This is the point in the game where the real game begins: New alliances, new targets, more cut-throat game play, pandora boxes, Zingbot appearances, the possibility of an evicted houseguest coming back, etc. It's just beginning! The houseguests just celebrated their half-way point the other day, so we still have a lot of game left to go!
Right after the show, the live feeds came back on & we saw a very somber mood in the house. This was the hardest eviction for all of them so far in the game. McCrae has been in tears off/on from voting Judd out. He feels like he let Judd down and it's not sitting well with him.
Already, the game talk has started in the BB house. Amanda's next target this week is Jessie and she's already made it known & told others to not let her win HOH tonight. (*Not sure what time, but they should be playing for HOH at some point tonight.)
Helen has been busy praising Aaryn for her "big move" in the game & that it needed to be done. As you probably heard on the live show, Helen compared Aaryn to former BB legend houseguest Janelle. (**I'm sure Jani is not gonna be happy with that comparison.)
In other news, the McCrae/Amanda/Aaryn/Andy alliance has never been stronger and Amanda told Aaryn that she & McCrae will "never doubt her again" in the game, because of what she did for them tonight.
There's gonna be a lot of game talk tonight, so turn on your live feeds & watch all the action as it unfolds!! (**If you don't have'em yet, they're only $10/month for 24/7 entertainment!)
See y'all in the morning!! :D
*Aaryn/GM/Helen/Elissa are Have Nots this week.
*Andy will nominate Jessie/Spencer.
*Spencer is the pawn.
*Jessie is this weeks target.
*GM would be a replacement nom if need be.
Stay tuned...

You don't think you will be telling us who wins HOH?
No one commented on GM's statement to Candice?! Wow, these people have NO morals... smh
In my mind, it would be awesome if McCrae got HOH & ended up back dooring Amanda.
i'll reveal HOH before bed or in the morning (depending how late the comp is played).
Elissa commented about what GM said to Candice, she didn't like it at all.
I worry that the next 2-3 weeks will just be Jessie, Spencer, GM easy-floater-outs. Then we'll get to the juicy divide between teams Helen-Elissa and McRae-Amanda-Andy (Aaryn probably siding with the latter). Hope we don't have to wait that long.
Also, I'm starting to see a lot of scenarios with Aaryn being taken to the end because she has so much blood on her hands. Producers must hate that.
The MVP twist was never used as it was meant to (anonymously within the house) BUT Julie said during the first episode it would continue until it was down to 5 HGs.. ?! Clearly Amanda is production's choice to win, Julie didn't even tell them America had been MVP. Lame!!
GM is a disgusting human being and I will fast forward any scenes with her from now on. Jealousy is an ugly, ugly trait.
And most of all... WHY IS EVERYONE CRYING WHILE EVICTING JUDD?!??! They do know it's their own choice & no one has a gun to their head, right?! Only Helen and Amanda were pushing for it. Ugh
I was so hopeful as Aaryn said she was pulling Jessie off the block, that she would replace her with GM. I don't know how anyone could just stand by, inadvertently SUPPORTING her statements!
Hey Jamie, GREAT job as usual!!! I wanted to mention something in particular as far as someone coming back in to the game. In season 9, (a particularly nonsense season in my opinion) the houseguests evicted James, and then had the option of either bringing James back, or another evicted houseguest. They chose to bring back James, if you remember. However, I cannot, for the life of me, remember if when they were able to bring James back in, had jury started at that point or no? Just something I was thinking about. I could go look it up, but nah...
Hey Jamie, GREAT job as usual!!! I wanted to mention something in particular as far as someone coming back in to the game. In season 9, (a particularly nonsense season in my opinion) the houseguests evicted James, and then had the option of either bringing James back, or another evicted houseguest. They chose to bring back James, if you remember. However, I cannot, for the life of me, remember if when they were able to bring James back in, had jury started at that point or no? Just something I was thinking about. I could go look it up, but nah...
Did Judd tell Elissa she was the reason for him leaving tonight? What was that about?
GM's comment to Candice was low. I hope this crap doesn't continue in the jury house. Big Brother, you found some really ugly souls this season.
Jamie - you rock <3
I really want to see Helen leave ASAP. I was rooting for Judd to win it all. He seemed to be the most credible, however, very grouchy when he didn't get his cigarettes.
