Tonight we will see a Double Eviction. First, we'll see Amanda get evicted from the BB house and then the HG's (minus GM) will battle it out for the title of HOH, play a Veto Comp, have a very quick POV Ceremony, and then another eviction. Not sure when they'll play the 2nd HOH comp..either on the show or later on at night. We shall see.
As always, I will be live-blogging the show tonight for those of you who only have access via computer and/or on the go via your mobile device.
I'll see y'all back here for the show at 9pm EST!!! :D
9:00pm EST:
Show begins...
9:13pm EST:
Nomination speeches from Spencer & Amanda, then HG's will vote.
The Votes to Evict:
*Judd votes to evict...Amanda
*McCrae votes to evict...Spencer
*Elissa votes to evict...Spencer
*Andy votes to evict...Amanda
It's a tie, GM will break it...
Amanda to Andy: "I thought I could trust you!"
Andy: "Amanda, you could!"
Amanda walks out the door, Andy's face looks like this...
9:20pm EST:
Andy todd Amanda in his goodbye message that he did indeed vote her out and outed the Exterminators alliance. "It's nothing personal, love ya."
9:23pm EST:
9:26pm EST:
Time for the HOH Comp!
9:38pm EST:
Time for the Veto Comp!
9:49pm EST:
Judd did NOT use the veto.
The votes to evict are next.
9:52pm EST:
Elissa & GM are doing their speeches to stay.
The Votes to Evict:
*Spencer votes to evict...Elissa
*Judd votes to evict...Elissa
*Andy votes to evict..Elissa
End of show
**The HOH comp will be sometime tonight & then another eviction on Sunday (most likely) that will be aired on Weds's show.
Stay tuned...

I'd be curious to see a poll of who everybody would like to see be the 2nd evicted to night? And who everybody thinks will be the 2nd evicted tonight?
i am super excited! can't wait, i am hoping that ANDY leaves during the double eviction *fingers crossed*
Man I can hardly wait for tonights show! Sort of wish Judd would vote out Spencer...I really hope Elissa doesn't take the fall for Andys lying. Come on MC wake up and smell the ratfink in the room
I would like to see Spencer voted out and if Andy voted to keep Amanda, then I'd like to see GM leave.
If Amanda goes out, then Andy should be next. Then Andy and GM can tell each other what a "great BB play" they made, LOL, as they sit it out in the jury house with Helen and Candice, LOL.
Amanda is definitely being evicted 1st in the DE tonight and it's her own fault for not heeding Elissa's and McCrae's concerns about not being sure if they can trust Andy. If she would've listened they could've started working on another plan to get GM to break the tie in her favor. They could've used the fact she'd clearly be on the outs with the boys once Amanda and Elissa went and on top of that a girl has never won the game vs a guy in the F2. So it'd be better for GM to join an alliance with 3 girls in it. Elissa could've sold it that the 2 of them could beat Amanda and McCrae in comps at F4 or along with Judd taken out 1 of them at F5. But no Amanda knows best and can't see the signs with Andy that the other 2 do. And to make matters so much worse she completely threw any possible chance with GM out the window by getting in that huge fight with her last night. Now it might not have worked with GM anyway but there would've at least been a chance especially with some DR push as well I'm sure
Here's something Andy hasn't thought of. Let's say Andy's lie to McCrae works and McCrae wins HOH and puts up Elissa and GM. Then lets say Elissa wins POV. Are Judd and Spencer both gonna just let Andy sit pretty while 1 of them have to go up and be at risk as the renom or will 1 or both of them rat Andy out to McCrae?
Also I think Andy could very well be costing himself 2 jury votes by blindsiding Amanda like this. It's 1 thing to make a game move and say I have to vote you out but it's another to make someone think they're staying just to shock them and potentially have GM embarrass them on live TV while booting them out the door. Blindsiding is typically something you do to an enemy and not an ally.
I think the ring was a fake and Elissa is doing this to out Andy as the rat he is. I can't see Elissa actually siding with Amanda after the way Amanda treated Elissa. Rachel said on Twitter that Elissa left her wedding rings home. If this is all a ploy, Elissa really upped her game. #teamelissa all the way!
Thanks Jamie for adding those 2 polls on the site! Very cool!
I figured most people would want Andy to go. I know definitely Amanda and maybe even Helen would probably love rubbing it in that he got rid of 2 huge targets that were both protecting him and look where he is immediately now. I'm a little surprised how many people want Elissa and McCrae to go. Didn't think that many people would be looking forward to an Exterminators F4.
