Okay, so here's the breakdown...
**You can watch everything posted below on the Flashback Feeds, which comes with your live feeds $10/month feed pass!
At 12:14pm BBT, Elissa dropped hints & then flat-out told Helen that she's in danger of going home this week (since Helen is so clueless that she wasn't really picking up on the hints.) Amanda is the one who told Elissa that Helen is going home this week.
This is what set the afternoon events in motion.
2:26-3:48pm BBT:
HOH Room
Aaryn/Helen (then Andy..then GM)
Here are the cliffnotes from all the convos:
*Helen tells Aaryn she knows she'd be a "huge person to get out" but wants to know if she's in danger of leaving so she can campaign for votes and not get blindsided.
*Helen tells Aaryn that Amanda has manipulated them both to go after each other & Amanda
will win the game if they stay the course.
*Aaryn tells Helen she's still putting up Spencer as the renom.
*Helen pushes for Spencer to be the target this week, then they can go after Am/Mc.
*Aaryn tells Helen to get GM/Andy on board, and she'll be on board too.
*Aaryn told Helen that it was McCrae who told her to put up Helen/Elisa.
*Andy/Aaryn talked alone really quick. Andy said they need to stay loyal to Mc/Am. Aaryn agreed. (yet she's throwing McCrae under the bus. What is she doing??)
*Aaryn tells Helen/Elissa/Andy that Spencer is this weeks target.
*Andy was really silent during all the Helen/Elissa/Aaryn talks in the HOH room.
*Helen tells Andy to keep the HOH convos today "to himself" and not tell McCrae/Amanda. (*Will he?)
*GM, who was only in the HOH room briefly, told McCrae that Helen thinks she has GM/Andy as votes, but she doesn't and warns him that Helen might try to get his vote. She said Andy might flip (doubtful) but either way, she (GM) is not. She's still voting Helen out.
*GM, who was only in the HOH room briefly, told McCrae that Helen thinks she has GM/Andy as votes, but she doesn't and warns him that Helen might try to get his vote. She said Andy might flip (doubtful) but either way, she (GM) is not. She's still voting Helen out.
4:15pm BBT:
Lounge Room
Helen: "Nobody is going to get Amanda out of this house besides me, Aaryn and Elissa. If she goes to the end, she win."4:21pm BBT:
Lounge Room
Andy checks in with Aaryn to make sure they're on the same page with still getting out Helen this week. They both agree Helen has to go this week but have to get out Amanda/McCrae soon if they want to make it for the end together (Andy/Aaryn).
4:33pm BBT:
HOH Room
HOH Room
Aaryn/Andy are telling McCrae about the Helen convos.
Aaryn: "It doesn't matter now because she's leaving, but she's catching on that we're all working together."
Andy: "You gotta tell Amanda not to talk game talk to Elissa."
**Okay, now y'all are caught up on the house happenings. Tonight's BB episode is on at 8pm EST, it's the Have Nots Comp + Nominations where Helen/Elissa were put on the chopping block. As always, I'll have the chat room here on the blog open so pop on in & say hi! After the show, make sure to turn your live feeds on, there's a lot of potential for drama tonight!! :D
Stay tuned...

No better time then to make a huge game move Andy/Aaryn.
But no matter what happens the twist will be a nice way to force this group to play BB the way it should be.
Go ahead and get Helen out and then put up Mc/Am next week. Who returns from the jury is important.
And GM, as long as she stays in the house she will flip sides continuously - she is one of the worst BB players ever! Win HOH just so you can get your hair done? What happened to the HOH making up their own minds on who to nominate.
I don't even remember my first day of 3rd Grade, so when Elissa says it's such a big deal, she's a LIAR!
I hate Amanda!!!! God please let her go home soon
I remember my first day of kindergarden and I am 52 yrs old
@Jaime: "Andy/Aaryn talked alone really quick. Andy said they need to stay loyal to Mc/Am. Aaryn agreed. (yet she's throwing McCrae under the bus. What is she doing??)"
What she's doing is trying to take some pressure off of Amanda, if I had to guess. She can't say that Andy said it or that it was her own idea... so she gets a little blood on McCrae's hands instead of piling more on top of Amanda.
That's my best guess. Aaryn is pretty shrewd, and if she told Helen the idea came from Amanda, that'd only make things worse.
Amanda can't keep her big fat mouth shut about anything. It was so obvious Elissa would eventually let her by far closest ally Helen know she was in danger and completely spoil their plan which was working perfectly as Helen was clueless. And Amanda spilled the beans even before the renom was named and she was still in danger. But once again it looks like it won't matter just like all the other mistakes she's made they've never come back to bite her. I don't even understand the benefit of telling Elissa. Was it just to give Amanda an excuse to put her up or vote her out after she obviously squealed to Helen? That's not worth the potential pitfalls in the slightest whatsoever but it's Amanda so it's apparently still all good.
Aaryn and Andy are being stupid. Yes, they are taking out a pretty big target in Helen. At the same time they say they need to get Amanda and McCrea out soon if they have any hope of winning. Okay, well, I do believe that Aaryn is HoH and if I remember right, the HoH nominates 2 people that they would like to evict. If one of those 2 people get taken off the block you put up another person you want gone. Sooo uh, wouldn't it make sense to backdoor Amanda? But I guess that's just too much Big Brother for some of these people to swallow.
Anyhow, hopefully whoever comes back into the game will have their heads screwed on right and will be ready to play some Big Brother.
@craig marshall-
It can be a very huge deal for a parent, trust me.
