The first one to complete it, will be the new HOH! The houseguest with the lowest amount of eggs, will have to wear a chicken suit for 48 hrs as a punishment.
As soon as the feeds turn back on, I'll start updating! Turn on your live feeds to watch all the live eviction show aftermath & find out who will be this week's HOH! :D
Currently on the live feeds...
7:33pm BBT:
Amanda is telling GM that Aaryn will be "so happy" if she sends Elissa home. (*Little does Amanda know, GM is targeting her/McCrae.)
Everyone is talking about the comp.
Judd: "Congrats on Final 7, y'all!"
7:37pm BBT:
Judd/Spencer/Andy have a quick meeting.
Judd: "Worst case scenario, one of them (McCrae/Amanda) wins pov and the other one goes home."
Andy: "You have to get Elissa to trust me, I don't think she trusts me...just in case she win HOH next week."
Judd: "We have all week for that. Final 6, y'all."
7:39pm BBT:
Andy: "I'm so happy for GM."
Elissa: "Omgosh, meee toooo. You just have to make sure...because Amanda is a big liar and she'll say anything."
7:42pm BBT:
3 of the 4 "Exterminators" alliance members celebrate in the Storage Room. GM said they'll talk later, but it sounds like McCrae/Amanda will be going up.
GM: "..and Amanda thinks I'm puttin' up Elissa."
**Okay guys & gals, enjoy watching all of the scheming and post-comp talk on the live feeds!! :D
Stay tuned...

Yay, GM! (I hope)!
3 Cheers For Sending Amanda Home. Toast!!!!
YEY!! I really hope GM sends Amanda packing this week. Watchin McCranda make me sick! McCrea picked the nastiest girl in the house!
Yes yes yes!
I'm so happy for GM! Now to get out Amanda & McCray... It's gonna be a good week in the BB house.
Happy for GM! also everyone is saying how wonderful Elissa looked lol I like her but dam I think she looked like a drag queen!
I hope andy is exposed this week for the rat he is...when mcranda trys to anything to save themselves.
Who's wearing the chicken suits?
Judd and Spencer
Spencer and judd are wearing chicken suits
YES!!! Sooooo happy GM won and that they FINALLY seeing the light!
Yay GM!!! Can't wait to see JuDD and Spencer in the chicken
O...M...G!! YAY!....Do ya'll think GM and Amanda will get into it this week?!....
I wonder what this mystery comp the HGs will play that Julie mentioned will air on Sun? Could it be a 2nd POV like Ian won last season? Or perhaps another power such as Diamond POV or Coup de Tat? I can't even imagine the uproar if Amanda and McCrae were to both win POV this week or if 1 of them were to win the Diamond POV or something. I think the internet might explode! Haha
why are all the comments so pro-GinaMarie all of a sudden? isn't this the woman who called welfare 'n-word insurance', mocked asians voices and eyes, made numerous references to Candice's race, and also mocked her for being put up for adoption?
Jamie: First time commenting, I love your blog and used the link on your page to get the live feeds so thank you very much for all that you do!
Gm has to keep her cool and not punch amanda the #%^* out. I'd keep amanda cause she sux at comps. Send crae packing. I will say if Amanda wins this game then this show is def fixed
I just hope GM sticks to her word and is not afraid to nominate them. Amanda is gonna LOSE IT this week if she does it the right way!!! No mistakes like Elissa made last week.
Jud and Spencer
I think that if McCranda go on the block together, Amanda will get into it with everything in the house. Houseguests, the fish, the appliances, you name it and it's going down!
Yes I do. But unlike Elissa's non-responsiveness (which I applaud her for), I think the New Yorker in GM will come out in spades and I foresee one hell of a match! (My lips to BB gods ear)
Oh for the love of some bb drama, I sure hope so. I know Elissa took her comments well and all but I really want some GM sparks
Heck know she won't brush it off like Elissa! And she said on live tv that now her hg's know what happens when they "push her buttons" I could NOT believe she actually excused her disgusting behavior. It wasn't a game move. It was a spoiled baby throwing. Fit for not getting control. And like you do with a 3 year old sometimes...Elissa ignored it, which just made her madder! GM will take another parenting "style"!
