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Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Overnighter

Good morning, everybody! Happy Tuesday to y'all! :D Last night on the live feeds was pretty calm. Nothing much happened. Jessie/Candice talked for awhile about how they could get Candice to stay, but truth be told, the votes just aren't there..not as long as Judd/Andy are on Team Amanda. So unless one of them flips, it's still bye-bye Candice.

Speaking of Candice, she's been laying low and taking a lot of naps/laying down in her bed to pass the time. Though I did see her mingle here & there last night before I went to bed.

All the Veto Comp punishments are now over: GM's "Cone of Shame" was removed yesterday...

..and at 6:45pm BBT, Amanda had her last spray tan session. Afterwards, she ran to McCrae and started rubbing herself all over him, getting mostly his stomach and back tanned.

A lot of the HG's think that this Thursday will be a double eviction (*yep) & that jury will start, while the MVP twist will end. So any game talk last night revolved around who would win HOH & what they would do. While Amanda is still a huge target, Amanda's target is still Judd. She is convinced he's the MVP and put her up twice. (*As we know, it was America that put her up twice.) Another HG that Amanda is targeting is Spencer and told Andy that he needs to go soon as well.

Speaking of MVP, Candice told Jessie last night that she thinks McCrae might be MVP and put Amanda up as some sort of "master plan". But Candice isn't the only one thinking that: Helen told Andy last night she thinks McCrae could be the MVP, or possibly Judd. Helen mentioned that while they need to get Amanda out, it has to be after they get Judd or Spencer out first.

For even more incorrect theories, Jessie is convinced that Amanda/Elissa are working together. (Aaryn had the same thought yesterday & flat-out asked Amanda if she was).

That's pretty much it. Nothing earth shattering or game changing happened last night. We still have 2 more days until the double eviction on Thursday, so anything can still happen at this point, but mostly likely Candice will still be exiting the house in her clownie-tard costume. 

I forgot to post the newest BB15 Sage Video: Episode 6 , so there it is! 

I'll start the morning/afternoon report once the HG's wake up for the day! :D

Stay tuned...
CBS Interactive Inc.


Unknown said...

WHAT OMG DOUBLE EVICTION?!?! Since when was this announced?! Did I miss something!?!?!

Jamie said...

it was announced last Thursday during the live show. :)

Anonymous said...

Amanda is so dark right now Aryan might vote her out on Thursday!


Stephanie said...

On Thursdays live eviction episode, Julie announced at the end of the show that it would be a double eviction

Anonymous said...

I don't know how Amanda can still think Judd is MVP when she knows via Andy that Jessie, Elissa and Helen were trying to find a 4th vote to evict her this week. So Judd's put her up as MVP nom 2 weeks in a row but didn't want to vote her out for some reason? That makes absolutely no sense! She must just not be able to admit she was obviously wrong. If MVP were still in the house it would have to be either someone else on the block or someone wanting to vote you out.


Unknown said...

Some one in a previous post asked why people dislike Amanda. This is a huge reason why:

Unknown said...

LOL @ Brian. Too funny.

Unknown said...

@Brian: That was funny xD

The houseguest are so paranoid is kind of annoying. I wish Julie would just tell them that we're MVP. lol

Anonymous said...

Snoooozefest!! This double eviction needs to spark some turmoil in the house!! ... not mean-spirited turmoil but something more interesting than baking cakes and lubed dental dams. I mean really.

James said...

It seems during the past day or so Helen is slowly realizing that Andy is not as trustworthy towards her as she had thought. It seems her whole gameplan was based on 100% blind trust in Andy (sort like she had for Spencer in the 1st 2 weeks, face palm). Although I think Andy may ultimately be loyal to Helen, it is good to see she is seeing the light. Elissa is by far her most loyal ally and she needs to not blow that relationship.


Amber said...

How did ellisa get to color her hair yesterday? I thought it was a luxury?

James said...

Yes it seems this cast is often blind to the obvious but so easily accepting of crazy conspiracy theories such as McCray being MVP and nominating Amanda or Elissa nominating herself.


Anonymous said...

Spencer the perv had a comment about liking child porn...he was kidding around with McCrae but still, tasteless

Liz said...

I like how Candice said she would bet $500k that McCrae was MVP and put Amanda up. Good thing for her that she didn't have any takers on that bet.

Liz said...

I like how Candice said she would bet $500k that McCrae was the MVP and put Amanda up. Good thing for her, she had no takers on that.

anthony m said...

I don't understand everyone saying that now is not the right time to get Amanda out! why wait until she gets into jury so she can sway/influence the other jury members to not vote for you (whoever would be the one to get her out & possibly make it to final 2) you know she has this funky power over persuading everyone to do what she wants. I just don't understand not making a big move NOW! this season has been boring with nobody trying to make SOMETHING...ANYTHING happen. everyone is voting out people who have done NOTHING. haven't won an HOH, veto comp or have/ have not comp so let's get the non threats out and keep all the people who have won something.

Darren said...

All Jessie needs to do is flock to Amanda so she can know Amanda's motives on wanting Judd/Andy out then snitch to those two and If they have a brain, can vote Amanda out!

Andy Tatnall said...

Anthony, why complain that nobody is kicking out Amanda and then question their getting out non threats first? What has Amanda won?

Unknown said...

People keep complaining about "nothing happening" this season. SOME seasons actually follow this pattern. (Anyone remember the BB Cappy Cult?)

It is very smart and very strategic to get a group of players around you that you can a) control and b) count on. Floaters, grab your life vests.

