The Veto Comp players were picked late last night:
Playing for Veto:
The Veto Comp started this morning at 10:04am BBT. As soon as the feeds come back, I'll post the veto comp winner below!
Currently on the live feeds...
1:16pm BBT:
Feeds are back!!
Feeds are back!!
They're talking about whoopie cushions, rock'em sock'em robots...sounds like they got presents? Or the Veto Comp was birthday themed perhaps. Amanda wants to tell Elissa "Nobody comes in between me & my man".
GM was pretty close to winning.
Judd: "I couldn't f**cking breathe in there!" (*??)
Amanda: "Was Elissa talking to you about (backdooring) me before this?"
Judd: "Uh uh. She was talking about Aaryn being her target."
1:22pm BBT:
Amanda/Judd/Spencer/McCrae are talking in the bedroom. Sounds like McCrae saw the medic during the comp. (He seems fine now.)
1:23pm BBT:
Amanda/McCrae/Aaryn are talking.
Amanda: "We gotta hope she doesn't put up Andy. We gotta get Elissa to put up GM. Us 4 (Mc/Am/Aa/Andy) gotta stay together."
Aaryn: "I swear to God, whoever keeps me safe this week, I will be loyal to."
Amanda tells Aaryn not to worry and that she's staying this week, but hopes that Andy doesn't go up as the replacement nom.
1:28pm BBT:
McCrae/Spencer/Andy are wondering who the replacement nom will be. (*Amanda will save McCrae obviously with the veto, making Elissa have to put up a replacement nom.)
1:30pm BBT:
McCrae: "I think she'll put up Andy." (*probably.)
Spencer: "Elissa is a lunatic."
McCrae said he's gonna nominate Elissa every time he wins HOH from here on out.
1:32pm BBT:
Amanda: "I'm gunning after that b*tch (Elissa)...You're staying. I'm staying. McCrae is staying. I also want GM gone."
Amanda said she'll keep Aaryn over Andy, if he's the replacement nom.
Andy is there with the girls now.
Aaryn: "She's gonna try to work with you now."
Amanda: "She can kiss my (ass)." (paraphrasing)
1:38pm BBT:
Spencer: "F**king medic was in here, using oxygen on everybody.."
1:46pm BBT:
HOH Room
Elissa is crying.
Elissa: "I'm so scared that you won't work with me anymore."
Aaryn: "If you put me up against someone I can win against, then I won't target you next week. I promise. Help me stay safe and I'll help you."
Judd: "Who could go up to keep you safe?"
They start brainstorming.
**Prior to Aaryn walking in, Judd/Elissa think that Andy should go up as the renom.
1:50pm BBT:
Amanda/Aaryn are talking.
Andy walks in.
Andy: "If I go up, am I gonna go home?"
Amanda: "No way."
Aaryn: "I swear to God if people are lying and saying they're gonna keep me safe and I go home, I'm gonna be so f**king pissed and those people will not have my vote!"
Andy is walking back & forth between the bathroom & the lounge room.
Amanda: "Would GM vote for you over Andy? ...we'll have to figure something out."
Andy: "I fu**king voted out my best friend. That's why I took offense to Zingbot (*!!) saying I was a floater."
In a Nutshell:
*Amanda will pull McCrae off the block.
*Elissa will put up Andy as the renom against Aaryn.
*Andy will most likely go home.
*Elissa is regretting trying to work with Aaryn again.
*Amanda really wants Elissa to put up GM so they can vote her out, but that won't happen.
**LUNCH BREAK!! I have to take Miss Bella out on her afternoon potty walk. lol Turn the live feeds on!! (If you don't have'em yet, they're only $10/month and takes 5 mins to get them up & running. Enjoy!!)
Amanda: "Would GM vote for you over Andy? ...we'll have to figure something out."
Andy: "I fu**king voted out my best friend. That's why I took offense to Zingbot (*!!) saying I was a floater."
In a Nutshell:
*Amanda will pull McCrae off the block.
*Elissa will put up Andy as the renom against Aaryn.
*Andy will most likely go home.
*Elissa is regretting trying to work with Aaryn again.
*Amanda really wants Elissa to put up GM so they can vote her out, but that won't happen.
