Watch BB15!

Thursday, August 22, 2013


Here we gooooo!!! :D Okay, so right now we have 2 games being played at once: one for the jurors & one for the houseguests. 1 juror will re-enter the game tonight! Which one will it be??

If you want to watch the Live HOH Endurance Comp, ya gotta 

(Jurors on Left / HG's on Right)

The platforms are going in & out, up & down, and they're sporadically getting balls thrown at them. They're getting water sprayed on them as well. It's a mixture of endurance & skill.

It's two comps in one: the HG's are standing on a wall & the winner of each side to be the first to catch 10 balls without failing. If a returning juror is the first of all of them to catch 10 balls without falling, they return as HOH. 

7:25pm BBT:

McCrae & Spencer are OUT!
Elissa has the most balls (4), and Jessie has 3.
7:28pm BBT:
Jessie has 4, Judd has 3. Elissa still has 4.

7:29pm BBT:
Elissa has 5. Amanda has 4 now.

Andy is OUT!

7:37pm BBT:

Everyone: "Good job, Jessie!"
Jessie: "F**K YOU AMANDA!!" She leaves, crying & swearing.

Judd: "I'm gonna do anything I can to come back in here!"
Aaryn: "I'm sorry Jessie, you're out of the game. That means Candice/Judd/Helen, one of you will be returning to the Big Brother game."

Aaryn is talking to production through her ear piece...
Aaryn: "Can you repeat the line for me?"

7:44pm BBT:
A "fan" in a wig, face paint and a #1 foam finger came running out into the backyard....

Fan: "I love YOU and YOU and YOU!!!"
A (fake) security guy comes on the field and runs after him. lol So funny!
7:48pm BBT:
 Cue the sprinklers!

The Score as of 7:51pm BBT:
Jurors: Candice 2 balls, Helen 3 balls, Judd 4 balls.
HG's: GM 3 balls, Elissa 5 balls, Amanda 4 balls.

7:54pm BBT:
Judd: "Who's together now?" (re: who's working with whom.)
Helen: "Same people. Elissa voted to keep me."

**GM had 4 balls but it wasn't caught, it bounced in, so it was removed. She now has just the 3.

7:58pm BBT:

8:04pm BBT:
Elissa has 6 balls now.

8:06pm BBT:
Helen is OUT!!
Candice is OUT!!


Judd: "I want a clean slate with y'all. We can all talk later."

8:11pm BBT: 

Judd: "I'm not mad at y'all. No bitter feelings here. I understand (why I was evicted)." (*paraphrasing)
McCrae: "What the movie selection like (in jury)?"
Judd: "The same as sequester. But all I could think about was (the BB house). It was girl talk mania in the jury house."

GM asked Judd if he had sex with Jessie in the jury house, he said no. lol

8:15pm BBT:
That distracting fan just ran through the yard again.
Fan: "JESSIE SAYS HI!!!" he's being chased by the fake security guard.

8:18pm BBT:

Ball Count:
Elissa-7 balls
Amanda-4 balls
GM-3 balls

8:18pm BBT:
Judd is OUT!!

8:20pm BBT: 

Amanda almost fell..WOW that was really, really close!

Judd: "Wow, that was badass!!!"
Spencer: "That was like batman sh*t!" (re: how Amanda recovered.)

Now Elissa almost fell!

Elissa has 8 balls now.
Amanda still has 5.
GM has 3.

9:30pm BBT:


**Alrighty guys & gals, I'm outta here for the night!! :D Enjoy watching Judd back in the house & Elissa as HOH on the live feeds!!!

Stay tuned...
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It's Easy Mmmkay said...

Awesome comp.

None of it will matter until someone targets McManda. Spineless cast this year.

Kiley said...

What a lame endurance comp. I mean, maybe it's me but I was expecting more since it's been so long since we had one. I don't care who wins HOH, I'll be happy as long as they .get rid of Amanda.

RCW504 said...

I totally agree.

