Tonight's show starts at 8pm EST as usual. I'm hoping we get to see any mention of a possible HG coming back or any twist, for that matter. We'll see.
Okay, so tonight's episode will show the HOH comp that Andy won & I'm guessing they'll also show the pre-nomination talks and then the Nomination Ceremony where Jessie/Spencer were put on the chopping block.
I'll have the chat room open as usual, so pop on in & say hello! :D
After the show. turn on the live feeds!! They're just $10/month now. Cheap-o 24/7 entertainment of watching the house cameras!
See ya at 8pm EST!!
Stay tuned...

They usually only give out new info on twists etc on the live shows where Julie can explain things so I don't see anything on that front. They should however cover much of the stuff that went on during the DE especially the stuff that lead to Judd going up and out.
BB should be delayed about 10mins tonight at least here in the east coast due to golf coverage going long on CBS.
This is so boring because it's predictable. Andy needs to shake it up and pull Jessie down and put up Amanda now that would be a power move.
So macrae is ok with getting rid of Amanda...lets see where this goes, if it actually goes anywhere...we're all watching a bunch of scary ass hg's!
I would much rather watch candice n judd in the jury house than the boring gutless nominations andy made please grow a pair and make a move...I mean only if you want to win $500, 000
I'd rather watch candice n judd in the jury house than andys boring n gutless nominations..wish someone in the house would grow a pair and make a move...otherwise give the money to amanda call it a season and put something entertaining on tv.
Wow watching Judd plead with them to stay is sad
I think BB will do something like how Brenden battled Lawon to return to the house
Ever since reading that the game is fixed and Amanda is the pre-determined winner, I cannot enjoy this show anymore!
Ever since reading that the game is fixed and Amanda is the pre-determined winner, I cannot enjoy this show anymore!
Don't let some bogus anonymous blog post ruin the show for you. Even if Amanda ends up winning I won't believe that is true. People have been saying forever that these HGs are seemingly just handing Amanda the $500K so it's not very unbelievable that the poster happened to choose her as the predetermined choice. If that were true why would the producers allow her to go on the block as the MVP nom 2 weeks in a row when she would've otherwise been completely safe? They don't make the results of those votes public so they could've said anyone they wanted to had gotten the most votes. Especially that 2nd week no one would've batted an eye if Aryan were the nom. If they were rigging the game for Amanda why would they purposely expose her to eviction 2 weeks in a row when they didn't have to?
How true is that though? I didn't actually read the article but you think Amanda is that good of an actor that she could fake all that paranoia? Plus wouldn't someone in the past 14 seasons have leaked that information before now?
Where did you read that at? I'm just curious.
This is a strange and boring yr. For some reason, they all think they have to vote the same way. And for some reason they are ALL blinded and have been as to Amanda and McRae running things. Who they want put up is and who they want gone is gone. A very spineless and racist group.
Totally agree!
I have to agree. It wouldn't make sense. Plus they are risking a very successful show's reputation if this was true.
AMANDA NEEDS TO GO!!!!!!! She is rude, bossy, controlling, user, easy, and a huge baby. Please I hope nothing is pre-determined because if she wins, that is if...I would NOT want to watch this show because u would never know if production twisted in ways to keep her going in the right direction. Especially because CBS would be shamed to be supporting this low behavior and racial comments coming from her. This is a bad season because of all the shame and conflicts put toward howard and candice. Too bad for Judd, they should have told house we voted for Amda to go up, judd was wronged big time.
Sunday at around 6pm McCrae and Andy talking..... M laments about his hometown gf Jessica. He misses her and is worried she is "pissed" watching him and Demanda. He calls Demanda a man eater and does not seem at all convinced that they have a real future together. Interesting!!!
I agree completely!!
I've been out in the great wilderness for the last couple of weeks. Lost two whole weeks, no connections to services.. SO coming back this weekend, nothing changed. Only people have been voted out. Nothing has changed. Sucks. COMEON PEOPLE GROW A PAIR AND DO SOMETHING GAME CHANGING!!
Thinking I might as well go back into the wild until next season....
Helen has just as much power I feel like. She'd be smart to take amanda as far as she can because she'll get all those votes.
I think Helen is the one to beat personally. She would be wise to take amanda as far as possible because she would get all those votes. I'd be shocked if Helen or McRae doesn't win.
Im curious too! Where did u read that?
Does anybody watch helen????? As much as i cant stand her....she is playing one hell of a game! She makes each houseguest comfortable with her cause shes always telling them they r the best!!! She builds their egos up!!theres not 1i person in the house who doesnt like her!! Shes allined with all the groups!! She has a hand in each eviction! !! She really is good!!! That being said....GO HOME ALREADY LOL
I don't believe it is rigged. However, I have felt that production attempts to influence the game by inserting twists and comps geared to certain players that are ratings favs. If these people were evicted-viewership would drop. Examples: Evil Dick's close call on the block and making an HoH endurance during Rachel's second season with Jordan. It was no secret that Rachel could hold on forever and she did.
Don't believe anything you read on Facebook.
I think Helen is the one running the show. I think once Jessie goes this week, it could get interesting. Andy and Aaryn are basically letting McRanda take on Helen/Elissa (Helissa?) so they don't have to. It'll depend on who wins HoH next week.
I seriously hope someone puts into Andy's head that this is the week to backdoor Helen! She is a WAY bigger threat than anyone else in the house. Whether you like her or not, if you want to win $500,000 you NEED her out of the house.
I hope someone gets in his heed and he backdoors Am
I don't believe that Amanda is picked to win the show - I mean, how could you really do that?
Unfortunately, a lot of this show has to do with the players that are picked. I think the people that have that job have been doing it pretty poorly. This is what happens when you stay around the same age range and you don't screen them enough. I also think the mvp ended up causing more floaters than less.
oh, forgot I wanted to say too that Sunday nite's show was pretty good. It was actually interesting to see what went on behind the scenes of the Thursday nite show.
jaimie do you think julie will metion to the hg that america was mvp?
As much as I despise Aaryn, she seems to be playing the best right now. I am Team Elissa and Team Jessie
I agree! I didn't put much stock in it when I first read it, but it does seem like things are conveniently lining up in her favor. She's so disgusting - it will be horrible if she wins this game.
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