**LUNCH BREAK!! I have to take Miss Bella out on her afternoon potty walk. lol Turn the live feeds on!! (If you don't have'em yet, they're only $10/month and takes 5 mins to get them up & running. Enjoy!!)
Stay tuned...

Just watch Amanda win the veto.. I feel that's gonna happen
I CANNOT wait for this veto comp to be done!! Fingers crossed that Elissa can win another comp and prove to Aaryn that she is willing to work with her and pull her off the block! It's time for crazy Amanda to GO HOME!!
I don't think it's 100% cut and dry that if Amanda doesn't win POV that she'll go home. If McCrae wins POV 100% Amanda will be the renom. However I could see Amanda getting the 3 votes needed to stay from McCrae, Andy and Spencer to send Aryan packing. Cosmetically if Andy and Spencer told Judd Amanda had the votes I could then see him throwing his vote that way too in order to not be on the wrong side of the tally.
Omg, I'm so anxious to see the winner of this veto comp. If Amanda wins.. I'm gonna be so pissed
I know it's a real long shot but who do you think Elissa would put up as the renom if Amanda did somehow win POV to pull McCrae off the block? My money would be on Andy going up. And in that case I'm pretty sure Aryan would be evicted.
I hope the plan works to take Aaryn off & put Amanda up.
I'm really curious to see what McCrae will be like without her.
Go Amanda! #teamAmanda
I think McCrae is a real good player and could do well if he manages to avoid being sent out the door immediately after Amanda just by association. I'm surprised he doesn't have more fans but I guess it's just cause of the intense hatred toward Amanda and his close relationship with her. However really no one in that house calls her out on her BS to her face and in the DR more than McCrae does. He's a superfan and thinking kinda right along with us even thinking America was MVP and put Amanda up. But like he said in DR he painted himself in a corner getting in showmance with her and there's nothing he can really do but ride it out while they're both still in the house.
I liked McCrae in the beginning but lost interest once he & Amanda got so entangled. I also liked Amanda in the beginning, but my opinion has changed. I don't hate her by any means, she just annoys me more than the others right now. I do think with her out, things will get more interesting as far as game play. I hope McCrae can redeem himself. I do give him props for his DR revelations, too.
My money is on Elissa winning POV with the hot streak she's on combined with how often this season the HOH has also won POV. Plus it doesn't hurt that that's clearly what BB would want to happen.
It's pretty obvious that production had a sitdown with Elissa to discuss her strategy and where they want the show to go which would explain why she changed her target from Aaryn to Amanda. Whoever said BB isn't a level playing field was right. I hope Amanda wins veto, pulls off McCrae, and Elissa has to put up one of her new found "friends" while she laughs maniacally.
Well said Brian ... I'm a fan so I have people I like and dislike but at the same time when it comes to the final 2 I generally put my personal feelings aside and riot for who I feel played the best game ... I've says a couple times that Aaryn deserves some votes regardless of how many people labeled her a racist ... But there is plenty of game to go before I cast my final vote of my rootig not personal interests
As well as telling Amanda to chill out when she gets too over the top.
Why would Andy vote out aaryn over Amanda? If he really looks at his alliance he should have more allegiance to Aaryn than Amanda because he knows McCranda's top allegiance is to each other. He has to be smart enough to realize he needs to have stronger loyalty to aaryn
Why would Andy have more allegiance to Amanda than Aaryn? He has to look at his alliance and realize he will never rank higher than Mc to Amanda or vice versa so he needs to form a stronger alliance with Aaryn to have a better chance at the end. He would be very shortsighted to vote out Aaryn over Amanda
Sorry for the double reply...
Omg what's taking so long to find out who won??
Wonder if the comp is physical? It would make for great tv, bwcause everyone is pumped up. I think Amamda might win because she is pissed. Also Elissa kept telling everyone to make her feel safe, but Amanda is no fool, she figured out Evil Elissas! Has anyone got seriously injured during a comp? Have a feeling it could happen today!