As a parent it is a big deal to be around for your children's firsts. It only happens once and it goes so quickly. I get why she'd be upset BUT as a parent I would not leave my children to be on a reality show.
If your parents are not there you remember...
Am I the only one who thinks that the Have/Have-Not comp looked super fun? Lol. Coolest competition so far in my opinion.
Right there with you Lynin. I can't stand Amanda! I have no idea how they are all so blind to her. Looks like she will go to the end. She is so despicable!
amanda is too cocky and she knows it. Her diary sessions reveal all.
"Don't cry, Helen, Elissa's not the one going home. You are. Silly girl." ~Amanda
:o) I know most hate her, but I find her infinitely amusing!! :o)
**and because Helen is WAY WORSE. She just does all her lying & back stabbing with a peppy attitude and smile on her face.
Not trying to pick on her or anything but after watching tonight's episode I'm starting to think that Elissa has aspergers. She is very socially inappropriate and has a hard time interacting socially. She has several times had "incorrect" responses to certain situations and has said things that just make it seem like she says exactly what she thinks without thinking of how others would feel.
Amanda must be a witch who cast a spell on all the houseguests. They're all blinded by her, despite her being clear that she'd cut anyone. She's already planning to get rid of Aaryn & she's going to realize that Andy is well liked by everyone on the jury. I'd pray that Helen cones back and would win HOH. Karma is gonna come back to bite these guys within couple weeks
Yes. I liked just seeing something new and unexpected. It was a great challenge.. Surprising, prone to scary + funny for HG and viewers. They could have made it worse
I dont think Aaryn has used her own brain for her HOH. Yes she's won but let others choose her nominees Everytime. Just like Helen is mowrrealizing she waited too long to get Amanda out, especially when she was on the block repeatedly, the others will learn that too. 1 person can't do it alone. Aaryn/elissa/gm/Andy could get Amanda out and change the game...
These hg's are so dumb...smh! I mean who is going to be left to go against them, aaryn and andy are all getting rid of the ppl who will get Amanda and mcrae out. I cant wait to see who comes back. Hopefully they will go after the ONLY COUPLE LEFT...DUH.
I think Elissa will start being a beast in comps. I think she has been holding back on purpose. Just look at the last hoh comp. you can tell she was going to hit the right button then stopped herself at the end. She wants to wait till she can get as far as she can and then start to win, when it matters most.
If aaryn was smart she would get Spencer out this week and make a final four deal with her and gm and Helen and Elissa. She can trust gm way more than she can trust Andy and she could beat Elissa and gm in any competition once they got down to the final four. They would just have to win hoh next week to put up Amanda and McCrae. Of course, with a houseguest coming back in that might mess things up, but I don't really see Candice, Judd, Jessie, or Spencer making much of a difference coming back in. Voting Helen out now and having her come back would cause some major chaos!
Telling Elissa?
Earning Jury Vote points with her. "Don't worry, Elissa, you're not a target. We love you. I love you. It's all good."
Also, the strategy most in use this year isn't putting two people up on the block you want out. It's putting ONE person up that everyone will vote out and then a second person nobody wants to vote for. That ensures their target goes home. In this case, it's Helen. You can't argue with results. Every one of their targets has gone home, and the vote hasn't been squirrely since super early (David?) in the season.
Amanda is at least pretty predictable, and McCrae is kind of chill. Andy and Aaryn agreed that McCranda is the best bet for them. I didn't see who squealed to Amanda about the Helen Deal tonight (was it Andy?), but either way? Doesn't matter. Helen will still go home. No matter what was said in the HoH room or who-made-what-fake-deal-with-whom, Helen is going home. Done deal.
And Aaryn was not lying: it's impossible to know that Helen is telling the truth about anything anymore. She got caught out, her game was upended by Jessie (which is the only use Jessie ever had in the house), and she's going home.
Spencer was extremely smart to tell Amanda and Helen that yes, Helen wanted Amanda out and told him so THREE TIMES under different circumstances. He knows he's the renom, and it would be stupid of him to make Helen look good. He did it with surgical precision and a forthright manner. Honestly, I don't like Spencer as a person, but that was some excellent gameplay this evening during "head cheese grillin' time."
I totally agree! Looked like so much fun and was really fun to watch.
I agree entirely… I would never go on a reality show and miss my child's first day of whatever grade.... Also she keeps saying that she doesn't want to be in the house anymore, well I understand that because of all the hateful things, but she knew this going into this whole thing.....
Yes exactly I agree… Why not backdoor Amanda? Then you'd have your two largest targets right on the block....
I thought the same exact thing last night when I was watching the show… She knew all of this going in, that she would miss her child's milestone of starting a new year of school And yet she tried out for the show anyway..... She needs to just suck it up and finish what she Started
JEEZ....it was a joke.....but I still don't remember the first day of 3rd Grade.
If Elissa has aspergers, what do the other house guests have?
I agree completely with getting Gross ass Amanda out our OWWWWTTTT!!!
However, Andy is actually being pretty Smart about not doing that this Week bcuz if she (Gross Ass Amanda) was to be Backdoored, then she would have a shot to come right back in the House on Thurs...which NO ONE wants!!!
I think it's the general consensus that "Expect the Unexpected" is one of the Jurers is coming back into the Game & more than likely this Week...
So, this is probably not the best Week to get Amanda out...
In My Opinion and if Andy is using his brain, then Hopefully this thought has crossed his as well...
Jus sayin....
I concur....
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