I see most people think Elissa or McCrae will go 2nd tonight. With Amanda already going tonight I'm thinking tonight's HOH will be questions concerning yoga poses and POV will involve delivering pizzas. Hahaha
Gm is so mean. Please send her home. Terrible terrible person
there is a poll right over there
What is the talk about miscarriages about? Did Amanda have one while inside the house?
If Andy knew what was good for him, once Julie reveals it's a double eviction, he would switch his vote to keep Amanda because then he'd have 3 people (McCrae, Amanda, and Elissa) fighting for HoH, instead of 2 if he stays with the exterminators (Judd and Spencer)...and then he can use his loyalty to his credit if he makes it to the final 2.
If it was a regular eviction, I could see his reasoning for getting rid of amanda...but I really do think he's making a big mistake with the exterminators...thoughts?
If Andy knew what was good for him, once Julie reveals it's a double eviction, he would switch his vote to keep Amanda because then he'd have 3 people (McCrae, Amanda, and Elissa) fighting for HoH, instead of 2 if he stays with the exterminators (Judd and Spencer)...and then he can use his loyalty to his credit if he makes it to the final 2.
If it was a regular eviction, I could see his reasoning for getting rid of amanda...but I really do think he's making a big mistake with the exterminators...thoughts?
Except with Shelly. Not that it worked in her favor anyway.
I would love it if that was the case. They didn't show any of Elissa's DRs so no clus how she really feels. The other thing that's so confusing is since there's been sooo much chatter about Amanda having a hand up in this game why would production make it look worse by trying to get Elissa to switch and play with a big enemy???
Did anyone else notice that GM dropped the N bomb at 9:35ish last night?
Said that exact thing days ago!:-)
I answered this on the previous post but in case you don't see it....
Either during casting or just before entering the house Amanda miscarried. Not while in the house though.
You make a great point. But the question Andy that smart or quick thinking? We will have to see!
No....but if she did, that is not cool and not terribly surprising.
@This Is My Journey
Because BB cares infinitely more about the show being entertaining and exciting to generate ratings than about silly baseless rumors on the internet. That's why they'd want Amanda still in the house not because of anyone she's supposedly friends with.
Doesn't Amanda know she's being evicted if she's getting special treatment by being allowed to use the HOH room with McCrae?
McCrea - how can you be so dumb! If Elissa goes home - he's the next target... why on earth does he STILL trust Andy???
Biting my nails....
Play hard Elissa!!!!
Oh what a dumb move..put up the only person that voted with you...
Well this season is didn't "intervene" enough
McCrae is so dumb. His trust in Andy is just going to be fatal to his game.
Officially lost all respect for McCrae's "gameplay." He should have put Andy & GM on the block. Period. GM put him and Amanda on the block together, and Amanda was sabotaging Andy's game for a reason. But no... now his only hope for help in the game is gone. Bye, McCrae.
Eghh, I really hope Andy is the next to go. He's really not a good player in my mind. He really is a floater.
There's not much hope for McCrae at this point, I don't think.
This is such BS!! I'm not watching anymore this season or anymore season in the future. It disgusts me beyond belief that one of those vile people left who have said such nasty things about people will win. A rat, a racist, homophob, demeaning comments toward women, just disgusted!!!!!! Not to mention its gona b boring as shit!!! Done CBS! Have fun with ur last season of BB, thnx for ruining it!!!!!!!
I just knew in the hectic DE McCrae would just bro down and put up the 2 girls. And the second I saw the POV was a maze who didn't know Elissa was gone as no way she'd win that. Now this week either McCrae wins POV or he goes home.
I am done with this show. I don't care who wins now. This stinks bc it's not going to be fun to watch anymore. =(
Wow how lost is Elissa that she thought McCrae voted Amanda out and not Andy. He's got these people so snowed somehow I'm thinking he definitely deserves to win at this point.
Actually, Amanda said she thought she could trust Andy because she was trying to HELP his game, not hurt it. She said she wanted the other HG's to think he voted her out (she assumed he voted out Spencer), so that Spencer and the others WOULDN'T target Andy. Blindly loyal to Andy to the very end!
@This is my journey
For ratings, Obviously...
Actually, Amanda said she thought she could trust Andy because she was trying to HELP his game, not hurt it. She said she wanted the other HG's to think he voted her out (she assumed he voted out Spencer), so that Spencer and the others WOULDN'T target Andy. Blindly loyal to Andy to the very end!