Andy would be more loyal to Amanda than Aryan because he's been with Amanda from the beginning whereas Aryan is a much newer relationship. Despite Amanda's many flaws she is very loyal to those loyal to her. She may be more loyal to McCrae but odds are infinitesimal that both survive to be in a F3 with Andy where it would really matter. Aryan has close ties to multiple people in the house and has not shown herself to be nearly as loyal as Amanda so there's no saying that Andy would be Aryan's #1 nor that he could trust it to stay that way. There's a case to be made it'd be better to be a solid #2 to a couple that's almost certainly gonna be split up by someone eventually allowing you to slide into the #1 spot with whoever remains then to be a questionable #1 with someone who's loyalty level is also in question. Plus I think he'd probably feel he'd have a much better shot winning in a F2 vs Amanda or McCrae than Aryan right now. I think if he chose Amanda over Helen he'd do the same over Aryan.
Plan C? Andy
Part of me wants Amanda to win just to see what it is like! We haven't seen that before.
i just knew it!
Holy sh**!!!
So irritated amanda won. I wanted her gone!!!
I freaking knew Amanda would win this thing because almost everyone in the world wanted her gone! Gosh I am so disappointed in these people! I'm just ugh...really? Amanda, really?
now who goes up? Spencer? Andy?
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO now we have to continue to listen to lame comments from McCamish telling us how great Amanda is. ;)
Amanda wins this really makes me think this show is scripted and who they want to win wins.
okay now who goes up? Spencer? Andy?
Amanda won?!?! NOOOOOO :(
This game is so fixed..
I am a fairly new BBAddict - and this is my FIRST commment - so my question is: Since Amanda won POV and she will more than likely save McCrae - can't Elissa still put Amanda on the block? Cause POV is the power to take someone off - but not necessarily saving themselves from getting put on - is that right? I know BRIAN will have the answer for me!
I appreciate this blog, Jamie! You are amazing.
I also get a lot from BRIAN's comments. And by the way, Brian, hope you are recovering quickly from your surgery!
Andy v Mc on the block I guess, too many swing votes.
Beyond pissed!!!!! How come Amanda can't be put up if she uses the pov on mcc?? Thought it only saves one person, not two? If she uses it on mcc why can't Elissa put up Amanda? That's so dumb!
Good call... sigh :(
Wow! I'm shocked! Like I said earlier when speculating I suspect Elissa will put up Andy as the renom. That would lead to a very interesting choice for Amanda and McCrae do they keep Andy who is more loyal or Aryan who wins stuff and is a big target in her own right?
Quick question.... If Amanda takes Mcrae off the block can Amanda go up as the replacement nom? Just because she won POV doesn't mean she is immune does it?
Yeah! Cram it CLOWN!!
I really hope Andy goes up and these people are smart enough to get rid of McCrae
Amanda must've finally been scared enough to try...
That's exactly what makes no sense to me. If this is the rule then when someone uses it I'm themselves they should be able to name someone else they want to be saved....ridiculous
If Elissa knows what's good for her she HAS to put up Andy... I mean she really has no choice unless she lets them listen to her. I mean seriously. Aggh Amanda and Mccrae are like those evil little cockroaches. They just wont die lol.
If you could be put up for using POV no one would play, no one would win, and no one would ever use it.
Don't worry about the sad clown, she will no doubt be cackling fanatically again in no time when she puts up one of her new 'friends' to replace McCrae. Rachel's Shadow.
Ok so I have decided not to give up hope just yet. If Andy goes up and gets voted out, and Aaryn still works with GM and Elissa than I will keep watching.
With their 3am alliance I just don't agree. This is the first alliance they've all stayed loyal to. Aaryn did completely opposite of what she wanted. She's proven her loyalty. She voted out against what she thought was right. Amanda would never let someone tell her what to do that way. She only threatens people into submission and theyre too spineless to go against her. if he chooses Amanda over Aaryn he has more chance of making more people happy.
I wonder if they bribed Elissa with getting to talk with her family
If POV winner uses it to save a nom they can not be put up as the renom. If that wasn't the rule no one would ever use it. Thanks for the compliment and for checking in on me. I'm doing well.
They aren't gonna change the rules of the game cause you hate Amanda. Haha. I know if ruined your sister's plan. Lol.
@James Adams & Becktuck
Amanda will obviously save McCrae so it'll be Aryan and Andy on the block
@James Strickland
No she can't. Yes it does.
