Okay, so getting to be back to BB... (I welcome the distraction right now.)
The HG's are now off of inside lockdown from BB tearing down last nights Endurance Comp set up. That happened this morning at 10am BBT.
There's been several convos today, so let's get to the highlights:
*Aaryn told Amanda that she put a huge target on herself from all the fighting she did last night with both Candice & Jessie.
*Amanda is convinced that Judd was the MVP last week & put her up on the block. (*As we already know, it was America who did that.)
*Judd/Helen talked this morning (11:15am BBT) and said they want Jessie out this week.
(*Judd has been trying to distance himself from Jessie the past few days.)
*Helen/Judd/Amanda/McCrae all don't trust Jessie now, ever since she thought about flipping the votes last week to save Howard.
*Amanda apologized to Jessie for last nights fight. Jessie apologized right back. (12:25pm BBT)
*At 12:48pm BBT, GM tells Andy that she's nominating Candice and wants him to vote her out this week. GM comments that she wants to play with the best, not with the weak (eg Candice)
*1:05pm BBT: Helen forgives Jessie for turning on them last week.
*At 1:23pm BBT, GM tells Helen to vote Candice out this week.
*GM told Elissa that her target this week is Candice. (1:35pm BBT) She says it's because Candice "stirs stuff up" and she doesn't know where her loyalty is in the house.
*Jessie told Helen (1:50pm BBT) that she will "never stray again" from the group like she did last week.
*Andy mentions that it doesn't matter who the MVP is because they have the numbers to vote out whoever they want (which is Candice). (2:00pm BBT)
*Jessie apologized to Judd (for trying to flip the vote) and that she won't do it again. (2:00pm BBT)
*At 2:53pm BBT, Candice/GM talked. GM (lied) and told Candice she hasn't decided who to nominate yet & "won't tell people who to vote". (*lol)
*GM told Jessie that her target this week is Candice.(3:00pm BBT) GM also said that she's told others that Candice is the target but they will have to vote whichever way they want.
*GM/Jessie's talk continues. Jessie said that if her (GM) target is Candice, then she (J) shouldn't go up because she's a huge target from the fight with Amanda last night. She then suggested to put up Spencer/Candice as the noms. Jessie is afraid that Amanda might make a push for her (J) to go home this week instead of Candice.
*At 3:20pm BBT, McCrae/Amanda/Andy all agree that they want Jessie gone this week, not Candice.
*3:30pm BBT: McCrae/Amanda talk to GM/Aaryn. GM says she's putting up Candice/Jessie as the noms.
*At 3:44pm BBT, McCrae suggests bringing Judd back into the alliance, but Amanda definitely does not agree with that. McCrae feels like he's loyal to the Goof Troop.
4:17pm BBT:
Feeds on trivia for the Nomination Ceremony!!
5:53pm BBT:
Feeds are back!
5:55pm BBT:
HOH Room
GM is telling Jessie to "stay cool, lay low" this week and that she's not the target this week. Jessie is scared that she'll still go home. GM said she'll talk to people in the house and tells Jessie to do the same.
GM: "Candice is going home, I'm not gonna tell her that of course..."
GinaMarie is saying that she's still gonna be nice to Candice because she (GM) is just a nice person and doesn't wanna be a "b*tch" because that's not who she is, but Candice is the target this week.
6:05pm BBT:
HOH Room
GM: "No hard feelings..."
GM is telling Candice that she basically starts drama and spreads negativity, but she still loves her and thinks she's beautiful, no hard feelings.
Candice is upset that GM called her a "tattletale" during the Nomination Ceremony. GM called Jessie a "flip-flopper".
**Okay guys & gals, I'm outta here for the night! Tomorrow is the Veto Comp & we'll also find out who the MVP Nom is when they pick for veto comp players. See y'all back here tomorrow!! Enjoy the live feeds!!
Stay tuned...

Great recap. Thanks.
*At 3:44pm BBT, McCrae suggests bringing Judd back into the alliance, but Amanda definitely does not agree with that. McCrae feels like he's loyal to the Goof Troop.
Ok, there's another reason to vote MVP for her. McCrae, she's wrecking your game.
You want Amanda on your side until it is time for her to go. Once Candice and Spencer are gone, then let the fireworks begin. Candice and Spencer should be gone during the double eviction next week if both are put up and neither of them gets HOH or POV.
@ReallyWILLKIRBY The only way I will ever play Big Brother again is if they do USA vs. Canada. Or as I call it, me whooping the ass of not 1 but 2 nations!
Gotta love Dr. Will!
lol @ Will's twitter status
I'm really looking forward to the Double Eviction. It's that time in the game that really anybody can go home.
Suddenly, memories of a clown shoe flood my thoughts. ;) lol (Jeff)
I can't believe that with their BB lives on the line Spencer and Candice were the first two out in last night's competition. That is a reason they can't flip the house, they just don't have any game. It make sense to me to keep the status quo and finish the destruction of Spencer and Candice. It's a long game. After they are gone there will be an inevitable realignment alliances.
Has anyone had problems logging on the the live feed? I went to log on and the sign in page just kept looping back . I tried first on my PC (IE) and then on my iPad. Same problem. After around thirty failed login attempts I tried a different browser (google chrome)and it worked. However three hours later I still can't sign in on my iPad. Anyone else experience this?
i had that problem last night but finally got on. but the feeds are skipping for me tonight. anyone else?
Come on now you really can't believe that? I'd have bet every penny I have that they'd have been the 1st 2 out in that comp. Forget their BB lives their actual lives could've been on the line and they'd still have been the 1st 2 out. They just weren't gonna be able to hack that physically.
Come back Real Player Super Pass....all is forgiven!
Wait, GM thinks she is a nice person?