Ashaw20 said...

When will the feeds switch from trivia to HOH comp? I'm new to having the live feeds :) ps Jamie this blog is my saving grace when I can't watch the feeds at work!!

chibbs said...

Definitely want Amanda out! When will we find out the results?

courtchis said...

What happens if they fall? Are they out or do they start over? Anyone know...

chibbs said...

Definitely want Amanda out -- if only to mix up this game! I hope Elissa/Helen win the HOH. Are there any updates on this competition or do the live feeds go dark during these times?

Mike said...

Eek still no feeds! I agree. Remember that comp where they had to sit in that room with all the terrible smells? Now THAT's an endurance competition. No skill--just willpower.

... said...

Ditto.With the exception of Helen and a few others,this has been worst cast in BB history! A house full of spineless floaters scared to play their own game.

JMED said...

It's now been 20 minutes of trivia. I fear CBS is shutting out the live feed viewers to try and boost the show ratings Sunday night. Is it always this bad? Do they do this for every endurance? I feel like this competition could be over relatively quickly, so it's possible there's already a winner and/or one of the jury members has already won the chance to come back.

... said...

Go Helen!

Lynlin said...

I also agree!!! Get Amanda & her yeast infection out of the house

Unknown said...

Is anyone else having an issue with the feeds? I know it's still on trivia, but I can't seem to get into the chatroom

Kim @ TiesThatBindQuilting said...

Go anyone but Helen! I don't want her to come back.

This is kind of a lame endurance comp though. I much prefer mental endurance where it is sheer willpower and simply a matter of who wants it more.

Chikis said...

This is a nail bitting event!!

courtchis said...

More specifically, what happens if all four jurors fall before any of them get to ten balls?!

chibbs said...

Oh! Go elissa go!!

rigs said...

Go Amanda. You are way classier than either Helen or Elissa.

... said...


Clay said...

I agree 100% this year has been more boring than any season ever, the jouse was stupid they should have busted up amanda and mccray a long time ago.

sunshine said...

Go Elisa go Judd

Kim @ TiesThatBindQuilting said...

Classy Jessie! Way to be a sore loser.

sunshine said...

Hope Helen or Judd wins

Alison said...

OMG! What was that 'thing' that just ran out in front of the wall? Thing 1 or Thing 2?

charliepower said...

Really?? She is a bully

Bebecantaloupes said...

Go Helen! Go Elissa!

sunshine said...

I agree get Amanda out

Anonymous said...

Amanda classy? lol.

Bebecantaloupes said...

I had a thought--remember when they interviewed McCrae's & Amanda's families about their showmance & Amanda's family was like, well, I hope he's really not just a pizza delivery guy & actually has money? I wonder if McCrae won BB that would be enough money for him to get into Amanda's family's good graces?

Bebecantaloupes said...

That is a good question!

Kim @ TiesThatBindQuilting said...

Being honest and assertive doesn't make someone a bully. Helen spent all week threatening people (after trying to manipulate them with her fake waterworks).

rigs said...

Come on Elissa, fall off. Earlier to day I watched the famous Rachel/Ragan fight. Being a witch runs in the Reilley family.

rigs said...

Compared to Candice, Helen and Elissa, yes, Amanda is a classy angel.

AmiLrn said...

Gag! We must not be watching the same show lol

Anonymous said...

I know right?! She wants to have naked pics of her all over the Internet. She is trashy NOT classy. And racist. I'm not sure why they haven't shown her remarks but did show Aaryns and GMs.

AmiLrn said...

They sure aren't throwing very many balls!

**Alea73** said...


Kim @ TiesThatBindQuilting said...

Yay Judd! Now we just need Elissa to fall off.

Timotheus said...

yay ju-d-d!!

Unknown said...

yaaay Judd.Jamie thank you again for being my lifesaver.CBS won't work for my TV so I always have to wait and watch it online.

laserkat said...