Elissa, Aaryn, and Judd "brainstorming"? Sounds more like a gentle breeze to me.
the zingbot called andy a floater and he is mad hahaha...he is in a huge floating bubble!
I can't keep up with my own thoughts and can't believe Am won a comp, well at least its a divided house.
I would rather them get rid of Andy because he's part of the reason this game is so predictable and likely why production is stirring things up. It's no fun to watch when you know one group has the numbers to control the rest of the game...I just hope stuff changes now
The person who wins veto is safe from being put up on the block and they can use it on someone or not. Since Amanda won veto, she will obviously use it on McCrae. This, she and McCrae are both safe.
She cannot go up....
No she can't put Amanda up... So she is safe no matter what
Amanda could take mccrae off the block and be immune since she wasn't nominated along with mccrae that how the veto works.
Andy's not really a floater by definition because a true floater has no true allegiance and just floats to whoever has power that week. Andy has been loyal to Amanda and McCrae from very early in the game. A more correct term would be a mole or a rat getting in good with various other HGs and alliances and reporting info back to Amanda and McCrae. It did help him cover his bases and be safe on all sides for the whole game up until this point so far but he had a true side all along and showed it with his actions.
I agree Andy would be great as the renom!
Elissa is a real creep. I like Amanda's direct and assertive approach. Last night during BBAD, Amanda asked Elissa if she was working with GM to which Elissa said no. Amanda said "do you swear to God you are not working with GM". Elissa, shocked, said "Amanda!!!!" That is all Amanda needed to know. Elissa is no match for Amanda and I think that is when she decided to work with Aaryn. I'm still reading last night's recap so I don't agree that it was the DR session that changed Elissa's mind. Anything that challenges Elissa's made up world where everything is cast in stone, becomes her target. Amanda is brilliant and Elissa is a captive of her beliefs.
Helen's presence is still in the house via Elissa. Elissa is sounding just like Helen. Elissa was pouring praise on GM like alcohol on a drunken alcoholic. GM gets drunk on praise and she was loaded last night. Elissa was getting pretty drunk on power.
While trash talking Amanda to Elissa, GM says she doesn't show her boobs and let her ass hang out of her bathing suit like Amanda does but I saw her "moon" the cameras one night as she walked up the spiral staircase. GM is a real piece of work, poor girl.
Elissa has to go next week and the whole house should realize it by now. If Elissa laughed at me like she did to Amanda, I would have turned around and farted in her face.
LOL, loved the story Judd told about Jessie "playing" on the couch while they watched a movie in the jury house. That was funny.
If Amanda uses the veto, she can't be put up as the renom. Otherwise, everyone would be scared to use the veto for fear that the HoH will put them on the block for using it.
Andy Will Go Up? Aaryn Needs To Have A Fake Fight With Elissa That Way Amanda And Mccrae Will Vote To Send Andy Home. Now That Would Be Game Play And Then Judd, Elissa, And Aaryn Can Have A Silent Alliance.
Don't Worry America Amanda Will Not Win.
The HG Are Stupid, You Need To Separate Those Who Are Connected By More Than Just Game Play.
This is what I love about BB. I root for someone to go and they save themselves at the last second. While I may be disappointed Amanda is staying, I am equally excited to see who the replacement nom will be. I am betting Andy. While a lot of people are fuming that Amanda won, you can't deny that it will make for a contentious, interesting week. Amanda was on the ropes and turned it all around, and she deserves props. I would not be surprised if she wins HoH for the first time next week as well.
It is great news to hear that Amanda won the power of veto. I was wrong about her not being able to win any competitions. Hopefully Judd or GM will be the replacement and not Andy. There is a deal to be made there to keep Andy safe and I hope Amanda, Aaryn, Andy and McCrae will lie to Elissa's face and promise her safety next week if she does what they want. When people see Amanda the bully, I see Amanda the voice of reason and strategy. Nothing is more powerful than the truth.
I used to love seeing Rachel cry like a little baby. Now it is Elissa's turn, LOL.
so amanda wins 1 competition and now she is so cocky. annoying. looks like i won't be watching the feeds for another week. i can't stand amanda's ego. she thinks she is so awesome after winning one competition. i'm so over this season.
No joke. Sooo close to getting her out.
