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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Wed Night BB Episode

Good evening, ladies & gents! :D Tonight's BB episode starts at 8pm EST on CBS as usual. If this is your first time here today, then scroll down the past 2 posts (Overnighter & Morning/Early Afternoon Post) to get caught up. There was a ton of game talk & a lot of fireworks this afternoon on the live feeds!! (They're only $10/month and we have just 1 month of BB left to go.)

On tonight's BB episode, we will see the veto comp (Otev Comp) and the veto ceremony. This is the comp where a few HG's got bruised up and said that Elissa was a "total beast" in.

Can't wait! :D

Stay tuned...
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Unknown said...

Amanda needs to go. I have a problem with her lies, and demoralizing everyone she wants out. It would be OK if she just spoke the truth and played the game. She is disgusting to say such horrible things to and about people.... Amanda just say that someone is a threat to ur game. Stop disrespecting people. I hope you LOOSE

Unknown said...

Amanda I hope you loose. You demoralize everyone. Just say poll are a threat and stop disrespecting ppl. You are a disgusting person.

Unknown said...

Love the blog first of all...Just wanted to say what I thought Helen and Elissa should have done after winning the veto and finding out Helen was the target. They should have gone To Aaron and told her that they are using the veto on Helen to remove the big threat from the block and now she has the chance to get a big threat out in Amanda especially after the wine fight the night before veto ceremony. GM would do what Aaron wanted and Spencer would love the chance to vote out Amanda. Andy would have come back to Helen because he never really went against her at this point so no harm done. They had nothing to lose Elissa may walk anyway so why not go out giving your best friend a leg to stand on being the worst case scenario and best case Amanda is gone..Aaron is going to be the next player gone and despite her flawed behavior could have gone down as a great BB player after the comeback she has made if she would have just gone with who she likes and wanted to work with in Helen instead of listening to someone who bullies her into choices she feels bad about in Amanda

Unknown said...

Racheal is coming out in Elissa. Elissa is finally telling them off. Elissa told them today if Helen goes home she is going after Amanda. #teamelissa

Unknown said...

Amanda is nothing but a big bully. She wants everybody else to do her dirty work & she doesn't want no blood on her. Andy is nothing but a rat. I hope either Candice or Helen comes the look on there face. #teamelissa

Unknown said...

I agree with the above posts, Amanda sucks and the way she tells the others what to do is sick, Aaryn should have put her up, Spencer is prolly the biggest fool cause he won't turn on Amanda but I really hope Andy is the next to go.

Random World said...

I liked Elissa from the beginning, and I still do. She has had her moments when I was like, ummmm..what? LoL but I wouldn't be upset if she won BB.

Anonymous said...


Elissa would've 100% went home in that scenario thus she never would've done it. Elissa has talked about just going home rather than go to Jury House AFTER she's evicted she doesn't want to just quit the game while she's still playing and has a chance.

They all agreed to target Helen cause they viewed her as the bigger threat despite the varying degrees of difficulty doing so because of how much they liked her. While it was basically the opposite with Elissa as no one really likes her and personally outside of maybe Amanda everyone would much prefer to vote Elissa out.

So everything would've went exactly the same and if anything would've been even more cut and dry as Aryan wouldn't have considered for a second doing anything to save Elissa let alone making a move against Amanda. Plus Andy has a strong connection with Helen and not Elissa so he'd never have voted out Amanda who he also has a strong connection with over Elissa even if Aryan did propose it for some reason. GM also hates Elissa as well and would've wanted her out.


Anonymous said...

Omg why did they not send Amanda packing??? Aaron would of had the votes. She would have had Elissa, spencer and gm!! If spencer goes home she might not have that chance again!! Ugh so annoyed how they are letting Amanda run this game!

Jeremy said...

I am not a fan of Amanda in the least and tonight gave me another reason to dislike her even more. She had the gall to say that Andy is not wanting to get his hands dirty and it is annoying her. (Paraphrasing) I just find it astonishing that the one person that has won nothing and who is clean as a whistle, has the nerve to say that. I will say, she has got this far with the bullying tactics and it may very well win her the game. While I may not like her style of play, it is a style and its working for her.

Regarding Aaryn, I am no fan of her as a person, but I do respect her game play. She has won numerous comps and remained loyal to those who have helped her this far. I see myself rooting for her more and more. Don't hate me! I have a feeling that Aaryn, like Helen, will regret not ousting Amanda when she had the chance.

