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Thursday, August 8, 2013

Thursday Double Eviction Live Show

Good evening, BB addicts!! :D Who's ready for tonights Double Eviction show?!! I know I am!

(A fellow BB addicts cake for tonight! Thanks for sharing, VictoriaL!!)

Tonight I am expecting Candice to leave the BB house & she will become the 1st jury member of the BB15 season. Immediately after that, the houseguests will battle it out in the HOH Comp, then Veto Comp, then they'll have a very quick POV Ceremony, a 2nd HG will be evicted, and then another HOH comp. A whole weeks worth of Big Brother in 1 hour. It's gonna be insane!

We'll also get info on the MVP twist tonight, though I'm guessing it'll be over with for the season. 

While the show is gonna be awesome, it's the aftermath on the live feeds that I'm more excited about!! Don't have'em? No problem! Takes 5 minutes to get setup & they're super duper cheap @ $10/month!! :D

Okay guys & gals, I'll see y'all back here at 9pm EST!!

9pm EST:
Show begins...

*Candice/GM are fighting live on the air!! 

The Votes to Evict are:
*McCrae votes to evict...Candice
*Aaryn votes to evict...Candice "The Clown" (her words)
*Helen votes to evict...Candice
*Jessie votes to evict...Candice
*Elissa votes to evict...Candice
*Andy votes to evict...Candice
*Judd votes to evict...Candice

Evicted from the BB House is:


As Candice/GM fought on the way out & as she left, GM told Candice "At least my mom likes me, unlike yours!" (Candice was adopted.)

Julie: "It's goodbye for now, but there's a lot of summer left." (to Candice)

9:24pm EST:
Time for the HOH Comp!! It's a knockout comp.

*Elissa is out.
*Andy/Jessie are out. 

Winner of the HOH Comp is:


(Julie did *not* tell them that America was the MVP the past few weeks.)

Nominations for Eviction are:


Next up, is the Veto Comp!!

Winner of the Power of Veto is:

Aaryn decided to use the veto and put up JUDD!!!!! (*OMG!)
Aaryn said that she was told to put him up, if not, she'd go home soon & that she was informed that Judd has been playing him.

The Votes to Evict:
*Amanda votes to evict...Judd
*McCrae votes to evict...Judd
*GM votes to evict...Judd
*Andy votes to evict...Judd
*Helen votes to evict...Judd
*Elissa votes to evict...Judd
*Jessie votes to evict...Judd

Evicted from the BB House is:


10pm EST:
Show ends. Turn on the live feeds!! (The HOH Comp will be played tonight.)

Stay tuned...
CBS Interactive Inc.


Unknown said...

Hey Jamie! Any link to watch the show live? My guide shows football from 8-11 :(

Stephca33 said...

Jamie, can tonight's episode be watched online anywhere while its live?

•~catty~• said...

Maybe Elissa will win HOH & somehow back door JU-DD?? Can't wait for tonight's show!!! Great blog, btw. 👍
Great cake to celebrate the double eviction. Clever!
I'm still somehow rooting for Andy or McCrae to go farthest....we'll see. What is everyone else predicting? I also agree it's probably Candice going tonight. 30 more mins!! 😀

Unknown said...

I am so ticked, CBS here us showing a stupid Cleveland browns pre season game!! Now I have to wait to watch it at 1am.... thank goodness for your blog Jamie or I would go through complete withdrawal! I wish I could get the live feeds but your blog is pretty awesome! Thanks!

Unknown said...

My prediction is Candice will go home. Then Jesse would win HoH, nominate Amanda and McCrea with Amanda as the target. Then it wouldn't matter who won POV as long as they didn't take Am off, even if MC came off I'd put up Helen! Then the house votes out Amanda and someone with not so much power, like Elissa maybe would win 2nd HoH!
Okay, so I know that would never happen but a girl can dream right?

Unknown said...

Oh Candice!!!!! LOL!!!

AmiLrn said...

GM is an witch!! "At least my mom likes me unlike yours"???? Please tell me I heard her wrong!

RCW504 said...

No u didn't that what she said

Anonymous said...

I know Big Brother is more important than the Browns any day.

slnc said...

Gm...smh! All I can say is karma's a bitch and when she finally gets out in the real world ...she is going to feel it!

Unknown said...

Ugh not aaryn again! At least we only have to deal with 20 mins of her rather than a week LOL

Unknown said...

Ugh aaryn is hoh again! At least it's for 20 mins instead of a full week

slnc said...

Boy is Aaryn proving them wrong in being weaker than kaitlyn!lol these Hg's are sooo stupid! I know all of them Who wanted to get rid of her are kicking their selves...see what voting for someone else gets!

rleberle said...

So true....

Unknown said...

