Yesterday after the veto comp, we learned that Amanda had won veto, which will keep both herself & McCrae safe this week. (She will pull him down and since she won veto, she's automatically safe because she won veto.) So this leaves the question: who will Elissa put up as the renom? Amanda wants GM up & out, but knew that Andy would be the one going up. This started Amanda on her 'get GM up on the block' scheming last night. She wants Aaryn to remain safe this week and she could do that by being on the bock next to GM.
Elissa wanted to put Andy up because she thought Amanda/McCrae would not vote Andy out (*this is true)...getting her target of Aaryn out this week. Amanda came up with a plan to fool Elissa into thinking that she was doing them all a favor by getting Andy up because "nobody would put him up" because everyone likes him & it'd be a great time to get him up & out. Amanda then went to Andy & told him to act like she was telling him that she's voting him out. This is all part of the plan. So, he did. He told Elissa that he's gonna get voted out if he goes up on the block & to put up GM instead.
Elissa told Andy/Judd that she's positive that GM would vote Aaryn out. (*GM wouldn't.) Judd then talked with GM alone (after Amanda got to her & tried to get her on her side, steering away from Elissa)...
...and GM told Judd she's not voting out Aaryn.
Judd then told Elissa. Judd suggested that maybe GM would be a better renom than Andy because they don't know what GM would really do.
Elissa/Judd/Spencer/Andy then formed an alliance to go after Amanda/McCrae. They all high-fived each other.
(At first it wasn't clear if Andy/Spencer were really on board or not, but they later talked and confirmed that they're really with Elissa now. So it looks like Andy has flipped.)
So why did Andy flip all of a sudden? Well, he kept talking about a comment that Zingbot made to him about being a "floater". So now he has a "fire under him" to make big moves.
A little while later, Judd basically drew the line in the sand with Amanda/McCrae. Amanda asked what him/Elissa were talking about the lounge room a few minutes prior, and Judd told her to go find out herself. He made similiar comments, all drawing the conclusion that even though he's playing with a clean slate, he's still against them (Am/Mc). As soon as he left, Amanda told McCrae..
Amanda: "Judd has to go. Like, yesterday."
At 12:55am BBT, Judd talked to Elissa in the HOH room.
Elissa thinks that Judd is working with Mc/Am. Judd tells her no.
Elissa: "I think you wanna work with Aaryn."
Judd: "No. Hell no!"
Elissa: "They said you wanted me out every week. You never said you wanted me out?"
Judd: "No."
Elissa: "I have to make a big ass decision and I really wish you were on board with me."
There's no reason for Elissa to be thinking that Judd isn't on her side..she's either going nuts from being in the house and losing her marbles, or her paranoia is at a whole new level.
They go back & forth..Elissa doesn't trust him. Judd pulls out a coin in his pocket that his mom gave him (he carries it around everyday) and gave it to Elissa to hold and said if he's lying, then she can keep it.
Elissa: "Aw that's cute."
Andy ended up joining Judd/Elissa and basically backed up everything Judd was telling her about not being on Amanda's side at all & how they both want Aaryn out this week but..Elissa still didn't believe them.
At 1:45am BBT, GM/Elissa talked in the HOH room.
Elissa lied/said that Judd wants GM up on the block "so bad" because he wants them (El/GM) to turn against each other. Not only is this not true, I don't even know why she would think or say that. Elissa told GM she is not putting her (GM) up, she's putting Andy up & that will still make Aaryn go home. Elissa mentioned that she's gonna make it seem like she's putting GM on the block, but she's not going to. GM said she came into the house by herself & though doesn't really want to vote Aaryn out, she will. (Whether or not she will, is yet to be seen.)
GM then went and talked to Aaryn, telling her that as long as she (GM) isn't the renom, then she (Aa) will stay. She also told Aaryn that if Andy is the renom (which she now knows he will be) that she will lie to him and tell him he's safe because he did the same thing to her about keeping Nick. Who is she lying to: Elissa or Aaryn? It seems like she might be lying to Aaryn. It's one of those weeks were we will need to see Diary Room Sessions to see what the houseguests are really thinking.
**And that's it for The Overnighter!! Today is my "Summer Sunday" day off, which means I'll be back at 8pm EST tonight for the Sunday Night BB Show. If anything major happens today, I'll update y'all tonight. Until then, enjoy watching the live feeds!! :D
PS **There's a new poll to the right of the blog! -->
Stay tuned...