I really dislike this crop of HGs, but I can't deny the love of the game. Regardless of what happens, I am a fan who will continue to watch.

slnc said...

Im so glad elissa told them off! Finally someone has kept it 100! And didnt back down from them especially amanda...This group needs to get a clue aside from elissa! She is the only one who thinks America thinks they are lame and pretty much hates them...and that we(well most of us do not like amanda) but the rest of them are idiots and think we love them...and that they're the best bb hg's! Lmao

Unknown said...

Dr. Will was a genius for getting other people to do his dirty work. But somehow Amanda is evil?

Evel Dick bullied people left and right, but people love him. Amanda does it, and she's Hitler?

C'mon, guys. Perspective.

Also, nobody seems to be paying attention to the way Elissa talks down to every member of the house (including Helen) and thinks she's so much better than everyone, said she would walk from the game if she didn't get her way, and wouldn't even be there to vote her supposed best friend in the house a half mil at the end? Yeah, Elissa--being given special treatment by production this whole time--is nothing but a spoiled rich girl who thinks of nothing but herself.

Again: she's so self-centered that she sucks the life out of anyone that crosses the event horizon.

And Helen is the only person Aaryn (that's how it's spelled, incidentally) would have wanted to work with. Elissa hates her and talks down to her constantly without provocation. (But then Elissa does that to everyone.) No, Aaryn might have thought about it, but the truth is that her best move is still with Amanda/Andy/McCrae.

How soon people forget what GAMEPLAY looks like. (Once more I refer you to Dr. Will's 0-comp-win strategy that got him a half mil.)

diamonds222 said...

ok, so Aaryon says she didn't put up Amanda because Amanda is scary and that she has a way of making the house do what she wants... and then, Aaryon goes and does what Amanda wants (blank stare) it's like they have become puppets on a string, just going with the movements with a little crying here and there, but just dancing to the tune regardless. The fact that Helen is about to go out is almost like watching the ending of a mini series where you know where it was headed, or evening sitting in the back of the stationwagon on a long road trip repeatedly having to ask "Helen is this time yet?"

Obsidiandog. said...

Amanda is a master at this game. Elissa is a prissy nutjob sponging off her sister's appeal. Not sure why she's even there, Rachel obviously pulled strings. She's had every advantage this season given to her by production but she's such a disfunctional snob that she hasn't been able to make it work for her. Talk about a floater, Jessie had her right when she called her 'Rachel's shadow'. I hope everyone has the opportunity to tell her exactly what they think of her before she goes out the door next week. I know Andy really wants to unload on her.

DanFan1 said...

I don't get it. Spencer can se what has happened he has first hand knowledge of how close amanda and her spider monkey r. (Ughhhh) So why would he believe anything except the obvious. If it comes down to amanda or him why would he think he has a chance in hell of getting spider monkeys vote??? Mindboggling!!!!

sunshine said...

Amanda is a bully and needs to go I hope Elisa wins HOH

Unknown said...

I like Amanda!! I don't agree with everything that comes out of her mouth, but I think she is the only one actually PLAYING. I don't think people are scared of her, I thin she is good at making people see her side of an argument and talks them into doing what she wants. Can she be vile at times? Absolutely!!!! I think all good BB players have been at one point or another!!

Jamie I love this blog and wish I would have found it a long time ago!!! Thank u!

Anonymous said...

People ARE scared of her. She just needs to go home.

Kayla said...

But that's not her strategy. She is TRYING to win with everyone's help on top of that and she still can't win.

DanFan1 said...

The houseguests themselves have said from time to time they r scared of her and now Aryan is even admitting amanda has controlled all her hoh's so I don't no how u can say they aren't scared of her.

Unknown said...

Your probably right. Would have been a legendary move if it would have worked

DanFan1 said...

Agreed. No one can say that she went into this with a dr. Will stategy. She absolutely has tried to win a comp. So her strategy is by necessity from failure and she is no evil dick or Dr Will and it won't carry her to the end to many people wise to her now.

DanFan1 said...

It would be funny if she see's jessie and jessie says " can we get Amanda out this week?" O wait to late!!! Lol

Unknown said...

Her intentions coming into the game are not germane. Every plan the players have is ruined by the time they put their bags down in the house. The only thing that matters is to adapt on the inside.

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