Tonight's BB episode will feature never before seen footage from the season, but if you're a feed watcher, you most likely have seen it all already. It's a season recap of non-aired moments from the season. As always, I will have the chat room open, so feel free to pop in & talk to other BB addicts during the show tonight.
**If BB is delayed in your area, you can watch it online! :)
The show starts at 8:50pm EST. See ya then!! :D
Stay tuned...

So is it safe to say that Andy is in the final 2 no matter what?? Doesn't he have a deal with GM and Spencer??
To make it even simpler whoever wins Part 3 of the final HOH between Andy and GM wins BB15. Because both would almost assuredly evict the other and choose Spencer to go to F2 as either one should beat him handily unless something completely screwy happens with the Jury.
A little comic relief watching Andy and spencer try to keep from falling on skates!
Hate the season is almost over, but glad to get these ppl gone. Hate to hear about Britney's Hanes baby. So was so so excited bb14 about having a baby. So so sad and prayers for her and her family! Love the support the fans are showing for her and her family!
After the Jury House footage last week, I'm not so sure that GM would defeat Spencer all that easily (she'd probably win but it would be close). The collective tension that occurred when Elissa made the statement about them all supporting GM made me feel like she wasn't as well-liked or respected as we may think. Even her "bunny" Aaryn hesitated about supporting her. Andy would win no matter which one he takes to the end. If GM wins, she better take Spencer as its her only chance to win.
Hey Brian - I read your note to me about DVR - trust me, I don't watch a lot of tv and I DVR everything! However, the chat room can be pretty funny and you get to toss around ideas. It's usually more fun than the show!
Tonight's BB ep was actually supposed to start at 8:30pm but will be delayed about 20mins and start around 8:50pm here in the east.
Actually everyone has deals with everyone else right now. I'm thinking that the only 1 guaranteed the F2 is the only 1 not playing in part 3 and that's Spencer because I think both Andy and GM would look at him as the easier matchup and take him to F2. So I feel both Andy and GM need to win part 3 to make F2.
At that point when they were discussing the people left McCrae was still there and they were discussing them in general not in specific matchups. And I think at that point GM was probably the 3rd best candidate of the 4. However I believe Spencer would've been viewed as the worst of the 4 so she'd beat him especially having added winning 2 parts of the final 3 part HOH to her resume to get there while Spencer would've added nothing besides sitting on the block once again next to McCrae.
One more thing that I think should be changed with the next season of BB is the F3 comps should not be spread out over a week. With 3 HGs left, it is sooooooo boring at this point (maybe it's just this season), but I think they should have had a 2-hr finale tonight (Sunday) and be done with it already. Waiting until Wednesday is tortuous for the viewers and the HGs at this point. Also, hooking up cameras and live feeds in the jury house would be awesome!
I get the feeling that Gina Marie has the best chance of parlaying her notoriety into something else. Even with her insensitive comments, she has the personality and charisma to get a job in front of the camera. Aaryn might get some spots because of her looks and the controversy, but i don't feel that she has the personality to break through.
@hooked, did you just say GM has charisma? She can barely put together a coherent sentence?
You know what I'd like to see next season? No friggin' houseguests on psych meds!
Holy crap do I despise all 3 of these idiots!!! The racist loud mouthed woman (allegedly) I still think that she is tucking a penis down there (uggh..that voice!)..the wutthified thithhy ginger, or the bearded misogynistic redneck...ugghh!
I agree JChism, tonight was boring and they said unseen clips, well I only have TV and saw all of the ones shown. They should have finished it tonight...........
@heat. Don't get me wrong. I think all of this season's HG's are useless. I'm just saying that out of all of them, GM is whacky enough that somebody might give her airtime. Just look at Kelli Picker from American Idol, she stood out not only fee her singing, but for her dumb country girl shtick as well.