UGHHHHH!!I can't believe Amanda actually won. I have been a bb fan for 5 seasons now and of all the 5 I have never been this upset about someone winning the veto. The one time a big move was going to be made and it doesnt happen!?? So over this season. Don't lose heart elissa Amanda will leave in due time
I think that since GM is so volatile that they will try to get her to somehow blow up at Sad Clown. Tell her that Sad Clown is going to put her up against Aaryn and evict her. GM doesn't really like Sad Clown anyway, and deep down GM knows that Sad Clown looks at her like she's something stuck to the bottom of her shoe.
They can tell Sad Clown that she will 'lose' the gay community if she puts Andy up, persecuting a minority, and therefore won't get the Most Popular HG money.
Just spitballing.
If Elissa would have nominated Amanda and McCrea then Amanda would take herself off the block leaving McCrea. However, since Amanda was not nominated she gets to take MC off the block and remain safe.
Sorry for getting your name wrong. Also, my comment was for someone else. I was thinking you were the one that wrote it, but I think you were responding to someone else's comment.
I don't feel as though Aaryn will stick with Elissa though.
I also don't think GM will stay loyal to Elissa, she goes to whomever is HoH that week.
I dished out the money for the feeds as well but I just can't stand to watch them either. I understand your pain!
Aaryn needs to tell Elissa that the only people that can be put up against her to make her feel safe is Elissa, GM, Judd, or Spencer in that order. Either that or Aaryn says she can't work with Elissa any longer. It is time for 3AM to stand up to BB and Elissa.
Andy is not a floater in the same sense as Candice, Jessie, Judd, Howard and Spencer were. He is there making decisions, strategizing, being loyal and he is an excellent "recon" man. I wouldn't even say he is a floater at all.
While I might not like Amanda, I have to admit today's events make the game interesting. Some people are saying Andy will go up and go home. I wonder though if Amanda and McCrae will really vote to keep Andy over Aayrn (or however you spell the girl's name). At least things might be interesting this week. Wonder if they will throw in a Pandora's box. That would really spice things up.
NOOO!!! I can't stand Amanda and her filthy mouth. She disgusts me! Plus I don't want McCranda to make it to the end :-(
Totally agree Rigs. And I like Amanda for being straight-up and assertive. I don't necessarily like her crudeness though. And I thought Elissa was a total B for laughing at Amanda too.
YES!! So excited to see Amanda win one when she needs to. I love that Elissa's little plan is falling to pieces all around her. :)
You feedwatchers, I saw a report the other day where McCrae made the comment that Elissa was allowed to call her husband. It was back when they were discussing how when Elissa comes out of DR she knows things. I totally believe it because after all the caterwauling about missing her husband and family and self-evicting or quitting the jury house, the last week you haven't heard a peep. She just stopped talking about it. She really has CBS by the short hairs.
Sad Clown!!!!! Lmao, Craig you're my hero <3
Time to step up Aaryn and tell Elissa that she has to put GM or Judd up as a replacement or else she can't work with Elissa next week and that the rest of the house that she (Aa) can't control will be gunning for her (E) and Elissa needs her (Aa) support, vote and any influence she (Aa) has with the other HGs. Then Aaryn, Andy, Amanda, McCrae and Spencer can put up Judd and a pawn with Elissa as the target to be back doored.
Brian, I guess I am still confused I thought El. Was telling people if they used the veto then they would be the replacement now everybody says it don't. Work that way. o_O
Craig: Gonna repeat this in case you missed it earlier (doubt it, but I want to comment this here while the fire is still raging):
@Brian, Craig, others:
Elissa walking out of the DR and instantly changing her mind from one target to the other is extremely clear-cut. Elissa isn't that damned creative. I'm not even sure she has an average IQ, to tell you the truth. Rachel definitely got the brains in that family. ...and frankly? The looks.
But what I'm concerned with here is an obvious case of production cheating. Was discussing this with my husband, and I was showing him how just asking a question a certain way can manipulate the game in so many ways.
Production asks for DR session: "Elissa, what made you target Aaryn this week over Amanda who obviously has tried to get you out of the house and just sent Helen to jury?"
Next question from Production: "Do you feel that Amanda has ruined your game? If so, how do you think you will survive when you're not HoH next week?"
