Also, in case ya missed yesterday, Big Brother has been renewed for another season! w00t!! :D BB16 will air next summer & yes, I will be back to blog about it! It has been through all of y'alls amazing support this season, that allows me to come back next season to blog about Big Brother. If you have bought the live feeds via the blog, and/or ~donated~ to support the blog, then it is because of y'all that makes this even possible for me to be here, and I thank you for that!! *takes off hat & humbly bows* :)
We are now down to Final 3, which means that the Overnighters are most likely going to stop as of today. Sad, but true. There's just simply nothing to write about at this stage in the game, other than what the HG's are eating, or remembering past HG's and wondering how they're doing in the jury house.
Speaking of remembering...
BB told the HG's that they're going to have a special brunch this morning & to get dressed up in their Sunday's best. BB will be taping Andy/Spencer/GM talking about past comps, moments during the season, etc as they eat a nice brunch & most likely some champagne (or mimosa). We'll see it all on the Sunday Night Episode.
As of 9:07am BBT, all 3 of them are up & dressed nice, ready for their "Remember when..?" brunch.
That's it for the Overnighter! The HG's will have their Part 2 Final HOH Comp most likely tomorrow. I'll be back later on today with an afternoon post but there's really nothing going on. They all have Final 2 deals with each other, so there won't be anymore game talk this season at this point. See y'all later on with the afternoon quickie post! :D
One more thing...
I just noticed that has a 24 hr cheapo sale going on!! $5 for $25 gift certificates with discount code "FORK"!! Stock up while ya can!! :D (The gift certs *never expire*!!)
Stay tuned...

Only thing of consequence that happened last night is we have 3 HGs left and 3 F2 deals made thus really nothing of consequence happened. My guess would be any F2 deal made with Spencer is legit.
I think we can see GM stitches on her left knee in the close up pix.
Thank you Jamie again for the wonderful job you do for us.
Brian: Exactly. lol
Susie: thanks!! :D
After watching the footage from Jury House last night it might be just as well that McCrae got evicted. I got the impression that Amanda is such a cancer to so many people in the Jury who also mostly never got to see McCrae play without Amanda that they may have voted for anyone else just to spite her. The only thing worse than this ending would've been getting all excited and pumped McCrae went on a crazy comp run to pull out a miracle win to potentially save the season only for the Jury to vote for Spencer in the end. Perhaps it's better that balloon was just burst last night instead and let everyone get on with their lives a week earlier than be crushed later after getting their hopes raised so high.
A couple weeks ago I said I believed Amanda was gonna be the anti-Frank in this year's Jury compared to last. That while Frank was very loud and opinionated and got most of the people to vote his way Amanda was also gonna be loud and opinionated but that everyone in that Jury was so sick of listening to her when they were in the house they'd probably do the opposite just to take a stand against her regardless of who they'd actually be voting for. And after watching that Jury House footage last night I got a sense quite a few people might sign up right now to cast their vote for "whoever Amanda doesn't want to win." Maybe it was just a McCrae thing we will see. But I think if you're 1 of the 3 left in that house right now the last thing you want is Amanda campaigning hard for you.
McCrae needed to step up and say to Andy that if Andy is one of the F2 and I (McCrae) was in the jury, I would use my influence in the jury to do everything I could to make sure you didn't win and you would have to settle for 2nd place. IIRC, McCrae admitted to being a wuss and not being able to play hardball is an example of being a wuss. At that point, McCrae had nothing to lose and it wouldn't assure McCrae of being in the F2 although we now find out he probably would have won the last competition but even that is not guaranteed. Andy probably would not have taken the deal but McCrae not putting on the pressure was akin to rolling over.
I like that McCrae admitted he made a mistake not saving Elissa but he should have seen it coming and that is why he is in the jury.
I'm glad BB winners are not national figures because GM winning is pretty gross, right up there with Spencer. GM's "hearty cackle" would drive most men out of the house.