All the racial junk this season and now that remark from Gina Marie about her mom liking her and Candice's not liking her because she was adopted? I would get rid of Aaryn and Gina Marie right away.

Unknown said...

Ugh! I was in mid post of how I wanted Aaryn to do something big because if she puts up Jessie and Spencer again I'll just lose it...well look who she puts up! Does nobody want to win this game?

Anonymous said...

Seriously, why are McCrae and Amanda NOT being put up next to each other for this double eviction?!?! I'm so tired of their reign!

TamaraJ said...

Just when I thought the hatred in that house couldn't get any worse, GM takes it to another level. She is disgusting.

rleberle said...

Not surprised by her nominations. Kinda of disappointed that she didn't make a bold move!

Unknown said...

What's sad is I'm a brown's fan except when they interfere with BB lol!

Dollhouse said...

This has to be the stupidest bunch of people I almost want Amanda or Mccrae to win at this point so all these people who "think" they're playing a good game can see how stupid they were. All of this "it's what the house wants" last time I checked it was an individual winner not "the house"!!

Unknown said...

Come on make a move already...this is so disappointing

RCW504 said...

I though double eviction would have been a spark ..I WAS SO WRONG. STILL PREDICTABLE.... WOW... GET RID OF ALL OF THEM.. POOR JESSIE. .

Unknown said...

Come on, make a move...disappointed in the double eviction. Thought it might shake things up

Random World said...

GM was nasty mean just then to Candice. Aaryn was so predictable.
My anxiety is on high and it's just a damn tv game!

angie said...

watching This Season Is Torture But It's Like A Train Wreck That I Can't Turn Away From! So Many People Playing On Emotion And Scared To Make Strategic Moves. I Wish production Would Come Up With A Twist To Actually Shake It Up A Bit! Obviously The MVP Didn't Do The Trick!

Unknown said...

No judd!!!

RCW504 said...

Taking judd out is still not a power move.

TamaraJ said...

What on earth is it going to take to get Amanda and mccrae on somebody's radar???? Just write them a check now! Geez...

slnc said...

Totally! This house is a bunch of scary asses! Just end the season already give Amanda and mvCrae the win

Unknown said...

Omg! Really? Now Judd is gone?
Did I read that right? Please tell me I didn't...
Ohhhh nooo :( What is wrong with these people?
I'm legitimately upset...there's nobody left worth anything in my eyes. Except McCrea but he's with the devil and that kind of ruins him for me...

Random World said...

I'm anti-amanda, but Aaron is the one to get out! 3 HoH's! Dayummm

AmiLrn said...

I have an observation about Gina Marie. She has said multiple times how much her hair means to her… Like it's her whole identity. If that is so, why does it always look like a rat has taken up residence in the back of her hair?

Unknown said...

I didn't see that coming like you said Jamie if they knew America was MVP it might have went different.

Bebecantaloupes said...

I think Aaryn should've gone weeks ago--not only because of her nasty personality but because she wins comps too. Ugh!!!

April Gamble said...

Omgoodness!! WTC just happened?/? At loss for words rite now!

Anonymous said...

Agreed, I've felt like I was having a heart attack the entire show!! I need a xanxax!

TamaraJ said...

Judd should have listened to Candice! She tried to warn him, but he was blindly loyal to Loudmouth Amanda....oh well. He will have plenty of time to listen to Candice in the jury house. :-)

Unknown said...

I can't believe Ginamarie said that how low. It will be interesting of she ends up in the jury house with Candice. I hope all the castmates do some self reflecting when this is over. Aaryn should have put up Amanda, she needs to go. Can't wait for this coming week, someone needs to get the courage and do something if they want to win. Now they will have to turn on each other. Jessie needs to win HoH.

Anonymous said...

Aaryn Has The Blood On Her Hands For Jury Votes. Pretty Dumb Move By Aaryn Winning The HOH AndPOV. There Is Two Votes For Her Opponent If Final Two.

I'm Team Elissa To Win It - My Hope Anyway

Michelle said...

Love how Judd would not go against his alliance but his alliance had no problem turning on him. If he would have voted to keep Candice and send Amanda home things would have been different. He made a HUGE mistake trusty McCrae and Amanda. GM is a horrible person. I don't know what is truly in her heart but she said horrible things to Candice. Who kicks a person when they're down? Someone who is not very nice. I hope they see Aaryn for the threat she is. 3 HOH Wins and a POV! I'm so incredibly disappointed in this season. I can only Hope Jesse wins and changes the game up!

Bebecantaloupes said...

Aaryn should've gone home weeks ago, not just because of her nasty personality, but because she wins comps, too. Ugh!
Hated that Judd was evicted, but I was worried for Candace to be alone in the jury house with Spencer--he's a creep!

krstn423 said...