Cdiz- I agree
This episode lived up to all of my predictable expectations...
Get Candice out b/c she "stirred up drama"--really GM??
And then put a target on someone that is irrelevant to the game..Judd really..did one person really stop to think how is he hurting MY game?? Unless, you were Jesse, Aaryn, or delusional Amanda who thought he was the MVP, how did Judd effect these people?
I'm puzzled. Jamie thanx for letting us know about the new HOH, but sadly I think it will be more of the same conformist BS. @least Aaryn can't win this one, and we don't have to see her get an HOH room; thank God for small miracles.
Cdiz311 I agree MVP was supposed to be anonymous that is what completely destroyed it. If Elissa kept her mouth shut it would have been way more interesting.
I read GM's HOH blog last night, anyone else have a hard time not reading it in her voice???
I really wish Aaryn and GM were out before jury. They disgust me.
At this point I'm actually starting to think Aryan might just win this season. An appropriately awful winner for an awful season.
Now, I thought Candice had a smart one liner for GM about living with her Mom... And tat was what prompted the adaption comment?
Hi Jamie, I am just wanting to tell you (nicely) to go to bed girl! I feel bad when others are asking you to report the HOH results tonight. I have no idea how you juggle a job, boyfriend, home life, social life, eating, sleeping, etc. while maintaining such a well informed blog! You amaze me girl! Your blog is informative, handy, spot on, cute, brilliant, and respectful. I want to tell you again how very much your hard work is appreciated. I am so thankful for u & ur endless dedication. As much as i love hearing every detail...i hope that u r taking care of yourself! Lol...i can imagine that this is exhausting work keeping up with this bunch of HGs. Now...go get some sleep...i will look forward to reading ur blog in the morning, as always. Sending much respect and many thank you hugs, Liz
What gm yelled to candice as she was going out the door was DISTGUSTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i cant believe she said that!!! I now loss all respect for gm!!!
Helen and amanda r ruling the house!!!! I love this show but its getting harder and harder to watch!!!! Between the distgusting slander and NOBODY thinking for themselves!!!!!! I miss old school big brother!!!!!!
I don't believe Julie ever said how long the MVP twist would last.
I hope Jessie wins HOH....she will hopefully not fall for everyone's crap and nominate Mccrae and Amanda...getting Amanda out then Helen!!! That way the rest of the house can start playing their own game!! Helen and Amanda are definitely the puppet masters in the house of the crude people!
Andy won HOH! Oh hell!
ANDY is The new HOH
Can someone please tell me why the heck judd was hated so much to be evicted like this?
Andy is the new HOH AND Amanda is boohooing
ANDY is The new HOH
Andy won hoh!!!
Andy got hoh
Looks like Andy won HOH...
Andy as HOH oh when does it end?!?!
So andy is the new hoh! But why is Amanda crying because she didnt win? Wth? I can't say anymore but damn she NEEDS TO GO HOME ALREADY! SHE IS SOO SELFISH!Oh and she is mad at Mcrae for not wanting to win and not helping how could he help her in that type of game...
Do you people realize Big Brother isn't a contest for the "best humanitarian" award? It's not the "take a stand against racism or whatever cause you're advocating" game.
Sadly, no one is playing the game this season except Amanda and Helen. Those two people are running the house. The rest are spineless floaters. Worthless. Like them or hate them, but Amanda or Helen are the only people who remotely deserve to win at this point.
I think Helen and Elissa are have nots as well
Season 9: James came back into the game after eviction, and he ended up on the jury.
@ LIz Smith, thank you so much!!! How sweet!! xoxo :D
like button!
Right it isnt but geesh have respect for every human being regardless of their race ethnicity sex or sexuality nationality. You can play the game with some morals and ethics and actually WIN! its been done for aaahh lets see 14 seasons now.
Thanks so much for keeping up with this blog. Haven't watched BB in a few summers but I'm back into it this year. I am appalled at the poor behavior of some of the houseguests this season (Aaryn and GM most of all). GM is just... insane, but that doesn't even begin to describe it!! What a crazy episode tonight. I'll miss seeing Judd.
Amanda is gamer. Sleeping with this guy to control him...really? And FYI they can PLAY the game without the racial comments!! So the game play can be ruthless at times but u don't make those kind of personal attacks. Its for money, really? It seems the game is set up for amanda and that would be sad. She is nasty.
