Currently on the live feeds...
5:16pm BBT:
Feeds are back!
Amanda: "Unless she has the numbers, she wouldn't have put us up together. Doesn't make sense."
Spencer leaves.
Amanda thinks Spencer/Judd/Elissa/GM are working together.
Amanda: "We just have to win veto and take one of us off the block. I don't care, hunny. I'd rather go home than you. Why would she not nominate Elissa? Doesn't make sense. She has to be working with Judd/Spencer/Elissa."
McCrae: "Probably."
Amanda gets up and leaves the room & heads into the Lounge Room where Spencer/Andy are.
She's trying to figure out who's working with GM.
She leaves & goes up to the HOH room.
5:21pm BBT:
Amanda is yelling at GM!
GM is telling Amanda that when Aaryn needed them (Am/Mc) the most, they weren't there for her. Turn your feeds on!
Amanda said she wanted to keep Aaryn, McCrae didn't. GM is telling Amanda that they are a power duo and need to be split up.
Andy comes in.
They're going back & forth wayyy too fast for me to type!
GM said her/Andy/Spencer/Judd are "on their own" in the game, while Mc/Am have each other. She knows that whoever stays, will be gunning for her. GM said she loves them both, it's a game move.
Amanda: "I can't believe you listened to Elissa! YOU let her win! This girl calls you stupid and you're letting her WIN!"
GM: "She didn't tell me to put you up, I did it!"
Amanda: "IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE! We wouldn't have come after you!"
Amanda is getting really loud. GM is trying to explain things.
Amanda left the room pissed. Judd is pissed at Amanda, too.
Amanda: "Elissa put Aaryn up!"
GM: "But she didn't put me up."
Amanda: "Because she wanted Aaryn to go home SO BAD!"
Amanda just went off on GM and then walked away crying, saying she doesn't wanna be there anymore in the house. As soon as Amanda walked away, GM laughed.
GM: "If you can't take the heat, get outta the kitchen."
5:37pm BBT:
Amanda is crying to McCrae in the Have Not's room.
Amanda: "I love you so much! I'd rather just leave now than stay, I just wanna go now. GM/Spencer/Elissa/Judd are all working together." (*She still thinks Andy is on her side.)
Amanda: "I don't wanna look at Elissa's face for the next week. If it's a luxury veto comp, I'm taking all the (prizes). I'm ready to go."
McCrae isn't saying anything. Tears are falling down his cheek, though.
Amanda: "I wanna go. I wanna go now. I don't wanna wait a week."
McCrae is telling not to.
Amanda: "I'm so over it but I don't wanna be away from you. I love you."
McCrae: "I love you, too."
**Alrighty guys & gals, I'm outta here for the night! 9 hrs of blogging & my back is killin' me! Turn on the
live feeds (pstt..they're only $10/month!)..and watch the drama unfold!! :D
Stay tuned...

Ohhhh now THIS oughtta be Good!!!
I can't wait! Finally some entertainment!!!!
I wonder what GM is gonna say in her nom speech. That was a big topic in the house after the 1st time she was HOH about how everyone couldn't help but start cracking up laughing at what she said and how she said it.
That will be dangerous.
I feel bad for all of them having to be around Amanda after this. She's gonna go crazy! I'd like to see her act the same way with GM as she did with Elissa. Don't think she'll get away with it lol
I'm gonna have to wait to see the look on MCrandas faces, I don't have the feeds, just a tv viewer and blogger. I am hoping you post a shot of Amandas face when shes told shes going up.
One thing I do know.... GM will not take Amanda's crap!! This ought to be one hell of a night on the feeds!!
Diary room session prior to nominations: BB thank you for the vacuum. Umm any way later we could get some alcohol oh yeah and a straight jacket?
BTW, I do not personally know Jaime but I do know that I enjoy this blog immensely and that it is very apparent that she spends an enormous amount of time watching the feeds and creating this blog for our collective reading pleasure. So if any of you have not already donated, please do so. Show Jaime how much we really appreciate her and how AMAZING her blog is!! :) Jo
I hope GM goes all street on her.
I wonder if it is taking longer because Amanda went bats*** crazy
The biggest question on my mind is this: will Amanda try to get McCrea to throw the PoV comp to her, or if McCrea wins PoV, will she demand he use it on her? I would hope he wouldn't, but I am curious to see how this effects their relationship. She has been angry at him before when he didn't let her win...this should be interesting.