Poor players like Candice, Howard, Spencer, Elissa, Jessie, and David are easy pickings for those that have the will and deviousness to boot them out of the house. Fewer players = less competition for the half mil. This is sound strategy and should be applauded. The HGs aren't there to make friends and be awesome. They're there to win money.

We are seeing excellent gameplay from SOME players and piss poor gameplay from others. It just so happens that this year the floaters are getting booted.

And for everyone's information, Candice has an annoying personality and a MORE annoying voice. I couldn't care less what color her skin is. Someone just make her shut up, please. When she's on the feeds, I just switch cameras or shut off the feeds altogether.

Unknown said...

ugh.....this season is soooooooooooooo boring. ugh. smh.

Shaylavie said...

Let's talk about annoying voices.... Amanda sounds like her noise is always stopped up and she's a cough drop away from a cold, Gina Marie always sounds like she's talking through a megaphone, the loudest one in the house with the worst vocabulary, Elissa always sounds loopy like she's high on something and is going to break out the peace bong any minute, and Judd talk like he has a big wad of tobacco in his mouth, he sounds like the guy "Boom Houser " from King of the Hill, they should add subtitles when he speaks in order to understand what he is saying most of the compared to all of the others house guest with annoying voices I'd much rather deal with Candice's.

Shaylavie said...

Let's talk about annoying voices.... Amanda sounds like her noise is always stopped up and she's a cough drop away from a cold, Gina Marie always sounds like she's talking through a megaphone, the loudest one in the house with the worst vocabulary, Elissa always sounds loopy like she's high on something and is going to break out the peace bong any minute, and Judd talk like he has a big wad of tobacco in his mouth, he sounds like the guy "Boom Houser " from King of the Hill, they should add subtitles when he speaks in order to understand what he is saying most of the compared to all of the others house guest with annoying voices I'd much rather deal with Candice's.

Mrs WonderBoy said...

Quick question...who are the smokers in the house? I'm assuming BB doesn't supply them with cigarettes. Do they bring a suitcase full? ha

(Random things that go through my head watching the show)

Anonymous said...

True, But If This Was Season 1 I Doubt The BB Following Would Be.

This Is By A Wide Margin This Is The Worst Season Ever. So Far!

There Is A Loyalty Of Fans Hoping So.

Random World said...

Agreed. Honestly, I don't think Candace has been NEARLY as annoying as GM & Amanda. But to each his/her own opinion.

Unknown said...

OMG @AlwaysLumi this video of Amanda is so eye opening! And for Judd to suggest Howard was being too sensitive blows my mind. I couldn't imagine being in that house let alone having enough self control to NOT act on that anger... I know I would've assaulted GM for sure, Aaryn, and Amanda. I take my hat off to Candice for her strength.

Unknown said...

@Brian- very funny observation

I actually quite enjoy reading this blog and everyone's
"complaining" about the lack of game-play it actually makes this season enjoyable; thanx Jamie!

I would classify the strength in #'s strategy convenient. I don't think anyone in this season is a member of mensa.

I think getting David out was the one and only accomplishment of the disbanded moving company and less about the Mcranda/Helen power.

I shudder @the thought, but the way things are going if power during the double eviction goes to the usual suspects than we're looking @a Jessie/Spencer nom, and another predictable outcome....

But, don't we get another HOH right after the quick eviction?? I forget how next week's HOH comp works for the following week.

Unknown said...

Wow I totally missed that! Haha! Thanks!

Unknown said...


Thanks for posting the links to the BB15 Saga videos. They are so hilarious...much more entertaining the watching BB at this point. Too bad they aren't longer.

Jamie said...

my pleasure! they're so funny, wish he'd do a couple a week but i can only imagine how much work goes into each video. Wil is so talented, he does a spot-on impression of ELissa lol

Unknown said...

I heard the hgs talking about bringing their own cartons with them. At this point, Jessie only has enough left to smoke 3.75 per day...and Judd is really short, too. The smokers are Jessie, Judd, McCrae, and Amanda. Jeremy and Kaitlin were the other two. The only reason I know this is because Candice was asking them all to quit because her Dad died from lung cancer due to smoking. I think this convo happened either last night or the night before on BBAD.

Mrs WonderBoy said...

Thanks Debbie!

I did not know Jessie smoked. I haven't seen it. Just thought it was pretty much Mcrae and Amanda.

Oh man. If they run out....that might be some fun times! ha

Obsidiandog. said...

Judd said he brought 3 cartons of smokes in with him.
Wil's Elissa impression is almost as frightening as the real thing.
Candice's account last night of her trip to Gabon makes the BB house look like a picnic.

Unknown said...

She said she sneaked the items in. Idk, they took away so many things from GM (not that I minded!), so how did she manage to sneak that in? Even if the items were separated and not in a box that said "hair color", they had to have "overlooked" it and let her have it.

Unknown said...

I saw that Elissa impression! I don't think it could be imitated any better. I was actually lol! I agree, you can tell that a lot of work goes into those 4-6 minute productions.

andrea said...

People erupted on the feeds. As many of you know I'm a sexual assault survivor and advocate, but I did see that for what I believe it was meant to be. And I tend to error on the side of caution even with "jokes". Many however on the feeds took this as the last straw, there is another petition being circulated, this one for spencers removal and for the police to launch an investigation. As my dad taught me long ago, "it isn't a joke if its not funny" wise words if I ever heard them.

BB Bopper said...

What is the link to the Saga videos I would like to check them out too

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