@Kiley - how 'bout it! I couldn't believe all the HG's needing this or that med for this or that disorder. I mean is that the best of the application pool?! The cynic in me tells me they withhold or modify the schedule of the disbursement of needed meds sometimes, i.e. Amanda had some noticeable behavioral changes (good and bad) which coincided with other HG's comments on whether or not she had been given her meds yet or not.
BTW, no offense intended in my previous post. It just doesn't seem to me that the confinements of the BB house for 3 months isn't the best environment if you need some type of medical oversight. Anyway, I will say that at least this season the last few nights of the season for BBAD is giving us at least something to watch (for the most part). IIRC, past seasons of BBAD were unwatchable the last few nights because the few remaining houseguests didn't even converse during the after dark show. Tonight for example we're getting a memory walking tour of memories from the evicted HG's :)
Thought theyd at least show part 1 on the Sunday episode. The BB finale is often frustrating for fans because of lack of time. Didnt they do 2 hours last year? (Survivor gets 3 hours with a full hour reunion). Theyre going to have to show jurors, part 1, 2 and live 3 of HOH. The voting. Probably the fake 1 question per juror that were pre-decided...And then not a lot of time for the HG reunion part - which usually is the most interesting. They should have at least given them 2 hours since its the last week before their official premiere week begins. I assume the ratings would be stable as most people who invest in an entire season want to hear from the HG
I haven't even been watching BB this last week for obvious reasons, I turn it on tonight and wow.... Yeah they should have just made tonight the finale... The last 45 min is all about Elissa and GM of all people saying elissa is a hermaphrodite. Spencer saying el was ran out of virginia for downing a 55 gallon container of sperm. Andys elissa story was of anal beads and her standing outside the bathroom and begging to eat the toilet paper they wiped with and he let her cuz he didnt want her to nominate him for eviction. Its always nice when u learn a paid college instructor that is meant to uplift children and young adults mind thinks so highly of himself and has such low self esteem.
Everyone, from one season to the next, loves to forget how vile, repulsive, antagonistic, aggressive, and bigoted their favorite players have been. Here are a few examples. They are backed up by footage from YouTube that you can find for yourself. Or, if Jamie will allow me, I will post the links. But here goes:
Rachel: Was so hated by the HGs that when she returned, she got into a huge fight with Reagan (another fan fave) and BASHED him for being gay. To his face. They hated her. She was that season's Amanda, if you want to put it into perspective (for those of you who are Amanda haters). Now, suddenly, everyone's memory of how she behaved has changed...
Janelle? She got into loud, monsterous fights with many houseguests, but one fight stands out in particular: bashing The Gay Guy Of The Season for "f*****g older men for money" and being a "whore." They got up into each other's faces and screamed (I remember this from another camera angle than the one on YouTube.)
Kaysar getting slammed in the back yard causing production to make everyone go to corners to prevent a physical confrontation initiated by Cappy. Ever wonder why they have the "BY couches?" They didn't used to. in Se 6, they had a glass table and chairs. Unfortunately, production discovered that chairs can become projectile weapons...
Jeff Schroeder! Everyone's favorite, lovable HG and host. I get the warm fuzzies over him too. HOWEVER, he went on a homophobic rant (more than once, actually) and said that gays should never be allowed to be in charge of children (re: Harry Potter and Dumbledore) because, of course, we all know that all gays are pedophiles, right? (That was rhetorical.)
There are many, many, many more examples out there. These are just easy ones off the top of my head. Before you start saying how this is the worst cast ever, go back and watch the live feeds from seasons past. Of course, we really can't do that and have to rely on the footage available on the web, but it's out there.
Your favorite HGs that you wish THIS cast was "so much like" actually WAS just like this cast. You simply choose to wear your rose-colored glasses and remember past HGs in the best possible light.
If BB messed with her med schedule to make better tv,that's really messed up. If they manipulated anyone's med schedule that is really beyond screwed up.
I think it can be done depending on the type of medication and the handle you have on your situation. If you are recovering(from anything), BB probably isn't the place for you and a doctor should be paying closer attention to applicants medical history.