I had to read that twice...I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the word "classier"used to describe Amanda.

rigs said...

I saw the interviews of McCrae's and Amanda's families. I think it is great that Amanda, obviously, doesn't do what "mommy and daddy" tells her to do. I am sure she can handle her family and any pressure they might put on her.

rigs said...

So happy to see Judd is back in the game. He was my player of choice to re-enter the house.

... said...

Ha! Amanda classy??? Now that's funny!

diamonds222 said...

Great Judd.. he was just a floater...made no good moves, kissed mcreanda's behinds... now what?

**Alea73** said...

Amanda has about as much Class as a Donkeys Ass...
Jus sayin

charliepower said...

Amanda just needs to go hide behind the trash can until she is evicted. She can dish it outbut she cant take it. She thinks she is better then everyone. Do u really think she is gonna stay with McCray in the real world?

Unknown said...

I am soooo team Amanda. I hope she wins!!

John Gray said...

Let's go Elissa

smichael said...

Go Elissa, she will target those two!!

Unknown said...

And I hope you haven't seen the comments by her

**Alea73** said...

You go Elissa!
Get you some Girl!!!!

charliepower said...

Rigs ru related to Amanda or is she paying u 2 say this?

rleberle said...

YAY!!!! I hope Elissa gets something done in the house this week!

smichael said...

Go Elissa, she will target those two!!

It's Easy Mmmkay said...

I hope you're right. It's tough to know where her head will be at when she wakes up for the first time w/o Helen in the BBH.

gigicatz said...

Being assertive does not make you a bully...but pair assertive with oblivion, and a dash of paranoia, and you have Amanda.

It's sad. I've come to realize, I do not like any HG this season. This is BB, I understand, expect and hope for rudeness, lying and scheming, but this season is different. Whether it be racism, the lack of backbone, whining, bullying, hormones, out-right meanness or delusions, I find I'm not routing or caring for any HG player.

RCW504 said...

He's gonna do it again. Its still not a major game changer to me...

Unknown said...

This is the absolute best case scenario!!!! Let's knock out McCranda!! Congrats Elissa AND Judd :)

Thank you so much Jamie!

Anonymous said...


Chikis said...

YAY ELISSA!!!!!! not her biggest fan.....but better than Amanda the bully!!!

Unknown said...

YES!!! Elissa won!!!! BYE amanda!!!!!

AmiLrn said...

Oh happy day!!!! Yay Elissa :)

Unknown said...

I am so glad Elisa won!!! It's going to be a good week. She's going to put up McCranda for sure!!!

... said...

Awesome!!!! Now Elisa can put the smackdown on Mcranda. Oh and Judd is useless...

Unknown said...

Woootttt!!! Way to go Elissa!!!!

Bebecantaloupes said...

Hooray, Elissa!!! Go cry behind a trash can, Amanda!

rigs said...

OW, the snooty witch won. She will have to go next week unless she joins "Amanda's" team, LOL.

I would rather hang around with Amanda long before Elissa. Emm Hmm.

Unknown said...

Wooootttt!! Yes!!! Elissa!!!!

Nicole said...

Good one Charlie power!!

Karen W. said...

Is anyone else having trouble viewing chat rooms on live feeds?

Alyssa said...

I will legit like to see Amanda up on the block to rile her ass up and actually win a competition (veto) to stay in the game.

... said...

Hello! Ikr!

shannon72283 said...

Goodbye mcranda!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Timotheus said...

Boos erupt from the cheap seats of the stadium, the fans are disappointed that their favorite player from the first part of the season, who spit on them and the power they gave her, once again has the game in her hands. this time she earned it, so will she respect it and use it for good? tune in baseball fans. I know I don't want to miss what happens next!

Bebecantaloupes said...

Jamie--your blog is way more entertaining than the actual show. Thanks for all the time you put into this!

Stylas said...

Yay Elissa!!! Now hopefully Amanda can follow Helen to the jury house.

Chikis said...

