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Sunday, July 7, 2013

Sunday Nights BB Episode

Good evening, ladies & gents! Tonights BB15 episode will show the end of the HOH Comp + Nominations. I'm more interested in seeing Diary Room sessions so we can peek into the HG's minds this week.

The live feeds have been on fire all day! Lots & lots of game talk! If you haven't yet checked out the Afternoon post, scroll down to get caught up!

The Chat Room is open, so grab your snacks/drinks and I'll see ya in there! :D

Stay tuned...
CBS Interactive Inc.


loveaustintx said...

It has been proven - CBS does listen. It took a village of so many folks that posted their disgust all over the Internet CBS obviously had no choice but to show some of those tonight.

Now hopefully the next time cheating occurs we can all rally again and let CBS know that we do not tolerate this either. They were successful in Canada when a HG won HOH - BB Canada took it away from him after reviewing the tapes from the competition.

People we have a voice!

BamaGirl said...

I like how they showed Aaryn's true side to the TV audience.

Melody Forest McKee said...

Aaryn is awful. Is it true she and Gina Marie both have been fired from their jobs because of their racial slurs?

Unknown said...

Aryan Nation lost 2 modeling contracts, 1 as a spokesperson. GM lost her job with the pageant. Spencer was chastised by the railroad he works for and is on unpaid leave. All I can say is yeah for karma!

Unknown said...

Yes. It is totally true, you can even google it. Gina Marie had been at her job for FIVE years.

Jax said...

About 10 minutes ago K and J were in the HOH room having sex. K said something about being on "National Television"...then she said "but we're just making out".. Of course just before that was some VERY heavy breathing, breathing that said a little more than making out to me. What are these idiots thinking!?

Unknown said...

Yes, true. Gina Marie fired from her job. And Aaryn dropped from two modeling contracts.

umm-hmmm... said...

I really hope Elissa finds a way to stay this week. From what I have seen, she has been humble and, as Dr. Will and Boogie would say, a 'class-act'. Aaryn, Jeremy and the other ignoramus's need to go.

Unknown said...

Yes indeed.

loveaustintx said...

Yes Melody it is true and Spencer is in trouble with Union Pacific. Since that is a union job they can not just fire hire without going through the Union first.

Kaibelf said...

Yup, confirmed, they have both been fired from their jobs, and understandably so. Also, Spencer is now on unpaid leave from HIS job for praising Hitler and saying something about how he wishes that Andy would be a victim of a gay hate crime. I don't know what CBS was thinking casting these awful people, but I read last night that the ratings are down almost 20 percent because people are so turned off.

Anonymous said...

Everyone got on BB and CBS for not showing any of the racist and homophobic comments made by several of the HGs so have to give them props for shocking everyone and actually airing a segment at least on the top culprit Aryan. I'm sure they felt forced into it with the way the story took off all over the place but none the less they did it and it's a start and a step in the right direction regardless of the reason so kudos.


knakedknitter said...

I'm so sick of A/J/K. But I guess I missed the cheating part. What happened?

knakedknitter said...

I'm so sick of Aaryn that I could puke. I guess I missed the cheating part, what happened?

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