost forgot, she is can also form a sentence without dropping several f-bombs! ;)
Ok my fellow BB Lovers, Amanda is playing the game. It is brilliant to get the blood on others hands. And besides, next to Jeff n Jordan, Amanda n McCrae's BB hook up is awesome...gotta love the pizza boy n his queen!
Miss blonde hair and blue eyes dying her hair? No waaaay!
must say I do like her pose lol..
Agreed, but she is over-thinking things which will kill her game.
nonsense I loved j&j totally diff couple fa 1j&j interacted with house guest and they didnt aggressively make the hoh do wat they wanted nor did they disrespect someone else hoh bed how is it that mc crae arent held in the same light as howie and spencer about the moving company. lets go howie do it fa the brothas...
To those who think Amanda is a bully I would say compared to Jeremy, a certified bully, Amanda is an angel. As others have said, she actually stood up to the real bullies. Good for her. She is strong, smart, strategic, funny and "pushy" but certainly not a bully. She is correct to push for Howard to be on the block even before Aaryn. He can't be trusted if for no other reason than the fact that he chose the wrong side in the beginning and remained loyal to then even after he knew how "bad" they really were. He should have left the MC.
Amanda is also playing a good strategic game. If the "lesser" people allow the strong bully types to rule, the world would be ruled by the Hitler's and Stalin's. The "weaker" are in greater numbers and should learn that the strong are to be used by the weak, not the other way around.
Elissa is a competitor. She and Andy almost beat Jeremy/Aaryn in the BBQ sauce contest. She had been a good strategist given her handicap going into the game. BB should probably go ahead and let the HGs know that the MVP nom is being made by America. I don't know how they will explain Elissa being the nominee after winning MVP three weeks in a row. That should confuse the HGs to no end, LOL.
@ Brian - I agree. Having a strong opinion and expressing it to those people you are aligned with isn't being a bully. And trying to get the moves you want done in the game without getting the blood on your hands is simply good gameplay. She just needs to tone it down a bit because people are realizing that she is a threat because of how strong her opinions on certain moves are.
I kind of agree with Chris Cole. Amanda was being way too overbearing. While McCrae just sat back. Kind of letting her take him down with her. Ugh. He doesn't have a mind of his own. Poor little CraeCrae.
Aryan is probably dying her hair so that everyone else in the house will finally stop discriminating against her!
I think America got the vote dead on with Elissa as the 3rd nominee, three weeks in a row we gave her an amazing power and she was complaining about it. " I have to do all the dirty work and get all the blood on my hands, poor me". I agree with those who think Amanda is not a bully but probably pushing a bit too hard. Would love to see her as the next MVP.
It's been a week in power, and I'm absolutely sick of Helen. She is awful in terms of entertaining TV.
So, I was thinking.. I actually like Ellissa.. I actually think she's playing an okay game. IMO
Where is Jessie?! Haven't seen her in pics or heard her name today!
Totally agree with you on the mc crea thing he did the same thing but Howard Spencer are taking the fall and it is all Amanda and mc crea's fault. I want amanda gone then let's see if he can play without her. And if he has the nerve to go to Howard or Spencer because in bb you can't burn your bridges. And why is everyone trusting Andy he's the biggest sneak in the house he's playing everybody
I like Helen, Amanda, Mcrae, Elyssia, Jessie, Judd, Andy. I don't any of the others most want to see Aaryn go.
Don't necessarily thing Amanda is a bully. I just think she is annoying. Heck, she is wrong most of the time anyway. I am starting to come around to a Judd GM and Kaitlin alliance. Bring Spencer and Howard along then dump them.
I don't think Amanda actually has feelings for Mccrae.
"It was love at first HOH..."
Spencer needs to go!
Agree! Liked her at first but she made it very boring!!! The drama makes the show for me and she tried to get rid of it all. BORING
Aaryn, kaitlin, Ginamarie need to go now, have a triple eviction night please.... GM is so stupid how did she get on the show, aaryn thinks shes all that and a bag of chips and shes nothing, kaitlin is notjing. I think its funny that GM think nick actually liked her, is she gonna feel stupid when she finds out how stupid she has looked. Aaryn deserved to lose her job.
How long is helen on curfew
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