I agree...and sure she will dump him the minute BB is over!! unless he wins...then she will dump him as soon as the money runs out!

Bebecantaloupes said...

I wasn't suggesting that Amanda couldn't "handle" it if her family didnt agree with her being with McCrae. I was just wondering if they would think differently of him. I agree totally that Amanda's going to do whatever she wants--she is a grown woman.

Unknown said...

While I'm not a big fan of Elisa, I'm rooting for her to shake up the boring house.

Unknown said...

While I'm not a big fan of Elisa, I'm rooting for her to shake up the boring house.

Unknown said...

I hope Mccrae turns on Amanda this wk. She is just a spoiled brat & sore loser. She needs to go.

Jojo said...

Amanda is a bully. She is such a whiner whenshe loses. Has she won anything??? She needs to go. People are afraid of her

Anonymous said...

Has to be related right?! She's HORRIBLE!

Taz Caz said...

YES, YES, YES!!!!!! Finally a game!

Lostmymind555 said...

So I predict Mc and Aaryn and back door Amanda?!?

Anonymous said...

Put Up Amanda And Mccrae. Replace Mccrae If He Wins With Andy. Then Send Amanda Packing.

Anonymous said...


That was the plan Elissa mentioned for this week if she won HOH. I think it makes sense since both Aryan and McCrae are good competitors and could win POV to open the backdoor for Amanda plus if they weren't on the block and Amanda was could use it to save her. And there's little worry of Amanda winning POV since she sucks so bad. Now this was all before Judd came back in the house which could throw a monkey wrench into things though I tend to doubt it surprisingly.


Unknown said...

Watching After Dark, Amanda is again crying. Its ok to get everyone out but when someone might even consider that they might put her up, she gets mad and freaks out. Elissa has such a personal vendetta against Aaryn - even though she never put her up - that she wants her up and probably wont have the guts again to put McRanda up. Aaryn is going to be dropped from 3AM as quickly as you can imagine. I used to like Andy and now Im starting to not like him. I wish someone could convince Elissa to put up McRanda, but theyre already figuring out a plan to manipulate Elissa and the votes. It sucks

Unknown said...

Judd is going to get more screen time and that should ensure his winning the most favorite player.

Was just wondering if he stays for a while - they often do those questions about before or after or dates about comps in the house - He wasnt in the hosue for a couple weeks so he wasnt in those.

Anonymous said...

Link to gif of Elissa's incredible save:


Obsidiandog. said...

So the crew were throwing the balls at the HG, and magically, the jury member America wanted back in is, and production's handpicked winner is HOH. How easy would that be to manipulate? Just lob a few easy ones and you're in business. Throw smoke at the ones you don't want to win this week. Easy peezy.
It must somehow be part of Amanda's evil master plan because everybody says she's the pre-ordained winner.

Anonymous said...

@Ste ven

Well he's getting a 2nd chance this late in the game which hasn't happened before so Judd can't really complain. Plus he has however long he's back in there to get the download from multiple people on what happened. And also come to think of it most of those type questions are about noms and comps which he would've gotten to see on the DVD in Jury House at least definitely for Jessie's eviction week. So it's really just this past week he'd need info on since he won't get to see Helen's DVD unless they let him watch it in the DR which I doubt.


Unknown said...

Well this is as good as could be hoped for, Elissa HOH, Judd back in the house, gotta think Amanda/ Mc Crae will go up and E will keep the replacement nom to herself and let the chip

Steve Robbins Art said...

Put up Amanda- we know she sucks at comps, so unless the people use veto for her, she should be good as gone.

Though, knowing Elissa, she'll probably waste her HOH on GM or Spencer... Sigh...

cb2008 said...

What are the rules for being a have not if you win HOH? Didn't Judd have to wait to eat at midnight when he won HOH? I just watched Elissa on the live feed eating. is that fair?

Steve Robbins Art said...

Put up Amanda- we know she sucks at comps, so unless the people use veto for her, she should be good as gone.