I didn't hear what GM said to Candice would somebody plz tell me...
Where do I need to go to read the hg blogs?
Amanda wanted Judd out bcuz she convinced herself that he was the MVP + that he was the one that put her up on the block the last 2 wks. So she's been working on everyone to evict him nxt + she got her chance 2nite. Whatever Amanda wants Amanda gets
Andy is just going to be Amanda's puppet. She might as well one HOH. I agree with most people when they say this cast has no spine. Amanda is acting like people owe her something. I liked her early in the show, but ever since she got placed on the block it seems her true Colorado came out. As for GM I am appalled by the things she says. Just like her long speech when she nominated Candice, it seemed to me it was in reverse. I guess it's true when they say you see others as you are yourself.
I am pretty ambivalent about Andy in general, but I really loved his little happy face whenever he was finally called to the DR to get his HOH room. (At around 11:58 BB time)
This season sucks two people went home that shouldn't it's like people are just saying hey do you wanna win 500,000. Then just do what I say your just giving the money to someone else. I can't stand the people that controll that house all they did was after they heard about the moving company they took the moving company's game play and made it their own now it's just a nerd herd company. I called this week 2
Everyone believed he was the MVP
Sigh. Another crap week...
Didn't Rachael or Brendan come back after being evicted too? I'd love to see Judd come back!
Well, things will now start to get a little interesting. I'm thinking there was a lot that happened on the live feeds with Judd that we didn't see. Did they get him out because they didn't know what he was going to do???
In every season there are people that run the house, that's just how it is. It's up to the other people to step it up. I thought it would be fun to see Andy be HOH but he's just going to do what the others want - no real decisions.
This is SO predictable of Andy. Of course he would put Jessie & Spencer. Ugh.
@Mike. Yes, I think we know how the BB game is all about. It's a different reality. But one has gotta admit, this season's BB reality is a bit f**ked up.
Too much blehh sh**, and nastiness where it's not entertainment anymore, in my eyes. Too predictable at times also.
Once the backstabbing begins, I'll go bk to watching this season, but for now I think I'm done...
Don't forget GM started it by saying font let the door hit your a$$ on the way out.
Couldn't have said it better Mike. I can't believe of all people AMANDA was nominated by America for two weeks. She is probably the strongest female player since Rachel and her and Helen have a stronghold on the house.
McCrae is also playing a really good game though. Wouldn't be surprised to see him win it all if he can make it to the final 5/4. Guy is a likable and is a pretty strong endurance competitior.
has gm ever been a have not? She is probably going to lose it! LOL
Oh boy is this the big move Andy has been waiting to make? Jesse and Spencer??? Really???
I was so angry at her comment. Extremely disrespectful and unwarranted. Not a fan of GM. How dare she make a comment about someone's mother. However, her outrage after the love of her life was evicted was just as disrespectful and uncalled for. Trash!
If memory serves, James came back, but was voted out that same week anyway.
If I remember correctly, James came back, but was evicted again the same week.
Even if Big Brother isn't a contest for greatest human in all of humanity, it's disgusting!
In what other season of Big Brother has there been soooo many personal attacks about race? Who else in BB has said, "at least my mom likes me unlike yours!" There's always been people who wanted to start things with other people, that's the game really, but everyone is playing so personally.
If all the things that Amanda, GM, or Aaryn have said is okay because of the game, then how could you defend GM saying welfare is ni***r insurance? Or Aaryn making remarks that the fish tank is segregated? Those things have nothing to do with the people in the competition and are just downright messed up things to say.
Like you say, at this point the only person who deserves to win is Amanda or Helen. I don't think many people agree or disagree anymore. I believe a lot of people are watching now because they just have to see what happens. They've seen a crazy guy speeding down the highway, they've seen him lose control and jump the median going towards traffic, and now everyone is just waiting for the big crash.
Because Demanda thought Judd was lying to everyone the last 2 weeks because she was, and still is, convinced he was MVP. Also, Demanda knew McCrea wanted to work with Judd in the near future and she couldn't have anyone taking away her Crea Crea.
Also, Helen was pushing for it hard, saying he was nothing but lies. She spent half the night after eviction filling Jessies brain with nothing but Judd hate.
So mainly, once again, someone is gone who shouldn't necessarily be gone because of Demanda and Helen.
That's a good way to look at it.
