But, the next upcoming weeks should be very entertaining & I have very high hopes!! No matter who wins HOH, it's gonna start getting dirty. Big targets are gonna be hunted down, veto is going to be more crucial than ever, and paranoia/scheming is gonna kick into the highest gear. Let the games begin!!!
If you wanna watch all the live eviction aftermath tonight, then ya gotta get the live feeds! They're only $10/month.
Okay, that's it for now! Make sure to grab your snackies & drink(s) of choice and meet me back here on the blog at 9pm EST! See ya then!! :D
9pm EST:
Show begins...
Julie says that there is a "game changer" that's gonna happen.
Sounds like a returning HG twist, but we'll see what she says!
Spencer/Jessie give final speeches.
The Votes:
*Amanda votes to evict...Jessie
*McCrae votes to evict...Jessie
*Aaryn votes to evict...Jessie
*Helen votes to evict...Jessie
*Elissa votes to evict...Jessie
*GM votes to evict...Jessie
HOH Comp time!
It's a knockout comp!
Up next, Julie will tell us what the "game changer" is.
"For the 1st time in Big Brother history, a juror will come back into the game!" Candice/Judd/Jessie & whomever gets evicted this Thursday will compete LIVE next Thursday to get a 2nd shot at the game.
Stay tuned...

BB wont air here until 1:30 am. I'm bummed.
Well thank you so much....because yes like last week we have football on ....its awesome to be able to know what's going on...
Atlanta, click the link in the post to watch it live with us :)
I hope Elissa or spencer wins hoh! Spencer will gun after Amanda and mccrae !!!!
God I can't stand Amanda please someone put her up and vote her out
Yes I agree with you, Demanda must go! Somebody grow a pair and put her up!
I am so thankful for your blog! I use my phone for internet and the link won't work for me so I can at least get the rundown from you! Again thanks Jamie!!
you are very welcome!! :D
Omg knockout comp c'mon Elissa awaken your inner Reilly !!!!
This blog has always been a lifesaver but this year with boys in soccer and football it's extra AMAZING
Aaryn is hoh yet again...Helen and spencer possible noms?
How did Aaryn win ANOTHER HOH!!!
Are you kidding me! Aaryn again!!!! UGH!
Oh crap HOH again! Thanks for the update.
Cheering for Judd to come back! I think he was so wronged the way he was evicted. HG need to find out it was America as MVP!
Why didn't anyone put Amanda and McCrea up against each other during the HOH? These people need to grow a pair and start playing this game OR hand Amanda or McCrea the check.
Team Aaryn. She's one of the few people actually playing this game.
Aaryn.....really! When is this girl going to get the bad karma she deserves.
This is so much like the 1st year Janelle was on BB. It just seemed like the comps were geared towards her so that she would likely win. And BB producers can't tell me that after all these years they haven't figured out which contestant does best at which comps. I'm just saying.
Does anyone else find it pathetic that Amanda once again orchestrated a way for her to win a competition (this time the knockout HOH) with even McCrae throwing it to her and yet she still loses? When are these people going to realize that she is useless instead of mindlessly following all things Demanda?
I had a feeling Aryan was gonna win this HOH. Not that that's saying too much as that girl has become a challenge beast. It must be all the Adderall haha. Which one of these girls is Rachel Reilly's sister again? Lol. Disregarding her as a person and all the nasty things we've seen her say and do considering the competition this season this girl might actually deserve to win when all is said and done based on game. That'd be such a huge nightmare for the show and CBS though that I'd have to imagine they'd do everything within their power not to let that happen.
The comps Aryan have won have been so diverse and basically completely run the gamut of all BB comps. Plus Janelle is one of if not the biggest fan favorites in the history of the show while Aryan is well there's a reason I purposely switch a couple letters in her name the way I do. You really think BB wants this girl to keep winning? Along with it being boring with Elissa winning every week I think a large part of changing MVP to America's vote was because they knew Aryan would go on the block. But then she ruined that for them by winning HOH that 1st week then America had amazingly forgotten about everything Aryan only a week later.
Well technically Amanda and McCrae did go up against each other but not till their was no other choice but them. You could definitely see everyone was scared to put Amanda up not so much McCrae cause Spencer did. I guess the fear she's instilling in these people is working even if she still can't win a comp.
Brian, i just wanted to tell you that i'm a fan of yours. you're awesome and i love reading your comments :)
Thanks! That really means a lot. The feeling is definitely mutual or I guess I wouldn't be on your blog constantly haha
LOL!! <3
Over the last few seasons I've been reading this blog, Brian consistently has the most well reasoned and informed comments without having to resort to the more emotional tantrums that make up a lot of BB forums.
She's going to have a serious case of "karma's a b*" when she gets home.
I may be wrong, but didn't Amanda say she would rather keep Aaryn over Kaitlin because Kaitlin can win competitions and Aaryn can't? On the whole, has Amanda not had the worst reads in BB History? (Judd as MVP, Aaryn not winning, Howard and his "scheming/secret plans" when he had none, Judd being smart, America actually liking her)
He really does. I always enjoy reading his input. Brian and Jamie, you guys both rock!
Is any of this so shocking? They've had evicted HG compete to come back in the game before and also they've been sent right out. The double eviction was early so they might have another. The challenges are so predictable every season that the HG again correctly predicted knockout and planned. The most shocking to me is how afraid they all are of McRanda.. Or at least Amanda. Have you ever seen such a tight alliance at this stage and no one even called Amanda & they didn't risk her wrath by putting her against McRae. I hope Aaryn (*Andy) realize if they're in F3,neitger Amanda or McRae will ever take them. Aaryn with 4 HOH and going from near eviction & hated to where she is now becomes a huge threat as she has a good case. I don't want this finale nut an Amanda vs Aaryn would be fascinating. Do superfans know how many times the person who didn't win the final HOH won the game? That must be the most agonizing decision. After 15 years, I wish BB would raise the prize to a million like every other show but they have no incentive. After taxes, it's not that much. Anyway, I wish Julie had never told the HG that a juror would come back. That affects their game play & video goodbyes (which Helen missed by admitting she lied to Jessie)... Surprises are always more important. Winning veto this week is crucial as we will likely get a house vote to backdoor someone. Helen is probably the only one who has the balls to get Amanda out. If someone like Candice or Jessie cones back, they'd probably just evict them again unless they can win HOH and stir things up. But McRanda still looks good having cast a spell non the house
@Ste ven
Only 4 times has the HG who won the final HOH not won the game. In S2 Nicole won the final HOH and chose Dr. Will and lost 5-2. In S4 Alison won the final HOH and chose Jun and lost 6-1. In S6 Ivette won the final HOH and chose Maggie and lost 4-3. In S9 Ryan won the final HOH and chose Adam and lost 6-1.
I know it! I thought the same thing. So frustrating to watch.
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