Also, we have ourselves a Veto Comp today! Will Candice win & save herself from eviction this week? We shall see.
Last night in the BB house, all was mostly calm and nothing game changing happened. win some, you lose some. Some nights, the house is filled with BB craziness, and others..well, not so much. Not to mention that they are all still really sore from Thursday nights Endurance Comp.
Speaking of Thursday, Helen won a BBQ party for herself + 3 guests of her choice to join her. She picked Elissa and Aaryn (for holding up her end of the deal with noms last week) and then the last spot was up for grabs. They decided to have a GM best impersonator contest.
It's a hilarious Flashback Feeds moment & highly recommend you watch it when you have the time!
Start at 9:50pm BBT on flashback.
GM was such a good sport about it & had a blast!
Line of the Night:
Spencer: "You have a nip-slip, bro."
McCrae/Jessie tied for the best, so they did rock-paper-scissors for the last guest spot at the BBQ and runner-up would get the HOH bed for the night. McCrae won & picked the HOH bed, so Jessie will be going with Helen + Elissa/Aaryn to the BBQ party.
While we're semi-on topic about nip slips, if you're an Amanda fan, you might be interested in Cam 3 at 10:40pm BBT while she's showering. (The camera men were in full perv-mode.) A few minutes later, McCrae/Amanda bickered like an old married couple because Amanda doesn't feel that McCrae sticks up for her the same way she sticks up for him.
Other than that, there's not much to report. There was some talk about Howard..Spencer said Howard had no game strategy at all and that he (S) was mad when Howard gave up & stopped playing the game.
There was also talk about who could be the MVP & when they think the twist will end. (*My guess would be this week after double eviction on Thursday, but we'll see!)
**And that's it for the Overnighter!! I'm starting the morning post very soon! The HG's are currently up (as of 9:08am BBT). They had an early wakeup. Nothing is going on at the moment, they're all in a great mood..laughing, making breakfast, making fun of 'who can be MVP', joking around.
Stay tuned...

I missed Thursday's episode... do the HG know its going to be a double eviction?
no, they don't know about the DE this Thursday. :)
I don't see why America is voting to put Amanda up shes playing the game like it should be played unlike Andy or Jessie.
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