Thanks for the great info. Your blog is my go to for BB updates. You have a great site thank you for all you do.
@Mike- No wonder America has fostered bystanders. It does not take a "humanitarian" to use common sense, half a brain, or independent thought. If you see or encounter something that goes beyond a television game show, you don't have to call a house meeting to pull someone aside in confidence and remind them that this is a nationally televised show or maybe don't entertain conversations where someone is using racial slurs or child porn as a very crude tasteless joke.
I don't find fault with Helen to much for working her agenda and using the gullable and useless floaters to her advantage, but I question her timing; is it ever going to be a good time to make a power move by her clock!??
Kudos to Amanda to finding McCrae because THAT is her best move he's sweet and maliable (plus he can win a comp or 2) People confuse malice/aggression/insecurity with assertiveness. She wants meek Jesse gone b/c she thinks she's moving in on her young bf, and Candi and Howard had to go b/c they couldn't be manipulated.
We need to remember that Candice almost always started confrontations. Lately she provoked Amanda during the competition and just as she was leaving after being evicted, she took a shot at GM about living with her mother. That was a cheap shot and GM topped it. Candice loves to create drama, hate and animosity. Then she cries about it when others talk back to her and give her what she wants and needs. The behavior of Amanda and GM is not good but Candice knew what buttons to push and who had those buttons. It is a self fulfilling prophesy with her. I just can't feel bad for her. She has a lot going for her but she has a serious personality flaw.
My guess is he already has ;)
I really dont understand these HG. I don't understand why they voted Judd out if most of them are crying about it. I also don't recall so much House voting this late. No one's thinking for themselves. Aaryn is letting others play her game even though her gut is telling her she's gonna pay a price. Amanda/Helen are the influences. They had 3x in a row to get Amanda out. Helen knows someone has to make the first move & she's gonna be a target. Mc Cranda us already talking about it. Andy has been under the radar so he probably doesn't want to rock the boat. Does he or Aaryn really think if they get to F3/4 with Mc Cranda, they stand a chance of getting picked. Are they blind? They are the strongest, most loyal couple (McRae is also well likedl). If the rest of the house just banded together and got 1 of them out, the remaining would be all alone, even if it were Amanda (who pointed out last night, she's never won anything. On after dark, she did show her sweet side, comforting her bff).
So there seems to be a twist to let a HG back in. Odds are America will vote on it. Maybe it's a Pandora Box or something else (can't remember what they did before with a HG in a box?) like a power you get but in exchange someone cones back. Last night was the best episode, but I have to admit the Judd thing surprised me and I got all teary. It sounds like the Mvp twist might have done him in since they thought he was ut). But HG need to get some backbone and think for themselves although if next evictees are Jessue/spencer/Gina Marie, they may continue House votes unless a group (& now they'll need fewer votes), flips and takes out a real threat. Jessie feared this & it'll come thru. Floaters grab your life vests! Judd was classy last night & fan reaction makes me think he could be the fan fave winner)
They're buddies, it wouldn't happen. I was screaming at then to grab their 3rd consecutive chance to get Amanda our. They could have easily backdoor her & flipped. I just dont understand how her allies dont realize she will do anything to win, will always choose McRae over them, and has shown her true ugly and super selfish colors this week. Aaryn saw it & yet once again relinquished her HOH to Helen
But why does Andy want to stick with Amanda & McRae when unless they get in a huge fight, they won't turn on each other. I doubt theyd ever pick him & with Amanda being less liked, McRae would be the favorite to win
GM has been a have not. First time for Aaryn though
Andy gets on my last nerve by being so darn social a/every single person and then running 2 seconds later to tell another party in the house. You'll also notice, he always agrees a/everyone. He is a floater that cannot be loyal!
It's on te CBS website. Or you can just google big brother HOH blog
Um Amanda started the fight with Candice during the comp...check the live feeds. 2nd Gm called her a rat, during veto both Amanda and Gm got what was coming to them. Both of them are jealous of Candice...its soo obvious.
Loved Candice so sad she left :( she was jokes!!!! The way she caused drama and yelled at everyone was really funny and kept the show interesting. The way she was moving her hands and dancing "acting like a rat" in the veto comp fighting with Amanda's was SOOO funny :') sucks she had no game plan. I did feel bad for her because she had no reason to leave because she really was not a threat and I don't understand what the HGs were taking about
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