As soon as the feeds come back, I'll post the spoiler below!
**Psst...last chance for y'all to take advantage of the cheapo sale from! Today is the last day where you can get $25 gift certificates for just $4 bucks!! (I stocked up yesterday.) Use discount code "BITE" during checkout! :D
Currently on the live feeds...
2:08pm BBT:
McCrae won veto!
He's puking in the bathroom downstairs.
Amanda: "I tried really hard! I'm happy you won it, though."
2:13pm BBT:
Amanda is crying.
Amanda: "You saved yourself, it's better this way."
Sounds like McCrae is crying, too.
Amanda: "Who do you think (GM) will put up? Andy or Spencer?"
McCrae: "I dunno."
Amanda is crying more.
Amanda: "I fought so hard, as people slid by and made no moves. I fought so hard! It's just a game.."
McCrae hugs her.
McCrae: "I'm so sorry."
Amanda: "I can't believe it came down to me or you, and I was 3 seconds behind you. I'm gonna miss you."
Looks like Amanda hurt her hand(s) during the comp. She's been icing them on/off.
2:18pm BBT:
HOH Room
Judd confirms it was not a prize/punishment comp that they were hoping for.
Elissa enters.
GM: "Obviously McCrae is gonna take himself off, and worst case scenario if he wins HOH, I'll go up."
Elissa: "He'll put up me and Judd."
Judd: "Yea, he hates me."
GM: "(Amanda) is goin' anyway. Worst case scenario, he wins HOH next week."
Judd: "No matter which one of us goes up (as the renom), Amanda will go home."
Back downstairs..
Amanda: "You won it fair & square."
Spencer enters & tells them that he's not sure who GM is gonna put up as replacement nom.
Spencer leaves.
McCrae tells Amanda that she/they can campaign because they have no one and that Andy won't be on their side anymore because they're poison to his game.
(Upstairs, the HOH crew are talking about the comp. I'm trying to keep my eye on Mc/Am to see what, if anything, they plan to do or if Amanda is giving up.)
Andy is talking to McCrae/Amanda.
Amanda: "You or Spencer are going up but it doesn't matter, I'm going home. I don't know how (that comp) was fair. I went up 4 times. I'm surprised you put me up, Andy. I didn't think you'd do that. My hands are all blistered and red."
Andy: "It was super last minute and I just freaked out." (*he's covering his tracks of not being with them anymore.)
Amanda: "I tried."
Andy: "You did."
Amanda: "If Spencer goes up, would you guys still vote to keep me?"
Andy looks like a deer in headlights. lol
2:37pm BBT:
Amanda is crying, saying that people like GM and Spencer have made no moves in the game and are skating by.
Amanda is asking McCrae/Andy to vote for her to stay and even if it's GM to send her to jury, at least it won't be them two sending her to jury. Andy is very quiet during all of this.
Judd comes in and hugs her.
Judd: "You feelin' better, McCrae?"
McCrae: "Naww..."
Judd: "Take pepto bismal."
Judd leaves a minute later.
Amanda/Andy/McCrae talking about dizzy the veto comp was, hence why McCrae puked after the comp.
2:48pm BBT:
McCrae is telling Amanda to not give up, there's still time. The mood is lighter, with laughs and no more crying. Andy is still there. Judd is in the bathroom again.
3:00pm BBT:
Everyone is talking about the veto comp. Andy didn't like it. GM liked it.
3:10pm BBT:
McCrae/Amanda are showering.
Amanda is giving McCrae advice for playing the game after she leaves, telling him to not make himself a bigger target. (Hard to hear since they're not mic'ed up.)
Upstairs, Elissa/Judd/Andy/GM are talking, non-game. Fun chatter.
While I was making dinner, Elissa made another jab at Amanda by saying "Who do you think would be the most memorable: BB12's Kristen or Amanda?" Amanda said that Kristen didn't even make jury.
3:37pm BBT:
Amanda campaigned to Judd. (*Not gonna happen.) Judd gave her false hope by saying maybe they could both stay this week (Am/Mc). Judd was basically just working on his jury vote by saying if he had won HOH, he wouldn't have put them (Am/Mc) up. Judd even asked if McCrae would take Amanda off the block, and Amanda said no & that he'll take himself off. (*Remember, McCrae was the target this week.)
Amanda said she knows she screwed Judd over but if she stayed, she'd be loyal to him until there was nobody else to put up. Spencer joins and game talk stops.
4:01pm BBT:
Amanda tells McCrae about her convo with Judd.
She thinks Judd might have been giving her false hope.
McCrae: "Could be. Don't get your hopes up."
Amanda: "Do you think he was giving me false hope?"
McCrae: "You never know with Judd."
Amanda: 'Ok. Whatever."
McCrae: "Just don't get your hopes up."
Amanda: "I'm not."
They kiss & hug.
They walk out of the Have Not's room and Amanda tells GM about Elissa's "Who's more memorable" comment...
Amanda: "And that's who you're keeping here?!"
GM: "I'm not aligned with her! I just didn't her up because she didn't put me up."
Amanda: "I put my neck on the line (for Elissa) and she snapped on me in a second."
Amanda: "Me, McCrae and Andy..if you don't put him up..would be SO LOYAL to you, so loyal."
GM is doing her normal not-making-sense rambling.
Amanda: 'Nobody likes me in jury, then why not keep me here?! I've only won 1 comp! You would BEAT ME!"
GM: "Mm hmm."
Amanda: "Elissa has a LOT of friends in that jury house!"
GM: "I know. I was thinking about that before, too. I'll sleep on it and we'll talk tomorrow. Come up and talk to me anytime! I'm just laying in the HOH bed resting my foot, but come up anytime."
Amanda: "If you put Elissa up, she would go home and you wouldn't have ANY targets! You would walk away from this so good! I have nothing else."
Amanda: "All that matters at this point in the game, is winning comps and I've only won ONE!"
4:20pm BBT:
GM/Amanda are still talking. She said that Amanda is making a lot of good points and she has a lot to think about. (*I don't think she's gonna change her mind, I think she's just listening to her.)
Amanda: "Every week, people will wanna separate us (Mc/Am) and you wouldn't be a target! You'd walk away from this with no blood on your hands."
Amanda: "If you backdoored Elissa, you'd be getting rid of the person who got Nick out."
GM smiles real big.
A couple of minutes later, the convo ends. GM leaves the bedroom.
BB: "GinaMarie, please go to the Diary Room."
**Alrighty guys & dolls, I'm outta here for the night! Y'all enjoy your Saturday night & enjoy the live feeds!!! :D
Stay tuned...