Though, knowing Elissa, she'll probably waste her HOH on GM or Spencer... Sigh...

settlee81 said...

Amanda is just making herself and McCrae bigger targets by throwing themselves a little pity party. I really don't like sore losers!! If you can dish it out, you should be able to take it! So excited to see J-U-DD back in the house though.

cb2008 said...

What are the rules for the have nots? if you win HOH and you were a have not aren't you still supposed to wait till midnight? didn't Judd have to wait until midnight when he won HOH? Just curious because I just watched Elissa eat before midnight....hmmm

settlee81 said...

Amanda is making herself and McCrae bigger targets while she throws a little pity party. If she can dish it out, she should be able to take it as well. I really can't stand sore losers! I hope she is the one out the door next! Thanks Jamie for all you do with the blog! Best BB blog ever!!

Unknown said...

Send Aaryn, Amanda & McCrea home , that's all that matters at this point!!

It's Life said...

I was watching BB after dark and I guess Mc told Elisa to put up GM & Aryun. And elisa said she doesn't want to put up GM. If I was elisa I would have told Mc "excuse me. Who are you to tell me who to put up. This is my HOH." & then walk outside and tell everyone what Mc said. That would put a huge target on Mcs back and people would like Elisa more. This is her time to get Amanda out and make deals with people. I really hope she remembers what Helen told her. Oh pleasssse elisa. Don't waste this HOH.

•~catty~• said...

@CRAIG; agreed. Narcissa...oops....I mean Elissa was the only choice for Production to pre-select as winner since she's the only one everyone in the house didn't want as HOH.

Elissa would be nuts to want Amanda gone. She could take her to the F2 and win!! I'm not sure Amanda would have 1 jury vote if that went down. Elissa would never want Amanda to have 2nd place and 50K, so quite unlikely. Knowing Elissa's 'character', though, she's gunning for the girls to go to be sure she's the last pretty one standing. This will backfire as she has no clue how deeply the guys want her out. AND she can't win them all! She can't compete for HOH next week!!!!!!

Still rooting for Andy/McCrae all the way!!!!

Unknown said...

Now watch Elissa will get the Pandora's Box and it will be Rachel to give her pointers & what not and to pump her up.

DanFan1 said...

I can think of a lot of words to describe Amanda and classie isn't one of them. Lol

DanFan1 said...

Only someone blood related could say that. Lmao!!!

Unknown said...

Lol yea she's classy alright. Talking about different men she's slept with all the time and how "big" they are in front of her BB boyfriend. That's for sure classy.

Unknown said...

She is beyond just assertive and honest. The things she says behind people's backs is what makes her a bully

JChism said...

Hey Mcranda, do the words "pop a squat" hit home? Buh-bye!!!!!!

Unknown said...

I have a feeling she will want Aaryn out because she is a little obsessed with hating her.

Unknown said...

I do not care for one house guest over another, i think props have to be given to Elissa for standing and holding on to her beliefs. There are alot of racists HG this year and is the base of Elissa dislike of them. She has not changed her feelings based on how they will be voting. I would not want to be their friends outside the house. I am amazed at how the HG's have forgotten the racist(s) in the house. They do not deserve it! Yes this is a gaming of lying and scheming, but there is no place in this world for racists!

Anonymous said...

If Amanda Is Classy Call Me Ghandi.

Anonymous said...

OMG! That us like ninja spider monkey moves all rolled into one. Impressive!!

cb2008 said...

What are the rules for a have not if you win hoh? Do you still wait til midnight to eat?

KING said...

Production knows of that, and he will be aware of major events.

Unknown said...

Now I just hope she takes McCranda OUT. (Or I'd be okay with Andy, backstabbing........ I won't say lol) I'm sick and tired of them. They are not intitled to anything. McCrae won one comp in the begining but Amanda NONE. She has to go.

I wish Helen would have come back but oh well. Maybe Judd will be for the good team!!

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