Currently on the live feeds...
9:07am BBT:
Judd hugs Amanda and she jokingly whispers in his ear that she's the MVP.
He whispers back and says "No really, who is it?" They hug again & laugh.
9:30am BBT:
HOH Room
GM asks Andy if he's still on board with getting Candice out this week. He says whatever she wants, he'll do. She reconfirms that Candice is her target this week & she wants her out.
Andy: "I'm gonna listen to the Christina (Aguilera) CD, so let me know if they call my name for the DR."
GM starts to straighten her hair extensions.
Meanwhile, downstairs...
9:38am BBT:
Judd: "I wanna see who the MVP puts up today."
Amanda: "Who do you think it was last week?"
Judd: "Ho.How..whatever his name was..Howard."
Elissa joins them in the kitchen.
9:56am BBT:
Judd/Andy/McCrae are talking about movies, actors, songs & singers.
10:30am BBT:
Trivia on the feeds! Time to pick the veto comp players & MVP nom reveal!
Stay tuned...

Has GM gotten rid of her dark roots yet????? Hehehehe
Not sure if everyone's caught wind of this as I'd guess it must've happened when feeds were down perhaps on eviction night. But Aryan apparently told Amanda that Jessie had told her that she found McCrae the sexiest guy in the house and she couldn't help staring at him. It's pretty pathetic but I think that is the real crux of this sudden vitriol of Amanda towards Jessie that led to the big argument between the 2 and Amanda wanting Jessie out so bad. Her insecurity is even so bad that last night Amanda and McCrae got into a little argument cause Jessie sat next to McCrae and Amanda was upset he didn't get up and sit by her. I finally figured this out cause last night around 12:30amBBT Aryan told GM in the HOH that she regrets telling Amanda about that now as she thinks she's gonna try to get Jessie out instead because of it.
In Jessie's defense, look around at the guys left in the house. A perv, a goober, a gay guy, and a pizza boy.
What's worse, Brian, is that we only got to see part of the argument on camera. Production switched away from the argument and refused to show it on live feeds.
The chat room I was in exploded with anger. Aaryn had just come up from downstairs about 10 (?) minutes later and says in the HoH room that they were STILL fighting. Some people reported they could hear a little bit of it over the HoH room feed, but I didn't hear it.
In essence: they put the entire (except for the beginning) fight/argument on blackout, leaving everyone in the dark about who-said-what-to-whom-and-how.
Many of us have made complaint letters and/or calls to CBS about blacking out the live feeds to protect certain houseguests (Howard) from the repercussions of their actions.
I believe Jessie made the comment to Aryan in the 1st couple weeks when the house was full. Aryan just told Amanda about it now though I guess to curry favor with her and ensure she's ahead of Jessie on Amanda's totem pole. However now Aryan is worried it worked too well.
I know that was ridiculous and the fight went on for over an hour. They should at least have to provide an explanation for the blackout. I had heard Amanda called Jessie a man stealer and telling America to watch their husbands and boyfriends when Jessie is around and I was confused. I guess this now explains it kind of but not really.
Jessie told Aaryn this last week while she was HOH because her and Amanda wanted to host; so,Aaryn had them compete by telling her a juicy secret and the one with the best secret won. We couldn't hear Amanda's secret but we could hear Jessie's and her secret was about McCrae.
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