So excited to see these four working together, not because I really like any of them except Judd, but because I am giddy with the thought of watching Amanda scramble!! I'm really hoping this lasts! The only fitting endings to Amanda's reign of terror would be her going all the way or having an EPIC fall. Epic fall will be so much more entertaining to watch. I seriously don't really care who wins, I'm just here for the drama. Unless Judd wins...yeah I'd be down for that 😃
Lots Left Out. Elissa Was Telling GM To Act Like She Is Going Up So Elissa Can Surprise Andy Going Up.
I Like Elissa For Not Making This All So Predictable. I Still Think Best Move Will Be To Put Andy Up So Amanda And Mccrae Will Need To Make The Choice As To Whom They Vote Out.
Andy Probably Stays Leaving Andy With A Choice To Go With The Fake Wedding Couple Or With The Others. Andy Will Go To The Numbers Leaving It At 5 Vs 2 And 4 Vs 2 For The HOH.
Oh the drama!! The will they won't they (vote Aaryn out) soap opera. Now this is classic BB!! Who do you trust? Who is lying? Did Andy flip? Is Spencer a secret agent for Mcranda? Can the new or renewed alliance of Elissa and Judd really work? Will we finally figure out what the hell GM's gameplan is? If presented with the choice of Andy or Aaryn will McCrae go against his "Queen."
I don't know about you all, but I tossed and turned after watching BBAD. I couldn't follow what was really going on with all the misdirection and espionage; I can understand Elissa's dilema, but when in doubt follow your first mind, your gut. PUT ANDY UP!
I feel like with Andy up against Aaryn, Elissa will began to see through the BS (or @least others will). Viewers will finally know the true pecking order in 3am, AND we might finally see our first split decision or tie! Most importantly 3am will become 2am!!! And I would be ok with whoever goes, but personally wishing Aaryn gets the boot!!
Amanda is classic ADHD. The other night GM and Elissa were talking and GM said Amanda and Aaryn take Adderall. Elissa is not very smart or knowledgeable. I've heard he say incorrect things many times in her "specialty" of health and fitness. She told GM that Adderall is synthetic heroin which it is NOT. It is much closer to the caffeine in coffee and Coca Cola. It is the opposite of heroin in that it is a stimulant and not a depressant like heroin. In people who have ADHD the stimulant has the paradoxical effect of calming hyperactivity which allow them to "slow down" and think more clearly.
Elissa did keep mentioning that Amanda was PG before entering the house but as Amanda explained it, she tested positive for being PG but then had her period on schedule. Facts about abortion and spontaneous abortion suggest that about 80% of all conceptions are aborted naturally and most go undetected.
I can't imagine Andy flipping on 3AM particularly if Amanda's plan to get GM as the replacement is successful. Spencer, well, he goes whichever way the wind blows. Andy surely knows he can't win if he is in the F2 with Elissa.
I told you all it was going to be fun
So many great convos and no one with a clue about what is happening. This is the BB I know and love.
My son has ADHD and so I've done a ton of research on the subject. The "Hyperactivity" part of the condition comes from the fact that the part of the brain that is responsible for attention and impulse control does not function properly. This is the part of our brain that tells us to calm down and stop talking, listen to what others are saying etc...In people with ADHD, that part of the brain is basically asleep. Stimulant based medications work to "wake up" that part of the brain, thus making it seem like the stimulant has the opposite effect of calming down a person with ADHD. Most adults however, either grow out of the condition all together as another part of the brain eventually learns to take up the slack of the malfunctioning part.
Ohhh Elissa....What is this Chicks Deal?
Like Seriously?
Why & What has Judd done to HER to make HER doubt his Loyalty?
If ANYTHING, ummm didn't they suspect that HE was the MVP that was Responsible for putting Amanda up as the Nom for Eviction 2 Weeks in a Row, which was why he was Evicted???
Wouldn't THAT be a pretty damned GOOD reason to ASSume that umm GEE I dunno maybe he ISN'T
"Team Amanda"???
Dang Elissa, can ya maybe for 2 seconds pull your Brain outta your Yoga Butt & Start Thinking about THAT,
For the Love of GAWD!!!!!!
You've already screwed up your HOH by NOT nominating
Amanda AND McCrae BOTH Together to assure that at least ONE of them exits the House Thursday....
You exhaust me Woman!!!
Pee Ess...
Thank You Kindly Jamie Loo (yes, that's your new Nick name), for this Oh sooo Awesome, Fun, Entertaining, Highlighting, and at times quite Funny Blog!
