The houseguests have been rather calm today. Late wake-ups. McCrae has a hangover. Judd called him an "amateur". lol (The boys drank all the booze last night for McCrae's BB Bachelor Party & they got drunk.)
In other news...
Amanda's been getting spray tanned per her Veto Comp punishment from yesterday. She's looking more & more orange by the hour! Since her punishment doesn't end until tomorrow, she's bound to get even more tanned between now and then. Here's a side-by-side progression of her tanning punishment so far...Before & After:
Helen won a BBQ for herself + guests of her liking. She's taking Aaryn/Elissa/Jessie. The party is starting at 2:30pm BBT. Here's a shot of the spread BB gave them:
Helen/Aaryn/Jessie/Elissa are so excited! They do a toast...
Elissa: "This is so fun & exciting!"
Okay guys & gals, I'll see y'all back here for the Sunday Night show!! Until then, enjoy the live feeds today & tonight!! :D (**They're only $10/month for 24/7 entertainment!)
See ya then!!
Stay tuned...

Please get Amanda out this week!!!!!!
I hope the four of them talk about the possibility of voting Amanda out during the BBQ.
A bit off topic, but on TV today during the ball game I saw a commercial for Blue Cross of Illinois, where they show shots of "happy people" while they are giving their spiel, and who pops up but Helen Kim, smiling, with her arms around her two little boys. From that sweet 3 second clip you'd never know she has ice water in her veins and a razor up her sleeve.
Helen at the 23 second mark.
Yes please please please!!!
You slay me, Craig Marshall
I hate don't understand the hatred for Amanda. Can someone please explain to me why you guys hate her? Also don't use the "bully" excuse.
Sooo do you really feel? LOL!!!! I didn't see that commercial or clip, but when I hear about her with her boys I thi about how she uses tears on them to get them to do what she wants. If there was anything that made me start to dislike Helen it was that comment. I hate that she is perpetuating the stereotype of women using tears as well as emotional manipulation and emotional black male to get what we want. I know this is a game of manipulation and deals but as a woman who has gotten far in my life without using those things to get my way, Helen's tactics sicken me. Also, maybe because I have shed more than my fair share of tears over real tragedy and loss I don't like to see people use tears and emotion as a way to get what they want.
For all of you that want Amanda out I think Helen, Jessi, and Elissa are working on a plan to get Amanda out. At around 4pm BBT they were having a convo in the rainbow/triangle room. If they push forward with this they only need one more vote. It is going to be interesting to see if they can flip Andy or Judd. I think they have a better chance of flipping Judd. We will see what happens.
Hey Jamie, I have TWC on all my TVs. Any suggestions for watching since CBS and TWC split?
Correction about the time. It was around 4:45 BBT.
@Brian and Jaimie
Do you think Helen and the other two will be able to pull this off?
Wow!!!! They completely cut out Amanda's argument with Candice. They also left out the really nasty stuff Amanda and jessi said to each other. I know production has a heavy hand in the editing process but dang!!!
I unfortunately live in Boca Raton, FL (not by choice). You won't see any pro Amanda rallies around here. In fact Amanda is a perfect example and explanation for why this town was voted the 11th RUDEST CITY in the world. I actually find this season to be so riddled with bullies and thugs (primarily female) that it's hard to watch and I don't feel compelled to watch the feeds or late nights. Time for CBS to do a bit more sifting of their applicants. The game could still be interesting, probably more so with a bit more intellect and kindness.
Wow. CBS finally gave Amanda an accurate edit. Yay!!!
I used to like Amanda and thought she was funny. Now I want her gone. I don't have the feed but read your blog daily and love it. I just wanted to know does Candice really cause drama? I haven't really seen much other than people. Also when you get the feeds do you see the dr stuff too? Go Jessie, flip that house!
With it being double eviction this week, I think Amanda will be leaving out the door right after Candace. Mmmhhmm. And you know what, I won't be too broken-hearted over it either. Amanda has got to go.