I officially love GM!!
I so wish I could see what's going on now.
Jamie, I tried to get into your FB group. Do I have to know someone?
Brian W (not the Brian who always posts)
This has made my day...weekend....Holiday!!! YAY!!!!
What "doesn't make sense" Amanda? You no longer have any power over anyone except McCrae and that's only because he gave you his balls.
Or Amanda get GM to take a swing and GM gets tossed from the house...
What numbers does GM need? If they're both up together then 1 of them has to go home. Putting them both up together is the only thing that makes sense if you're targeting them. Even if 1 of them came off she'd put up Andy and all she'd need is Elissa and Judd who are obviously not working with Amanda and McCrae and then GM could break the tie. Amanda is lost.
Let the drama begin!!!
Finally GM has the balls to do what no one else did. Yes!
I now have a hg that I'm routing for! Go GM! Finally someone is playing their own game!
GM thank you for someone finally telling Mccrae and amanda that they are the only true DUO in in this game they needed to be split up, amanda proved this by saying to GM "WE wouldn't have gone after you" notice the "WE"! One them has to go. I have a feeling if Mccrae gets voted out amanda will eliminate herself.
Amanda can't accept the fact someone is playing thier own game and out them up because they want them gone, she has to blame elissa ..Judd...spencer. GM does have a mind of her own.
wow ready to give up so quickly once power is lost.
I really like GM! She seems like the one who could use the money the most. She's said and done some questionable things but everyone in that house has.
Helen set this entire thing into motion, which is pretty impressive. Right before her eviction, she set up GM and Elissa to work together (Two people who would not even have talked to each other before Helen's intervention).
Even though I couldn't stand her fake crying and over-the-top flattery, you have to say that Helen finally got her revenge.
So I'd like all the people hating on elissa for wanting to self evict to see her family to go ahead and start in on Amanda for wanting to self evict... except she is saying she wants to self evict because the HG'S aren't following her orders...
We are going to find out just how crazy GM is. I hope Amanda pushes her buttons the way Elissa pushes Amanda's buttons. It's going to be bat crap crazy when Amanda realizes just what kind of person GM is. There is something seriously wrong with GM. He reactions are always over the top. Elissa better take notes. I've been reluctant to say it before but I wonder how GM got past the production screeners.
Agreed hd she's so ready to hate on elissa for wanting to self evict to see her kids....but as soon as the hgs don't follow order she talks about self eviction...
Sadly, August, Botox ensures that her expression would be exactly the same no matter what she is feeling.
Even McCrae got nasty last night, saying with Elissa on the block, he wants to win POV and "wear it on [his] d***." Then at around 3:40 a.m. PT on camera 3, McCrae says about Elissa, "I just want to be like, 'We f***ed all over your bed and came, I thought it would hurt your skin and you'd have a break out but it didn't.'" and Amanda says, "I would love for you to come in her bed."
These two are admitting they have a disease? Who would say that on national television????
Amanda has made herself so unlikeable. No one else has freaked out as much as she already has. McRanda are students of the game;they had to expect that eventually a duo would be split up. One of the Exterminators needs to throw Andy... McRanda otherwise will think he's with them - and he'll act that way - so if he gets to the F2,hed get their votes while GM has all blood. That answers everyone's questions @ why Andy will throw the veto. No one is going to take a punishment I'd that's the veto. I want to see the fight if Amanda were to find out Andy had flipped. Otherwise he's just gonna say he had to vote for the house to save himself. But Amanda is just a hypocrite.. Shes mad at GM yet she spent all last week trying to get GM evicted. I'm trying to figure out if she really believes all the BS she's spewing. I don't think anyone had to work really hard to portray her as a bitch /she's doing a pretty good job at that
And that was rude I thought
So one second Amanda is nonstop talking in the DR that she controls the game. As soon as she has no control its nothing but crying? Isn't that exactly what babies and small children do?
Also, how can she not understand that people are smart to (finally) be coming after them. They can make all the deals they want but those other people will more than likely never make it to final 2 because they are TOGETHER! it's bad game strategy to leave them together.
If McCrea is so annoyed because of Amanda, why he be crying? I'm so confused about these 2!!
Let's see Andy squirm and see if he can keep the lie going, pretending he's still with them and shocked. McRanda thought the house was so dumb, theyd never be on the block. E may not be able to win cuz they all feel she's rich & someone else deserves it. I just hope BB does a 2 hour finale again.. Theres too much to discuss
Tune into After Dark tonight if you get TVGN.