I hope GM and Spencer are blowing smoke up Andy's ass by telling him they would take him to the F2. It worries me that one of them, esp GM, would be stupid enough to take him even though they talked to each other about it. Andy thinks hes so clever as he keeps sweet talking each one and telling them he cant win because he's pissed off so many jurors when the other one is in the DR. If he goes to the finale, Im pretty sure he will win by a huge margin if not unanimous. The jurors realize he played a good game...He probably would get McRanda, Helen and others...He needs 5 and I easily see him getting that, especially against Spencer and GM. I just really hope Spence wins part 2 although given his knowledge and Andys on house history, Andy has the advantage and then easily possible hed win part 3 against GM. I wish Part 3 would be a bit different than every other season but I think thats unlikely. Andy is so desperate to win that I want to see him out...I still dont get how a professor (even at a small college) claims so much poverty - I guess he could have a lot of student loans...Theyve all gotten at least $10-12K with their weekly stipends which is pretty good for 3 months work. Plus they can do appearances at clubs and events to add to their earnings - at least in the next few months. If Andy loses Part 2, hes going to start freaking out.
Well you said any F2 made with Spencer is legit but from what Ive seen he has deals with both Spencer and GM. All of them have F2 deals with the others so it depends on whos telling the truth. Still think anyone who takes Andy will definitely lose. GM vs Spence might be a more difficult choice...Spence prob has a better chance since GM has a lot of enemies and dont think Spence really rubbed people the wrong way. At least hed start with Candices vote
I think GM deserves to win from a game stand point.
@Ste ven
Yes there is every F2 possible that was made last night and without seeing DRs it's impossible to know for sure which one's are true. I was simply saying what you said as well that I think Andy's and GM's deals with Spencer are legit since he'd be easier to beat then each other would be. I'd also think Spencer would take GM and not Andy as you do but I just wasn't putting much stock in him winning the next 2 comps and getting to make the choice haha.
Personally since I'm thinking that way I'm hoping Andy wins part 2 since if he didn't then the show would pretty much be over this weekend since it wouldn't matter who won on finale night since they'd both evict Andy and take each other. Plus I think Andy most deserves to win right now.
As far as the Jury goes I think Helen is gonna have a ton of influence and would be very surprised if whoever she picks doesn't win given that I see Elissa, Candice and Jessie all voting the way she does. That'd mean you'd only need 1 more vote to win if you get Helen's vote. Also I do wonder if there finally might be a girl's alliance formed way too late in the Jury House to vote for GM if she's in the F2 simply for girl power. I'd be fine if that happened against Spencer but would hope not if she's against Andy.
If you have the feeds, rewind to Friday 9/13 at 12:56 AM PST Quad View, and starting around 12:56:45, Andy and Spencer start riffing on Candice's uncanny predictions about future comps involving Spencer. HILARIOUS.
Also, if you want to catch a glimpse of a BB crew member caught in a mirror, rewind to Thursday 9/12 at 9:35:28pm CAM 3, just after the F3 leave the storage room. I thought it was the ghost of JUDD for a minute!!
@ Brian,
I think most of the people in the Jury House are "lovers of the game" enough to give their key to Andy, as a kind of "Aha! You GOT me -- well-played, Sir" type of vote. He fooled every last one of them till they walked out that door (and beyond, in Elissa's case - she told Julie that McCrae must have voted against Amanda haha).
Ste ven (and others) -
Regarding Andy's pay level - There's a huge difference between a tenured professor and a part-time instructor at a college (Andy has been the latter). When I have done this, I was brought on for a term at a time, and paid a flat rate per course, often a couple thousand dollars per course, paid in a couple of installments rather than as regular paychecks. You can only teach a limited number of courses per term and per year, and priority is of course given to tenured professors (who have higher degrees, more experience, and all-around better credentials). The people I know who do this job are either doing it while they get that higher degree etc. (e.g., starving students) or they use it as a respectable, flexible income source while they do what they really want to do with the rest of their time. People who do it full time to support themselves generally teach at multiple institutions if the rules permit it. That way you can prep a course once and teach it multiple times, and teach a full course load while keeping that "part-time" status at each individual school.
I'm hopeful of that as well especially as like I've said I think Helen will be very influential with several of the other women and she will have had a lot of time to get over any bitterness and cast her vote for the best overall player as a gamer like her should. She said last night when it was just the 3 of them still and Aryan hadn't even gotten there yet that she was very bitter at 1st but was already starting to get over it at that point. And it's already been 2 weeks from that moment now and it'll be 3 weeks by finale night.
