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Saturday, August 10, 2013

Veto Comp Results

Good evening, BB addicts! At 6:20pm BBT, the live feeds switched to trivia, which means we have a Veto Comp underway!! :D w00t w00t!!

Playing in the Veto Comp:

McCrae is the Comp Host

8:27pm BBT:
Feeds are back!
Winner of the Veto is:


Bye-bye, Jessie.

The Veto Comp was a "classic" BB veto comp (according to Helen) and it sounds like it as the Hold'em/Fold'em comp. Apparently, Jessie did really bad.

**I'll be back in the morning with the Overnighter. It's my "Summer Sunday" tomorrow, so I'm gonna sleep in for once. ;) Enjoy the live feeds!!
Stay tuned...
CBS Interactive Inc.


Anonymous said...

C'mon Jessie girl pull this off so GM can leave. Production should warn GM about her behavior towards Candice in the jury room, her comment about Candices mother not liking her was a way low blow. GM has said to house mates "I wanna kick her ass" so there ya have it...

Unknown said...

It's probably a long shot, but I'm pulling for Jessie also!

Unknown said...

If I was Candice, and if I would have had the time, I would have tried to respond to GM's dumb comment about Candice's birth mother. People give up their children for adoption not because they don't like them but usually because it's a way better situation for the child for whatever reason. Clearly her mother wanted something to do with her later in life anyway, so technically she has 2 mothers who want her. Let's see anyone who would want to claim GM besides her own mother.

Unknown said...

Amanda needs to go home.

Unknown said...

Well, they didn't stop GM from treating her like that in the BB house, so why would they tell her to do it in the jury house? This is absolutely deplorable! The fact that you have to remind hgs not to be racist, or act like a lunatic is beyond me...kick them off the show!

Unknown said...

Jessie lets go pull off a win! Can't believe I'm rooting for her but I am! C'mon Jessie!

Unknown said...

C'mon Jessie lets go

Siren Vengeance said...

Although some of the house guests have said things that are without a doubt rude, hateful and uncalled for...I cant help but to think if I was stuck in there with people I just don't like how I would act. And without having contact with the people that keep you grounded I think we would all not act the same like we would normally. And by no means will I ever be ok with the things that have said but I can see why some may act the way they are. Personally I think Spencer needs to go. Those "jokes" he made about child pornography are not only not funny, that is something you should never joke about and a person who deserves to win any money that subject should never cross your mind. I will say that I'm not a fan of Candice I find her voice to be incredibly annoying and the way she went out was classless but she should still be in the house over Spencer

Michael Schmidt said...

Or maybe just set one of the live cam's up in the jury house. I'm still waiting for my $10 worth of entertainment this month.

Unknown said...

I am with everybody, go Jessi!

Cody Fisher said...

Since I'm ready to see drama I'd like to see Elissa win pull Jessie off, tick off the other side of the house in doing so and Helen go up as collateral damage!

Cody Fisher said...


Jen said...

Why didn't they all let Amanda win? :)

Unknown said...

Thanks Jamie. :-)

Jamie said...

My pleasure, James!! :)

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Yah, what happened with that? I thought she lined that all up...yikes!

Unknown said...

Andy won!!! Don't expect Andy and weak a@$ Helen to make any big moves and back-door Amanda or Aayrn. bye-bye jessi. The worst BB season ever!!!

Unknown said...

Worse ever u are right

Unknown said...

Worse ever u are right

•~catty~• said...

Glad Andy won, so hopefully things don't change. This week is kind of a bust because Andy didn't shake up the house, which = no blood on his hands. He is a smart player, it's great how he is "sneaky, sneaky" and seems to be everywhere in the house & a part of every conversation.

But, I said, "kind of a bust" because it IS BB, and we know anything can happen! I'm hoping to see Zingbot. Waiting for it to hint around to Aaryn & GM that they're now unemployed...ZING!! Zingbot will also probably let them know that America was MVP for the past few weeks; at least that's what I'm hoping!!

Andy and his new alliance (3AM-too funny) could pull either Jessie or Spencer off & backdoor Helen; I guess we will see!

Andy/McCrae all the way!
Love the blog Lala!


Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Geemoma said...

Now Jess will get another shot at a showmance with Judd in the Jury house

•~catty~• said...

Not the worst season ever. At all. BBAD (Big Brother After Dark) has some hilarious moments. GM, Jessie, Andy, Spencer & Helen are playing Hot Potato now-lol!!!

Love the new alliance (3AM)!! Pretty clever name for once and Zingbot should be coming in the house soon. The show on CBS stinks and the editing really disguises the 'real' HG's and their personalities. They're really not the 'bad' or 'evil'; they're human and say things they don't mean. Anybody would in their situation-I agree with the poster above who mentioned that.

I'm rooting for Andy/McCrae to be F2.
Andy/McCrae all the way!

Unknown said...

Not because of the racial comments. Helen and Andy has to be the worse BB players I have ever seen!!!

Unknown said...

What a surprise Allison Grodner. Yet another comp that's the same exact thing as last season & the one before that & the one before that etc. No knockout yet? But rest assured OTEV and Zing Bot are in our future. So is Pandora . Hopefully Mr Pectacular won't be

Unknown said...

The HG had the idea for the spinoff show "Jury House." Might as well air few hours of that on TVGN afternoon

shannon72283 said...

This season is sooooo disappointing!!! Nobody is making moves!!!!!!! I want someone to put up mcranda or hel/ellis!!!! Then we get some fun!!!!! Right now is BORING!