Think it's called being a sore lower. Who s acting like Elissa now?
I know!! I was shocked at how disgusting McCrea was getting last night!
Also, don't forget, what did Amanda go crazy about on Jessie? That Jessie was the first to cry bully and she always acted the victim. Well what was Amanda screaming about Elissa when Elissa simply walked away? You're bullying me Elissa!
Amanda is the definition of a hypocritical brat.
And the weasels Andy and Spencer are saying that they're going to throw the Veto comp so they want be put on the spot of using/not using it. Grow some cohones, guys. Play like you mean it.
Mawahahaha!!! Let the games begin!!!!
Ohhh how quickly the Tide changes....
If I was Elissa, I would say to Amanda
"McCrae is going Home. There's NO deals that can b made to change that. It's happening"..
Just like Amanda said to Elissa about Helen leaving!!
Only Amanda is gonna hold her breath, Cross her arms, & Stomp her Feet about how "it just doesn't make sense"...blah blah blah!!
It's called a Blindside for a reason, ya Muh Ron!!!
Amanda is just mad cause shes not in control anymore, she should have been gone a long time ago, shes dome nothing in this game but bully everyone, i cant wait till she finds out america hates her.
Amanda is mad cause shes not in control anymore, she has done nothing in this game but won 1 pov, she should have been gone longtime ago, i cant wait till she finds out that america hates her and that america was mvp them weeks she got nominated.
Amanda is just mad cause shes not in control anymore, she should have been gone a long time ago, shes dome nothing in this game but bully everyone, i cant wait till she finds out america hates her.
And finally, after all this time, the house/show has become worthy of watching again!
Now amanda you have to earn everything, is that the reason you acting so defeated, aaryn the hoh queen can't save you. You better hope mccrea remembers how to win comps, remember mccranda BB is 95% mental 5% physical. Good luck
I hope Amanda goes hope and this game isn't pre determined like the one ex CBS employee said it was!!
Andy and Spencer not wanting to win POV isn't about being scared it's about being smart. Why would you want to reveal yourself as having betrayed your alliance if you don't have to? It could easily cost you 2 jury votes if you got to the F2 not to mention 1 of them is definitely staying and could put you up if they win the next HOH.
Since Amanda and McCrae are both on the block regardless of who wins POV 1 of them is going home and that's all that really matters is that they're broken up. They're not a showmance like Jeff and Jordan where it's super important to get rid of 1 over the other. There are positives and negatives for both of them as to which to keep and if 1 of them earns the POV then they just made the decision for them.
Besides Spencer and Andy haven't exactly been comp beasts so I don't know how big of a difference there is between them trying to win or throwing it. Odds are very high 1 of the noms will win due to extra motivation or GM or Elissa (if she's picked) since they've been doing well in comps. But a lot will depend on what the comp is obviously.
Does anyone else think it's funny that GM straight out said that her, Andy, Spencer, and Judd are alone in the game! She just named off "the exterminators" and Amanda still thinks Andy is on hers and McCreas side!?! Haha. Silly emotions must be clogging her ears!!! So can someone explain what the Diamond POV is to me? Thank you in advance :)
Amen my friend!
I feel so bad for Amanda now... I don't like her but seeing her cry is pretty sad. Not saying she doesn't deserve it but... It is kind of funny that they say " I don't understand why she would put us up?" Really??
Ummmmm, no. My 2.5 ur old does not cry and pout like Amanda.
The only thing more boring than watching poker on TV is watching BBHG play cards.
Let the celebration commence.
And yet? When Amanda/McCrae are out of the game, I'm pretty much done with it. It just means that someone who wasn't playing the game the whole season is going to get money.
Say whatever you want about Amanda, but she has played her ass off. And that's where a lot of her frustration (and crying) comes from.
She DID work her ass off to get GM on the block... to save Aaryn. Amanda was loyal to Aaryn for as long as she could be (two of her alliance members wound up on the block, so there was no choice but to vote one of them out). She had an elaborate scheme which really nearly almost worked. She had Andy playing his part, Aaryn playing her part, Amanda and McCrae playing theres... It was really excellent Dan-level scheming. Sad that it didn't work.
I really wish Elissa WOULD have self-evicted. Don't care if she's in power this week or not. Still can't stand to look at her Joker face.
And Rigs is right: GM has some damage....
Oh, and the last thing.