Yes! Who gets the suit??
It would be amazing if both Amanda and McCrae go out on double eviction night!
As much as I would love to see Andy leave, this week cannot pass without one of McCranda team going home!!! Preferably Amanda herself!!
I hope GM stays strong and kicks them to the a weird kinda way i feel sorry for mcray but he lets her totally dominate him. Maybe he is afraid to get on her bad side...i just know i would never buy a house from her!! She seems very demeaning if you dont agree with her....
GM was the best one to put up McCranda cause when Amanda starts rioting all over the house and yelling at GM for putting them up GM won't back down and will get right back in Amandas face. Should be fun to watch!!!
I was hoping Andy would get HOH and have to put up McCranda cause that would be hillarious to watch Amanda go ape shit crazy on Andy but at least GM will be entertaining to watch get right back in Amanda's face. And no one will understand a single word that either one says lol!
Heck yea they will get into it I can't stand Amanda I hope they boot her butt out
For someone who's been flying under the Radar pretty much the whole Game, GM is about to make the BIGGEST & BALLZIIEST (yep, that's a new word)
Move thus far in the Game....
Everyone has been too Afraid to Nominate Amanda And OR McCrae, let alone Target them & actually get one of them EVICTED!!!
You Go GM....
You know it, Christa. Amanda is gonna lose her vulgar, controlling, egocentric mind....& I am gonna love every second of it. If this plan happens, I think I might just be a GM fan & be cheering her to win BB15!
Um??????????? YA!!!!!!!!!!!
Now we get to watch a bunch of floaters play this game. This is the worst season yet
It looks like all the floaters are converging on the finish line. The Exterminators should change their name to reflect that fact.
I think Aryan was really sorry...sorry that all of us took her words out of context! She genuinely looked shocked at the disapproval from the audience and Julie. I think that now she may have a clue that something is definitely wrong. She looked like she was going to bolt. you think she will leave jury to go home for some damage control?
This week's hope: Amanduh and Andy gone in the de. Maybe McC will redeem himself after she is gone, but Andy will always be a rat...
I think Amanda is in for a huge reality check this week (per her thinking she runs the house) I think that once her and Mccrae are on the block, she is going to do to GM exactly what she did to Elyssa. Only, IMO, I think that GM will not just sit back and take her crap, I think she'll stand up for herself. I think we're gonna see a lot of fights this week! FINALLY, this is Big Brother.
When is the nomination ceremony? Until McCranda are actually on the block I am going to be so nervous that Amanda will get GM flipped.
Have McRanda been having sex in the House? Usually you read stuff on blogs or people will see it on feeds. After Dark is still early in the night. I hadn't read anything but Elissa said they were having sex and leaving condoms around.. Was she just saying that to say it?
They might send McRae since he's more likeable.. You never know. Hopefully A doesn't get in GM head or there's some special power twist or Pandora Box that switches it up
I agree! Then again...between him no showering and not brushing his teeth....maybe he picked the right girl after all!!
I hope Amanda goes home this week. As for Aaryn, I wonder what is going through her mind now that she knows America saw her remarks as racist and insensitive. Being from the south is no excuse for saying mean and hateful things to others. I hope she takes into consideration all that she hears and purposes in her heart to address those areas that concern others.
I hope that Amanda goes home. That said, I wonder what is going through Aaryn's mind now that she knows America saw her remarks as racist and insensitive. Being from the south is no excuse or saying mean and hateful things to others. Own up and improve your thinking.
I'm wondering why I even bother having the live feeds. We didn't get to watch any of the HOH competition last night.
People are just happy that someone who said they would put up McCranda won HoH. Do said people want GM to win? HE** NO!!
I think in most peoples eyes GMs behavior isn't even as bad as Amanda's.
To me, they are equally as bad; however, just like Aaryn, GM has cooled it a lot on the racial remarks. People seem to forget things quickly around here. Amanda however, never quits with her uncontrollable behavior.
Her parents have hired her a public relations manager. So they already know it's going to be bad.
It'll be sometime today
They've had sex at least 5 times. They take showers together all the time. Yeah, they're not afraid to show their raunchiness!
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