I am so sad. I have absolutely no one to root for. Judd has become just as vile as the rest of them - although unlike a lot of people, I never much cared for him anyway. He has a total lack of charisma for me. At this point, I guess I am going to pull for McCrae simply because without Amanda, he is an unknown quantity. Hoping someone wins just because they are the only one you don't KNOW is a racist, homophobe, misogynist or rat is kind of boring. BLAH! Now those animals are going through Elissa's stuff instead of packing it. Make them stop CBS!!!
@ Rachel- which one is ju double d again?
The result of this De just makes me wanna stop watching glad Amanda went home. What kind of move did her bf make? He is now totally alone in this game. But I have to keep watching just to see whats gonna happen. Hopefully McCrea wins veto and GM goes home. The things that she says are just gross. If anyone has been favored by CBS I think its her shes gotten an amazing edit to bad for her theres a live feed.
Is this the biggest floater convention ever in BB or what?? McCrea has done nothing but hide behind Amanda, Spencer has done absolutely nothing except make disgusting comments, Andy has been ALL over the place this season, GM has at least won 2 HoHs but at the same time...chick be crazy! Then there's Judd and where I find myself liking Judd just because we're both from middle of nowhere towns, he still hasn't really done anything in the game.
I just don't remember a season like this
@Rachel- if thats how you feel then why have you been watching at all for the past several weeks? Were Amanda and/or Elissa the only virtuous people left in the house in your opinion? The only person in the house who I havent seen create a situation involving derogatory remarks is Judd but everyone in the house is just as guilty as everyone else and its been that way for weeks.
@Rachel- please do remind me which one j u double d is again?
End game! The only glimmer of hope McCrae had to stay alive in this game would have been to let Elissa win HOH in the DE! Unless he was smart enough to put up two exterminators to begin with and replace with a third if someone other than Elissa won the POV. It was 5 against 1! Anyone who won it would have pulled one of their alliance members down if both were up! Stupid move McCrae! Now we all have to go back to our regular lives since BB will be so boring, I may just run myself over to keep anything interesting! So disappointed!
Well said Rachel!!! I feel there's no one really to root for anymore. I did like Judd but he burned Elissa! And you know this really does suck because BB is the only show I really watch and get into.
Well. You all got what you wanted.
And now we're left with a cast of half a dozen or so exceptionally boring floaters. And a racist who must make all the dogs in the neighborhood go crazy every time they hear her screeching laughter.
Awesome season.
Not according to him. This week he claimed Amanda was only there because of him. Talk about delusional.
Here's my best guess for how this should go if the Exterminators are smart. If possible depending on what the comp is since McCrae can't play and it's just them 4 they should throw the HOH to Spencer since he's the worst at comps. Then if Spencer is smart he won't nom McCrae and put up like Judd and GM. This week is all about whether McCrae wins POV so make him feel as safe as possible going into it plus it'll make him think you want to work with him going forward in case he does win it. Everyone else playing is in The Exterminators so if they win POV it'll guaranteed be used and McCrae will go up and out.
Wow. Stunned. The RAT deserves an Emmy or Golden Globe! His acting was so good that El left the house thinking McCrae voted Amanda out!!??!?!?? Or maybe that says more about El?? lol. Well, Andy mastered the game tonight. But I still detest him!!!!!! And I dont even know where to start with McCrae right now. BUMMER all around...I think BB is gonna run 2 weeks too long this summer. Zzzzzzzz.....:(
I think that McCrae evicting Elissa is going to bite him in the ass! Why is that the 2 ppl who told the truth are the ones who gets evicted? (Elissa, Candice, Jessie) This is a liars
I cant believe that Andy's ass is still in the house...uuggghhh now thats irritating as hell!
@ Brian,
Andy (and I am DEF Not Team Andy)
Is actually sitting Pretty right about now due to McCrae Winning HOH & Nominating Elissa (with Elissa being Evicted).
Andy really doesn't have anything to Worry about, especially since McCrae is the Next Target AND unable to play in the next HOH Comp.
McCrae will DEF be Nominated & Targeted for Next Eviction, even if McCrae wins the next POV & comes down off Block, I think GM would be their Next Target based on her abilities to Win Challenges.
In the Event it's needed, I think Andy can use his McCrae/Amanda "Loyalty" to his advantage by telling whomever HOH is, that since he Voted Amanda out & Blindsiding her
(And her being VERY Aware that Andy did in fact vote her out) that lost Jury Votes for him bcause Amanda can & has proven over & over that she can Manipulate, Control, & Influence many of the Jurors to NOT Vote for Andy....
