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Thursday, July 18, 2013

Thursday Night Live Eviction

Good evening, BB addicts!! We made it, we made it!! :D This week seemed so long, didn't it? lol :P Well, tonight we'll see Jeremy get evicted & then watch the HG's battle it out for the title of this weeks HOH. I'm not really sure who'd I like to see win it, to be honest. I think there's plenty of drama possibilities with just about all them. A new HOH, a new game, with new drama. Bring it onnnn!! ;)

Tonights show starts at 9pm EST, and as always I will have the chat room here on the blog open. So come on in & talk to us bb addicts during the show! :D

I will be live blogging for those of you who cannot be by a tv tonight, so just keep refreshing throughout the hour for spoilers.

Go get your snacks ready & I'll meet y'all in the chat room!

9pm EST:
Show begins...

9:24pm BBT:
BB showing interviews with McCrae & Amanda's family.

The Votes to Evict:
*Candice votes to evict...Jeremy
*Andy votes to evict...Jeremy
*Howard votes to evict...Jeremy
*Elissa votes to evict...Jeremy
*Kaitlin votes to evict...Spencer
*GinaMarie votes to evict...Jeremy
*Amanda votes to evict...Jeremy
*McCrae votes to evict...Jeremy
*Jessie votes to evict...Jeremy
*Judd votes to evict...Jeremy

Evicted from the BB House is:

*Jeremy said he "fell hard" for Kaitlin, his feelings for her are real.

America will get to vote who we want to be the 3rd Nominee this week. 
Allison Grodner just tweeted "As the MVP, YOU America will choose the 3rd nominee for eviction".

9:50pm EST:
HOH Comp time!!

The New HOH is:


10pm EST:
Show's over. See what's going on inside the Big Brother house & the shows aftermath on the live feeds!!!

Stay tuned...
CBS Interactive Inc.


krstn423 said...

My cable went down 5 minutes before the show started...thank goodness I have you and your blog to get me through it!

Unknown said...

I read a post saying that Aryan's father tweeted in response to her behavior and used filthy language. If anybody knows about this plz fill me in on what happened. Thanks!

Jamie, I am curious to know if you are on the east coast (I am on pacific time and was wondering about the time difference). Thanks again for the fabulous job!

Jamie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Finally Elissa can't win MVP! Like this twist!

Unknown said...

Oh boy time to vote for MVP guess who america will vote for!!!! America pick someone else already its getting boring that the mvp goes straight to elissa cant we make her play her own game!!! But no america is afraid of the twist actually working!!!!

Trevor said...

Doesnt matter who America picks. Howard is for sure going home.

Stay-At-Home Mom said...

What happens if Judd puts Aaryn up and we the public vote for her to go up too? what then?

Unknown said...

This week America votes for 3rd nominee, NOT MVP

It's Easy Mmmkay said...

Already voted 10 times for Elissa. She's gotta go.

Anonymous said...

Spencer thanking Dave Grohl!!?? Nice Spence! Hope that gets a special appearance. Fellow Foo Fighters fan.

hummingbrd said...

Hey Jamie ... Wow Judd ~ Didn't see that coming ? I like it. It is going to be cool to see ALL the girls follow him .
MVP this aught to be good too ,who do U want to see get put up this week ?
Thank u so much for being A # 1 & for having the best blog out there!

Anonymous said...

Nice speech by Spence, thanking Dave Grohl! Love Foo Fighters, but doubt that Dave is a Big Brother fan..

Unknown said...

Is it me or does it seem like Amanda is starting to say covertly racial things. She keeps saying that Howard uses his race in the game. Can someone tell me when he did this? Although that is not blatant it is still subtle racism.

I don't like Aaryn at all, but at least we can blame her comments on ignorance and youth. Maybe I am being overly sensitive, but I think Amanda needs to be the MVP nominee. I know it is a game, but I am getting really sick of how she keeps trying to control every person in the game. Hopefully Judd will think for himself this week.

Unknown said...

I am hoping Amanda and GM go on the block, maybe Kaitlin too.

Unknown said...

Wow! Spencer has a real life girlfriend? I wonder if she's running for the hills now. With all the gross comments he's made about Jessie (sexual), and his undue attentions to her, I'd be so ticked off at him if I were his gf. Also, it was funny when Spencer thanked the railroad (his job). funny.

The Days said...

So, if the person America votes to put up for eviction is already up (from Judd) will it just continue to the person with the next high amount of votes?

Eve said...

America Is MVP! We PuT The Nominee Up Ourselves...

Eve said...

We Put Up The Nominee Ourselves. We Are The MVP....

Anonymous said...

Vote For Elissa Again!

Unknown said...

J, the twist is confusing BBFans. Many think they are selecting MVP, but you are voting for the 3rd person to put up for eviction. Help!

Random World said...

I think America should vote GinaMarie as the third nomination. Mmmhhmm for sure. Yes, Aaryn is the most hated, & I would love to have her gone but it'd be kind of smart to keep her til the finals so the other player whoever it may be has a better shot at winning, you know? GinaMarie is just floating. Nothing against her personally. She doesn't do well in comps. That's all really. Lol

Anonymous said...

I agree with Random World. I would like to see Aryan go but she does keep the drama alive and would help the others to win in the end. I am sick sick sick of GM and her whinney, lack of grip on reality/life attitude. She has got to go go go (GM).....

Anonymous said...

Exactly! Get Elissa out

Unknown said...

I agree with you, I voted for Amanda to be 3rd nominee, think she needs taken down a peg or 2.

Unknown said...

I was actually kind of surprised by the things Jeremy said once he was evicted. Sure, he still sounds like he's in loce with himself but on a lot of things he actually sounded genuine and more much of that is real and how much is just show, I don't know.
Kaitlyn once again had me on edge with how well she did in the HoH competition. She always does too good on those things and I'd hate to see her win this game.
I also agree that even though I don't like Kaitlyn or Aaryn I would like to see miss coocoo GM go home soon!

James said...

looking at the polls for who people want as the 3rd nominee, I'm really surprised that Amanda has more votes than Spencer and just 4 less than Gina Marie (at the time of posting this at least) bearing in mind the awful comments both of them have been making.

Kelleigh said...

Agreed. I voted Amanda, too.

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