I know Andy won't be teaching any classes this Fall but it looks like the college he worked for in the past won't be having him back in the Spring either - or any other time for that matter.
How do you know that?
Right BeeBelle - HUGE difference between being a tenured college professor (at a major university) and teaching a few classes at community college. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it - it's just a mighty big $$ difference. I have two friends that teach at smaller community colleges and I was shocked to see what they were paid - it wasn't a lot.
But, I have another good friend that's a professor at Northwestern paid very well with some nice perks.
Oh, and Brian you made such a great point. God Forbid MCC had made it to the end and the jury house was so tainted by Amanda, they voted to give Spencer the $$!!!
I'm with you - best to see Andy win the next one for a little bit of game. It would be interesting to see who would win with GM and Andy in the finals.
Just a side note about the HG appearance in their "Sunday best" least Spencer has pants on! Surely the PTB told the HG coming in to bring something dressy. I've yet to see Andy dressed well.
What is your source? I'm genuinly curious. I've watched the show, AD, and followed this blog all season... yet I keep hearing about how awful he is but I must've missed something. I know he's had some bad language as have they all, but has he really been as disgustingly low and offensive as the others? I really want to know what he's done that's made everyone hate him so much.
On the website of the college, they released a statement saying he was no longer employed there and that they did not condone his words or actions. I read it on FB earlier today.
They just issued a disclaimer to appease all the Andy-haters who have been bombarding the college to make sure he never works anywhere again. It said he doesn't currently work there, he isn't signed up for the Fall, they don't condone his use of language on the show. They never said anything about him not working there in the future. It was just a standard disclaimer. that will make 5 that lost their jobs
Armageddon Kitten said...
How do you know that?
it was on Twitter his college doesn't want him back
Well, Andy is a "professor" of speech and obviously he has "talent" speaking with "forked tongue" and how to speak a lie without detection. Political science and business majors will be flocking to his classes eager to learn how to speak in such way that perjury can go undetected and in a way that covers the truth. He is very good at it but body language majors will spot the fraud right away. I don't think he is a master. Those who sensed Andy was lying ignored it, IMO, because they wanted to "believe" him even when their intuitions were telling them otherwise.
That lost look in her eye was quite humorous
Did I not call it a while back with jule Cheng calling people racist on the show would back fire. She gos on the talk as says how she's suffered from racism in america and had to change her looks then worked her way up. Yea tight marrying the top executive at CBS didn't help at all right. Watch this topic its gonna be big.
Yes, please tell us more about Andy not having a job?
Hey hon! I have loved following your blog this season! My question is, will I be able to give you a donation in November to help you out next season? I wish I could have done it this season, but my finances just would not allow me to. Please let me know.
Again thank you for all you do! You rock! Dana
@ Brian
Next to Jamie, I admire your commentaries tremendously and look forward to your viewpoint. However, I do not agree that Andy deserves to win. He wasn't a good competitor...he was a good floater. He's only winning now because there's no one left other than GM to compete against. Spencer is useless. GM has fought the hardest during comps. Andy is just a good liar. I would hate to think that qualifies him as being worthy of $500,000. He infuriates me. GM has a lot of growing up to do, but I assume her growth is stunted due to unworldly ways and lack of education. I admire some things about her...but definitely not all. She's a fighter. Of the three pitiful souls left, she is the most deserving. I'm still not a fan of any of the three though.
I really like the comment section here. These people make me laugh all the time. We do like to talk game and we definitely have opinions. Jamie. you are the best. I can't tell you how much this blog adds to the show.
My hope for some kind of excitement here is that Spencer wins this final HOH and we get to watch him try to figure out who he is going to give the 500K.
I am guessing Andy, but maybe he thinks he could beat GM.
Spencer looks like a shoo-in for 50k.
Dana: yes ma'am, you can!! :D The Tip Jar is always open, so if/when you're ready, it'll be here ready for you. Thank you so much!!!
I think you were right on about Amanda killing McCrae's jury... but I usually think you're right on.
Get your application in. I want to see you in BB16.
You can only judge people against the others that are left in the house so I don't see how you can knock Andy as a competitor compared to the other 2. Andy has won 2 HOH and 2 POV. GM has won 2 HOH and 0 POV. Spencer has won 1 HOH and 1 POV. So Andy has double the wins of both or the same # as the other 2 combined. Also 2 of his wins came earlier in the season and 2 have come late. Which is the same % as the other 2 where 1 of their wins came early and 1 late.