Soooo, maybe his ability to "Float", Lie, Scheme, & Play both sides of the House may pay off for him...
I dunno, just a thought....
My Bad, I meant for my Comment to be in reply to Alt's comment.
Sorry Brian...
Yeah, Im pretty much done with the rest of the season! I dont give a rats ass who wins now. Ah Amanda did call Mcrae a pussy and his nominations were just that...pussy moves! Andy and somebody was suppose to go up not Elissa...smh!
Andy's in for a big shock when he sees how disgusted people are with him...him being so happy with both his votes tonight was downright embarassing....I hope the jury full of women are smart enough to vote for ANYONE but him because of his absolute manipulation of every single one of them....he wants to take the worst player with him because he thinks his gameplay is somehow better....they will be rid of McCrae then Judd then three losers will be left and noone will want to watch that finale except to see GM get smacked down for the filth she's disappointed
She will be next.
Mark. My. Words.
Andy/McCrae ALL THE WAY!
Yup, I was right, Mccrae is as stupid as he looks. If Andy makes it to final 2, he wont get first place. GM is next out the door I think (well I hope). Judd made the right decision as sucky as it was, but he did have a final 2 deal with Elissa so I think he should have saved her. But at the same time I understand him honoring his alliance. Mccrae should have never put Elissa up!!! Does he not know anything about women; who the hell honors an alliance by giving their gold WEDDING RING, then turns around and votes out their alliance?!? He is truly dumb, and I believe just made a fatal decision in his game. So now that I have had an aneurysm and mini heart attack, I will not be watching the show until the season finale cause the house is now floaters vs players and I cannot watch pasty Andy kissing Mccrae's azz, Mccrae walking around being gullible, GM and her mouth, and Spencer sitting around on his lazy this point I don't care who wins BB15. Im so angry and disappointed in this season!!!!
GM and Mccrae F2. Calling it now.
@brian, are you physic???? LOL!!! If Elissa would have won that veto, andy would have been put up. I almost think that Mccrae realized what the heck he did after he put GM and Elissa up on the block, but too late damba&%, you just royally f-ed up you game
@ Craig Marshall, agree 1000000%
I want to see what happened between McRae winning HOH and the nominations. What conversation did Andy have? Did McRae believe Andy's story and t hink Elissa voted Amanda out despite giving her the wedding ring (At least she'll get it soon). Andy seems like he got very lucky.
Again, however, CBS did the same competitions they do every season at this point. Theyve done the dig and find something often..Thats always suspicious when someone finds these a lot quicker than others. Then the whole maze has been done.
McRae probably will go on the block and out unless he wins veto. But theres some days to strike alliances...You know Andy is going to have a F2 deal with everyone but the other Exterminators would be smart to get him out first. BB often works this way - people easily go under the radar. I dont know that Spencer or GM would deserve to win anything...And Judd not really either plus he was already evicted...People are not liking Andy but he has played the game. He played a great social game and yes, hes lied and played both sides but thats a strategy to save face. You never know if the jury members stay angry or calm down and realize they were played as a game move. For example, if McRanda were in the jury and Andy in the F2, would they vote for him? They seem like the type that could cool down. What about elissa?
Those who say they wont watch BB again; well I bet youll be back on this blog tomorrow...and dont hate the player, hate the game. This is how BB works...Threats,winning comps, showman's gets you sent home. Andy has had secret alliances and Im sure by Wednesday, he's going to have F2 deals with everyone in the house.
The one person , Spencer, is the one I wonder why he was even cast. I just dont see him as a player youd remember or as someone with a dynamic personality. But to be on the block 7 times is just crazy to think about.
I think when Amanda got some boos she was taken aback that she didnt get wild applause. as predicted, they didnt air last nights fight. I realize that Am was being evicted anyway but it just shows how many things happen in the house that no one knows about. Julie shouldve asked about that and her fight with McRae but the CBS audience wouldnt know what she was talking about. It will be interesting to see if McRanda lasts...WHo knows - we might have a married couple BB season with Dani, Jeff/Jordon, Brenchel and then McRanda...and then pair them up with other couples in relationships.
McRae can still stay - make an allboys final 4..
They now have to think about the jurors...but often they are unpredictable except something like AM would definitely vote for McRae etc. Amanda will be happy to see Elissa and Elissa will be glad to get her ring
Really Worked For Ian Last Year By Getting Boogie.
