Speaking of Elissa, just a little bit ago, Judd/Elissa talked and agreed to work together again. (They had a Final 2 deal prior to Judd leaving the BB house a couple of weeks ago.)
4:37pm BBT:
HOH Room
They decide that they will work together, though they will act as if they're not in front of others. Judd told Elissa that he will act like he likes Amanda/McCrae but only to get info for them to work with, though they're both totally against them (Mc/Am). Judd said he'll get in Spencer's ear to convince him to not trust Am/Mc as well. If that works out, then it'll be the 4 of them: Elissa/GM (who made a deal earlier today) and Judd/Spencer. They shook on a Final 2 deal before the convo was over.
5:02pm BBT:
Spencer told Andy that he thinks Elissa is trying to get Judd/GM/Aaryn to work with her but that he could be wrong.
5:11pm BBT:
TRIVIA on the feeds! Time for the Nomination Ceremony to begin!! :D I'll post the spoiler below once the live feeds come back on. (Should take about an hour.)
6:17pm BBT:
Feeds are back!
Amanda: "You're gonna be ok, McCrae."
McCrae: "I know. I'm not worried about me. I'm worried about you."
McCrae tells her that if himself or Aaryn wins veto, then Amanda is going up as the replacement nom.
**Okay guys & gals, I'm outta here for the night!! See y'all back here in the morning with The Overnighter. Until then, enjoy the live feeds!!
Stay tuned...

Who didn't Judd have a deal with prior to him leaving the house a couple weeks ago? Haha
umm i think clownie & the rubber ducky in the pool. lollll
Thought it was going to be Aaryn and Amanda.
When did it change I just reread the last blog?
where did it say that? (wondering if i made a typo) Since last night, Elissa's been talking about Aaryn/McCrae as the noms and all day today.
I don't know I thought that what I read maybe it was the overnight, I thought u said Am/ Aa with Mc as the replacement mon.
I read the overnight again I must have been dreaming. :-!
@James, I think you were just hoping it would be Amanda ;) like three rest of us!
Four of us. :)
Damn auto correct...*the
I've been saying for over a month that Amanda couldn't win the game the way she was playing and it couldn't be anymore obvious right now that her ouster draws nigh and she'll be evicted sooner rather than later now. So all the Amanda haters just need to chill out and relax as your time to celebrate her demise is coming shortly. It makes much more sense for Elissa to target Aryan this week. Then they'll be plenty of people and opportunity to go after Amanda after that. And Aryan's got a great chance to win POV so it could still easily happen this week.
I've seen Amanda's game compared to 2 past winners as to her ability to win the game however I believe both comparisons are flawed as she lacks certain key elements that allowed them to win that will prevent her from doing so.
The 1st and most egregious is Dr Will based on her not winning any comps and being a puppetmaster. However while there was strategy behind Dr Will choosing to never try to win a comp that's not the case whatsoever with Amanda who wants to win every comp but simply hasn't been able to win a single one and then whines and cries about it. Now if she was then going into the DR and saying she was doing it all for show to draw attention to how she sucks when she has no interest in winning when she can just get whoever does to do what she wants anyway that'd be a different story. Also their styles of manipulation are vastly different where Dr Will used charm and charisma where along with his sense of humor even after you realized you were manipulated you still couldn't help but like him. While Amanda's style is loud and brash and in your face and simply can't be maintained for that length of time without making enemies and people getting fed up and sick of you.
Which leads into the 2nd comparison in Evel Dick. Amanda's style of behavior is much more similar to his except from a female perspective with some tears thrown in the mix. However she lacks a couple critical components to winning the game with that style. To pull that off you need to be able to pop a few key competition wins along the way as you'll be too big of a target not to. ED was able to do that and also had a super strong comp winner in Dani as his partner in crime. Whereas Amanda hasn't even come close to winning anything all season and McCrae hasn't won anything since week 1. Also while Dick and Dani were father and daughter they came in estranged and hating each other so there was a belief that could be played up that they'd ultimately have no issue screwing each other in the end. While that's not the case with Amanda and McCrae in their showmance
I can't believe that i'm saying this, but I really want Aaryn to win veto and send Amanda packing. ;)
Your Subconscious at work, James ...is this what you wanted to happen? :-)
Five of us.....:-)
I agree hope aaryn wins veto and then Amanda is going bye bye
I agree would like to see aaryn win veto and see Amanda go bye bye
I feel the same!
