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Friday, July 26, 2013

Evening in the BB House + Noms Spoiler

Good evening, BB addicts! :D The live feeds went to trivia at around 5:30pm BBT for the Nominations Ceremony. Aaryn is expected to put up Howard/Spencer, with this weeks target being Howard. (If either of them win veto, Candice will be the re-nom.) The MVP vote won't be known until tomorrow when the HG's pick the POV Comp players.

Currently on the live feeds...

6:59pm BBT:
Feeds are back!!

Nominated for Eviction are:

Howard & Spencer
Elissa gives Aaryn a hug for being safe this week & then leaves.
Aaryn put Judd/Amanda/McCrae's keys last so that others don't know that she's working with them.
Amanda is now in the HOH room with GM/Aaryn.

Amanda: "You know how long I've been trying to get Howard & Spencer up? WEEKS!"

**Alright guys & gals, I'm outta here for the night!! :D Y'all have a great night & enjoy the live feeds!!! (Psst...they're $10/month now! Cheap 24/7 entertainment!!)

Stay tuned...
CBS Interactive Inc.


Mottmommy said...

Seriously!!!!! We need a double eviction people, maybe a triple!!! Haha! I can't believe this cast, snore.....I feel like no one is really owning their stuff! I don't get why everyone wants Amanda to go home, she is at least playing the game, yeah she stirs things up, however Jessie, GM and maybe even Andy are jut simply existing! Hardly know they are there!!!!

Anonymous said...

That screencap of Elissa and Aryan hugging looks like the most forced tortuous hug I've ever seen. It looks like they're both dirty and trying not to get anything on the other person or like a middle school dance where the chaperones make you leave a certain amount of space between you and your dance partner.


Jamie said...

LOL @ Brian!!

baileysays said...

I'm confused!!!! Why is Jesse crying about Howard being on the block??? She's known all along he was going up so why is she shedding a single tear!I haven't seen her interact with him at all so why is she so emotional?

shana said...

That hug between elissa aaryn looks very painful, I'm not a person that likes to hug people and that's one of my hugs where I'm thinking ok hurry up and get away lol. That's so funny.

James said...

wow, I am shocked by the polls showing Amanda as the person people want to nominate. Who would have thought being pushy was considered worse than being racist?

robere11 said...

If Amanda goes up on the block I will do a dance even if they have the votes to keep her I will be so happy I just want to see her on the block and I want mc crea to poop his pants

michelaine said...

So I've never had the live feeds before and never watched this much BB After Dark... Have there ever been this many smokers on the show?

Unknown said...

Bailey: We never see Jessie and Howard interact... because they're so boring that the camera actually malfunctions every time it tries to capture them on film. The camera weeps itself into a coma. "Why... why must I view this.. why..." Fzzzt!

robere11 said...

This season sucks

robere11 said...

Now after dark even sucks. I just hate that Amanda and mc crea along with 3 other people are always safe. This is big brother no one should be safe

Unknown said...

For the last time aarynn made not one racist comment. What the fish are seperated black from white. Ok so what. Give her a break shesvtrying hard and acting like more of a Christian than ellissa claims to be. Howards a phony. Let me guess I'm racist now.

Ricky said...

Amanda is obnoxious, rude, a bully, she always has something to say putting people down.Where have u been? Amanda goes up on the block McRae and the house will flip.She deserves to go up I voted for her.And maybe u havent watching the show but jus recently her and Aaryn were making RACIST jokes about Candice and her saying how much she hated her and wanted to stab her wtf???

Unknown said...

Sure America voted to nominate Amanda this week. Can't wait to see her, McCrae, Helen, and Andy's reaction!!! I so hope that Howard or Candice win POV and the rest of the house realize this is the time to flip the house and get Amanda/McCrae out the floaters Andy, Judd, and Jessie out. And Helen too because she could win at the end. I personally can't wait for Aaryn to re-enter the real world but game wise she is the perfect choice to take to the final 2. Her or GM.

Unknown said...

That's why they want her gone. She's smart, has an unbreakable ally in McRae & as you said us "playing the game." even though she hasn't won a competition, isn't someone playing hard core, the definition of a threat that you want out? I would

Unknown said...

Yes, mvp should cause some paranoia and chaos in the house, and hopefully make a boring season more entertaining. Whether they think America is Mvp or America, its still will be fun to watch. She cones across thinking she's invincible ;viewers don't love cookies although she is entertaining

Unknown said...

Aarynn could win it all. She's won competions. She's fought off nominatiins . She's played the game and now is socially coming back. I think she beats most at end. Vote wise.

Unknown said...

Racist? Funny stuff cause there's not a one of us who hasn't been a little "racist" sometime in our lives. This included all minorities. As a matter of fact minorities can be racist and the world looks away.....can u say BLOWN OUT OF PREPORTION!!!

Jon said...

I think America wants Aaryn out more than Amanda. Aaryn got the majority of the votes last week but was already nominated. I would guess she got more votes this week too but as HOH she couldnt get nominated.

Jon said...

I think America did vote more for Aaryn but because she is HOH she couldn't be nominated. America overwhelmingly voted for Aaryn last week but she was already nominated.

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