In other news, both McCrae and Aaryn tried to throw the HOH comp to Amanda & now Amanda is upset that she still couldn't win HOH. (Amanda asked Aaryn to throw it, and she waited a little bit, but then hit her buzzer because Amanda was taking so long.)
When the live feeds came back on right after the show, we saw Amanda crying behind the trash can in the storage room: Aaryn/GM were talking in the color block bedroom about how Elissa said she didn't wanna sit next to either of them right before the HOH comp. Aaryn was really hurt by that comment.
Amanda/McCrae are currently talking about who they want Aaryn to put up. (Aaryn/Andy/McCrae/Amanda are in the 3AM alliance together.)
They want Helen/Elissa on the block.
As of 7:32pm BBT, McCrae/Aaryn are talking in the lounge room. Aaryn is putting up Helen/Elissa, with the target being Helen but they're gonna lie to her and tell her that Elissa is the target. If either of them come off the block, Spencer will be the renom.
Turn on the live feeds, guys & girls! The night is still young!! See y'all in the morning with The Overnighter! :D Oh, and there are 2 new polls on the right side ---- >
Stay tuned...

Watch everyone's been dying waiting for someone to make a move against a power player in the house, now this week it'll finally happen and they'll win the 4 way Jury comp and come right back in.
Man after not winning a comp all season Amanda only has to beat 2 people who are both trying to throw it to her and she still can't even win. Forget about going behind the trash can she might as well just get in it at this point.
like i said on twitter, if helen leaves and comes right back in, i'm packing up my laptop & i'll see y'all next season LOL
I still can't believe people are rooting for Elissa. The only person keeping her from being the WORST player in the house is GM and that's only by a slim margin. She doesn't do ANYTHING and was lucky to have the shitty MVP power floating her along, or she would have been gone 6 weeks ago.
Helen has been a legitimate puppeteer this season by coercing a number of people into doing her dirty work, while constantly stroking everyone's egos. She's a strong, vocal, intelligent powerful woman in the house and yet all I see is hate. Same goes for Amanda. If you don't like them because they are vindictive or conniving, then you are simply watching the wrong REALITY TV show.
Same goes for Amanda. She may be a bully and slightly cocky, but she plays the game. There are no freakishly strong competition beasts (with the exception of Aaryn) like Frank/Shane from last season, so the more manipulative characters are shining and I do not understand why everyone despises it so much.
Jamie and Brian > you guys make me laugh! BUT you also talk some good game. Where else am I going to find that!
I cannot believe how pathetic the HoH comp was...
Helen, Elisa the first two out. it was over before it had a chance to get going.
Is anyone else as mystified as I am as to why Amanda thinks she should be able to control this entire house and also WHy everyone lets her? Her comments in the diary room "Andy did exactly like I wanted" or " blah putting up who I wanted". I don't get it at all!!!! She wins nothing, she does nothing, she is always in the HOH bed, she complains and is super loud and still controls all situations.
I know former good contestants have to watch these characters and think Really? These are who you chose? WOW!
And one more thing, if Amanda does win, and that post was correct about her winning, I don't know if ill be able to watch this again.
Big Brother, if you really want them to expect the unexpected, change the games already! They know what game is next every week!
Wow..aww poor Amanda. Boo hoo crying because didn't win yet another competition even after convincing TWO players to throw it for her. If I was her I wouldn't be crying cause I didn't win HoH, I'd be crying cuz I look like a damn fool for asking people to throw it & still didn't win. YOU LOOK LIKE A FOOL, AMANDA!
Seriously! Helen seems like a great person in general, but she is getting more and more annoying. If I have to see her cast a vote while shaking her shoulders, tossing her hair, and looking down all wild-evil eyed I might go crazy!!!!
No, no, no Jamie you are a trooper you will hang with us. :-)
Seriously! I'm sure Helen's a great person outside of the house, but she is on my last nerve. If I have to watch her evict 1 more HG while shaking her shoulders, tossing her hair, and looking down all wild-evil eyed I'm going to come unglued!!!!
I've been a big brother fan for years, and have watched almost every season. Something about an evicted houseguest returning to the game rang familiar, so I looked it up. In BB3, Amy was evicted and got to return to the game.
You better not leave! Lol
I thought the evicted houseguests couldn't have any info in case they come back in...then why did Jessie get the goodbye messages?
I Was Correct In Wanting Helen Or Elissa To Win HOH. It Would Have Split Up The House. As It Stands Now We Will Have Another House Vs Zero Vote Eviction.
At Least There Will Be A Competition ToGet Back In The house
What a lame hoh comp! How long did Amanduh expect Aryan to wait while she tried to figure out the answer? If she had waited any longer, it would have been even more obvious. But another Aryan hoh? Yikes! Well, at least things will kick up a few notches...
I want to be optimistic about the upcoming resurrection of Judd's bb game. Trying to think of a new alliance name: ajama party, goof troop part deux, or 3 a mc-double d? Well I'm with you Jamie, if it's Helen that leaves then comes back I'm throwing myself through a plate glass window.
I don't understand why everyone wants Judd to come back. I do like him, but I don't think he would make a big move. Also it seems as though he blames Helen and Elissa for him leaving and not Amanda which means if Helen leaves then he will go back with Amanda and then go out again
I was surprised to hear Julie say that an evicted houseguest would be returning for the first time in BB history when we all know Kaysar Ridha returned on day 40 in BB6 after being evicted on day 33.
