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Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Morning/Early Afternoon in the BB House

Happy Wednesday, BB addicts!! The HG's had their wake up call around 10:30am BBT, but only Judd, GM & Elissa are up at the moment. No game talk between them. Don't forget that we have a BB episode tonight at 8pm EST. We'll get to see the Veto Comp that McCrae won and then the POV Ceremony where McCrae took himself off the block & Spencer went up as the pawn against Amanda.

In other news, I'm not sure if I already posted this or not, but Episode 10 of the BB15 Saga by Wil Heuser is up! (*Not suitable for work.)

And 1 last thing...
A few days ago, I post about how was a having an awesome sale. Well, I am happy to report that they're having another amazing cheapo sale!! $25 gift certificates for only $5!! w00t w00t! Just enter coupon code "BALL" when ya check out. (It expires tomorrow though, so snag'em up while ya can!) I loooooove and use them all the time.

Let's dive into the Morning/Afternoon post!

Currently on the live feeds...

11:28am BBT:
A look at the quad cam.

Elissa is getting ready to run in the backyard.

Andy/Judd are talking in the back bedroom...

Andy: "You're not running?"
Judd: "No. I think I'll go into the D.R. in a few (minutes)."

Judd: "Hey Andy, let's put in a request for a human checkers board outside."
Andy: "OK."
Judd: "I'm serious."

11:34am BBT:
Judd gets up and leaves the bedroom.

11:36am BBT:
Elissa is running in the BY.
Judd is back in his bed, with his bandana covering his eyes.
11:49am BBT:
Elissa is doing yoga..

**Ok, that's it. I'm starting yoga. lol

11:51am BBT:
BB calls for inside lockdown.

11:57am BBT:
Elissa is about to take a shower.

12:54pm BBT:
Nothing really going on..
Elissa is dressed for the day. All others are sleeping.

1:34pm BBT:
Elissa just got done painting her nails. All other HG's still sleeping.

I'll start Afternoon: Part 2 once the HG's wake up and get some coffee in them! :D

Stay tuned...
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Anonymous said...

do they take showers with their bathing suits on?

Admin said...

I'm with you, Jaime! I starting yoga tonight!

Unknown said...

**Ok, that's it. I'm starting yoga. lol
(This is too funny, but I was thinking the same thing).

suttonsmomma said...

Hi Jamie, I am not sure if you already touched on this or not. But I was wondering what happened with Judd lastnight. He kept saying how much he hated ghost and was flipping off the cameras a lot.

kate27 said...

I think they go into the shower with their bathing suits on and then take it off once they're inside the shower. This is probably to avoid being naked on camera. I know I wouldn't feel completely fresh and clean if I had my bathing suit on while showering.

Carol Anne said...

I'm starting yoga!

Razldazlrr said...

ha ha ha - i do some yoga but nothing like that! That would kill me! LOL

Was thinking - don't remember a group of BB that work out less than these people do. They have nothing but time and all that equipment! they are such sleeping slobs!

Jamie said...

suttons: he was pissed at the D.R. for trying to get him to keep Amanda.

Unknown said...

@Jamie,you are NOT ALLOWED TO TALK ABOUT PRODUCTION. Watch Amanda get a special power before tomorrow night. She didnt take photos in the photo booth - she wins Diamond Power of Veto and can put up who ever she wants ater taking herself off the block.

Anonymous said...


That's what happens as far as a lack of working out in a season where the 1st 3 evicted are David, Nick and Jeremy and Howard goes out 5th.


Anonymous said...

I started doing yoga back in 1998 and I love it. There's nothing more meditative & it makes your muscles feel really good!

Jamie said...

LOL @ Steven ;)

Nmeerleveld said...

@jamie I've been wondering about Elissa's goodbye message for Aaryn. I thought they cleared the air before Eviction Night. So I was surprised to see Elissa say, "Aaryn, I have nothing to say to you. Have fun in the jury house." Do you think this message was taped the previous time Aaryn was on the block and then played by production to cause controversy?

Anonymous said...


I don't think they could do that as it wouldn't be fair. More likely I'd guess she cleared the air with Aryan when she was trying to work with her and just in case she stayed. Though I never get people leaving mean goodbye messages for people on the Jury.


slnc said...

Haha Amanda got a taste of her own medicine! Gm got in her ass she cries.! But she is sort of right about Mcrae being a pussy...smh!

Becktuck said...

That's totally what I thought!

Unknown said...

I wish Andy would get "ratted" out to McCrae and Amanda, then he gets evicted right after her. The jury house would be hell! Bahahaha

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