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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Weds BB Episode

Good evening, BB addicts! Tonight's BB episode will feature the Veto Comp where Andy won and then POV Ceremony where Andy didn't use it, keeping his nominations of Jessie/Spencer the same. I'm more interested in the Diary Room sessions and I always love to watch the veto comps.

The show starts at 8pm EST, & then it's back to the live feeds for me!

See y'all at 8pm EST! :D

Stay tuned...
CBS Interactive Inc.


Unknown said...

I guess I was the only that thought the Helen, Andy and McC deal might have been real.

Jeremy said...

I am just dumbfounded that Andy would think pairing with Amanda and McCrea is smart. If you get to final three, and don't win HoH, they will vote to keep each other. Andy keeps saying he is strategic, yet he completely fumbles his HoH. He had the opportunity to take out a big player, but he doesn't. This is the weakest crop of HG's I have seen. I am amazed the non-paired individuals keep protecting Amanda/McCrea and Helen/Elissa. Amanda runs the house. While I despise her as a person, I give her props on game play. She wins NOTHING, and everyone protects her and does all her dirty work. If they are too ignorant to see her game play, then they all deserve to lose and she can walk out with 500k.

SandyW said...

James Adams,
I kind of thought so too, just because McCrae and Amanda have been fighting a lot lately.

Choc said...

Dont really think Amanda is that great. All the other HG are really stupid! Like you said they are the worst thus far!

Choc said...

Dont really think Amanda is that great. All the other HG are really stupid! Like you said they are the worst thus far!

Unknown said...

I guess it was just wishful thinking.

TheFamDoc24 said...

Wow! Amanda is cocky. I sure hope the old adage that pride goes before the fall plays out in this instance. Send that girl packing.

Anonymous said...


Andy is mostly concerned with getting to the end right now and not so much who he's there with. So his goal is to just have as many allies as possible who won't target him so he can just keep checking off weeks without sitting on the block. Odds are that at least 1 of Amanda or McCrae will be out sooner or later without him having to do it since their such huge targets this late in the game. So the chances of him being in the F3 with both of them aren't very good. However even if he did somehow wind up in that spot he probably feels pretty confident it'd come down to him vs McCrae in those toss up Jury answer questions since Amanda has not shown the ability to win any comps.


Anonymous said...

Andy Playing It Smart Not Showing His Cards Until He Needs To Do so. He Has Shown He Can Win Comps. If Elissa Or Helen Win HOH He Can Stay Loyal To Those Two Undercover. If Amanda Or Mccrae Win HOH He Can Stay Loyal To Those Two Undercover.

Soon He Will Need To Show His Cards So To Speak But He Should Be Safe For A Couple Weeks.

Hoping Amanda And Helen Are The Next Two Out.

Debbie said...

I hope so too. She's beginning to grate on my last nerve.

I also thought her reaction to Spencer not throwing the veto comp was a bit ridiculous. Judd was completely blindsided last week; the man has to be nervous having to rely on these crazies who keep putting him up.

Unknown said...

The best line of the show last night was to Andy "You haven't done anything smart this week why start now!"..from Spencer.

Unknown said...

in some markets, including mine, BB will be pre-empted tonight for football. If that is the case, you might want to check your local listings as the stations often air the show early morning/late night hours. Or if you have a DVR, set it to record the series.

Wonder if anyone here is from NY, LA, Dallas where the show is blacked out on Time Warner Cable. Are you able to watch it online? Hopefully you get your internet from another provider or have an HD antenna that lets you get your local CBS statoin free over the air

Unknown said...

Well if you havent noticed Amanda cares most about Amanda. Shes quick to criticize others and fly off the handles for things she would do herself. And she would cut anybody. I mean how more obvious can McCranda make their alliane than having a BB wedding (which I guess is what we'll see tonight)...And HElen is losing her focus if she is believing McRae that he will vote out Amanda for the money. Wont happen. Theres a greater liklihood Amanda would do that but I dont see it either. Andy is putting his eggs in with Aaryn at this point but your right if Andy or Aaryn are in a F3 with Mcrae or Amanda , they have to win. I dont understand his blind allegiance to them. But thats the game. At this point, a lot is luck depending on who wins HOH and VETOs...Personally I hate the idea that HOH cant compete in the next one...Why not? If someone is good enough to win every week, let them...and that will put a target on them. The competitions are also so random and so repetitive that hte HGs keeppredicting them - Theyre already hoping tonight is knockout. (although that usually comes earlier). I hope we soon learn how a HG comes back from jury - Is it a Pandora, audience vote? It would have been neat to have the jury members vote the MVP nominee.

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