I can't believe what I just watched! I'm not one to buy in on the producers are behind who stays and who goes but tonight makes me one saw this coming and some of them appeared to be forced to vote that way...I don't understand this doing what the house wants they realize they all don't win?

Anonymous said...

If only Helen really knew what ginamarie and aaryn were saying about her, they would have been gone a long time ago. Smh, wtf just happened!?? I mean, this was the perfect opportunity to get Amanda out....

Jen Broughton said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jhaysiv said...

Maybe Julie's picture she tweeted earlier was a reference to the choice she gave the HGs in BB14.... Either hit it, or a HG will have a chance to come back into the game....

Bebecantaloupes said...

Exactly! Somebody needs to be brave & do their own thinking--not "its not what I want--it's what the house wants." I'm so sick of them saying ( and doing) that!

Jen Broughton said...

Poor Judd! Another victim of Queen Amanda. And hearing Helen of all people call him a schemer just makes me sick. I really hope Jessie wins HOH and puts up Amanda and Helen. Does anyone else find it suspect that the MVP twist went away when Amanda was continually in jeopardy? I'm not a big fan of the twist, but it still seems a little shady to me.

Great blog, Jamie. Thank you for continuing to excellently deliver us BB Addicts our drug! :)

mellie said...

Well that was a sorry waste of a double eviction. I really wish Amanda had gone but I am glad Candice will have one week without all the hate. I find GM's words beyond hurtful as well as Amanda's during Pov. They have had HG that didn't get along in the past but this is....beyond words. I don't understand it.

Unknown said...

On the live feeds all Amanda is doing is running her mouth about Judd was after me, Judd was MVP and coming after me, blah blah blah me, me, me, me! STFU!!!!
I'm still so disappointed!

slnc said...

LMao!♥ that so true!

Unknown said...

What is wrong with these people? I would put up Helen and McCrae if I won HoH.. No one else even has a chance of winning a competition and even more importantly, they're running the house! Amanda is by far my least favorite player, but as long as these idiots let her reign this season of Big Brother will continue to suck!!!

slnc said...

I saw it coming. ..they talked about it. Thats what Amanda wanted, Mcrae didnt but she told a bunch of lies to everyone. I thought they would tell who mvp has been for the past few wks.That wouldve changed the votes and put a target on Amanda...I'm starting wonder if there's something to the bb15 rumor of it being fixed so Amanda wins...hhmmm...

Unknown said...

I can not believe Helen told Aaryn she is "soo Janelle" for evicting Judd. How is it Aaryn wins 3 HOH comps and still making moves to be safe next week.
Watching this season is like taking drugs, It's soo terrible but I have to watch.

Trevor said...

I'm almost 100% sure the rumor is true. Amanda was picked to win the game. it is impossible for these house guest to be so dumb.. How can they believe EVERYTHING she says. Why don't any of them compare notes of what Amanda says?

Unknown said...

Given the knowledge that the HG's have (i.e. they don't know America was MVP), getting rid of Judd was an excellent tactical move. From their perspective, he was playing both Aaryn and Jessie, creating a lot of drama (by default), and flip flopping unpredictably.

It's a big move. Aaryn did it because she knew she could get him out at that time. Well played, Aaryn. Well played.

Donna Parker said...

I really, really, really wish Julie had told them at the end that it was America who was the MVP and not Judd. Oh, how different the conversation in the house would be right now. I'm really disgusted.

loveaustintx said...

I watched live and CBS blocked some of the convo with Aaryn before her vote. Jamie can you shed any light on this?

loveaustintx said...

I think it was totally wrong not to tell HG's that America voted - JMHO

enb said...

You mean to tell me aaryn is the only one that knew the answer to that question, she was giving another hoh, got a close allie in judd out the house. it wouldn't be a surprise to me if aaryn is the next one out the door.

Anonymous said...

She needs to go. How any other houseguest can just stand by is just as repulsive.

Unknown said...

I don't really care about Judd's eviction because he's a n idiot for not listening to Howard & Candice last week or this week. Pissed that Julie didn't tell the house it was America. This season sucks. More pissed that the finale isn't going to even begin to address all of the issues in this house. GM's family and friends have to be completely embarrassed by her behavior. What does she think her colleagues think about the things she's said?! I don't think they're thinking at all...

Anonymous said...

Agreed 1000% !

slnc said...

What colleagues? She's lost her job already! Lol she IS a Bitch! Lol
what goes around comes around. ...

Anonymous said...

@Jen Broughton

They got rid of the MVP twist tonight because it was DE and there was no time to do a vote.


SandyW said...

"Does anyone else find it suspect that the MVP twist went away when Amanda was continually in jeopardy?"


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