But I'll Agree Especially When They Are In The Jury. Blindside An Ally If They Are Not In The Jury.
McCrea is next. Exterminators will take him out and then it is anyone's guess. After McCrea is gone, it's going to be each of the final four to decide who they want to be next to in front of the jury. I think spencer will be safe and make it to final two. I think Judd's previous eviction may come back to haunt him now. I am predicting a Andy/Spencer final two and Andy to take it all. I don't want Andy to win, but that's what I am guessing will happen.
And the bonehead move of the season winner is...
Andy/McCrae ALL THE WAY!!
I know!! But I was SO glad that Andy stupidly outted himself in his goodbye message.
Judd has called several women the "c" word.
Fully agree! He is the ultimate "floater" but in saying that, he has really had to work hard to remember what lies to tell and to have everyone trusting in him. I see most people like confrontational players that come on strong in the game, but I truly believe andy is playing just as hard. It's just his game is all in the head and not physical. I for one was thrilled to see Amanda and Elissa walk out the door. I would have love to have seen McCrae actually play the game but with only 2 weeks left I'm afraid it's to little to late. I'm hoping for Judd and Andy F2.
Everyone bashing McCrae for being the biggest idiot even Elissa believed Andy voted Spencer out and thought McCrae was the 1 that voted Amanda out. Andy must be an amazing liar in person I guess.
It wasn't stupid at all for Andy to out himself in his goodbye message. Amanda was gonna find out anyway in Jury House cause no one has reason to lie to her there as their game is over. He had to take ownership of it right there and be the 1st to explain it to her and why he did it to give her the best chance of getting over it and voting for him if he makes the F2.
Sorry to disagree Brian but I still say it was stupid of him. If he hasn't said it himself, it would have left room for doubt in Amanda's mind. And since Elissa foolishly believed that McCrae was the one who didn't vote to keep Ananda, even she was in the dark. Also, Amanda is a grudge holder and now that she knows for sure that Andy voted her out, she will remain angry. There is no one in that jury house who could convince Amanda that Andy was a rat.
In my opinion this has been the last amazing season of the BB yet... but there had to be one I suppose... the best thing that came out of this season is just THAT... Next year will be amazing compared to this lol. I still love Big Brother and to be honest, not one season has passed where the person I rooted for actually won. Another notch in the belt and I am still an uber fan. Glad to know it's still not predictable.
With am actual loyalty attribute it will pods her off more to give that money to someone who lied to HER and stabbed her and her man in the back...she went out on the crazy line to SAVE Andy and Aaryn because of her loyalty. I can only see her getting more bitter as she sees the ease of his amazing lies....he didn't just lie....he spewed hate at these people behind their backs for potentially messing with his really has been very personal with him as much as people call it game play....takes a pretty sick person to come up with his schemes...he may have "played the game" is the most brilliantly backstabbing way ever....that's no winner in my I do not see forgiving that , probably would rather Spencer win because loyalty is so important to her. She will have a lot of pull I'm that jury house....but hey, you KNOW they influence THEM too so who knows(((shrug))) I will watch simply to see what may happen but it.makes no difference to me as long as Andy loses . GM would use all the money to stalk Nick so she will screw herself if she wins just KNOW how intelligently she will steward that money ,LOLOLOL!!!!
If Elissa told her it wasn't her Amanda would've never believed it was McCrae so she would've known it was Andy. Plus McCrae will be in Jury House soon enough to say it wasn't him. Plus 1 of the Exterminators will go to Jury House as well and reveal all about their alliance. So it was by far Andy's best move to be the one to tell her about it (and fitting since he's spent the whole summer running around telling everyone about everything). And the more time Amanda has to digest it the more time she has to get over it.
Exactly! Why they didnt cover their bases is beyond me. It almost seems like laziness on their parts! All I can say is idiots. I dont know why Im so frustrated. Well, actually I guess it all stems from Andy being so two faced.
I don't know how much influence Amanda will have in the Jury. Everyone there won't really like her. She might have the opposite effect of Frank last season. People might just vote against whoever she campaigns for and vote for whoever she campaigns against just to do the opposite of what she says.
I'm glad Elissa is gone because it proves that BB isn't rigged or set up from the beginning.