It is by far the Absolute Best one out there for BB!!!
You Always do such an Awesome Job!!!
I've been following You & this Blog since you've Started this, Years ago!!!!
Keep up your Dedication & Continue to Rock this Blog
Ya little BlogStar You!!!!
Andy was only faking that he was flipping. That was all part of Amanda's plan to ultimately get GM on the block.
I think we all need a Summer Sunday after last night as I'm lost. At 1st it was like OMG I can't believe this plan is working and Elissa is gonna fall for it and put up GM instead of Andy and GM would be voted out and it'll be everyone vs Elissa and Judd next week and she can't play HOH. Then it was like Andy is playing this way too well is he actually serious? Of all the dumb things to happen this season did the Zingbot really get Andy to flip on his alliance? And it appeared that was somehow the case and GM would go up but Aryan would go home and it'd be everyone vs Amanda and McCrae next week. However now that it's real Elissa seemingly doesn't believe it anymore and fears a Moving Company part 2 alliance trying to get the girls to fight with each other and take each other out. So she's apparently gonna lie to Andy about putting GM up and then blindside Andy. So what would happen to Andy's allegiance then if Elissa does that to him while Amanda and McCrae show their loyalty to him by keeping over Aryan even though she would be much more helpful to them winning comps and being a big target. And they would do so because they think he's more loyal even though little do they know he isn't anymore or will he actually then be so again after Elissa noms him? Help my head hurts!
So right now it appears Elissa will mistakenly put up Andy instead of GM but that would be cancelled out by Amanda and McCrae mistakenly voting out Aryan instead of Andy. Though perhaps that wouldn't even matter depending on what GM would do. If she'd vote for Andy it wouldn't even matter who Amanda and McCrae vote for since Judd and Spencer would definitely keep Andy. I too am thinking we won't have any clue what really went down last night till Wed when we see the DRs about all this craziness.
Aww thank you so much Alea!! :D You're so sweet!! xoxo
Brain: totally agree!! lol My head is still spinning! GM/Andy are such loose canons and good liars, it's hard to tell the truth from lies.
Paul: Andy was acting at first (to go along with Amanda's plan) but then it seemed to have switched later in the night. But again, we'll have to wait and see as the week plays out and then we'll get Diary Room sessions for this mayhem on Weds nights show.
Honestly, I think he was faking. Part of Amanda's plan was for him to fake it i front of Judd to trick him so Judd would then sell it to Elissa. But I think Elissa is going to put up Andy no matter what anyway. But, yeah we never really know until we see the diary sessions. That's just my prediction. And YES, that plan was convoluted and complex as all hell, and very confusion.
I thought he was faking too, until he talked to Spencer alone and said he really wanted to flip. I dunno. I'm confused. lol
Im so confused; I have no idea who is telling the truth; well have to see who gets nominated and voted out...If they can goagainst McRanda this week, America will cheer...But I DO NOT want Elissa to win.
Amanda is pretty smart but at this point in the game, its about numbers...And there usually is someone(s) who flip against the power
Maybe Andy is such a good liar and put on his emotional act for so long last night that he actually convinced himself of the lie that Amanda and McCrae had turned on him? That makes as much sense to me if not more then him flipping cause of a joke a PA in a robot costume said about him! Hahaha
Maybe Andy is such a good liar and he put on his emotional act for so long he actually convinced himself of the lie that Amanda and McCrae turned on him? That makes as much sense to me if not more than that it was because of a joke a PA in a robot costume said about him! Hahaha
Thank you for your hard work writing this blog. You do a great job of keeping us all up to speed. I'm not sure how you do it. Especially when it starts to get so confusing with the "he said she saids". I get the vibe that the people on this blog are a pretty good group of folks. They are quite often expressing their gratitude and most of their views I enjoy reading. Your blog makes the BB Season much more enjoyable! Thank you!
Agreed. But we won't see a tie this week since only 5 can vote.
"So right now it appears Elissa will mistakenly put up Andy instead of GM but that would be cancelled out by Amanda and McCrae mistakenly voting out Aryan instead of Andy."
Exactly- that would put Amanda/Mcrae all by themselves in this game. But if Elissa puts up Andy and mcmanda changes their mind last second and votes with GM against Andy. Then its elissa/judd/spencer vs amanda/mcrae/gm.
True, but Amanda still won POV. She would have pulled herself off the block and Elissa likely noms Aaryn. Aaryn vs Mac and Aaryn goes packing. Now if Andy goes up Aaryn still goes packing.
