At around 2:15pm BBT, Elissa/McCrae got into a fight. Then Amanda went off on Elissa as she did yoga. This went on for until around 2:30pm BBT. Definitley worth the look on Flashback on the live feeds.
At around 3:10pm BBT, Amanda was going around the house blowing a horn (from yesterday's veto comp) and is trying to annoy Elissa with it. She went into the lounge room, sat next to Elissa and then started to blow the horn until she left.
At 3:19pm BBT, Aaryn/Judd got into a fight in the bathroom. Aaryn is accusing Judd of campaigning for Andy to go up on the block so that Aaryn goes home.
As of 3:22pm BBT, Amanda is waiting for Elissa to get out of the Diary Room so she can "chase her around" and blow the horn. She did her makeup as an older lady and is calling herself "Bubby".
Judd: "Is this really happening? Is this for real?"
Aaryn thinks it's hilarious. McCrae called Amanda "mental".
She plans on blowing the horn by Elissa all day to prevent her from having convos. This should get interesting.
4:13pm BBT:
Amanda has lost it. lol
4:30pm BBT:
Amanda banging on the HOH door.
4:48pm BBT:
Amanda put ketchup on a feminine product (panty liner) and put it on Elissa's dresser.
A few minutes later, she put a condom on the dresser, too.
**I'll see y'all back here for the BB show tonight at 8pm EST, until then, enjoy the live feeds!! :D
Stay tuned...

This is funny! Poor Judd seems even more out of his element than he was the first time. He just doesn't seem to have a handle on what he's in the middle of. I like Amanda's Horn Offensive against Sad Clown. And "Bubby"?, that's priceless. Apparently they don't have Bubbys in Minnesota, but if Mc is going to go further with Amanda he is destined to meet some..
Wow, I don't think I have the words. That last pic with Amanda in the hat with the make up.....umm.. wow
Amanda is acting like such a bully. When your boyfriend calls you mental honey, it's time to dial it back down. Also, Elissa is HOH which along with nomination powers, also comes with a bedroom with a LOCK!! If I were her, I would invite up everyone but Amanda and her minions MaCrae and Aaryn with the lure of alcohol and have a "Lets get these people outta here" party!!
Amanda is doing herself no favors by acting like a child. When she is not in total control, she acts very immature. I am not defending Elissa, but I would not have the restraint she has. I would most likely shove that horn straight down her throat. If Aaryn is trying to save herself, she is doing a very poor job by laughing it up with Amanda's childish antics. Andy should use this all to his advantage. I could see McCrea turning on Amanda if she continues to act like this. He can not have his game ruined by her reckless, emotional actions.
@Kellie, you are forgetting that these people don't really like Elissa, and Elissa really thinks they are pond scum and doesn't try very hard to hide it. Why would Amanda grant peace of mind to a skank that laughed hysterically in her face? More power to her.
Agreed. Elissa might be the devil.
I wouldn't call myself a real fan of either E or Am but Amanda is controlling/threatening in a way that Elissa has never been. Elissa weirds me out but Amanda is an outright brat to everyone when she doesn't get to decide exactly what happens. It is a little presumptuous to assume either Amanda or Elissa doesn't care about anyone. Amanda has been treat with respect from day one. Noone gave Elissa a chance because she was related to a previous BB hg. Amanda's family is probably so ashamed of her ditatorship and acting out. Amanda has lost it...Judd is the only person there I would care to win...from a personal standpoint...otherwise Aaryn has had the most competitive and strategic game that she does not need to give Amanda credit for....
@Craig, Wow when you are over the age of 18 and are not intoxicated there aren't too many excuses for acting like that, but we all know that this behavior is more about ensuring that the viewers are stuck watching the Amanda show!
I don't think its granting peace of mind to be civil. Amanda can no longer call Elissa crazy then run around the house acting like a toddler girl that didn't get her way. I wouldn't say I'm conservative or prude, but the things I've seen on the feeds & BBAD from Amanda make me turn up my nose, and I think most of America is laughing hysterically @Am right now!!
Please, Amanda is rude, Elissa is not.
Amanda is VERY PURPOSEFULLY using psychological warfare against Elissa, trying to get her to bobble her nominations or self-evict. It's a strategy used by multiple very popular HGs over the seasons. (I seem to recall Janelle engaging in this kind of behavior once or twice... ahem... And then there's Evel Dick.)
It is game strategy. She laid it out last night for Aaryn: Aaryn, Amanda, and GM are supposed to walk around the house all day like they own it and:
1) Make Elissa feel unwelcome and unhappy (I believe the word 'terrorized' was used)
2) Keep GM from being near Elissa by making things FUN for her. Amanda said that GM likes to have fun, and as long as GM is having fun she won't realize what's happening.
When Amanda went into the cockpit and blew the horn into Elissa's ear, it broke up a conversation Elissa was having with GM. That was pure strategy and not crazy or mean. (Okay, it's mean, but it's mean with a purpose.)
Amanda is accomplishing her goals today. She has been entertaining GM, babysitting GM (with help from Aaryn) to keep her away from Elissa and Judd, and also terrorizing Elissa to make her unhappy. She wants Elissa's HoH to be unsuccessful and will use any means at her disposal to see that it all falls apart for Elissa.
