Amanda told McCrae (3:50pm BBT) that she wants one of them (Mc/Am) to win BB15 so that they can start a life together outside the game. Later on, Aaryn talked about Candice & said that she (C) is gonna regret leaving the house the way she did (fighting with GM) because she doesn't think any employer would want someone who acts like that. GM later commented that Candice looked like an "a**hole" the way she left the house.
Currently on the live feeds...(which are now just $10/month!!)
5:20pm BBT:
Feeds switch to trivia! Time for the Nomination Ceremony!!
Per all the HOH talks with Andy today, we can expect to see Spencer/Jessie up on the block when the feeds return. Tomorrow is the Veto Comp. If Jessie doesn't win veto, then she'll be heading out the door next Thursday, unless something happens between then & live eviction day.
6:27pm BBT:
Feeds are back!
**New poll is up on the right side!! :) - -- >
6:30pm BBT:
McCrae/Amanda are game talking in their bed.
Amanda said that they should make a Final 3 deal with Spencer & tell him to put up Elissa/Helen if he wins HOH. Amanda then said that Helen has to go & they need to backdoor her next week.
**Okay guys & gals, I'm outta here for the night! Enjoy the watching the live feeds!! :D
Stay tuned...

Sooo amused by GM and Aaryn's comments regarding Candice. They are in for a rude awakening!
that was my exact thoughts, too!! lol
They don't have jobs. KARMA!!!!!
Funny how the two houseguests who have already lost their job are the very two commenting on how candice won't get hired anywhere lol. I hated it for Candice to have to leave in that clown costume... She wasn't my favorite or anything, buy GMs comments to her about her own mother not even loving her was disgusting.
Those ladies are delusional. All i saw was a woman standing up for herself.
I am really hoping for the Pandora's box to make an appearance this werk
Anybody ever seen Cat in the Hat with Mike Myers? The beginning scene where the employee was fired and the boss was really obnoxious and dragged out the word like FIRRREEEEDDD ( sounded like fireddddd-a) everytime GM or Aaryn piss me off I say that cause I can't wait till they find out lol
Unfortunately now that they're both in Jury unless they change the format of the finale to incorporate time to talk after a winner is crowned or at least voted on then I don't think we are gonna get to see that moment on the actual show. I'm sure Julie isn't happy she's lost that moment to grill them on the show and her husband does run the network so I guess there's a chance but we'll see. Might have to check out online BY interviews most likely.
@ Vicky P
At first I felt bad that Candice was going to have to leave in the clownitard, but she was rocking the hell out of that outfit. She actually made it look good. As a woman I was a little envious that she was able to make such a ridiculous costume look good.
GM and Aaryn are just jealous of Candice. Candice might not always be right, but you have to admit she will not back down when standing up for herself. Although it might not have been the most classy exit, it was the most entertaining this season and I was kinda proud of Candice.
I LOLed at Aaryns comment about Candice. I wish we could see their reactions when they get back to reality and see what we really think of them.
Helen is doing the same thing with needing to split up Amanda and McCrae next week as well. Looks like this next HOH could be huge in determining who's truly running the house between Amanda and Helen. Although Helen smartly wants to take out McCrae first as he's a challenge threat while Amanda can't win anything. Plus it'll keep Amanda in as a huge target for others to get out in front of Helen.
I am afraid that Helen may look back at this double-eviction night and regret not getting Amanda out. CrayCray might not have minded so much!
It was cute to watch Amanda attempt to trash talk. She's so cute and nice that it came out as just slightly less cute and slightly less nice!
I am afraid that Helen may look back at this double-eviction night and regret not getting Amanda out. CrayCray might not have minded so much!
It was cute to watch Amanda attempt to trash talk. She's so cute and nice that it came out as just slightly less cute and slightly less nice!
Leaving in the clown costume and by GMs actions AND before Aaryn. It's disgusting.
Jamie did you see the article on IMDB about how people are feeling about the things going on in the house. It's kinda of obvious but the research is interesting.
I agree! Candice is a beautiful girl, and she sure made that clownitard look the best that it could! I am glad she stood up for herself and went out with a bang! It certainly provided a little action to this boring season of BB... And I thought she was very well-spoken in her interview with Julie.
Amanda?? Cute and nice???
Maybe Lola meant Jesse?
It's weird that Amanda doesn't know who her friends are. And she somehow thinks that America couldn't want her gone is ridiculously arrogant. She can't tell if a person is hurt by her behavior (hence her bullying), all she can figure out is if they're controllable by Her. Anyone she can't control, she gets rid of, even if they were basically loyal to her.
She's really pretty clueless about human interactions.
I don't know if the rumors are true and Amanda is supposed to win this season, but BB sure is torturing the audience and the other house guests getting to the point of handing her the money.
Just the whole vibe of this season makes it seem like the rumor is true.
Surely u didn't mean that Amanda was cute "+ nice, I'm guessing u meant Helen. At 1st I kind of liked Am. I thought she was playing hard + smart. But then she started to become someone who used her paranoia as an excuse to be a selfish, boohooing, bully. This made me not like her very much, but then....I saw the video on the Huffington Post!!! I am now disgusted + appalled by her racist, vile + violent comments + behavior. If u haven't seen this video plz check it out + let me know what u think.
I hate Andy so much!! He is a real snake and lies to people's faces!!!!!! Hate him and want him gone next week while being nominated next to his beloved Amanda who he worships and tells everything for no reason at all. I actually think if Aaron or GM won't leave soon they have a good chance of winning because they're floating and can really stick with which ever side is stronger when Helen/Elissa split form Amanada. Really hope Jessie stays because she is the only one willing to make a move and needs to win veto!
BY interviews? I know when I get the answer I'll be embarrassed...
You should check out Amanduh on youtube. I believe the search is "Amanda Zuckerman Social Justice Warrior". I just searched Amanda Zuckerman and it came up. It has had a very large number of hits in a short period of time. It made me sick to my stomach.
Amanda is cute and nice??? Watch this video and tell me how Amanda is cute or nice? Lol.
Let's just fire them all, after all, it is no longer allowed for people to make sick jokes, express opinions, blow off steam, or get mad at someone who is on your last nerve. All this "vile behavior" you could see or hear at any junior high school, if they were on camera 24/7. If McCrae loses his pizza delivery job because of all the P.C. bluenoses demanding certain people should lose their livelihood I'll be pissed.
These are buy fare the worst group off wussys CBS has ever put in this house
That's funny!!
The BY stands for backyard. The backyard interviews are the interviews various media get to do with all the HGs after the finale in the backyard of the BB house.
I wish the tide would turn.
That all the hating inside the house and OUTside the house with all of us fans...would somehow turn back to FUN.
This season, I find myself asking why I watch this show.
BB likes to cast people who enjoy the cameras.
haters are no different than the ones they hate. IMHO.
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