@Kern's Kreations I am right there with you. I don't care for Aaryn and never have, but I am so over Amanda at this point. She is so full of herself.
If you had asked me a couple of weeks ago I would have been an Amanda/McCrae fan but after watching the feeds for the last 24 hours, they disgust me. Their room/bed is disgusting they haven't showered, changed clothes, brushed teeth, socialized or anything. Amanda has to plug her nose to kiss McCrae. I a definitely a fan of Elissa/Judd and I hope that Aaryn wins veto and Amanda gets her ass voted out of that house. Maybe then McCrae will have enough time to get out of bed and take a shower.
I am so ready to see Amanda go too...I liked her as much as I disliked Aaryn at first, but after 3 weeks (at least) of her holier-than-thou attitude, I'm over her. So ready to see her get what she has pushed on so many others - the boot!
Fantastic blog Jamie! You rock and I'm not sure I could even watch BB without you anymore (been a dedicated reader since BB9). Thanks for all you do!!
Spencer mentioned to Judd that they have to take their medications in the DR now, which explains why Elissa the Killer Klown spends so much time in there.
Amanda actually displays a lot of characteristics commonly found in sociopaths. ugh..... complete psycho, please vote her out
@Nicole wow, thank you so much for being with me all these years! :D That is so awesome!!!!!
SIX of us....
First of all, Jamie GREAT BLOG! I come here every season for my BB fix and this year I made sure to sign up for the feeds through you!
Second, I am so done with the bashing on Elissa and people saying she hasn't done anything BLAH BLAH. She's had a target on her back since Day 1 all because she's Rachel's sister so why would she try hard to win competitions all of the time just for them to have more of a reason to put her up? Had Helen won POV last week or should she had not won HOH this week, she would be gone or the target.
Amanda is finally facing the facts that her mist doesn't work on everyone and that drives her insane. As for McCrae, I don't understand why HE doesn't understand why she'd put him on the block. His first HOH after she came to him and they were supposedly "working together" he went and put her up. Both he and Amanda put Elissa and Helen up under Aaryn's HOH! He don't seem to see how unloyal he really has been to her which is hilarious because all him and Amanda talk about is how disposable Elissa is. HATE ON 3AM ALLIANCE! You're only hating because your power is gone this week.
HG's need to stop complaining about people lying to them because this is Big Brother so build a bridge and get over it!
p.s. Wish I could send Aaryn some tissues to help out at that pity party she's throwing..
Elissa And Judd Will Work Together. Going They Can Get One More Strong Player To Go With Them. Not Sure Whom It Will Be.
The HOH room convo between Elizza and GM on BBAD is priceless. Elizza trying to impress on GM the importance of ignoring everything she hears and GM displaying her astonishingly short attention span, hemorrhaging non-sequiturs nonstop, fussing with nails, hair, Elizza kissing her butt, French-style.
Love your posts Brian! I was thinking the same thing...great insight!
The house has roaches! How disgusting is that? Yuck. ..
yeah idk how they live in such filth. Amanda look like a slob now just like Mcrae, he is pretty freakin gross...bites his warts and then sticks his hands in the food. She is always asking if he showered or brushed his teeth or changed his underwear! Yikes... And spencer is always digging in his nose and then has the nerve to put his hands in the food...ugh just disgusting!
As long as the ultimate plan is to pull Aaryn off the block with the veto and put Amanda. Time to break up the lovely couple.
As long as the plan is to backdoor Amanda this will be a good week...,
It would be funny to see McCrea when veto! Bwahahaha
I totally agree. I vote to evict...AMANDA!
I like the name Narcissa better-lol, but killer clown is classic, too! :)I think the HOH letter from Rachel lit a fire in her panties!
Her winning was also due to pure adrenaline and technique (she's the only one who focused on the ball-thrower's hands-and not the moving wall under their feet-the ENTIRE comp---duh, hadn't any of the other HG's EVER played or watched a single baseball/softball game or heard the phrase, "keep ur eye on the ball"?) as well as determination to get revenge for Helen's eviction.
AND, @ Craig Marshall, Narcissa is sooooo critical of Amanda & Aaryn's medication, what the heck is that all about? I thought I remember her taking Xanax in the early weeks of this season!? If it's true, I have 1 word for her: hypocrite. Maybe it's Valium, but I distinctly remember someone mentioning that Narcissa took meds too.