He also played a much better social and strategic game then the other 2. Everyone loved Andy and thought he was on their side until he wasn't and they were out of the house. Andy used Helen until it was time for him to get rid of her then he used Aryan, Amanda and McCrae until it was time to make a move against each of them. No one ever really even thought about getting rid of Andy or that he was coming after them. That takes skill and in a game of deception and scheming Andy was the best in the house. Even after she was evicted Amanda tried to help Andy's game and thought it was Elissa who voted against her while Elissa actually thought it was McCrae instead of Andy. While on the other hand not too many people really liked Spencer too much and his strategy was just to sit on the block every week apparently. GM also got in a few fights and made some enemies in the house and doesn't even know how to spell strategy let alone formulate one.
Also GM may have been the HOH and cast the tiebreaker vote but I give Andy the most blood on his hands for the biggest move of the season in getting Amanda out. He's the 1 who was aligned with her the whole game and went through with backstabbing her at just the right time even when the votes were suddenly there to keep her. He also formulated the plan for afterward that got McCrae to put up Elissa and get her out. That was the biggest night of the season that got all 3 remaining to where they are now and I give Andy by far the majority of the credit for it.
The most despicable final three since the season with janelle. Gm is the least despicable . If I cared anymore, I guess I'd root for her
The college he last worked for posted a statement on their FB page that he was previously a temp there but was not currently and they do not support or share the views he has expressed on TV
@ Brian
As always, your points are valid and well taken. I guess my only point is that while Andy lied and back stabbed to get to the final three, GM did less of that and was a little more loyal and better at physical comps. Not the brightest bulb in the pack though. Big Brother tends to bring out the worst in people and conversely at times may even bring out the best. Really hope to see you as a contestant. With your strategy and ability to analyze, you would be a force to be reckoned with.
Some people have a problem with lying and backstabbing on BB I however do not. It's just a part of the game to me and an important one at that. Everyone does it some more and better than others. As far as physical comps that's a part of the game as well but not everyone is built to be good at those. I'd have to imagine if I were ever to be on the show I seriously doubt I would either. There's no one right way to play this game and it's about figuring out the best strategy for you given your skills and capabilities as well as learning about and factoring in who you're playing against and how they're playing as quickly and accurately as possible plus a whole lot of luck. Dr Will who's widely regarded as the best player in BB history never won a single comp in 2 seasons and finished 1st and 4th.
I thinks It's Andy's whiney complaining manner that makes him so distasteful to so many. You are right about the strategy but Dr Will was charming and just overall seemed more likeable. It may not be "valid" to dislike his gameplay but it was SO annoying to watch!
I totally agree I don't find Andy likeable as a viewer whatsoever either whereas I loved Dr Will and Dan who are my by far 2 favorite players who you could say played similar deceptive games though Andy is not at their level. However I can separate that to judge Andy strictly on gameplay compared to the other 2 left in F3 which is made especially easy since I don't like either 1 of them personally as well.
Your very welcome hon! I just wish I could have done it for this season.
Enjoy sleeping in!
It just sucks overall...I wish he was at least there with other players who had WORKED to get there. Not who were just too unimportant to get rid of so they were never voted out. I can't root for anyone of them. If I cared about who might need the money the most it would be GM. She will be in a tailspin when this is over and realizes what people think of her. Having come through bulemia I know all you care about ,no matter what her bravado, what people think of you directly impacts that disease. I hope she gets help. If that's what's really going on its an addiction and you can't stop on your own. Your brain and body are completely off balance...which amazes me she made it this far but explains her constant injury. All the things that have come out of her mouth alone would be a lot to face coming out of there but and undiagnosed ED and I would be worried for her life. She needs serious help. Of course Andy would fool the poeple he did...all the Sharp people were gone before he had to turn on anyone...I wish we could see this season again with a completely different outcome. Real players getting to the end. People on their guard and not so trusting. I liked the idea someone.posed before of when Julie announces the evicted guests to NOT give the vote total to bring a greater chance of anonymity to that part of it. Maybe more people would play their own game
I loved Dan as well!
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