I CANNOT stand Andy and if he wins this game I'm going to lose my mind!!! I don't know why I continue to watch this show because I am always pissed off when it's over! Just when I thought it was so great McCrae wins HOH, the dumb A puts Elissa up instead of Andy!!!!!! If I have to look at his dopey face much longer I might have to quit watching (which I know I won't, but I wish I could have an intervention with myself and turn it off!!!). Please tell me I am not the only person out here who thinks Andy is the most annoying person I've ever seen, but the addiction is too strong to stop watching. It's like watching the perverbial train wreck and you can't turn away. 60 + days w nothing to do and a pool in your backyard ..... at least get some color on your white pasty skin!! I have to stop because no one has enough time to read all the disgusting habits that drive me insane about Andy! Thank you for the opportunity to vent and at least get a little bit of frustration off my chest!!! UGH!!! ANDY GO HOME!!!!'
Is this going to be a season where noone, even the jury didn't want any of the finalists to win (like when Jun won)?
Thank you for strongly disliking Andy too!!! Not enough time to talk about everything he does that annoys me, but I'm so glad I'm not the only one! I wonder if there is an I DISLIKE Andy fan club somewhere I could join??? 😃
We shall see.....I 100% doubt it without "persuasion"....she's a very emotional woman afterall and those emotions run all over the's best bet may be to let her be out for blood....and if It's another week till McCrae.gets there, and she learns even more she will be pissed.....she's about loyalty and her being in control and has no reason NOT to stick the screws to ratface
Despite what everyone thinks of Andy he has played a smart game. He was.friends with almost everyone, was able to stay off the block (except once I believe + wasn't likely to be voted.out), has been in a lot of alliances bcuz ppl trusted him (even tho they shouldn't have), had the all-powerful McCranda's full trust + support the whole game so far (pretty sure Mc still thinks he voted to keep Am) and he did all this without being any good at comps. He played to his strengths....mental manipulation. He was great at being sneaky, conniving, backstabbing + a good actor....but isn' t that what the game of BB is all about??
Despite the fact that sooo many ppl hate Andy I think he has played a smart game. He has played to his strengths. He is not good at physical things so he knew he wasn't going to win comps so he had to rely on mental manipulation. Which he IS good at! He was friends with almost everyone in the house, he was in many alliances (which all helped to protect him), the strongest + longest was with the powerhouse team of McCranda who believed him to the end (I think Mc still does). He was able to remain off the block except once I believe (and even then wasn't the one likely to be voted out). He kept the McCranda alliance until he knew it was time to dump them + get them out so they can't win (1 dwn, just Mc to go) and seems to be pretty solidly entrenched in the "Exterminators" alliance. He has been sneaky, underhanded, a blatant liar + a manipulator or as a lot of ppl call him a weasel...but he has constantly played the game. Isn't that what the BB game is about?
I thought lying, cheating + backstabbing was the backbone of this game. When did it change to who's the nicest?
Jeremy, in a final 2 with Andy/Spencer, I bet you Spencer wins.
Final 2 with Dan/Ian? Dan had the best gameplay. Ian won. Why? Because he didn't piss off absolutely everyone.
Thems the breaks. I don't see Andy winning. But if he does? I want them to come out with a tiara and a bouquet of roses to put in his arms BY Anderson Cooper, and I want to see him do the Miss America wave to the audience while he cries.
Look, I ID LGBT, but Andy really needs to have his Miss America moment.
Despite what a lot of ppl think of Andy, IMO, I think he has played a smart game. Maybe not the way u would play or that I would play...but it's worked pretty good for him so far. He has been or is friends with almost everyone in the house, has pretty much stayed off the block (I think he was only up once as a replacement nom when Elissa wanted Aaryn out), is lousy at comps + stays out of all the fights. He knows he can't play a physical game so he is playing his game using mental manipulation. Yes he is a weasel, a tattle-tale, a liar, a backstabber + a manipulator....but he does it well + it's working for him. Isn't BB all about lying, backstabbing + manipulating? I think he has played this game hard everyday + that's more than I can say about everyone else that's left in the house.
@ Brian
So tell the truth. You actually live in the future and your somehow sending back what will happen. Your predictions are spot on. Its actually been the thing that's kept me most interested this season! Thanks for the insight.
And thanks Jamie for all the hard work!
Probably not because GM let them use her room last time she was HOH, too. They were in no danger then.
Haha, couldn't agree more. What's the point of stealth and intrigue if you go and reveal your true self to the jury?
He's a misogynyst. He used the "c" word to describe several of the women in the house.
In your scenario (Elissa telling Am that is wasn't her who was the wonky vote), Am just wouldn't have believed her. She would have thought E was just saying that to get her rings back. But Andy screwed himself by admitting he was the bad vote. Now Am knows for sure.
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