That's it. I'm rooting for Spencer, GM and Aaryn now because the folks in power (Helen, Elissa, Judd, Andy and vanilla girl whose name I can't recall) suck so, so, so, so bad.
And to those morons who are voting Amanda the MVP nom...are you trying to create the most boring TV ever? If this house ever gets down to Helen, Elissa, Judd, Andy, and Jessie I'm done.
And why do so many people hate Spencer?
LOL, Craig
People dislike Spencer because he's disgusting.
People dislike Aaryn because she's a snooty racist.
People dislike Amanda because she's freaking bat sh*t crazy.
If I am to be called a moron because I don't want to see pitiful excuses for human beings win 500K, so be it.
It's odd that people who believe in morals, equality, and self-worth get labeled as morons and all the rude scum of the Earth become the interesting ones.
What kind of world do we live in?
Helen is a lobbyist for BCBS of IL, so that would explain the commercial. In defense of her, she is playing a game. Part of her strategy is to for close bonds with people which she is very good at and to play the game to win even if it means turning on people that she has become close to. She has sacrificed a lot (as has everyone) to be there and is there to win. She, I believe, is playing for her family first and foremost and I think that justifies in her mind any backstabbing gameplay that she may pursue. She does talk too much and can be sanctimonious at times. But I believe in real life she is probably a great person and a great mother. That crying comment about her kids I guessing was just an attempt in DR to try to come up with something interesting to say for the episode. I wouldn't put too much stock in it.
Well said Erica. No need to say much more. Except there is nothing wrong with lying, cheating and scheming in the game. But when you start to personal attack person then you no longer need to be in the game. Calling someone a slut or fat has nothing to do with their game play. It just makes you look immature. I hope Amanda becomes a victim of the double eviction.
The Power Or Perceived Power Going To Her Head. She Really Thinks She Is The Center Of The House. And For What? What Has She Won?
I love Andy's comment regarding GMs HOH room - she's just like a 15 yr old girl down to the photo of a boy she had a very intense crush on for a very tragic couple week period. Hahahahahaha
I could care less about the backstabbing. They all do it and its part of the game. I just don't like it when people use tears to get what they want. Maybe Helen just said that for good tv, but it was still off putting. That was just the first thing that started me down the road toward disliking her. There are numerous things I don't like about her and her game. I just wish none of them would pull the crying route to get sympathy and what they want. Amanda does it to and I just don't like it. I know it's something that I am sensitive about because of my own life and background. Unfortunately most of the cast is awful. They are either insensitive about racial issues and sexual orientation, sexist, or bat$#~t crazy. At this point I don't know who to root for and I wish I hadn't bought the super pass because I would cancel the live feeds and rely on Jamie for info about BB15. Oh well!!! Hopefully BB production will make it up to us next year by having a season with nothing but super fans or even a season with all stars. I would take all stars over the cast we have this year.
Candice doesn't always start it, but she does seem to be in the middle of it. Sometimes she fires back and it makes her look like a jerk even though she is defending herself. I like Candice but I think she needs to go home now before she loses her mind.
Jessie, Helen and Elissa might actually be able to flip this house. With Spencer definitely going up as renom, the trio of girls could definitely sway at least one more person. Though Judd doesn't want others to view him and Jessie as a pair, Jessie could possibly use him to flip since McRanda gunned after him and that would make an interesting Final 2 deal. If they can flip him or even Aaryn, which is a bit far fetched but stranger things have happened, this house could be thrown a massive curveball, especially for McCrae and Andy.
I can't believe I am saying this, but Jessie is actually gaming hard right now. She is working hard to get Amanda out. I don't know if it is going to work, but I give her credit for it. Work it Jessi!!!! I think I found a new player to like; it's still a little to early to tell, but at least the girl is trying to play the game.
Amanda isn't a bully. She just tells it like it is and won't put up with people BSing her. Is it smart gameplay? Not necessarily. But Amanda is one of the few people actually trying to play the game this season versus sitting around doing nothing.
