Good morning, BB addicts! A lot happened yesterday in the BB house and it was one of those days that if you had the
live feeds, then you were in luck!
As I
reported yesterday, there was a house meeting, where Candice called out Spencer and exposed his lies. There was a lot of aftermath that followed, mostly rehashing the meeting and what was said. Then at
5:10pm BBT on Cam 3, Howard whispered something to Amanda.
What was actually said? Nobody knows because the audio on Howard couldn't be heard. But Amanda's audio was on and you could here say
"Thank you!" and smile before a smiling Howard walked away.
A minute later (
5:11pm BBT), Amanda told Judd/Andy in the kitchen what Howard said:
Amanda: "He said 'You know when we're both outta here, I'm gonna f--- the s--- out of you."
She then goes on to tell Judd/Andy that...
Amanda:"I think what he wants to do, is derail what's actually going on with that comment or whatever, so just don't say anything."
Judd: "What?"
Amanda: "I think he's trying to take the focus off of (what happened earlier) and onto something new, just don't..don't talk it about it anymore."
After that, people in the chat room on the feeds & on Twitter blew up with speculation...did he or didn't he say that?
Amanda ended up going into the Diary Room to talk to production about what Howard said. (She told a lot of people, including Elissa/Helen/McCrae, what happened but to not let Candice know.) Then Amanda made her 2nd trip back in the DR around 6:45pm'ish. In between Amanda's DR sessions, her & McCrae went to the Hammock to talk (6:11pm BBT) after she soaked in the hot tub for a little bit, but all cams auto-switched to the HOH room as soon as they got in the hammock, so we don't know what Amanda told McCrae.
**You can watch everything posted below on the Flashback Feeds, which comes with your
live feeds monthly pass!
6:23pm BBT:
Lounge Room
Andy & Helen did some plotting against Judd & when to take him out. Helen told Andy that she doesn't think Elissa is gonna get too far in the game & she might be the 1st sent to jury. She thinks that she'll go a lot further in the game with him (Andy). Helen then told Andy that Judd approached her yesterday morning (11:43am BBT) to confirm that they are still planning on getting them out soon.
7:16pm BBT:
HOH Room
Spencer: "I know Howard is toast this week."
Spencer said he hopes to stick around at least 1 more week and maybe an extra vote. Other than that, he has no other plans.
Aaryn: "Things change in here all the time, every week."
Spencer says he's gonna lay low for the next couple days, but hopes that she will still talk to him, despite him not being that social in the house. She said she will. He says he wishes that Howard would've came in the house
Spencer: "He's made a couple of speeches in the past couples of days that don't make any sense." (**Amen. lol)
Spencer wonders if someone will vote for Amanda (to get evicted) and then pin it on him. Aaryn doesn't think so. Spencer said he's gonna vote Candice out because he doesn't wanna be a vote for Howard to go, though he knows it won't make a difference. Spencer mentions how pissed he is that Howard didn't speak up for him during the house meeting.
Aaryn: "He's not a man. Howard is not a man."
Spencer: "I thought I handled it pretty well."
Aaryn: "He should've told Candice to stop. But he wants the target to be you. Anybody but them."
8:13pm BBT:
Lounge Room
Fast-forwarding to....
10:30pm BBT:
Lounge Room
The girls are talking about getting rid of Candice instead of Howard tomorrow.
Jessie: "All we would need is 3 votes and then you (Aaryn) be the tie breaker."
*This is an important convo, but I'm on limited time this morning. I only have 45 mins before I have to leave for work. Use the Flashback feature on your
live feeds to hear it. If you have headphones, I recommend you using them for this conversation.
10:57pm BBT:
Storage Room
Candice tells H/E that she knows there's a plan to get her out of the house, with Aaryn being the tie breaker and since Aaryn hates her (C), she will be going home instead of Howard.
Helen: "Who told you that??"
Candice: "Nobody told me, I'm just really smart...if I go home, I go home! I have a beautiful life!"
Helen: "That's not gonna happen, I'm gonna stop it."
11:06pm BBT:
Lounge Room
Helen tells Andy how Candice said there's a plan to evict Candice.
Andy: "That's a lie. It's gotta be!"
They start getting paranoid and talking about Judd/Jessie, and how they can't trust Judd because he's shady.
11:17pm BBT:
All are talking about the plan of
evicting Candice over Howard.
Amanda: "That's not gonna happen, I'll make sure of it."
11:50pm BBT:
Amanda goes to confront Aaryn/GM about the plan to evict Candice. GM says that Candice is "making sh*t up". Andy thinks it could be a master plan of Howard/Candice's to make sure Howard goes home this week.
12:06am BBT:
HOH Room
McCrae said that they'll push to get Candice out next, but Howard's gotta go this week.
McCrae: "If Howard goes, both Spencer/Candice are on the outs."
Amanda is saying she wants Candice gone & so does everyone else, but they gotta get Howard out this week & get Candice out next week.
3:15am BBT:
HOH Room
Amanda/Aaryn are going back & forth...Amanda wants Howard out, Aaryn really, really wants Candice out.
Andy: "I feel like we're talking in circles. Can we just move on now?"
**And that's it for the Overnighter. Sorry I couldn't be more detailed, but I have to jet off to work. Howard is still going home, though the target on Candice for next week is huge. Speaking of, Candice was not told about the plan, she just has good intuition and figured it out..the same way she figured out The Moving Company alliance weeks ago.
Aaryn said last night that they're gonna be on an inside lockdown today & won't be off of lockdown until the HOH Comp. All signs are now pointing to an endurance comp tomorrow!! :D Yayyy!! My all-time favorite thing to watch on the
feeds!! (They're only $10 bucks/month now!)
Ok, I'll be back for the Morning/Afternoon post though! See y'all then! :D
Stay tuned...