@Jamie and Donna
BB has to call his bluff and do it! I wouldn't know who any of these Canadians are but it'd be well worth it. And they can't be any worse then the lot we got in the house right now. Plus Dan said the only temptation he'd ever have to play again was if Will did. Could you imagine? And we deserve it after this season!
Thanks for the update and I'm very sorry for your loss....take care
Hi Jamie
This is my first time commenting on your blog, but certainly not the first time reading it...i am addicted to your blog & love it tremendously!
I just wanted to send you the biggest thank you for all of your hard work. You spend endless hours on this site and it is very very very much appreciated! It is well done, helpful, insightful...and wonderful! Thanks for being so wonderful to do this!
I am also wanting to tell you how very sorry I am about your loss. It is devastatingly sad to lose someone so close. I am sending my sincerest and hugs. Please take care!
love your Canadian friend Liz
Do Away With The MVP Already. The House Can't Be Flipped With The MVP. To Flip The House You Need To Have Only Two On The Block. Put Both Amanda And Macrae On The Block And If They Stay Then A Game Move Is Made. Think About It, No Matter Who Wins HOH They Do What The Majority Wants Because They Know They Are Next To Go. The MVP Twist Has Been A Disaster.
Classic Dr. Will clip for those who'd like to reminisce. The greatest POV speech in BB history!
Thank you so much Liz! You are so sweet!! :) *hugs back to you hun* xoxo
Anybody else notice during every goodbye message hellen says the same thing! !!!?! "Sorry that i had a heavy hand in getting u out" then when julie said "helen ur first to vote " helen jumped up like a 2year old and walked silly to the door! !!! Everything about her annoys the crap outta me!!!! Grrrrr GO HOME HELLEN!!!! (Sorry just had to get that out) hahha :)
Also i found it strange that spencer and candice didnt communicate better this last week! (When candice called the hs meeting and called spencer out on his lies) candice should have known that spencer had to tell amanda that he wants candice outta the hs!!! He couldnt tell amanda to her face he was plotting to get her out!!! Candice is smart...she should have known better!! Instead she called him out infront of everyone and made herself a huge target!!! Nobody trusts her to keep secrets! That was such a bad game play!!
i found it strange that spencer and candice didnt communicate better this last week! (When candice called the hs meeting and called spencer out on his lies) candice should have known that spencer had to tell amanda that he wants candice outta the hs!!! He couldnt tell amanda to her face he was plotting to get her out!!! Candice is smart...she should have known better!! Instead she called him out infront of everyone and made herself a huge target!!! Nobody trusts her to keep secrets! That was such a bad game play!!
Lol. Glad to see I wasn't the only one to catch that.
Jamie so sorry to hear of your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your friends family.
Thank you Ronika McCaskill for posting that link I had no idea Amanda said all of those nasty comments. She is as bad as Aaryn and if I have another chance to vote someone on the block it will be her.
I totally noticed that too, Shannon. Helen thinks she's in complete control of the house but I'm betting McrAnda gets her out soon.
The game isnt gonna get good till either: a) candice, jesse and spencer are all out! (Cause then the whole house alliance has to turn on eachother). b) can, jess, or spence win HOH!!!! UNTIL THEN ITS GONNA BE BORING!!! :(
Not ones gonna be brave enough to get Amanda out when they have a chance. Too bad the first hoh will be denied the room, esp if they're a first timer. I think after the double, they'll be down to 9 aka jury & Julie will announce MVP is now over. I wish they'd do a competition where HG have to predict true false on real current events.... That would be more interesting
The Canada thing will never happen. If they'd agree, they could do an All Winner All Star season. But I think most of them wouldnt wanna do it. They could do a spiuse/relative thing or at least half. I still would like a minority cast.. 2 Asians, Hispanics, African American, w 2 non stereotypical gay men and women, maybe a transexual man & woman, and throw in 2 Caucasians too. See how those dynamics are. Let the gays have showmance potential... Survivor did a minority season. See how or if the game changes with flipping the cast on its head. They won't do it, especially after thus season & cbs panicking over any racial comments
They could've flipped and easily gotten Amanda out this week. The Mvp didn't work as planned because Elissa won 3 weeks in a row AND told everyone. It became predictable and there was no paranoia being triggered. Thats why They changed it to America's vote. I'm pretty sure this is the last week. It doesn't make sense when there are fewer people in the house. They'll be down to 9 (jury) and they'll announce MVP is now over and the remaining HG will cheer. If Amanda were the 3rd nominee, they should get her out but they won't
Lol. You are so right. I just want to point out that is why no one wants to align with them. They have nothing to offer. Just considering she might flip has landed Jessie on the block.
I think I might be in the minority here, but I like this season. I don't like watching people play over and over again. ( Unless it's all stars ) I like to see a whole new set players. I think the MVP has had a huge effect on the gameplay and has caused the house guests to go with the house a lot more.
really like the blog and all of the commentors here. you all make me laugh a lot.
Ha ha, right? A good person to who? Herself?
Right...I mean honestly who are these people? I just don't operate like this people. And God forbid of I was a full blown racist I would have common sense to not say repeatedly negative racial slurs and derrogatory comments on NATIONAL TV! After someone said to me oh that was a racist thing to say like a lot of them told Amanda that would've been common sense to stop right then and there. I know you forget the cams are there but not that much.
1- I think it's funny that GM thinks she has any sway/power in the house
2- the HGs don't understand the idea of a pawn- a real pawn would be someone you don't think anyone would vote out, so if GM really wanted Candice out, she should have put her up with someone like Andy, or Helen, who is unanimously popular in the house
3 - if the show really wanted to get rid of floaters, the should do a 'vote your favorite' poll, and whoever received the least votes go up as a nom
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