Amanda doesn't know it now, but she'll soon learn that she's better off not being HOH this week, if Helen gets evicted, because Helen might just win her way back in.
Helen First And Amanda Second Would Work For me
Looks like 3AM has a new plan (& have included GM & Spencer) to drive Elissa to withdraw from the game...I just heard that McCranda is betting she quits by sometime on Saturday. GM has been insulting her family & saying mean things (shocker!!) about Elissa's son not being her hubby's and that she doesn't like her hubby's kids. Here's the thing: if they succeed in driving her crazy enough to self-evict, will there even be a vote next week? If Elissa refuses to be on the jury, will 3AM still get to evict Helen, who is their intended target? Or can they bring another evicted HG from earlier this season (David, Nick, Howie, or Jeremy) to be on the jury?? This will be an interesting week!! Aaryn only appeasing 3AM by saying she'll put up Helen/Elissa, but really be with Hellissa and instead put up McCranda? We will see what she is secretly plotting or not......I'm hoping for Helen to go. Not because she has too much control, but because McCrae is the silent one who is really calling all the shots, making everyone else do his dirty work, which I believe puts him in the F2, and almost ensures his $500K win! I've wanted the F2 to be McCrae & Andy allllllllll season; they deserve it, imo. I honestly don't think anyone who is left would be able to beat him in the end....except maybe Helen, but if 3AM is as strong as they seem, Helen will be gone next week!!
Why? Helen if the only one that would try to get Amanda out this sucks so u know for sure at this point Amanda is going to win
Boo! Hiss! This is totally what I figured was going to happen and Helen walked right into it. Is it STILL too soon to make a move against McRanda? Hmmm? I wish it wasn't so, but she totally deserved it. Ugh.
Jamie if you pack up and leave, I'll cry.
This season has been bad enough.
Your blog is the only thing that makes it worthwhile.
Don't make me cry, Jamie, don't make me cry!
Stupid question I know but does anyone know where to purchase the blankets that BB gave Judd and Aaryn in their HOH basket? Aaryn was talking about it last night at around 10:19pm BB time...thanks!
Remember when the house debated on who should be voted out, Kaitlin or Aaryn and they chose Kaitlin because she was the bigger threat and would fare better in the comps......oops!!
Heck, I might go ahead and forget about this season. Yes, getting Helen out will be a power move, but what about Amanda? Why are they so intimidated by her? *smh* I'll never understand.
Thank you for your blog Jamie! I would have had to waited until TONIGHT after WORK to watch Big Brother from this early AM. But I get to look at your blog on my lunch break :)
I want Helen to get evicted and come right back in. If she doesn't the rest of the season will be super boring
So McRanda is safe again.... And selfish Amanda is crying cuz she can't win. It was obvious McRae thru it.. And Aaryn did wait forever but she could've hit the wrong button if she wanted to throw it to Amanda ..
If you think there's a chance in hell that Aaryn is going to nominate Amanda or McRae, you're not watching. McRanda has everyone but H/E shielding them for some stupid reason (HG, Amanda hasn't won a competition! They also didn't show the wedding since on Thursdays they have such limited TV time to cover so many days action after veto). They're all afraid of McRanda and yet the odds of McRae or Amanda turning on one another is. 01 percent). As nnumbers on the house decrease, a solid 2 person voting Block k has a ton of power.
Julie said first time a JURY member will return... Kaysar was in sequester... Just trick working to excite new watchers? Someone also returned I think last season
If Helen or Elissa won and they put up Amanda and McCrae it would've ended up being a house vs zero vote just the same as it'll be now. So there's no difference really except if you really wanted Amanda or McCrae to go instead of Helen or Elissa.
@xanfyre and @Allen
A HG has gotten to come a few more times than that. Crazy James in BB9 and Brendon in BB13 are other examples. What Julie said was this was the 1st time someone who made it as far as Jury got to come back as it has always been done earlier pre-Jury when they've brought someone back.
Evel Dick in S13 is the only person to ever self evict to the best of my knowledge but he did so on like day 6 so that's a completely different scenario. There have also been I believe 3 instances of someone being expelled Justin S2, Chima S11 and Willie S14. Justin and Willie were also both early in the game like in the 1st 2 weeks. So the closest example would be Chima who was expelled while on the block and Jury had started. In that instance the current HOH Michelle's reign was considered completed and a new HOH comp was held which was won by Jordan and a 2nd person was evicted that week.
Chima's Jury vote was taken over by America which I believe would be what would happen here if Elissa self evicted or refused to go to Jury House and went home after eviction. They would never let a HG who went home and got to watch the show and/or feeds back on the Jury as it wouldn't be fair.
If it did go like S11 and 2 people left this week I wonder if they might allow 2 of Candice, Judd, Jessie and whoever that 2nd person evicted was back in the house just to stay on schedule for finale. I don't see Elissa actually choosing to leave though either before or after eviction as she'd be forfeiting her stipend and the high potential of winning $25K for America's Favorite Player plus all the backlash from quitting like that.
I Want Helen And Amanda To Go. I Think I'm Correct In That Amanda And Mccrae Up The Vote Would Have Been Split. But With These HGThe Vote Could Have Been House Vs Zero.
Bb needs to up it cause everyone knows whats next. New surprizes new twist, any thing, its getting so boring!! Sorry I love bb, have wated and wanted to be on bb, but Iam over weight so we all know thats not going to happen.
I think people watching this game really get into it and complaining about certain players and their actions is really just part of the fun. Yuzu
I didnt mean to type 'yuzu'. Smartphones!»
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