And the questions can go on like that, technically not TELLING her that she should target Amanda (because that would violate game show laws) but phrasing questions in a manner that they can be interpreted that way.
It's a super easy way to manipulate the entire game. And I'm sure they've always done it, but not to this degree. Amanda knew--KNEW FOR A FACT--that Aaryn was being portrayed as a racist outside of the house. You know how she knew? One night Amanda warned Aaryn about it and said (paraphrased as closely as I can remember it): "Then why is DR asking everyone else in this house about you being a racist?"
Then it comes down to the little things... Like having a built-in fan base for Elissa from her sister, then putting up a magical MVP power that she wins every week. And they had to shut that down and make America vote so as...? Not to violate game show laws.
Elissa gets her hair dye but GM doesn't. Elissa gets sparkly things but GM has ALL of her stuff taken away except the bare minimums (80%, GM said). She's getting *paid more*. Elissa gets the wall comp on the week she MUST win HoH. Hell, the only thing they didn't give her was a yoga mat (that she complained about). Because they couldn't just hand it to her without being obvious about it. (But hair dye was supposed to slip under the radar.)
How people can root for someone who has cheated their way through the game with the collusion--no, the DESIGN--of Production and not on the merits of her own game play (there is none--only two comp wins which is not gameplay), I just don't understand.
Elissa is a very obvious sociopath, is only concerned with money and position, and she has no regard for the feelings or even existence of other people.
My brother corrected me when I started talking about my niece. He said he has THREE kids. I was like, "You do?" He goes yeah, my two step-kids. (Long story about why I didn't know.)
Elissa? She's only concerned that her sister spends time with one child--her biological child. The rest of the children, it seems, simply do not count.
When are people going to wake up to Elissa being a sociopath that doesn't even want to be there, didn't fight to get into the game, and only uses it to play her idiotic little games that nobody can figure out? If that's your idea of someone to root for, then... I can't even understand.
@James Adams
Elissa originally wanted her noms to stay the same so that Aryan would definitely go home on the block vs McCrae so she was threatening people that if she didn't think they were playing hard to win the POV then she'd put them up as renom if Aryan or McCrae won.
Thanks again. :-)
I enjoy seeing Amanda cry like a little baby and hide behind trashcans. I also enjoy watching her be a baby around McCrea and just completely lose it for no reason. She's just so...reasonable!
Wow!! Amazing what having a BB winner sister can do for you huh?
I see Amanda a lot of things but "reason and stratagy" doesn't come to mind.
One word: AWESOME.
It's Elissa fault (or DR for not talking to her before nominations) for not nominating Amanda vs McRae. Its going to make CBS have great edited shows Sunday & Wed that will seem very dramatic to viewers. I can't believe E would put up Andy, and can't believe McRanda would vote him out. But he also deserves it for being so blindly loyal to McRanda . They're going to be even more powerful in the game with 2 solid votes. If they're not put on the block together next week they have a great chance if making it to the end. In BB you win by winning comps when you have to & Amanda just did it. Doesn't sound like it was the who wants it most comp. Unfortunately. I dont know why E would say she wouldn't work with Aaryn.. Who else does she have. And Amanda who gets so mad I'd someone talks about hee or lies is telling both Aaryn and Andy they are safe.. So she's lying again. Guess Amanda got the last laugh.
Ste ven:
Amanda & McCrae are saying they'll vote Andy out to force Elissa to either get bad jury votes (by having Andy go home) or change her idea of who she's going to nominate (to Judd, hopefully).
It's a good strategy. They lose Andy in one scenario, but if their gambit pays off, they get exactly what they want. In EITHER scenario, they prevent Elissa from having a successful HoH.
One more thing: Saying they'll vote Andy out actually is the best way to protect him. Elissa probably does NOT want Andy gone. She likely thinks McCranda would never vote out Andy, but to spite Elissa and to keep Aaryn? Yes, they would. So that makes Elissa have to consider protecting Andy.
Andy (and obviously a lot of people) may not see that right now, but it's the way it is.
Watching after dark and whether you like her or not, AmAnda is a genius at this game. It looks like shes going to get GM up on the block like shes wanted...yet again....Aaryn even told her that she dserves to win the game.
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