Here's a hint for everyone:
During other HoH's, people have always flocked to the HoH room to have fun, talk, scheme, and generally just hang around somewhere that doesn't suck. But nobody's up there with Elissa (no, not even to get away from Amanda), and nobody thinks Elissa is "fun." Nobody wants to be around her, otherwise Elissa would be letting people into her HoH room and locking Amanda out to isolate AMANDA instead of vice versa.
This is game strategy at its best. Psychological warfare has always been part and parcel of BB gameplay. It is a legitimate strategy and, when skillfully employed, can be quite successful. (See: Evel Dick.)
Yes, Amanda is purposefully "going Evel Dick" on Elissa and said so point blank.
So before you say how she's insane or stupid or whatever... just remember that if she were a man, you'd be going, "Wow, good game play!"
Sad not many people know what a bubby is. ;) Funny comment about McCrae getting to meet some, though.
I have thought this was an ultimately shortsighted strategy every time it has been employed...nothing about her being a woman...what that has to do with it I don't know. I really hope the money is enough to buy her a new life because she's not going to be respected in her old one...
P.S. For those of you who missed it, Aaryn (and possibly GM?) is planning a picnic dinner for everyone out in the back yard tonight. Everyone seemed quite enthusiastic about the idea.
This is likely another block in the wall of strategy to isolate Elissa and let GinaMarie have fun. (GM has the most refreshingly childlike personality of all the houseguests. Alas, it does distract her from business...)
Spencer to McCrae: I know one thing, if you and Amanda were to go on the block together, she is greatly increasing your chance of staying.
McCrae: "Yep, I know that."
Amanda seems to have a lot of issues. Stinky boy better open up his eyes because if this how she acts with cameras on her...imagine with them off her O.O. Eval dick has a amazing picture of amanda picking her butt and smelling her fingers after on his twiiter *gag* finally this game is getting stirred up thanks to Elissa for having the guts to play up the game.
Maybe it's me but I think Amanda deserved every second of Elissa laughing her face. Amanda needed to know that Elissa wasn't playing Amanda's games. I always tell my 10yo that if you laugh in the face of a bully, eventually they leave you alone. This childish BS Amanda is doing is just that. If Elissa shows that it truly doesn't bother her, then Elissa wins. And yes, I'm team Elissa, but I am not self-centered or any of those other things someone commented a few days ago. I'm the exact opposite in fact. I think a lot of this is an act with her. I know others feel differently, but this is only r chick's opinion. :)
Amanda is such a sad disgusting person. I thought that she was interesting but she has been drawn into the crazy, mean girl world of Aaryn's. It is just vile what she is doing and I hope the other house guests can see that.
I agree with many of you in that Amanda deserved Elissa laughing in her face. Amanda is nothing but a bully, plain and simple. Sure the moves she is using now have been used before by other HG such as Evil Dick, but they were disgusting gameplay then and disgusting gameplay now. Attempting to bully someone into getting your way is a pathetic way to play and immature as well. Elissa is not my favorite, but neither is Amanda. In fact, before Judd came back I was pretty much over all of these people but the way Amanda is acting, Elissa's self righteousness is deserved.
@Craig- Most of these people are pond scum. Elissa is the one who can see right through them and refuses to be controlled by them, which is why they hate her. And like I said, I'm no Elissa fan either but when it comes to choosing between the two, Elissa wins hands down.
I believe that Elissa and GM agreed that they were going to stay away from one another last night. That they wanted people to believe that they were mad at each other and that GM would be going on the block. So if any kind of psychology is going on it may be reverse psychology!
I also believe that the Hg's are not in the HOH room because Amanda and McCrae are not welcomed there. Elissa would never allow those two to lay in her bed. It has nothing to do with Elissa having a sense of entitlement but everything to do with their lack of hygiene!
It's not just you:-)
Then Elissa could have said: McCrae and Amanda aren't allowed in here.
Then everyone else who loves Elissa could hang out with her.
So... why aren't they there? Hm.
"Spencer to McCrae: I know one thing, if you and Amanda were to go on the block together, she is greatly increasing your chance of staying.
McCrae: "Yep, I know that.""
Thanks for that info Mr. Jokers Update @5:03PM..... I mean Brian.
Nope. Not just you :) Go Elissa!!!
Agreed! And this is the first HoH that the Queen and her dirty court haven't been able to take over the HoH bed like slothful beasts. You want to talk about someone acting entitled! Not being able to ascend their "rightful" place must be eating them alive. I love it!!!
Didn't someone call her classy the other day? She acts like she is off her meds! She is a horrible disgusting person!
They just look like they smell bad. I wouldn't want them in my HOH bed nor would I be likely to hang out with them outside the BB house. I don't think that makes Elissa a snob for saying that. I really hope McCranda gets their comeuppance & I applaud Elissa for not letting Amanda control her!
I feel the same way. Amanda should have been gone. Elissa should have put Am/Mc on block would be gone for sure.
I bet Amanda was alot to handle growing up and I bet if she has friends they pro alt hate her. She acts like she is entitled to what ever she wants. McRae has to get her out before to long.
I concur
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