You left Aryan off team Amanda and McCrae if they voted to keep her. And GM is a strange bird she may vote with Amanda and McCrae in that situation to keep Aryan but I wouldn't consider her on their side going forward after that. Her vote would be based purely on her relationship with Aryan and saving her.
But I really don't see anyway Amanda and McCrae vote against Andy especially since there's no dirt that can get back to hurt him since he can say he was just playing the role Amanda sent him to play. Plus McCrae seems to want to get rid of Aryan even against Spencer as he's never really trusted her and working with her as always been more of an Amanda driven thing.
I see Amanda and McCrae voting out Aryan because she has been winning a lot and that's a threat to them. I believe I heard them say it would be OK for someone to get rid of her for them, so they won't have the blood on their hands.
If Elissa puts up Andy, she loses him as a vote in the jury for sure. Too bad Andy spilled the beans about 3AM. McCranda should vote him out for doing that alone and keeping Aaryn who has been most loyal and she is a winner. McCranda along with GM would keep Aaryn in the house. McCranda needs Aaryn on their side and that should give them GM. Then playing for HOH would be 4 to 2 since Elissa can't play for HOH next week. Surely Elissa realizes this but maybe not, maybe she is dumber than she looks. Elissa would have Spencer and Judd playing on her side for HOH. On the other side would be Aaryn, Amanda, McCrae and GM. Depending upon the competition, the odds are in "2AGM's" favor.
Andy's only chance of staying in the house for sure is to convince Elissa to put up GM, Spencer or Judd instead of him. I would prefer Judd to go but I have concerns about GM's health.
The new poll is interesting. The two avowed Christians are the top two. Is that a coincidence? Must be a coincidence because Aaryn is seen as racist but Andy is the gay guy and Aaryn wins the vote on who should stay in the house. Now that is a conspiracy to contemplate.
The ONLY thing that makes me think maybe Andy has flipped is his conversation with Spencer. But remember!! 3AM has been keeping Spencer at arm's length. It would be smart for Andy to continue to snow Spencer.
Amanda's Plan (which, by the way, I thought was brilliant because Judd wound up thinking it was HIS IDEA to put up GM) may just work... I'm gonna hit the live feeds and find out. :)
Recall last night Aaryn telling Amanda that Amanda has pulled Aaryn out of a hole so many times that Amanda deserves to win BB15. If I were McCranda, I would keep Aaryn on my side until Elissa is out of the house, otherwise their chances of winning are reduced. McCranda and Aaryn should know that they need each other right now and they all realize that at some point one of them is going to go. I think McCrae knows Amanda and Aaryn are a dynamic duo. He is in a tough spot.
I am so happy that everyone else is confused too.
What makes it even harder to tell what's going on with Andy is that part of the plan is that he won't spend any time alone with Amanda and/or McCrae at least until the renom is made to sell the friction between them. So you can't even read anything into their interactions or lack thereof because it's what they agreed to do.
If Sad Clown puts Andy up, I think McCrae and Amanda will vote him out, leaving the only legacy of Elissa's HOH that she got her best friend in the house evicted and her bete noire, Aaryn, is still there. If Andy has truly flipped, it will get back to Amanda before the vote. But, give Elissa enough time to 'think' I'm sure she will have considered nominating everyone in her 'alliance'. If I was Judd, I would be shaking in my boots with the way she turned on him like that.In fact I bet everyone in Sad Clown's orbit will breath a sigh of relief that she didn't call their name, because she's that mentally unstable.
I think u need to watch the flashback where Spencer and Andy talk and confirm to each other they dropped Amanda and spider monkey and r now with Elissa . I would believe he was still with Amanda if it wasnt for him confiding in Spencer.
Jamie, I went on to FB and "Big Brother Africa The Chase" was trending. I've spent the last hour reading about Big Brother in other countries. It was quite fascinating. Maybe CBS show should watch those and get new ideas..US version seems kinda boring compared to some I read about. Thank you for yet another amazing year, even when the show sucked. :)
I dunno...Zingbot zings based on how the players are being portrayed and how America is perceiving them. All of the HG know that. One of Andy's biggest fears (as he has stated over and over again) is being considered a floater. He really thinks he has made "big moves" and really played his own game and "masterminded" every eviction. He has said all of that. To discover that America thinks he is a floater would really wad his panties and would very likely make him switch up his game - ie turning in McCranda.
Elissa is suspicious of Judd because he's pushing the same thing Amanda was- for her to renom GM.