But I'm sorry - Jessie deserved to be called out when she is constantly boo-hooing about not getting invited to the BBQ when she is so loyal. You can't really call yourself loyal when you just a couple days before tried to flip the house against the people you've been aligned with all game.
I have nothing against someone trying to make a big move and flip the house. That's BB and it makes for an entertaining show. But you have to own it. When it doesn't work and people find out, you can't sit there and expect them to just be okay with the fact that you tried to flip on them. You have to accept that you've lost some credibility and are now less trustworthy.
Helen reminds me of the person at school or work that is the ultimate suck up - not too fond of her.
Why do people hate Spencer? Well, if I didn't know what he had said behind the scenes from this blog, I probably wouldn't either. He is a rude pig - funny, how the edits have not really shown that side of him at all.
Definitely do not like the meanies - GM and Aaryn.
LOL - guess I'll have to go with Judd, Jessie or Andy at the moment!
I really like Amanda! I think she's funny and she's smart, so what if she's controlling she's getting out the people she wants!
I find GM the most annoying person in the entire world. Her stories go on and on forever and don't make a lot of sense. Seriously everything about her annoys me so I hate that she's hoh
Really Candice, tell everyone how you're a "strong person" while you're crying one more time. I can't.
I agree with Robin, the way she handles things does not help her or gain her sympathy imo. Aaryn and Amanda have been horribly ugly to her - but Candice goes out of her way to make comments just to irk them. I really hope she isn't evicted this week in the clownie-tard though. That's just not right.
Andy is a loser, plain and simple. Pretty much is guaranteed a ticket to the top 5 though.
Since there are no strong/tactical players left, I am rooting for Judd, Jessie, Helen, McCrae, Amanda. Everyone else is weak in terms of gameplay and physical strength. The only thing these people have is a good manipulative social game.
I don't think they'll be able to get that 4th vote to evict Amanda unless the mistake is made to put up Judd as the renom instead of Spencer. Cause I could definitely see Spencer easily being that 4th vote. The renom could be Elissa or even Helen and Amanda would still be safe cause then they'd be losing 1 vote even if they could then add Spencer.
First of all, the kid thing doesn't bother me. Sometimes to really get to your children's hearts when they have done something bad is to play the sympathy game and cry and tell them how they have hurt you acting a certain way. It's not about women's lib it's about doing what you have to do to teach your child a lesson. I have used it a couple of times myself and if other punishments have not been really teaching
Now to use Sympathy and tears in a workplace. That's Entirely Different!!!! But watch out judging a mom that can really get to child's heart with her powerful tears;)
I get what you are saying, but it still bothers me. Like I said I am sensitive about it. I lost two uncles who were really close to me within six months of each other and then a month later my mom basically became an incapacitated adult. She didn't die, but she might as well have. It took five and a half years before her body gave out on her. To say I cried a lot (everyday for almost two years) would be an understatement. I am not judging but I just don't like for tears to be used that way. When my mom wanted me to understand that my actions hurt or wanted me to learn a lesson she told me in such a way that I understood that I had hurt her.
I don't know, maybe it's just because my tears in the last few years have been the result of immense sorrow and pain I don't like to see people cry to get their way, which is what Helen indicated in her diary room session. If I remember correctly it was something along the lines of....everyone knows when mommy wants her boys to do something she sheds a few tears and it gets done. Those aren't the exact words but it was something like that. It's one thing to be "sad" because your kids have done something bad, which is what it sounds like you are talking about, but it's another story to use tears to get what you want. That's just my opinion. To each his/her own: this is what makes us all unique and special.
Just has to say, crying doesn't mean you are weak.
I am so so sorry to hear about what all you have been through. That is too much for anyone to bear:(. But I don't feel that we are talking about the same thing. Yes I may use sympathy sometimes to teach my kids a lesson. Which is not far fetched considering some of the things they do hurt my heart. Should not be used in a work environment or social situation. I see your point of view, but I feel we are talking about two totally different things. But I don't like Helen anyway, so it doesn't matter.
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