Unknown said...

Andy & Aaryn are in an alliance btw

Unknown said...

They won't tell them America was MVP till jury votes are locked. It's part of the game play.. One reason that probably led to Judd ouster. Even more so if a jury member is still part of thegame somehow

Unknown said...

Every season, watchers who go on the interwebs complain about how "this season is the worst season EVAH." Okay, so stop watching.

I literally did that one season when the HG's failed to compel and the setup for the show was so poorly thought out that they had to ditch it a few weeks in.

But this season is interesting enough for people to come back and make strongly-opinionated statements about it and root for their favorite players (and dis the ones they hate).

Welcome to Big Brother.

That said, I fail to see why Jessie should get anything other than her stipend. She is a terrible game player from almost any perspective. Any move she's tried to make has failed miserably.

As for GM saying what she said: Had Candice not attacked her on live TV where Candice THOUGHT she couldn't be called out on it, then GM probably would have said nothing, given her a hug, and let her leave.

Let me reiterate this: Candice asked for it.

I would have taken the same low blow if someone dissed me for living with my mom.

It used to be that children lived in their parents' houses not only until they were married but often beyond that as well. Everyone forgets that not every culture has a nuclear family. The NORMAL mode of operation on the planet is extended families that live together to pool resources. Americans have been spoiled. Now that the economy is tighter, you see more people living with their parents. You also see them doing that to take care of their parents because the health care systems are so bad that nobody can afford to have help looking after elderly parents. #1, cut GM some slack, and #2, realize that Candice purposefully attacked her on live TV (twice!) because she thought she could get away with it.

Guess what? She was wrong.

Dee said...

This season started slow, then seemed like it was picking up steam when the HG were breaking up couples. It is beyond me why they left McCranda alone. BIG MISTAKE! I still say if the girls would have banded together and stopped all the cat fighting, they could have gotten rid of the guys and then started picking themselves off 1 by 1. Then maybe the catfights would not have been so personal, if they would have tried to bond and get along the way they are trying to now. Oh well. Producers, please do a better job next season of picking HG. Judd, Helen, Andy and Candice were cool. But the other ones did not make for a good season. I'm just saying.

B******** said...

@ Brian

thanks for the reply. I appreciate your insight.


Obsidiandog. said...

One of the reasons everybody votes 'with the house' is Candice got in deep shit early in the season when Spencer tricked her into voting against the alliance she was in, and then after David was evicted, Aaryn demanded to know who cast votes to get him out.
People don't want to be left out in the cold holding the bag, making themselves targets before they have to. There is anonymity in unanimity.

Anonymous said...

Boring we all know Jessie will leave Thursday. There is no excuse for bad behaviour, I know if I was locked in a house with different people I sure wouldn't be a racist about it

laserkat said...

I am not sure how I would behave either, but I do know the racist remarks don't just slip out. You have to have those thoughts & feelings inside for them to roll off the tongue as easily as it does from Aaryn, GM, & Amanda.

Boonella said...

I am not sure what Candace did to any of the house guests to be treated the way she was. There is no excuse for that type behavior.

NeverSayNever said...

I think the Candice/GM live fight would have not occurred had GM let Candice say her final words before voting without interrupting and talking over her. GM was able to make her nomination speech, where she called Candice names, without Candice talking over her.

Obsidiandog. said...

Sleep for four days, then scream at someone. Repeat. That was the sum of Candice's game.

Anonymous said...

I agree that Candice should have been able to say her peace uninterrupted just as GM did during nominations. Candice has tolerated a lot and it was rude of GM to interrupt. As for the parting comment from Candice when she was heading out the door, if you watch it again, you will see/hear that it was in response to GM saying "Don't let the door hit you on the way out". Once again GM was taking a dig at Candice when a better choice would have been to keep her mouth shut.

Anonymous said...

I agree that Candice should have been able to say her peace uninterrupted just as GM did during nominations. Candice has tolerated a lot and it was rude of GM to interrupt. As for the parting comment from Candice when she was heading out the door, if you watch it again, you will see/hear that it was in response to GM saying "Don't let the door hit you on the way out". Once again GM was taking a dig at Candice when a better choice would have been to keep her mouth shut.

Unknown said...

You're forgetting that Candice was targeting GM live on her "please keep me here" speech. (Not that Candice had a chance...)

That's just a dumb move.

GM isn't the kind of person to let Candice (of all people) walk on her. Sorry, not happening. I'd have taken Candice down too... and just as hard.

NeverSayNever said...

I agree with you @Toast bcuz GM was waiting at the door so she could get the last word to Candice

Unknown said...

#1 I'm not cutting GM any slack. She spend most of the season crying over a guy that doesn't want her. GM has been personally attacking Candice for know reason at all. #2 Candice took minor jabs at GM, but never maliciously insulted her. GM completely overreacted during the live eviction.

Unknown said...

Remember GM is the one unemployed not Candice...

Unknown said...

The only thing GM displayed that night was a lack of class. Candice didn't walk all over GM. GM and Aaryn has been maliciously insulting Candice BEHIND HER BACK this entire season. I commended Candice for keeping her cool this season and walking out of that house and not overreacting. B'cuz knowing my temper, I would have been all over GM. HELL I be kick out week 2.

Unknown said...

The only thing GM display that night was the lack of class she has. Candice didn't walk all over GM. It's the other way around. GM constantly insulted Candice with malicious remarks. I commend Candice for keeping her cool this entire season. B'cuz if it was me I would have been kick out week 2.

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