If Andy punks out and joins Elissa for real and gets put up and voted out he'll feel even worse than if he had stayed with 3am because there he was playing the game instead of trying to show Zingbot he's not a floater. Getting punked by a fake robot will be his legacy.
"Getting punked by a fake robot will be his legacy."
There's virtually no way for it to get back to Amanda that Andy's flipped. 1)who would tell her Elissa? Judd? Spencer? I don't think so they've all flipped too. 2) Even if she hears anything that was the main part of the plan for Andy to act like he was against them now so he could avoid being the renom so there'd be no reason to hold it against him.
@craig: LOL. Dude, you bring up an excellent point. Andy would freak out going, "WHY DID I TRUST THAT ELISSA BITCH!?" (You can imagine the dramatics...)
But I'm still not convinced Andy is with Elissa/Spencer for real. As much as he adores Spencer, I think he's smart enough to know that Spencer IS a floater. That's one slightly blind spot that McRanda has.
I get that. I just think it's ridiculous that he would change his entire game which has been working great for him thus far just because of how he might be being portrayed on TV which he has limited control of and shouldn't be concerned with anyway. I just know if I'm in that house I'm worried about getting far as I can and giving myself the best chance to win. I wouldn't be concerned with being entertaining or giving the fans what they want or how I'm viewed as a player. I'd rather win the worst most boring season ever than get bounced in the best most entertaining season of all time any day.
Brian- you're right, there is no way it will get back to mcmanda BUT sometimes amanda suddenly gets paranoid and simply believes something 100% (ex. Judd is MVP).
The only way I see Andy going is if it simply pops into Amanda's brain that Andy flipped. Then there will be nothing that Andy, Mccrae, or anyone else can say to convince her otherwise.
I also think Andy has not done anything differently this week: he is playing both sides of the house. Simple as that.
This may be the answer to did Andy flip or is he still with 3AM. This convo happened sometime between 1:40 and 2:00 pm:
"Andy then goes into the lounge with McCrae and says that Elissa has had another melt down and I am probably going to go up again. Amanda joins them. Andy says that Judd has been working her hard and she basically told him I am going up. He has been fighting for me to not go up all day. If I go up I need to tell Judd that this is all fake because if Aaryn tells him before I do he will know I have been lying to him this whole time. Judd trusts me and will vote to keep me if I am 100% honest with him and tell him everything. Amanda tells Andy to walk around really unhappy and upset today. Andy says it would be so perfect if Gina just went up. Andy says I have to tell Judd that I am coming after you two. Amanda says what if he wins HOH then he will be coming after us. Just wait to tell him anything. Andy says okay."
@Brian..Amanda seems to have a sixth sense, I'm sure it will be revealed somehow.
I think if Andy gets put up and it comes down to Aaryn or Andy, I think Amanda will go 'scorched earth' and they vote Andy out because I think at this point she is determined not to give Elissa anything to show for her HOH except that her best friend Andy's blood is on her hands, and her arch enemy, Aaryn, is still in the house. McCrae, Amanda, GM (won't vote out Aaryn I'm assuming) trumps Judd and Spencer. I think Amanda wants to rub her nasty thing in Elissa's enhanced face.
I don't think that convo really tells us much of anything about Andy's true allegiance. That's Andy just trying to cover all the bases for votes since he's coming to the realization that him avoiding being the renom isn't looking good at all right now.
But like with your example most of the time when Amanda suddenly gets paranoid and believes something 100% it's something that isn't even true. So if the Andy flipping thing is true that wouldn't fall into that category. She'll probably think Aryan flipped since why would Elissa put up Andy if she knew Andy would go home unless she secretly wanted to keep Aryan so Amanda would want to vote her out.
You are right - that is something Andy would do. Thanks for your insight; you are usually spot on which is why I was hoping for a response from you:) I also agree with your comment about CBS nightmare if Aryan wins. Glad to hear you are on the mend - you were definitely missed my friend!
"when Amanda suddenly gets paranoid and believes something 100% it's something that isn't even true"
Oh. Right. Forgot about that little point...
Amanda needs a lot more Xanax and a lot less adderall. Adderall makes you really moody, short tempered, and mean...especially when taken in high doses and I think I read that Amanda takes an unusually high dose
Of course it's ridiculous - I agree with that 100%. I was just pointing out that Andy appears to be the type that what America thinks (ESPECIALLY about being a dreaded floater) is suuuuuper important. There is no way I would care. I would float all the way to a half million if that's what was working for me lol
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