Amanda wants McCrae to win. For those of you saying she's panicking and wants to win veto and whatnot? If you listen to the feeds, she says she just wants some luxury comp and then go to to jury. She wants McC to stay in the game. I very, very highly doubt she'd turn on him or try to win over him.
What kind of brains or guts does it take to put up McCranda now? There's only seven people left. Even a dope like GM can figure that out, but Perma-Joker somehow with her superior intellect missed that one last week.
And Amanda didn't say anything about 'self-evicting', she said she's ready to be evicted this week. She also has repeatedly said to McCrae and Andy in private that she never expected to stay in the house this long. Apparently Alison Grodner didn't tell Amanda about her evil plot to fix the game for her. Some dummies just believe anything they read.
I just love it, go GM.
They insinuated tonight that Amanda is bipolar - really high highs and really low lows. They said apparently production gave her her meds tonight so no drama. It's amazing how different she acts when she's on her meds. I'm sure we'll see her mood swings In the coming days though.
I love this so much.
GM got my vote today. She handled Amanda like a pro. Very impressive. She deserves to win the whole thing. Anyone who threatens to self evict should be thrown out of the game. Live watching Andy squirm all day because he is playing a coward's game. Sad part if the entire game is that the women let emotions rule their game play and the men sit back and let them destroy each other. Cannot wait to see how week plays out!!
Imo, te HOH comp was designed for GM. Little fingers, chicken wire...and yes, ironically, Helen got her revenge on McCranda AFTER she left the house as she set up Elissa & GM. No great shocker here, folks. Even someone with half a brain would know that it was way past the time for the power couple to be split up. Amanda IS an actress, so who knows which emotions are real and which are all fake??
Is it just me, or is it kind of sickening to watch GM, Narcissa, Judd & Spencer acting all smug and untouchable? All 4 of them should have been gone a long time ago. Double yawn. I hope McCrae or Amanda win POV, and Amanda sticks with her plan to save McCrae no matter what. It will be a comp showdown between him & Narcissa, with hopefully McCrae winning HOH and getting out one of the Exterminators. I would still love to see Andy & McCrae in the F2....I predict it would be a very close vote.
The women outnumbered the men a week ago and none of them stepped it up to get the guys out, so now it will most likely be 2 men in the F2! (Hopefully Andy/McCrae as none of the others who are left really played any sort of game. GM & Narcissa just started playing.)And what happened to the deal to immediately get out the jury member who was voted out & comes back ?? Because it was dull Judd with a "clean slate" that all went to sh!t? Blah--
Amanda sank her own battleship. Let's hope she doesn't take McCrae down with her and he comes back with a VENGEANCE! Just sayin'........
After mccrae and amanda are gone, this show will be boringggg
Honestly! What kind of men are they anyway? Uggggh disgusting!
It will be very interesting to see what Amanda thinks of her behavior after she is out. Is she self aware at all? Remember at least McRae trashing Elissa for threatening to go home? Amanda should go first. This crazy mean spiritedness is not entertainment to me. DOWN WITH PLANET AMANDA. The least empathic person ever.
It will be interesting to see how Amanda feels about her behavior after she is out? Is she self aware at all???? I hope she goes because this extreme mean spiritedness is not entertaining to me. It's just sad. Remmy how upset McRae was when Elissa talked about wanting to quit? How does he reconcile that crap in his head. I'd like to see his game without the crazy ball & chain.
i like how after the amanda and GM fight, floater Andy is saying he would have put up Amanda and McCrae...YEAH RIGHT! he is going to throw the veto so he doesn't have to be put in a bad position...omg...#stfuAndy!
I think she knows mcrae is pi--ed she pulled her crap on all the different people and turned the house against them. She knows she can't win so she wants Mcpussy to go forward.(I guess she figures it will be their money) I feally think that if he won he would have to get a restraining order against her.
All of you folks so easily saying you hate this hg or that hg are really no better than the hg you hate. I. for one don't appreciate being included in the hatred you spew out when you claim america hates one or more of them. Its a game people. enjoy it for what it is or watch something else.
Yes, on the live feeds she did say she wanted to leave "now" not wait all week for it to happen. Just to clarify....not taking any "side" but she did say that's what she wanted to do
After Amanda has sucked the last little bit of "want to" out of stinky boy I don't se him coming back with a vengeance. He may as he says "curl up in a ball at the bottom of the pool" lol but no vengeance.LOL.....
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