Judd: "It's definitely a double eviction tomorrow, then." (*bingo.)
So far, Aaryn/Amanda/Elissa are doing really well with the practice comp.
Okay, so tonight's BB episode starts a 8pm EST on CBS.
Tonight's BB show will feature the MVP nom reveal, the Veto Comp and the Veto Ceremony. This is also the episode where we will see the Amanda vs Candice fight (if they decide to show it).
Grab your snacks & drinks and I'll see y'all in the chat room 10 minutes before the show starts at 8pm EST! :D
After that, make sure you watch the live feeds to see what the houseguests are doing!! (They're super cheap, only $10 for this month & the same for next month!!)
Stay tuned...

Did you see Julie Chen's instagram? She has a picture of the reset button with a caption something like 'is this just an old prop from a previous season or should you expect the unexpected?'
It couldn't be really happening could it? Big Brother themselves would probably be announcing it and they couldn't have that much excitement on a double eviction show. I think it's just trying to get some people excited but I don't see it happening.
I'd guess that comp they're practicing for is for the 2nd HOH comp after the DE. That's usually how it goes if memory serves me.
If it means anything it'd probably mean the end of MVP twist and back to just 2 people on the block which most have already assumed with the logistics of doing the vote during a DE. Not sure what else they could reset.
McCrae's DR sessions tonight were interesting.
Getting the impression McCrae's NOT moving to Florida ...
I hope Mcrae dumps amanda
I can really appreciate McCrae's DR sessions. He seems like one of the few that gets it, and he's starting to understand that being Demanda's person is a double edged sword.
I am officially sick of Amanda, I had a tolerance for her up till now, thinking she was just playing a hardnose game but I can't stand listening to her anymore.
I am rather impressed with McCrae. For some reason he struck me as the type to allow a woman like Demanda to run roughshod over him. But he stands up to her and calls her on her BS repeatedly. I think he would separate from her if not for the very reason he mentioned - hell hath no fury like a woman scorned and Amanda has a lot of scorn. He is afraid she would come after him hardcore and make his life miserable in the house. And I bet he is 100% right!
I love reading the blog especially since we miss so much by only watching the shows on tv. I have to say even though I knew about the fight during the pov, seeing it really drives it home. I feel McCrea's pain but if you sleep with the devil that's what you get. I would love to see him turn on Amanda but I kinda think he's to afraid of the hell Amanda would make his life. Do you think Julie will tell the HG that they will be going to the jury house or after they get evicted? I am not sure it will be a fun place to be either.
Did anyone else see that the double eviction episode will be preempted due to football?!? It's not showing here till 2:07 Friday morning! I'm so bummed! Double eviction is my favorite! And now I have to wait longer. :(
So. Amanda actually reminds me of Rachel more than Elissa reminds me of Rachel. With her outbursts, & not listening to what her BB bf is telling her. The witch does NOT listen. Hmm sound like anybody? Or again, it could be just me.
BTW I am done saying who I do and don't like in this game because I feel like I'm always changing my mind, and it's just gotta be annoying. And plus, who really reads what I gots ta say anyway, you know? I'm just merely one of many commenting on this WONDERFUL blog. :)
I really enjoy reading this blog. I also read the other BB stories. Not sure if you will post this. Someone who onced worked for CBS is stating online that BB is rigged and the winner is pre-selected. And no its not Elissa. Amanda is supose to be the pre-selected winner. Is this true???? I hope not she is a aweful person her comments and she can't keep her mouth shut. I'm almost ready to stop watching. According to the article Amanda is and has been for a few years friends with a producer on BB Alison G. Amanda does not deserve to win she has bullied the HG. She has not won any competitions. At least Rachel won comps and played a better game then Amanda has. Judd is stupid if he thinks Amanda has his back. She thinks he is the MVP. If (and that's a BIG IF Amanda were to win HOH I think she would put Judd up without even thinkin about it. So much for her having his back. He should of listened to Jessie and got Helen/ Elissa to help them backdoor Amanda. They only need 4 votes. Judd/Jessie/Helen/Elissa that 4 and we could say bye bye Amanda!!!!!!!
Really I had not heard that, is it nationwide?
Anyone know if the shows can be watched online? HELP!
I can't WAIT until Demanda finds out that America voted her on the block every week. "I don't know why they'd do it." Seriously!?!?!?
So Spencer is being investigated for his child porn "jokes"...how he even thought that was funny in the first place is quite puzzling. CBS sure picked some type of hg's this season...smh.
I watch them online, but you have to wait to the next day on the CBS website.
I think the game is on Fox not Cbs.
I saw a convo between Elissa, Jesse, and Helen on BBAD. Elissa was saying that Adderall was like meth and heroin. And Jesse said that it is a performance enhancing drug. Helen let herself be convinced by what they were saying. It really upset me because my daughter takes Adderall so her attention span, not concentration (they said that it makes your concentration super sharp-ugh), would elevate to hopefully where a normal person's would be. Hello! The people who take this, people who don't abuse it, take it for ADD and ADHD...Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Jesse even went as far as saying that it wasn't fair to her and that's why it's been so difficult for her to win comps...because she was up against people who had an unfair advantage. At least Helen was smart enough to say that if it were performance enhancing, then she couldn't see how they would be allowed to take it. *sighing while head hitting desk...these people*
Where did you read that? I'd like to read up on what's going on with this. I hope they can punish him now. I mean, didn't he violate some FCC laws or something by what he said? At this point, the people I wanted to see get evicted because they would have to face the real life consequences to their deplorable actions, is a moot point because they all will be sequestered now. I was disappointed when I read that the jury was going to be bigger now.