Hmmmmm......is this the Jeremy that was the 3rd one out of the house this season on BB15?? Who was WAY outplayed by a group of smart chicks, by Andy, by McCrae? THE Jeremy who helped spread ringworm around the house....who stole the wine that Aaryn is still getting blamed for?? Well, either way, if it is you or is a different Jeremy, you may want to pick up a big book called the dictionary & look up the big words that you just used in your post.
Here is the Random House Webster's unabridged dictionary definition of sociopath: "...a person whose behavior is antisocial-who lacks a sense of moral responsibility and social conscience". Definitely not a description of the Amanda I've been watching!! She may get annoying and cry and act spoiled when she doesn't get her way or she loses a comp, but she is the FURTHEST thing from being antisocial (except when she is in bed with McCrae [being with McCrae is being social, lol!] --who, btw, is/was the leader of the pack that has evicted everyone so far and has had Amanda, Helen, & Andy do his dirty work to keep his hands clean in my humble opinion). Ok, so she isn't antisocial (strike 1), she doesn't lack moral responsibility and she definitely has a social conscience (strikes 2 & 3); you're out! I'm an Andy & McCrae fan, they've both played brilliantly, but calling Amanda a sociopath?! Not.....so.....much, Jeremy, sorry. She cares about what her family and what America thinks of her, she understands and accepts the consequences to her actions, and is one of the most funny HG's to date on BB, I think. Ok she is/was an actress/comedianne, everyone knows that by now, and she has mild tantrums and fake crying jags sometimes, but that is not sociopathic behavior. Think more on the lines of the young men who shot up the theater or the school; now THAT is a sociopath! Amanda? No WAYYYYY......manipulative? Yes. Could she sell a blood Popsicle to a woman wearing white gloves? Yes. Is she wearing the pants in her McCranda relationship? Yes. Is she bad at comps? Yes. Does she have a very strong personality?! Absolutely.
So, Jeremy, here's a bit of advice (if you ARE the one that was evicted THIRD this year): go ahead and get back on your little sailboat house and sail off into the sunset. Later, bro! Sayonara! (Oh, don't forget....spend some of that $2K or whatever you got from BB on a new book for your trip: a dictionary!!!!! lol!) ANNNNNND, if this is just some random Jeremy, here is your advice: www.dictionary.com ......... it's helpful with BIG words like 'sociopath'. lol I'm just sayin', folks, I've obviously had a bit too much caffeine today....sorry such a long reply, but for some odd reason I was compelled to defend Amanda this lovely Saturday morning! I hope everyone here has a lovely weekend. I'm headed to the beach for a day of fun in the sun with my handsome fiancé.
P.S. oh and all of you feed watchers and bloggers, take some "me" time for yourself today. Go get a mani or pedi or play on the beach like I plan to do. BB will be there when you get home! ;)
Caught part of After Dark where Elissa told Aaryn she wants to work with her & backdoor Amanda? Has she changed her mind? It's so confusing to know who's lying. GM told E she didn't like Aaryn. If E wants Amanda out, why not nominate her and McRae to ensure one of them goes out. Best case scenario would be if Aaryn won veto & E put up Amanda. The hysteria alone would be entertaining (I feel bad saying that but)... Would they gave votes. What I'd
If Amanda finally working something and took McRae off.. Either E is stupid, changed her mind about Aaryn or is lying.. But latter wouldnt make sense if suddenly she's telling Aaryn to fight hard for veto when 12 hours ago she was determined to get her out no matter what. Did Amanda just do something to pis
s her off? Trying to count votes if its one of McRanda vs Aaryn. Andy would evict Aaryn since he has some blind loyalty to McRanda. GM probably would vote how E tells het hopefully she'd have Judd.. The McRanda person not on block would vote Aaryn out too. So in that scenario, it would be Spencer as swing vote and I fear he would stupidly protect McRanda thinking they're loyal. If they'd be smart enough to work together, they could get our McRanda and Andy - both have a very good chance of winning in F2. Oh the drama. But even though he's been proven a liar & voted Helen out, for some reason Andy maintains his innocent golly gee status & Elissa is snooker ed into still thinking hes on your side. Mcranda ability to ruke the house when she's won nothing and I think he only won 1x is amazing. Aug to that were down to nitty gritty and you'd think breaking them up would be everyone's top priority because they will NEVER vote against each other & anyone gets into final three with them, they have no chance of McRanda taking them to finals unless they win hoh..
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