Happy post-finale day!! :D I figured I'd make a new post for those of you who are still checking the blog in hopes of a new post. Well, here it is! ;)
Okay, so last night after the BB15 finale aired, Jeff was doing backyard interviews with all the BB houseguests. I watched them all (until 2am my time, around 3am EST'ish.) If you missed any of the HG backyard interviews, they will be up on CBS.com sometime today.
Backyard Interview w/ Jeff Highlights:
*McCrae is going back to delivering pizza's but will move to Florida in the Winter with Amanda.
*Kaitlin/Jeremy are kinda, sorta long distance dating. No pressure, taking things slow.
*Aaryn's answers were obviously fed/taught from her 2 PR reps that were there with her.
*Both Amanda & McCrae would do BB again in a heartbeat.
*Nick said he plans on asking GM out on a date to a Monster Truck Rally (he already bought the tickets) on Oct. 4th.
There were also interviews with the Final 3 on Sirius radio today:
*GM said she/Nick walked into a post-finale party "holding hands". He met her parents, she met his mom.
*Andy said he's been "brought up to speed" with all BB15 controversies.
*Andy said he didn't condone all the hate remarks in the house (though he was a part of it, so..yea.)
*GM & Amanda are "cool with each other" now.
*GM said her parents were a little upset with her comments while in the house.
*GM commented that Nick will be "definitely going to be a really good friend". It's interesting to note that in her interview with ETonline.com, she said "he'll always be a very good friend. But you never know what's going to happen. There might be a little wedding in the future!"
*Spencer said he doesn't have hate in his heart, hopes people forgive him for comments he made.
*Spencer knows that that his railroad employer is trying to 'keep their distance' from him.
In other news..
Andy apologized on Twitter today about his Elissa-bashing comments:
Last but not least...
There are also some interviews up on ETonline.com for those of you who would like to read those. (They were past of the backyard interview press last night). Here are some highlights:
*Andy said he wasn't fired (*just like I said), and that he was on leave. He's hired on a semester-by-semester basis.
*Judd gave GM a "sympathy vote" because he knew Andy was gonna win.
*Elissa never wants to talk to Aaryn or Amanda ever again.
*Aaryn said she wasn't actively working for her modeling agency (that she got fired from) and that there are 6 new agencies wanting to interview her.
GM's answers to a couple of questions asked by the ET.com interviewer:
There's a lot more questions & answers, so if you'd like to read them, head on over to ETonline.com.
That's it for now!! :D I might make a post here & there about more post-BB15 stuff, so check back once in awhile. ;) See y'all later!
1) The backyard interviews will be up sometime later today. Jeff said he will tweet the link when they're up, so make sure to follow Jeff on Twitter to get notified when they're up.
2) Spencer's job has an investigation underway to see if he will be fired or not from his job for his actions on BB. I'll keep y'all posted.
3) The last BB15: The Saga episode by Wil Heuser will be uploaded tonight! Make sure you follow Wil on Twitter so you'll know when the video is ready for your viewing pleasure!
Stay tuned...
I wonder whether Amanda and McCrae will compete on The Amazing Race 2014, or whether CBS will wait until 2015?
That's OK, Elissa. No one wants to see you again either.
Nick's warming to GM: Surprising. Unless he's playing up to it for awhile so as not to appear to be a jerk and/or downplay the gay rumors.
GM's explanation of her hate comments is as evasive and nonsensical as ever. As a New Yorker, she knows perfectly well that that kind of language isn't cool.
Any idea where the backyard interviews are on CBS? I can't seem to find them.
Andy Tatnall,
Actually more people would like to see Elissa again than any other HG this season. So with all due respect, speak for yourself.
James D.
In my opionion it sounds like they are getting off to easy for the hate speech in the house
james, they will be posted sometime today. (I don't think they're up yet.)
If they really want Amanda and McCrae on The Amazing Race they better jump on that quick cause I don't know how long they're gonna still be a couple. Obviously the next season starts in a couple weeks and is already filmed. So to me it'd have to be for the season after that which usually starts airing in Feb and is filmed like Nov-Dec. I think that's a very acceptable goal that they could make it till then given Sept is halfway over. But to count on them still being an item for the season after that which would be filmed next June-July and aired starting next Sept would be pushing it. Haha
Going on past history that's also when Jeff and Jordan as well as Rachel and Brendon appeared on The Amazing Race was on the season that aired in Feb which is the earliest possible after getting out of the house. Which makes sense cause the farther away from their BB season you get the more irrelevant they become once another season of BB airs especially and they're not on it.
@James D
I believe Andy Tatnall was referring to the other HGs not wanting to see Elissa again and not the fans.
I've seen most of Jeff's interviews on YouTube. This link has Helen, McCrae, Elissa, Judd, Aryan, Spencer, GM and Andy:
And this link has Candice and Jessie:
James, I was referring to the houseguests, not the fans, as Brian said. America made it pretty clear last night who their favorite is, even though I don't understand why.
Brian, I give Amanda and McCrae better odds than I would have given Brendon and Rachel at the end of their season, so one never knows about these things.
Sorry for the misinterpretation of your statement, but I actually still disagree with you.
Helen wants to take family vacations with Elissa.
Candice says she likes Elissa the most.
Kaitlin said she has been rooting for Elissa to win shortly after she left and hopes to be her friend.
I'm sure, Howard, David, Nick, Jessie have no problem with Elissa.
Judd said while in jury that he regrets not working with Elissa. But he also said he could not fully trust her in the game.
Even Andy is majorly backtracking and apologizing.
So your statement that no one want to see her again is far from true, in or out of the house.
James D.
Actually, except for the many multi voting Rachael sister suck ups, nobody like Elissa. She was the most lame duck of a houseguest in bb history!
Helen and Candice were her friends and in an alliance with her, Kaitlin from the start disliked just about everyone in that house, and as for the rest, apologizing for making bad comments about her is a far cry from wanting to hang with her and play Parcheesi.
The vast majority of them were annoyed by her and likely still don't much care for her; they're just saving face in front of the cameras. There's a reason the bashing -- as much as I dislike personal attacks -- kept on long after she'd already been evicted.
You're allowed to like Elissa without everyone else feeling the same way.
" I figured I'd make a new post for those of you who are still checking the blog in hopes of a new post. Well, here it is!"
GUILTY!! I keep coming back ... just in case... I can't stop myself!!! Ha ha ha!!
Nick is a nerd, Elissa has more class than any of them.
He's allowed to like Elissa without anyone else feeling that way. Rachel bought that "America's Favorite Rachel's Sister" for her. All she had to do was mobilize her fan club on social media, like she did all season. The proof of that is after robotically voting Elissa MVP the first three weeks, when CBS switched the MVP vote to America her fan club missed the memo and accidentally voted Elissa to be the MVP nominee for eviction. Would they have done that if she was sooooo populaaaar? Remember Rachel tweeting: "OK guys, what did you do?"
You've gone from saying that no one likes Elissa to saying that not everyone likes her, which I would agree with.
Game, Set, Match...
Enjoyed debating with you,
James D.
Uh, yeah. During the lame Dr. Will segment, Amanda made sure to point out Elissa being passive-aggressive in the house. Which she was. And she couldn't even muster a decent apology for it, making Aaryn look like a genius in comparison (which, frankly, she is).
Hated Elissa. Thought she should have been out week 2.
Jamie, thanks for your hard work this season.
You still have the best BB blog out there, far and away. Somehow, you managed to get even better this season!
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