Don't believe anything you read on Facebook.
I'm really hoping that Spencer's company/union can find a way to get rid of him. Before, it was merely disgusting and offensive. Now? It's gone well past that--so much so that the police have to investigate him.
I see everyone ragging on Amanda, but where's the Spencer hate?
I may be done reading the posts. And I'm definitely done going in the chat rooms with all the insane amount of Amanda hate. How soon everyone forgets that she was the one that told Aaryn TWICE to cut it out with the racist crap and also herself has been the victim of ethnic slurs and intolerance because she's Jewish.
It's easy to forget those things, isn't it. But oh, since Elissa's pre-made fanbase see Amanda as a threat to Elissa, Amanda is the target of everyone's hatred? C'mon. Elissa is 10 times more vile than Amanda. She just disguises her abuse in a softer voice. I get a feeling people don't even know what they're looking at when they watch the feeds.
I want to see them do an episode on all the hatred that Elissa has dished out in the house--because she doesn't just hate a few people, she hates on EVERYONE.
LOL @ Demanda!
So what a joke is a joke everybody is way to sensitive even the producers and most of america its what's decided our country racial tension it all starts with politics. It sjoilx never be illegal to think of something say something or look at something our founders would say we are no longer a free people guaranteed. Please vote Helen out she's a boring floater.
1. I realize I'm in the minority on this blog but Amanda is emerging as my favorite player. A strong funny woman controlling the house, what's not to like? My favorite Amanda line, "all she had to do was sit there and look semi-pretty."
2. Aryn on the other hand is still the same bad person she always was albiet humbled by the house. She needs to go next in my opinion.
I can't imagine the Amanda preselection story is true - there's only so much BB can do with how people vote.
If BB is rigged and Amanda wins this season, I will most def stop watching. Amanda is a snake and a two-faced bitch. I use to like her, she was hilarious! But like in the Veto competition last night. She whispered to Candice "Shut the f*ck up Candice" and Candice said "Keep on agging it on Amanda. You're only hurting yourself" and Amanda said outloud "I don't even know what she's talking about? She's making a target for herself.. wow" WHAT?! I was super mad when I heard her say that.
And I hope McCrae backstabbs the crap outta her. smh, so tired of seeing her face.
Also, that's sick about Spencer. They need to fine him atleast. You don't joke around about that. Does he have kids?
@ Rebecca - I totally agree!
Same thing here on my end!! : (
I do love my football though!! I just wish it wasn't happening on one of the BIGGEST nights of Big Brother!
Oh my! I thought the EXACT same thing!! Glad I'm not alone!
It was on TMZ
Police are full of crap believe I am a retired one. This is America not Russia and lately they think we are to intrusive on our peoples rights. Its just an opinion like the earth is round
Did you see the way Amanda treated everyone last night? THAT is why she is hated! She's a controlling bully abs needs to go!
I'm watching the show now (a little late, I know) and arguments between Benchel kept popping in my head because Rachel wouldn't keep her dang mouth shut!
You can't seriously say Amanda was being hated on for being Jewish because she was saying just as much garbage about other people. I believe that is like the pot calling the kettle black.
If you want to say anyone in the house is sweet about being rude, it's Candice. I understand, she's taken a lot of heat from certain people in the house. However, you didn't hear Howard calling Aaryn a redneck behind her back. Even if Aaryn deserved it, you can't sit and say I'm so innocent, I'm innocent when you turn around and do the same things. I lost some respect for that girl afterwards. There is a difference between sticking up for yourself and what I'd call revenge of words in this case.
Anyway, regarding your Elissa comments, I was an Elissa fan in the beginning just because she was such an underdog. When I started to see how dumb she was at playing the game I was over that real quick and I think most Elissa fans are over that.
The thing is, who do we really have this season to be fans of?
I thought Amanda was funny too. I was cheering for her when she called out Aaryn for her racist behavior.
Then, in the past 2 weeks it all went downhill. The way she talked to Candice in the veto, the way she talked to Jesse on the patio? The way she gets jealous for no reason, the way she has a hissy fit and runs to her bed hoping for MC to follow her and kiss her a**. She is exactly what McCrea said, high school.
Seriously? Lol Amanda did tell Aaryn to chill on the racial slurs but she didnt waste any rime adding in her own...when she realized she couldn't control Candice and Howard. She also told Aaryn in a later episode the things she said wasnt that bad and they should just get over it. Not to mention the lie she told on Howard...no one gets sexually harassed and then says thank you.(thats common sense) and lets not forget how she threatens ppl not to vote against her. And That is why America dislikes her.
you dont say you love to beat your beef to child porn and you like them to be 3 or 4 and you like it when you can tell they're in the basement. Thats crazy as hell and in no way funny. So of they investigated him he deserves it.
Can someone explain how jury works? This is the first season I've watched (and became completely addicted). Will the winner be chosen with an anonymous vote?
For real? I am a total Elissa fan but for your information, I am by no means a part of a pre-made fan base for her. I about vomited when I saw that Rachel's sister was going to be in this season. I despised Rachel in both of her seasons and I was fully well prepared to hate Elissa just because of that. Personally, I really liked Amanda for the first couple of weeks. However she has earned my scorn.
Welcome to being a BB addict! the jury will vote for the winner between the last two houseguests standing. They do it much like the key ceremony when nominations for eviction are chosen. Each jury member will lock their key with the name of the person they want to win into the big round key box and then Julie will pull the keys out one by one. We will know exactly which jury member voted for which person.
Thanks, AmiLrn! :)
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