I think if Andy wins, he should take Spencer, but the game-player in him may WANT to bring GM. He'll most likely go with Spencer, though, as he has said numerous times that he's there for the $$.
If GM wins this last part of HOH, she would be nuts to take Andy to F2 because she'll also beat Spencer, hands down, imo.
Only 2 more nights until it's all over. I'm rooting for Andy because he's the only one who even played the game, and it would be a travesty if either GM or Spencer wins. I USUALLY go for the underdog, but definitely not this season!
I wonder if the ones who lost their jobs (due to the 'inappropriate' things they said in the BB house), Aaryn, GM and (maybe) Spencer, will find out before, during or after the finale? It is definitely a more bitter jury than usual, so they're probably going to be asking a lot of heated questions imo.
Was it just me, or did anyone else find the crying-in-the-DR real to be completely hilarious? Funniest thing they've shown all season. The rest of the episode sucked, but worth sitting through it just for that!
You hit the nail on the head! I take psych meds so I can say it. Lol! But seriously, this season with the meds was insane! I couldn't be it that house without my meds and obviously meds were held to bring some drama to the season. It was drama alright but not the kind of drama I wanted to see! :)
I expect production to cast more controversial people next season and milk some cultural taboo of the week next season. It's how they improved ratings this season.
I don't have anything else to add about our triumphant (gag) final three that hasn't already been said.
I would like to add that during the show last night while they were doing their walk down memory lane and how much they disliked Elissa came up....I thought it was funny that the best example of her "bad" behavior that they could come up with was the fact that she didn't tell right away that she was Rachel's sister. Who would?? If she didn't look so much like her sister, she could have gotten away with it.
I liked Big Brother better when they used to narrow down the final 2 by now before finale night. That I think gave the juror's more time to question the final 2 because they would record it before the finale. Also, it gave them more time to think about how to make their vote.
@Jamie: Why did you delete one post talking about HGs being unfit for the show due to mental illness but leave others? HurlyBurly's comment asking if they (people with mental disorders) were really the best of the available contestant pool says (in no uncertain terms) that people with mental disorders are less fit than those who have them.
C'mon... Please amend your non-hate tolerance statement to include mental illnesses and people with other disabilities. :/
Making a statement about it would help the community a lot. Unless you think the people who visit your site don't have mental illnesses that they're ashamed of and hide--from depression to anxiety and beyond.
if you'd like to speak your mind on the subject or debate with others, that's fine.
I have family members (close) that have mental illnesses, so I hear ya.
It's a fine line of letting people speak their mind without crossing the line. I get comments on why I let comments through or not through.
I try to do my best to balance both to appease both.
Yes, because its Jamie's site that's why!!! And it totally ROCKS!!!!
I love you Jamie, you're the BEST!!
@catty, Andy lost his job at the college too and isn't a "Professor". He was a part time instructor. Google Andy Herren loses job.
I thought the crying segment was funny too
I thought the crying segment was funny too!!!
Andy has worked at the College of DuPage in the past as a part-time instructor. He wasn't employed when he boarded the plane for BB as he did not fill out his paperwork...he mentioned not filling out paperwork last night on the live feeds (Joker's Updates mentions it; I don't have the feeds). There is something on Facebook about him on COD's page...I will post below. You cannot be fired if you're not currently employed. College of DuPage is a small community college that gives out associate degrees; it's not Northwestern or Columbia. He probably taught a couple of courses but his passion seems to be acting & stand up, not teaching.
Anyway, here is College of DuPage's FB post from Friday re:Andy:
"Andy Herren has formerly worked for College of DuPage as a part-time instructor. He does not currently work for the College. Any behavior or language he uses on the CBS reality show “Big Brother” does not represent the opinions or values of College of DuPage."
Anything that "The Examinator" or other such rags write articles about is simply to lure readers to click on their site, in my humble opinion. In other words, unless it comes out of the horse's mouth, don't believe everything you read! No malice intended, @Stephca33, I just wanted to clear up the rumor. Andy WAS NOT fired. :) Hope he wins!!!!!!!
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