As soon as the feeds come back, I'll post what happened/is happening! :D
Currently on the live feeds...
6:25pm BBT:
Feeds are back. Nothing happened. lol :P
Amanda is still on her annoy-the-heck-out-of-Elissa tour. lol
Amanda: "This will never stop, Elissa! You're gonna have to enjoy this for the rest of your time here! This is what you get for being a bitch to everyone in the house!"
**Okay guys & gals, I'm outta here for the night! Enjoy the live feeds!!!
Stay tuned...

Let's hope that is a reward pandora's box for HoH and punishment for the house. Elissa is already being punished by them it would only be right for her to punish them. I would just feel bad for Judd and GM.
just wanted to say "thank you" for the amazing job you do--left you a little donation to show my appreciation.
you are AWESOME!
Feeds were on trivia for an hour and nothing happened? WTF
Ok Production? There Must Be A Limit As To The Harassment In The House?
Elissa, Just Out Up Andy And Let Amanda And Mccrae Decide Which One They Will Vote For.
Just curious.....when and how has Elissa been a bitch to production???
Ok. Just finished watching the show. Could Amanda whine and cry anymore? Poor thing didnt have "control" this week. Guess what?! You didn't win the HOH and never have! Can she possibly love herself anymore? She is a disgusting person. WHY is she still there?
Elissa held on to the ball case the whole time. Are they aloud to hold on?
INTERESTING. Production tried to get Amanda to stop harassing Elissa.... EVEN THOUGH Amanda broke no rules. (then it goes to fishies so you can't hear what else production said to her)
Yes, Production is bending this game for Elissa 'cause you know she went and told them she would self-evict. But nevermind that...
Harassment has been used LEGALLY in other seasons of Big Brother without Production interfering as long as no rules are broken. Also see: Jeremy, Aaryn, and Kaitlin's behavior.
Aaryn was pulled into DR after the "bed flipping incident." When she came out, they asked if she got yelled at for the bed flipping, and she said no.
That tells me that it's ONLY a bad thing to production if you harass Elissa and not a bad thing if you harass Candice.
Nice, right?
But Production doesn't cheat. Suuuure they don't.
Thank you
This is the best Big Brother blog ever
It's also very possible Aryan could've lied about whether she got in trouble for the bed flipping incident. It's a pretty natural reaction to not want to tell others when you get scolded for something whether out of embarrassment and/or it making you seem more like you did something wrong. Amanda even initially said they didn't tell her to stop and that it was her choice to take a break.
That is so perfectly what she should do, force them to decide.
I'm starting to find Amanda more and more annoying! When I watch this show I try to think of what I would do if I was that HG. Try to see things from their point of view, but my adult brain will not allow me to see Amanda's point of view if she countinually acts like a cry baby selfish child!!!
A Christian, Elissa is not. How can she spend so much time reading the Bible and still behave like she does? On tonight's show Elissa said I want everyone to feel as bad as I did (when America saved her behind). I refer her to Romans 12:19. She is a really ugly person. The hate in her eyes rivals that of the evil she speaks of.
If there is any pond scum in the house, it is Elissa. She keeps saying she like anyone in the house and would NEVER be associated with any of them outside the house. She is a pretty vile and disgusting person herself. No one is going to the HOH room because now it stinks in there.
It makes me laugh when people say Amanda is not a bully. Amanda sure proved she is a bully today with her actions toward Elissa.
Rules Are Meant To Be Changed. Both Aaryn And Amanda Pushed It Too Far.
The Best Way To Handle Amanda Is To Stand Up To The Bully. She Only Does This To Those Who Let Her.
People are just mad because Elissa has played a pretty well game so far. IMO.
Is it just me or does Andy remind anyone else of Jesse Tyler Ferguson of "Modern Family"?
Haha! Amanda got scolded like a little child. Mccrud run for the hills while you can still win this game and play for yourself..leave annoying amanda to fend for herself.
@Brian: They didn't TELL her to stop, but they WANTED her to stop. In other words, they pressured her.
Whereas if it had been any other two houseguests, that pressure wouldn't be there.
Since I've never heard anyone say that Aaryn was scolded for flipping Candice's bed, I have to believe that what she said and the way she said it (I remember quite clearly) is the truth.
Does anyone else think that Elissa got edited to look like a saint AGAIN this week? No mention of her bitchy attitude last week and how she threatened Andy. Also no mention of how she said she was too good for the house and should be paid to be there. Production is really favoring her. She is so annoying!
It is funny to see how people like Amanda & Andy are so gleeful to lie and vote people out with no second thoughts or remorse or compassion. When they're even at risk of going on the block, they immediately have a meltdown... Andy has gone 2 months with never going on the block.. The only HG. Chill bro.. You all deserve whatever you get for refusing to split up McRanda and playing their game. You'll have 7 people and a 2 vote block. If next week's HOH doesnt put up Amanda and McRae, they deserve to leave. We don't know if Elissa will put up Andy.. Theres still a chance she won't. What I dont know is if its Andy vs Aaryn who would GM vote out. I don't know who she's lying to. But this is usually when it gets good as they start eating their own. The HG are so stupid to now go after Elissa (who has no one realky) next week & let McRanda stay one more week.. As fewer people are in the house, they get even more powerful. I dont get why the HG dont break them up.. They keep getting distracted and Amanda has been a genius so far. Youd think her clock would run out.. Aaryn also trusts Amanda too much.. She seems likely to vote her out over Andy. A mess
Also it would be neat if the photo booth did give them a special power. Put photos online and whomever America votes as the best photos, gets something or at least $1000.
How old is Amanda 8 or 28? Grow up already damn!! She is so childish...I would never buy anything from her, I wouldnt take even if it was free. She is so immature. She should have gotten a penalty. If I were Elissa I would've gotten in her ass, for real! She is good at dishing it out but when someone goes after her she hides behind the garbage can and cries. ..when she sees what ppl think about her forreal she will be hiding in the garbage can instead of behind it...ijs. @ Jaime whats with the going in someone's bag story line? I am so totally confused with these hg's.
falcor: I absolutely believe they edit her to look like a saint. Most people don't see what Elissa really does and how she does it. I would take GM or Aaryn or Amanda any day over Elissa. Of the four, Elissa is the only one I would never put up with as a friend.
Rebecca-THANK YOU!! Cutting out that who fight where she stomped off to the DR to “tell on everyone” totally changes the story line for those not watching the live feeds. I keep wondering why everyone is so team Elissa? She has done nothing but act like she is better than everyone else. After 60+ days of Elissa’s voice, snarky looks, elitist attitude and obvious favoritism I would probably be at the same point that Amanda is at right now. I read on another blog that they suspect she got to call her husband? PS-homegirl needs to COOL IT on the plastic surgery.
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