What I do know is, if tonight's HOH comp is indeed endurance, we might be in for a very loooooong night! Nobody is gonna wanna drop & it's gonna one heck of a battle. If you have feeds, make sure to have'em ready. If you don't, then you can get'em right here:
As always, I will be live blogging tonight's show. You can also watch it here if you're near a computer, for all of you Time Warner Cable peeps that have CBS blocked.
Okay guys & gals, I'll meet y'all back here at 9pm EST for the show! Bring your snacks & drinks of choice, sit back & enjoy the show!! :D
9:00pm EST:
Show begins...
9:22pm EST:
Time for the voting to begin.
Show begins...
9:22pm EST:
Time for the voting to begin.
The Votes to Evict:
*McCrae votes to evict...Helen
*Amanda votes to evict...Helen
*Elissa votes to evict...Spencer
*Andy votes to evict...Helen
*GM votes to evict...Helen
Judd/Jessie/Candice/Helen will battle it out after the commercial! (HG's still don't know about a returning HG.)
9:28pm EST:
Helen walks out the door to talk to Julie.
9:35pm EST:
Julie tells Helen she's gonna have a shot at the game:
9:38pm EST:
They're showing footage of Candice in the jury house and then Judd entering it.
9:39pm EST:
Now they're showing Jessie entering the jury house.
9:42pm EST:
The 4 of them will go head to head and the winner will re-enter the game as if they've never been evicted!! WOW!!
Julie is telling the HG's now!
9:44pm EST:
All 4 HG's walked back into the house!
9:45pm EST:
Evicted HG's battle it out next + HOH Comp! (Omg I'm soooo excited!!!)
9:51pm BBT:
IT'S ENDURNCE!! All Hg's (minus Aaryn) are on a wall & have to catch 10 baseballs thrown at them.
The platforms are going in & out, up & down, and they're sporadically getting balls thrown at them. (Jessie has 1 already) & they're getting water sprayed on them as well. It's a mixture of endurance & skill. The Jurors on the left, the HG's on the right.
It's two comps in one: the HG's are standing on a wall, the winner of each side is first to catch 10 balls without failing. If a returning juror is the first of all of them to catch 10 balls without falling, they return as HOH.
Andy/GM/Judd/Elissa/Spencer already have 1 ball. Jessie has 2.
Time to watch the comp on the live feeds!!! :D
Stay tuned...

My heartrate as I walk a track is way higher than usual...so excited for a game changing outcome!
Chat room won't work on my iPad but OMG IM SO EXCITED!!!! C'mon Judd and Helen!!!
I hope it makes a huge game change in power!!!
They should have made this episode a 2 hour special! Or I should have bought the live feeds this morning! Crap lol
Anybody but JU double D please!
I really hope judd wins! Fingers crossed:)
My live feeds are still on trivia. When do they go live?
Here is to hoping one of the jurors win it and go after Amanda...that would make for a great week!
I bought a live feed membership but can't see comp... why?
When Julie announced that the jurors would compete to return, Amanda looked like she pooped her pants--well if she ever wore pants...
Better than double eviction go judd go jessie go candice go helen go elissa go spencer
Sooo funny! I am praying for a week of Amanda not in control. I wonder if she will be as classy at the end as Helen was?
I hope Amanda gets a taste of her own medecine this week. I don't think she will leave in the classy way that Helen did.
Sooo funny! I am praying for a week of Amanda not in control. I wonder if she will be as classy at the end as Helen was?
I really liked Judd and it was crappy the way he left but I don't want him to go back in jut because he won't stand up to Mcranda.
I don't think she will either.
Judd is back in): talking game to mcranda
Haha I doubt it.
So Amanda will go this week followed by Elissa next week(as long as Andy doesn't win HoH next week)? If Andy could win anything, it have been best if Elissa could've had him win this week and her still get a chance to win next week. (Then again with Andy's alliance they might push him to keep GinaMarie if he was HoH.)
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